wailsapp / wails

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Compilation failure for v3-alpha version #3356

Closed bensema closed 5 months ago

bensema commented 5 months ago


ERROR task: Failed to run task "build": exit status 1

To Reproduce

  1. wails3 init -n myfirstapp
  2. wails3 build

Expected behaviour

➜ work cd myfirstapp ➜ myfirstapp ls Inter Font License.txt build go.mod greetservice.go Taskfile.yml frontend go.sum main.go ➜ myfirstapp wails3 build

WARNING wails3 build is an alias for wails3 task build. Use wails task for better control and more options. task: Task "generate:icons" is up to date task: [go:mod:tidy] go mod tidy task: [generate:bindings] wails3 generate bindings -silent task: [install:frontend:deps] npm install

added 12 packages, and audited 13 packages in 6s

3 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

found 0 vulnerabilities task: [build:frontend] npm run build -q

frontend@0.0.0 build vite build --minify false --mode development

vite v5.2.7 building for development... ✓ 21 modules transformed. dist/index.html 1.25 kB │ gzip: 0.62 kB dist/assets/index-BxUD4Cb8.js 36.61 kB │ gzip: 8.13 kB ✓ built in 255ms task: [build:darwin] go build -gcflags=all="-N -l" -o bin/myfirstapp


../wails/v3/pkg/application/webview_window_darwin.go:67:23: error: property 'textInteractionEnabled' not found on object of type 'WKPreferences ' config.preferences.textInteractionEnabled = preferences.TextInteractionEnabled; ^ ../wails/v3/pkg/application/webview_window_darwin.go:73:33: error: property 'elementFullscreenEnabled' not found on object of type 'WKPreferences ' config.preferences.elementFullscreenEnabled = preferences.FullscreenEnabled; ^ 2 errors generated. ERROR task: Failed to run task "build": exit status 1


截屏2024-03-30 09 12 48

Attempted Fixes

No response

System Details

➜  ~ wails3 doctor       

          Wails Doctor          

# Build Environment
Wails CLI    | v3.0.0-alpha.4

Go Version   | go1.22.0                                
Revision     | c839c053cb71c3e07c38c0307157a931829de1d1
Modified     | false                                   
-buildmode   | exe                                     
-compiler    | gc                                      
CGO_CFLAGS   |                                         
CGO_CPPFLAGS |                                         
CGO_CXXFLAGS |                                         
CGO_ENABLED  | 1                                       
CGO_LDFLAGS  |                                         
GOAMD64      | v1                                      
GOARCH       | amd64                                   
GOOS         | darwin                                  
vcs          | git                                     
vcs.modified | false                                   
vcs.revision | c839c053cb71c3e07c38c0307157a931829de1d1
vcs.time     | 2024-03-29T10:44:59Z                    

# System
Name            | MacOS                                   
Version         | 13.3.1                                  
ID              | 22E261                                  
Branding        | Ventura                                 
Platform        | darwin                                  
Architecture    | amd64                                   
Apple Silicon   | unknown                                 
CPU             | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
Xcode cli tools | 2397                                    
CPU             | Unknown                                 
GPU             | Unknown                                 
Memory          | Unknown                                 

# Diagnosis
 SUCCESS  Your system is ready for Wails development!

Additional context

No response

leaanthony commented 5 months ago

Hi there! Thanks for this feedback. Whilst v3 is in alpha, we have a strict feedback procedure outlined here: https://v3alpha.wails.io/getting-started/feedback This is to reduce noise whilst the branch is unstable and keep all the information in one place. We'd love to have you as part of the v3 feedback loop so please consider opening a new post there. Just a copy and paste would be fine. Closing this for now. Thanks again 🙏