wakatime / wakatime-mode

Emacs plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
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error in process sentinel: WakaTime Error (126) #29

Closed JasonGross closed 7 years ago

JasonGross commented 7 years ago

I just upgraded wakatime mode, and now I get an error message like

error in process sentinel: Make sure this command runs in a Terminal: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wakatime/cli.py --file "/home/jgross/.emacs" --plugin "emacs-wakatime/1.0.2" --time  [redacted] --key [redacted]

Running the command in terminal gives bash: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wakatime/cli.py: Permission denied. If I stick python in front of the command, it succeeds. If I M-x describe-variable wakatime-python-bin, I get

wakatime-python-bin is a variable defined in ‘wakatime-mode.el’.
Its value is nil
Original value was "python"

Path of Python binary.

You can customize this variable.

The string wakatime-python-bin appears nowhere in my ~/.emacs. I'm running wakatime-mode-20170324.2348.

JasonGross commented 7 years ago

If I customize the variable to the string "python", so that

 '(wakatime-python-bin "python")

is added at the end of


in my ~/.emacs, this is not sufficient to fix the problem, and the value of wakatime-python-bin is still nil after I restart emacs.

JasonGross commented 7 years ago

For reference, my ~/.emacs is

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
    '("marmalade" .


(require 'exec-path-from-shell) ;; if not using the ELPA package
(exec-path-from-shell-initialize) ; pick up PATH from shell

;; ;;(load "~/Programs/PG/generic/proof-site")
(load "~/Programs/ProofGeneral/generic/proof-site")
;(load "~/Programs/ProofGeneral-xml/generic/proof-site")

(defun my-other-delete-trailing-blank-lines ()
  "Deletes all blank lines at the end of the file, even the last one"
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (let ((trailnewlines (- (abs (skip-chars-backward "\n\t")) 1)))
        (if (> trailnewlines 0)
                        (delete-char trailnewlines)))))))
(require 'ws-butler)
(add-hook 'ocaml-mode-hook 'ws-butler-mode)
(add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'ws-butler-mode)
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'my-other-delete-trailing-blank-lines)
;; Prevent Emacs from extending file when
;; pressing down arrow at end of buffer.
(setq next-line-add-newlines nil)
;; Silently ensure newline at end of file
(setq require-final-newline t)
;; or make Emacs ask about missing newline
;; (setq require-final-newline 'ask)
(defun my-other-delete-trailing-whitespace-not-ocaml ()
  "Deletes all blank lines at the end of the file, even the last one"
  (unless (memq major-mode '(ocaml-mode tuareg-mode))
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'my-other-delete-trailing-whitespace-not-ocaml)

(load-file (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8))
                (shell-command-to-string "agda-mode locate")))

(defun my-agda-hook ()
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-c ,") 'agda2-goal-and-context)
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-c .") 'agda2-goal-and-context-and-inferred))

(require 'agda-input)

(defun coq-fix-annoying-colors ()
  (when (not (display-graphic-p))
    (setq overlay-arrow-string "")
    (set-face-attribute 'proof-locked-face nil
                        :background "darkblue" :underline nil)
    (set-face-attribute 'proof-error-face nil
                        :background "red")
    (set-face-attribute 'proof-incomplete-face nil
                        :background "yellow" :underline nil)
    (set-face-attribute 'proof-processing-face nil
                        :background "lightblue" :underline nil)))

(defun my-coq-hook ()
  (local-set-key (kbd "C-c RET") 'proof-goto-point)
  (set-input-method "Agda")
  (setq coq-end-goals-regexp-show-subgoals nil)
  (setq company-coq-extra-symbols-cmd "SearchAbout -\"____\"")

(add-hook 'coq-mode-hook 'my-coq-hook)
;(add-hook 'coq-mode-hook #'coq-fix-annoying-colors t)
(add-hook 'agda2-mode-hook 'my-agda-hook)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-a C-u") #'company-coq-diff-unification-error)

