wake / kpopn-ninja

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Kinsta 發現我們的 theme 裡面有 bad code! #8

Closed popnfamily closed 9 years ago

popnfamily commented 9 years ago

Hey Wake ^^

今天為了從 linksalpha 換到 SNAP, 請 Kinsta 幫我們使用 SNAP ~ 他們在作業程序中發現了一段 bad code~ 說是我們目前的 theme 裡面的,所以我想說都要改版了,應該不用太在乎,又怕是我不懂,還是來這裡留言問你這樣的 code 是否可以再撐個1~2個月 (希望改版能快一點但你知道,要保手一點估計這樣)

他們說:FYI, your error log contains dozens of the following warning message, which is an issue related to your theme, it's not big deal yet, however we'd advise you to have a developer look at this. 2015/05/11 07:54:26 [error] 5830#0: *6247289 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in /www/kpopn_141/public/wp-content/themes/arras151/functions.php on line 69" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: www.kpopn.com, request: "GET /2011/06/14/69331/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm-kpopn.sock:", host: "kpopn.com"


wake commented 9 years ago

那段 code 就是我上次提到被 hack 風險的 code


其實只要請他們幫忙把這段 code 摘掉或註解掉就可以了 XD 放著不管我覺得有風險疑慮啊…

wake commented 9 years ago

kpopn 內的有問題,但是 apopn 的沒有,已經修正了 :stuck_out_tongue:

popnfamily commented 9 years ago
