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[BOUNTY] Build dApp of Your Choice Using Waku (Decentralized Communication) and Svelte #15

Closed fryorcraken closed 9 months ago

fryorcraken commented 12 months ago


Waku Is Uncompromising Web3 Communication at Scale. A family of robust, censorship-resistant communication protocols, designed to enable privacy-focused messaging for web3 apps.

The JavaScript implementation of Waku, js-waku, enables web apps to utilize the Waku network for off-chain message transmission.

Disclaimer: Waku is experimental, you may find blocking issues while developing your web app. We will prioritize their resolution to unblock you, which means you may have to pause development until done. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Your participation in this bounty is subject to your acceptance of our terms and conditions. Please see https://github.com/waku-org/bounties#applying-for-a-bounty for details.


1000 DAI

Timeframe to Completion

Once the application is approved, the result must be submitted within 30 days.

Application Evaluation

To ensure you are selected for this bounty, provide the following information:


This bounty specifies 3 deliverables, all needed to consider the bounty complete. Partial delivery of the bounty will not make you eligible for the prize. The deliverables are:

  1. A simple web app written using Svelte
  2. A post on your blog to guide a reader through building the web app.
  3. A tweet thread explaining how your web app works and leverages Waku for private, decentralized communications.

The bounty aims to inspire developers to build applications using Waku. This is why the web app's nature is up to the hacker. However, to push for creative use of Waku, we will not accept chat apps or chat features using Waku.


The web ecosystem has a number of frameworks that each have different pre-configured bundler. To ensure a smooth dev ex for all web developer, it is best to not only test @waku/sdk against the last version of each framework but also provide examples on how @waku/sdk can be used with concepts unique of said framework (e.g. React Components).

It is difficult to have expert of all frameworks in a team, so best to outsource this to the community.


(1) Web App

Build a web app using {web framework}.

Acceptance Criteria

You must fulfil all the criteria below to consider the bounty valid:

Please describe your idea as part of the application to ensure your submission will fulfil the criteria.

We may add high-quality submissions to our example repo.

(2) Blogpost

Write a blog guide that takes a reader through building your web app. The reader should be able to build a working web app by following your guide.

We recommend building a simple web app to make the guide easy to write and read.

The blog post must be licensed under CC0.

High-quality guides maybe be edited and added to the Waku docs at https://docs.waku.org/.

Acceptance Criteria

We prefer moderate-length articles, ideally between 1500 to 3000 words (excluding code). While not mandatory, we strongly encourage you to adhere to this guideline.

When relevant, reference concepts and definitions from our documentation (https://docs.waku.org) and provide a link to our community (https://docs.waku.org/community) for additional assistance.

Avoid submitting articles you have already published or have a high plagiarism score to existing ones.

(3) Twitter thread

Post a Twitter thread from your Twitter account that describes how the web app uses Waku.

For example, if you build a tic-tac-toe game, describe how your web app finds another player using Waku and then exchange the moves over Waku.

Acceptance Criteria


Learn more about Waku at https://docs.waku.org/. Join our Discord to get support at https://discord.waku.org/. Various examples available at https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku-examples/.

5war00p commented 11 months ago


Project title: Real time updates for token approvals Description: When user approves any token for a specific bridge contract then UI should reflect according by listening to the Waku topic.


  1. Frontend subscribes to the Waku topic (say /bridgeAgg/1/across-approvals/proto)
  2. Backend (Logic) will request to the smart contract (external) to verify the approvals on x interval
  3. Backend (Logic) Pushes updates to the Waku topic (/bridgeAgg/1/across-approvals/proto)
  4. Frontend will filter and re-render based on the updates

Sequence diagram: image

Note: Backend means the Logic that requests to the external resources and pushes to the Waku not the serverside stuff.

Track Record


Estimated: 2 weeks

fryorcraken commented 11 months ago

What tech will you use for the backend?

Please fill in the typeform

Looks good on my end but we need legal to review applicaiton.