(setq company-coq-dynamic-autocompletion t)
 '(proof-prog-name-ask t)
 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(column-number-mode t)
 '(company-coq-disabled-features (quote (prettify-symbols)))
    (ws-butler wakatime-mode exec-path-from-shell company-coq)))
 '(proof-prog-name-ask t)
    ((coq-prog-args "-coqlib" "../.." "-R" ".." "Coq" "-top" "Coq.Classes.CMorphisms")
     (coq-prog-args "-coqlib" "../.." "-R" ".." "Coq" "-top" "Coq.Classes.Morphisms")
     (eval let*
             (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name "_CoqProject"))
             (expand-file-name "dependencies" project-root))
               (getenv "COQPATH")
              ":" t)))
               (memql dependencies-folder coq-path)
             (setenv "COQPATH"
                      (function identity)
                      (cons dependencies-folder coq-path)
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
            (quote coq-prog-name))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
                    (expand-file-name "."))
           (setq coq-prog-name
                 (expand-file-name "../bin/coqtop")))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
           (setq-local coq-prog-args
                          (expand-file-name ".."))
                          (expand-file-name "."))
           (setq-local coq-prog-name
                       (expand-file-name "../bin/coqtop")))
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-time")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-time" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "IntegrationTest")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-top" "Impossibility_2G_1B" "-R" "." "Top")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Pactole" "-top" "Impossibility_2G_1B" "-R" "." "Top")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Pactole" "-top" "Impossibility_2G_1B")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_unif_not_repeat_02")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "ContextProperties")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "ExtendedCoordinates")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-boot")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "Interpretations")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-top" "WordUtil")
     (eval let*
             (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name "_CoqProject"))
             (expand-file-name "coqprime" project-root))
               (getenv "COQPATH")
               (memql coqprime-folder coq-path)
             (setenv "COQPATH"
                      (function identity)
                      (cons coqprime-folder coq-path)
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "NewBaseSystemLetInMonad")
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
           (setq-local coq-prog-args
                          (expand-file-name ".."))
                         "Coq" "-noinit"))))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-R"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
                   "Coq" "-noinit"))))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
            (quote coq-prog-name))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-coqlib"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
                    (expand-file-name "."))
           (setq coq-prog-name
                 (expand-file-name "../bin/coqtop")))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-coqlib"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
                    (expand-file-name "."))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-coqlib"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))))))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-R"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
                   "Coq" "-nois" "-coqlib"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-R"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
                   "Coq" "-nois" "-coqlib"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))))))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-R"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
                   "Coq" "-nois"))))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-coqlib"
                    (expand-file-name "."))))))
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-init" "-nois")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "SC25519")
     (eval let*
             (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name "_CoqProject"))
             (expand-file-name "coqprime-8.4" project-root))
               (getenv "COQPATH")
              ":" t)))
               (memql coqprime-folder coq-path)
             (setenv "COQPATH"
                      (function identity)
                      (cons coqprime-folder coq-path)
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-boot" "-nois")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-profile-ltac")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.5")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-top" "DoubleBounded")
     (eval let*
             (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name "_CoqProject"))
             (expand-file-name "coqprime" project-root))
               (getenv "COQPATH")
              ":" t)))
               (memql coqprime-folder coq-path)
             (setenv "COQPATH"
                      (function identity)
                      (cons coqprime-folder coq-path)
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "theories" "HoTT" "-R" "./coq/theories" "Coq" "-top" "Unit")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-indices-matter" "-nois" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_failed_defined_05")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-indices-matter" "-nois" "-R" "theories" "HoTT" "-top" "HoTTBookExercises" "-R" "coq/theories" "Coq" "-coqlib" "./coq" "-coqlib" "./coq" "-coqlib" "./coq")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-indices-matter" "-nois" "-R" "theories" "HoTT" "-top" "HoTTBookExercises" "-R" "coq/theories" "Coq" "-coqlib" "./coq" "-coqlib" "./coq")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-indices-matter" "-R" "theories" "HoTT" "-top" "HoTTBookExercises" "-R" "coq/theories" "Coq" "-nois" "-coqlib" "./coq" "-coqlib" "./coq")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-indices-matter" "-R" "theories" "HoTT" "-top" "HoTTBookExercises" "-R" "coq/theories" "Coq" "-coqlib" "./coq" "-nois")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-indices-matter" "-R" "theories" "HoTT" "-top" "HoTTBookExercises" "-R" "coq/theories" "Coq" "-coqlib" "./coq")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "theories" "HoTT" "-top" "HoTTBookExercises")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-time" "-R" "src" "Fiat")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-no-print-dependent-evars")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-top" "ReflexivityProver")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime-8.5/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "bug_broken_field_01" "-R" "." "Top")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime-8.5/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "GF255192")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime-8.5/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "bug_broken_field_01")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "src" "Crypto" "-R" "Bedrock" "Bedrock" "-R" "coqprime-8.5/Coqprime" "Coqprime" "-top" "CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-indices-matter")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_bad_induction_01")
     (TeX-master . "Reference-Manual")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-profileltac" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_disjoint_anomaly_prof_03")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-profileltac" "-compat" "8.4" "-require" "Coq.Compat.Coq84" "-require" "Coq.Compat.AdmitAxiom")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-profileltac")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-profileltac" "-compat" "8.4" "-require" "Coq.Compat.Coq84" "-require" "Coq.Compat.AdmitAxiom" "-R" "src" "Fiat" "-I" "src/Common/Tactics" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "DisjointLemmas")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4" "-require" "Coq.Compat.Coq84" "-require" "Coq.Compat.AdmitAxiom" "-R" "src" "Fiat" "-I" "src/Common/Tactics" "-profileltac")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "bug_cuo_no_setoid_05" "-R" "." "Top")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "bug_cuo_no_setoid_05")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "bug_cuo_no_setoid_05")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-I" "/home/jgross/Documents/repos/fiat3/src/Common/Tactics" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "ClassifierUnOpt" "-compat" "8.4")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-I" "/home/jgross/Documents/repos/fiat3/src/Common/Tactics" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "ClassifierUnOpt")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "BooleanRecognizerOptimized" "-R" "." "Top")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "BooleanRecognizerOptimized")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "bug_bro_no_setoid_03" "-R" "." "Top")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "bug_bro_no_setoid_03")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_4659_01")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4")
     (eval progn
                 (when buffer-file-name
                   (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
                   (quote coq-project-find-file))
               (quote tags-file-name))
              (concat coq-root-directory "TAGS"))
             (setq camldebug-command-name
                   (concat coq-root-directory "dev/ocamldebug-coq"))
             (unless coq-project-find-file
                 (quote compile-command))
                (concat "make -C " coq-root-directory))
                 (quote compilation-search-path))
                (cons coq-root-directory nil)))
             (when coq-project-find-file
               (setq default-directory coq-root-directory))))
     (eval progn
                 (when buffer-file-name
                   (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
                   (quote coq-project-find-file))
             (setq tags-file-name
                   (concat coq-root-directory "TAGS")
                   (concat coq-root-directory "dev/ocamldebug-coq"))
             (unless coq-project-find-file
               (setq compile-command
                     (concat "make -C " coq-root-directory)))
             (when coq-project-find-file
               (setq default-directory coq-root-directory))))
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-indices-matter" "-boot" "-nois" "-coqlib"
                    (expand-file-name ".."))
                    (expand-file-name "."))
                   "Coq" "-emacs"))))
     (coq-prog-args "-indices-matter" "-emacs")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "IndexedAndAtMostOneNonTerminalReflectiveOpt")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-boot")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "IndexedAndAtMostOneNonTerminalReflective" "-R" "." "Top")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "IndexedAndAtMostOneNonTerminalReflective")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "IndexedAndAtMostOneNonTerminalReflective")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "BooleanRecognizerMin")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "BooleanRecognizerMin")
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-args))
           (setq coq-prog-args
                  ("-emacs" "-R"
                    (expand-file-name "."))
                   "Bedrock" "-I"
                    (expand-file-name "reification"))))))
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-Q" "." "" "-top" "cmra")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-R" "." "Foo" "-top" "example_13")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-R" "." "Foo")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-boot" "-indices-matter" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_oog_looping_rewrite_01")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-indices-matter" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_oog_looping_rewrite_01")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "HoTT" "-top" "ooGroup")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-Q" "." "" "-top" "prelude")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-indices-matter" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_csu_slow_tc_02")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-indices-matter" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_lex_wrong_rewrite_02")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "HoTT" "-top" "Lex")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-indices-matter" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_bad_univ_length_01")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-indices-matter" "-debug")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-indices-matter" "-R" "." "Top" "-top" "bug_mrs_stack_overflow_01")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "HoTT" "-top" "ReflectiveSubuniverse")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-nois" "-indices-matter")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-R" "." "HoTT" "-top" "Univalent")
     (eval let
              (locate-dominating-file buffer-file-name ".dir-locals.el")))
            (quote coq-prog-name))
           (setq coq-prog-name
                 (expand-file-name "../hoqtop")))
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "BooleanRecognizerOptimized" "-R" "." "Top")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "BooleanRecognizerOptimized")
     (coq-prog-args "-emacs" "-compat" "8.4" "-require" "Coq.Compat.AdmitAxiom" "-R" "." "Fiat" "-top" "BooleanRecognizerOptimized"))))
 '(wakatime-api-key "[REDACTED]")
 '(wakatime-cli-path "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wakatime/cli.py")
 '(wakatime-python-bin "python"))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

