wakdev / slash-cms

CMS Systems
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SEO : Check URL for each pages #63

Open lpotherat opened 11 years ago

lpotherat commented 11 years ago

Problem :

a page can be loaded from multiple URLs, example :

This means that search engines can register two different urls for the same content, and it's called "duplicate content". This duplicate URLs can happen when the administrator changes the name of a page, when a link from an external website is not well written or not up to date. Finally, a malicious person can voluntarely register bad urls in order to change the meaning of the URL. ( changing [fakeurl]w.slash-cms.com/page-2-we-need-you.html to [fakeurl]w.slash-cms.com/page-2-apple-ios-is-the-best-os-of-the-world.html, wich is not true...)

So, the modules have to check the incoming URL, and redirect to the true URL if necessary, with code 301 (moved permanently) or code 302 (move temporarly) or code 404 (not found). 301 will tell to search engines that they have to change their index. 404 will tell that they should delete the entry from their index.

wakdev commented 11 years ago

I know, i will create a dedicated tab for SEO configuration (see sla_articles). With an "alias" field for define yourself the url.

but good point :)

wakdev commented 11 years ago

this adds up to the following discussion : https://github.com/wakdev/slash-cms/issues/16 ^^

wakdev commented 11 years ago

And now, i think different. iOs is really the best OS of the universe ^^

wakdev commented 11 years ago

I will integrate a simple verification of alias in database, and request_uri. Here for sl_page : https://github.com/wakdev/slash-cms/blob/master/modules/sl_pages/models/pages.php#L36 Here for sla_articles : https://github.com/wakdev/slash-cms/blob/master/modules/sl_articles/models/articles.php#L35