5war00p commented 11 months ago

So, I'm thinking to use one of these:

5war00p commented 11 months ago

@fryorcraken Also, submitted the form

5war00p commented 11 months ago

Also, backend means it's just fetching & filterat logic segregation. Will use javascript/typescript only end of the day.

fryorcraken commented 11 months ago

Bounty assigned to @5war00p

@5war00p application approved, you can start the work.

Please remember that blogpost and Twitter must be delivered to complete the bounty and get the reward.

5war00p commented 11 months ago

Hey @fryorcraken, here is the demo video for the DApp that I wrote using waku. The goal is to achieve lie updates for tokens w.r.to Hop bridge smart contract. Video shows intial approval state of 6 tokens and by unapproving MATIC, the UI will reflect the button state without reloading. This had waku setup internally where client subscribed to topic and filters message and updates svelte store value, which re-renders the button compoenent.


5war00p commented 10 months ago

@fryorcraken Here is the updated video with toast messages: https://www.loom.com/share/092b5c5bc0394ce5911c629fb85f9167?sid=a179abeb-f1fb-46f7-9bb8-6278e4d9b2ee

5war00p commented 10 months ago

@fryorcraken Here is the video for multiple windows: https://www.loom.com/share/11f29b93178f46ed807a208b8cd10b14?sid=9028aa88-30ae-41dd-bb2c-8b487d8c12f2

5war00p commented 10 months ago

Here is the repo link: https://github.com/5war00p/bridge-token-approvals

vpavlin commented 10 months ago

My thoughts:

To be honest, I have never used Vite and Svelte, but I tried to add a few console.log in places of interest around Waku setup and they have not been executed:D

Is current main up to date?

5war00p commented 10 months ago

Yes, its the master branch has updated code. I will update the readme that explains what actually app does (which bridge and on what chain). I will update according to your suggestions.

Regarding date update currently the default state will be current time - which is why on reload you are seeing the new Date(). Will update that from localStorage so that it makes sense.

Also, w.r.to waku connected or not, can I use node.isStarted(), but I also need peer connections then only sending and receiving works right? Can I use node.connectionManager.getPeersByDiscovery() to get peers connected or not?

5war00p commented 10 months ago

Here is the updated code: https://github.com/5war00p/bridge-token-approvals/blob/master/README.md

Loom: https://www.loom.com/share/8e52ac7ffffa44d4adc7ce869d315f6d?sid=6c05627b-90ea-4e49-b78a-65780e22c0c2 Deployed Url: https://bridge-token-approvals.vercel.app/

Added Loom video and Deployed Url in readme too.

5war00p commented 10 months ago

@fryorcraken Here is the blog content that I created for this project: https://github.com/5war00p/bridge-token-approvals/blob/master/docs/blog.md

Waiting for review and feedback

vpavlin commented 10 months ago

Awesome, thanks a lot for clearing my list up there! I did another round of review and I have 2 more issues - one is a nitpick, but another one basically make the app unusable in any real world scenario, so I'll insist on fixing that one:)

  1. My MetaMask was connected to Ethereum (chainId: 1) instead of Polygon, so the app threw into console when I tried to approve: getTransactionError.ts:44 Uncaught (in promise) TransactionExecutionError: The current chain of the wallet (id: 1) does not match the target chain for the transaction (id: 137 – Polygon). - not sure about Viem, but other web3 libs have ability to suggest network change if the MM and app network do not match - can you check it?

  2. For the bigger issue - the app does now use wallet address in anyway when posting data to Waku and reacting to it. That's a problem because since all running instances get the message, they will all react to it - regardless which address is connected. So it is necessary to add address to the payload and then check if the message is actually for the given instance (i.e. has that wallet connected.). I tested it by connecting from my laptop and my phone (different address connected on either) and then I approved tokens on my laptop, but the change was also reflected on my phone.

In real world, you'd ideally also sign (well and encrypted:) ) the message and verify that it was signed by that wallet, but that is not really crucial for the demo app.

