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Fay Error: weakly-referenced object no longer exists #26

Open liujin163 opened 10 months ago

liujin163 commented 10 months ago

运行 fay_connect.py 在生成视频步骤的时候报错:Fay Error: weakly-referenced object no longer exists

message: D:/project/github/Fay/samples/sample-1692692582857.mp3 <class 'str'> [WARN] audio sample rate is 24000, resampling into 16000. [INFO] loaded audio stream data/audio/aud_1692692584.wav: (178176,) [START] mi ha bo ŝi ĉafiĝi al en pa liu pi li reci i jemu sin ka faregon kun ŝi non ĉuŝa odeg aŭnu ŝi lejun hutikon ŝitan de dafu re ĉiĝi [END] [INFO] save all feats for training purpose... [INFO] saved logits to data/audio/aud_1692692584_eo.npy [INFO] load 3508 frames. [INFO] load data/audio/aud_1692692584_eo.npy aud_features: torch.Size([279, 44, 16]) Loading data: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3508/3508 [00:00<00:00, 92562.93it/s] [INFO] eye_area: 0.25 - 0.25 ==> Start Test, save results to data/video\results 1 0% 0/279 [00:00<?, ?it/s] 2 ***** 3 <torch.utils.data.dataloader.DataLoader object at 0x00000257575F1630> Fay Error: weakly-referenced object no longer exists