waiyaki / postgres-express-node-tutorial

Repository hosting code for the "Getting Started With NodeJS, Express and Postgres Using Sequelize" blogpost.
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Sequelize deprecated warning message #6

Open shajunr88 opened 6 years ago

shajunr88 commented 6 years ago

at the time running of nodemon app.js it shows the following error : sequelize deprecated String based operators are now deprecated. Please use Symbol based operators for better security, read more at http://docs.sequelizejs.com/manual/tutorial/querying.html#operators node_modules/sequelize/lib/sequelize.js:236:13

cybercoder commented 6 years ago

Add this line to sequelize config.json :

"operatorsAliases": "Sequelize.Op" like this:

    "development": {
      "username": "postgres",
      "password": "postgres",
      "database": "dev",
      "host": "",
      "port": 5432,
      "dialect": "postgres",
      "operatorsAliases": "Sequelize.Op"