I am sorry I haven't realized this before:(

5war00p commented 10 months ago

Pointed very good ones.

  1. My bad, I completely forgot about that and will add that check and suggest switch.

  2. I think it's because of the Waku topic, if we add the wallet address into topic then as you said only connected wallet clients will receive the updates.

vpavlin commented 10 months ago

2. I think it's because of the Waku topic, if we add the wallet address into topic then as you said only connected wallet clients will receive the updates.

That is definitely one option how to solve it! The other option is to just add address to payload, let every instance get all the notification, but only the one where the wallet is connected would take it into account - this would be (IMO) the right solution because it provides a bit more privacy as all the messages travel on a single content-topic (although, obviously with plain-text messages, there is no privacy there:) ).

But I will lieave it up to you to pick the solution, both are perfectly acceptable!

vpavlin commented 10 months ago

FYI, I went over the blog post and proposed some small changes and typo fixes - let me know what do you think in the PR:


5war00p commented 10 months ago
  1. I think it's because of the Waku topic, if we add the wallet address into topic then as you said only connected wallet clients will receive the updates.

That is definitely one option how to solve it! The other option is to just add address to payload, let every instance get all the notification, but only the one where the wallet is connected would take it into account - this would be (IMO) the right solution because it provides a bit more privacy as all the messages travel on a single content-topic (although, obviously with plain-text messages, there is no privacy there:) ).

But I will lieave it up to you to pick the solution, both are perfectly acceptable!

Got youu. Let's do as you suggested. Also I will add both the solutions in the blog.

Let me know do we have any scheduled clearance of abandonded Waku topics, so that will add that in the blog while explaining solutions.

5war00p commented 10 months ago
  1. My MetaMask was connected to Ethereum (chainId: 1) instead of Polygon, so the app threw into console when I tried to approve: getTransactionError.ts:44 Uncaught (in promise) TransactionExecutionError: The current chain of the wallet (id: 1) does not match the target chain for the transaction (id: 137 – Polygon). - not sure about Viem, but other web3 libs have ability to suggest network change if the MM and app network do not match - can you check it?
  2. For the bigger issue - the app does now use wallet address in anyway when posting data to Waku and reacting to it. That's a problem because since all running instances get the message, they will all react to it - regardless which address is connected. So it is necessary to add address to the payload and then check if the message is actually for the given instance (i.e. has that wallet connected.). I tested it by connecting from my laptop and my phone (different address connected on either) and then I approved tokens on my laptop, but the change was also reflected on my phone.

Hey @vpavlin pushed code for both the suggestions/fixes

Also, merged the PR for the blog content. Updated the conclusion, please do re-review the conclusion and issues fixes and let me know the feedback

vpavlin commented 10 months ago

Awesome, yeah, the app now works as advertised and expected:) Thanks for merging the PR:) @fryorcraken I am good from technical perspective in context of what we agreed upon!

5war00p commented 10 months ago

Coool. I will proceed with twitter post content and will comment here once its ready so that one of you can review.

5war00p commented 10 months ago

@fryorcraken @vpavlin Here is the Twitter thread content: image

Thought of elaborating but twitter limits total no.of words/characters.

fryorcraken commented 10 months ago

@fryorcraken @vpavlin Here is the Twitter thread content: image

Thought of elaborating but twitter limits total no.of words/characters.

Could you elaborate on the architecture by using a Twitter thread?

5war00p commented 10 months ago

@fryorcraken @vpavlin

Here are the published content details:

Medium Blog: https://medium.com/@maddisaiswaroop/the-intro-119a57ddb30b Dev Community Blog: https://dev.to/5war00p/building-resilient-dapps-svelte-and-waku-in-action-2mhf Twitter Thread: https://twitter.com/5war00p/status/1719602782192406574

fryorcraken commented 10 months ago

Thank you @5war00p ! We will proceed with reward next week.

fryorcraken commented 9 months ago

Bounty paid

5war00p commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the bounty! 🤠