;(defvar coq-hyp-name-in-goal-or-response-regexp
;    "\\(^\\|^  \\|^    \\|[^^ ] ?  \\)\\(\\(?:[^\n :(),=]\\|, \\)+ *\\(?::[ \n]\\|,$\\)\\)"
;  "regexp matching hypothesis names in goal or response buffer")

(add-hook 'company-coq-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (define-key company-coq-map (kbd "<backtab>") nil) ; disable collapsing on S-TAB
            (prettify-symbols-mode -1)
            (defconst company-coq-tg--preprocessor-substitutions
              '(("\n"  . " ") ("[ "  . "( OR-GROUP ") (" ]"  . " )")
                (" | " . " OR ") ("; "  . " AND ") ("'" . "’")))
            (define-key company-active-map [remap company-complete-common] #'company-indent-or-complete-common)))
(setq company-coq--use-special-set-unset-test-regexp t)

(set-fontset-font t 'unicode (font-spec :name "Ubuntu Mono"))
(set-fontset-font t 'unicode (font-spec :name "Symbola monospacified for Ubuntu Mono") nil 'append)

(setq company-coq-dynamic-autocompletion t)

;(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-z") nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-z") nil)

(setq wakatime-python-bin "python")

And I still have the issue. How do I fix this?

JasonGross commented 7 years ago

The issue seems to be this bit of code:

    (when (not (s-blank wakatime-cli-path))
      (if (not (string-match-p "\\.cli\\.py$" wakatime-cli-path))
        (customize-set-variable 'wakatime-python-bin nil)
        (when (s-blank wakatime-python-bin)

Since my wakatime-cli-path is "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wakatime/cli.py"