Closed trylimits closed 9 years ago
Command to create a bin from an out file:
C:\ti\ccsv6\utils\tiobj2bin>tiobj2bin "W:\Fachhochschule\Master\2-term\S1-RessourcenbeschraenkteSysteme\project\fhvOS\applications\helloWorld\Debug\HelloWorld.out" "HelloWorld.bin"
Extracted system api to external project in the api folder. External programs should add /Full/FhvOs-API.lib
Refactored OS implementation accordingly.
Explanation of the API:
The API has to build configurations:
which includes all implementations of the API excluding retargeting of the printf
-implementation to use system calls. This library is linked by the kernel.Full
which includes all source files. External programs should link against this build.
We have to extract the main part of the System API to an external library which can then be linked to external programs.
We should fix this issue in a collective session so each team member has the same project structure within CCS.