The main Title should say SAMBRO
Subtitle to say: Spot On Alerting and Messaging Broker
B) ITU customer specific banner can be created after completing A) as an exercise
in the code that we ship to client it will contain both banners; i.e. the default banner in A) and the customer specific banner we create in B
Content for B)
the logo and look and feel should be similar to their website:
but it doesn't have to be exact same, we can be creative
Title will should say CAPITUS
Subtitle Common Alerting Protocol-enabled International Telecommunication Union Software
We have to create 2 banners A) Default demo site banner B) ITU banner for client
A) We will create a default banner with and must contain the following content Spot On Logo: or : CAP Logo:
The main Title should say SAMBRO Subtitle to say: Spot On Alerting and Messaging Broker
B) ITU customer specific banner can be created after completing A) as an exercise in the code that we ship to client it will contain both banners; i.e. the default banner in A) and the customer specific banner we create in B
Content for B)