wakatime / jetbrains-wakatime

IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, AndroidStudio, Goland, Rider, & WebStorm plugin for quantifying your coding.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
1.12k stars 163 forks source link

Webstorm2022.2.2 no pop-up #233

Closed detykoruqeho6 closed 1 year ago

detykoruqeho6 commented 1 year ago

What should I do if there is no pop-up window for me to enter the key after the Webstorm2022.2.2 Installation and restart

alanhamlett commented 1 year ago

Do you have a Tools -> WakaTime Settings menu?

detykoruqeho6 commented 1 year ago

I looked closely and couldn't find this menu item.

alanhamlett commented 1 year ago

Try re-installing the plugin then check your idea.log file to see why it's not loading the plugin.

detykoruqeho6 commented 1 year ago
2022-10-06 11:09:16,968 [    205]   WARN - #c.i.i.p.PluginManager - <resource-bundle>com.jetbrains.webstorm.WebstormCommon</resource-bundle> tag is found in an xml descriptor included into the platform part of the IDE but the platform part uses predefined bundles (e.g. ActionsBundle for actions) anyway; this tag must be replaced by a corresponding attribute in some inner tags (e.g. by 'resource-bundle' attribute in 'actions' tag)

2022-10-06 11:09:17,113 [    350]   INFO - #c.i.i.p.PluginManager - Module intellij.grazie.properties is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.properties is not available
Module intellij.grazie.java is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.java is not available
Module intellij.space.php is not enabled because dependency com.jetbrains.php is not available
Module intellij.space.java is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.java is not available
Module intellij.space.kotlin.scripting is not enabled because dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin is not available
Module intellij.webDeployment/phpStorm is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.modules.phpstorm is not available
Module intellij.restClient/microservicesUI is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.microservices.ui is not available
Module intellij.diagram.properties is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.properties is not available
Module intellij.diagram.java is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.java is not available
Module intellij.space.kotlin is not enabled because dependency intellij.space.kotlin.scripting is not available
Module intellij.javascript.debugger.javaee is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.javaee is not available
Module intellij.javascript.debugger.nashorn is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.java is not available
Module intellij.javascript.devkit is not enabled because dependency intellij.devkit.core is not available
Module intellij.clouds.docker.java is not enabled because dependency com.intellij.java is not available
detykoruqeho6 commented 1 year ago

No other error messages were found

diorcula commented 1 year ago

for IntelliJ, i have the same issue; no popup, but also no option in the menu's to enter the API key manually?

Tried re-installing the plugin several times, on Windows as well on Ubuntu 22.10. No luck on either.

alanhamlett commented 1 year ago

No WakaTime menu under the Tools menu means WakaTime isn't installed or not loading in IntelliJ. If IntelliJ shows the plugin as installed, then there should be an error message in your idea.log file indicating why WakaTime wasn't loaded or crashed before adding it's menu item.

Here's how to find your idea.log file: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files

alanhamlett commented 1 year ago

Without an error message from your idea.log we can't debug this. Closing for now.