waku-org / nwaku

Waku node and protocol.
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bug: page size limit not respected #1514

Closed fryorcraken closed 1 year ago

fryorcraken commented 1 year ago


When sending a query with page size 7, it returns 20 messages per page.


Sounds like a critical regression issue.

To reproduce

From a js-waku clone:

git checkout chore/nwaku-0.14
npm run i
npm run build
cd packages/tests
DEBUG=waku* TS_NODE_PROJECT=./tsconfig.dev.json mocha tests/store.node.spec.ts --grep "^Waku Store Callback on promise, aborts when callback returns true$"

nwaku logs will be present in ./log folder

Note nwaku is executed with the following arguments:

--listen-address= --rpc=true --relay=true --rpc-admin=true --websocket-support=true --log-level=TRACE --tcp-port=10840 --rpc-port=10839 --websocket-port=10841 --store=true --lightpush=true](waku:nwaku nwaku args: --listen-address= --rpc=true --relay=true --rpc-admin=true --websocket-support=true --log-level=TRACE --tcp-port=50348 --rpc-port=50347 --websocket-port=50349 --store=true --lightpush=true

and env var:



nwaku logs:

Looks like decoding error:

INF 2023-01-27 15:43:14.345+11:00 received history query                     topics="waku store" tid=2037443 file=protocol.nim:73 peerId=12D*aVcnPY requestId=d5b9c0ec-793f-4455-b3f5-3ea64d9d80a6 query="(pubsubTopic: some(\"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\"), contentTopics: @[\"/test/1/waku-store/utf8\"], cursor: none(HistoryCursor), startTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), endTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), pageSize: **18446744073709551612**, ascending: false)"


Note the proto definition in js-waku:

syntax = "proto3";

import "message.proto";

message Index {
  optional bytes digest = 1;
  optional sint64 received_time = 2;
  optional sint64 sender_time = 3;
  optional string pubsub_topic = 4;

message PagingInfo {
  optional uint64 page_size = 1;
  optional Index cursor = 2;
  enum Direction {
  optional Direction direction = 3;

message ContentFilter {
  optional string content_topic = 1;

message HistoryQuery {
  optional string pub_sub_topic = 2;
  repeated ContentFilter content_filters = 3;
  optional PagingInfo paging_info = 4;
  optional sint64 start_time = 5;
  optional sint64 end_time = 6;

message HistoryResponse {
  repeated WakuMessage messages = 2;
  optional PagingInfo paging_info = 3;
  enum HistoryError {
  optional HistoryError error = 4;

message HistoryRPC {
  optional string request_id = 1;
  optional HistoryQuery query = 2;
  optional HistoryResponse response = 3;

js-waku logs:

  waku:nwaku nwaku args: --listen-address= --rpc=true --relay=true --rpc-admin=true --websocket-support=true --log-level=TRACE --tcp-port=50348 --rpc-port=50347 --websocket-port=50349 --store=true --lightpush=true +0ms
  waku:nwaku nwaku 2037443 started at 3:43:12 pm +60ms
  waku:nwaku Waiting to see 'Node setup complete' in nwaku logs +0ms
  waku:nwaku nwaku node has been started +1s
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '00',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593347000000n
] +4ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +38ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '01',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593387000000n
] +1ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +8ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '02',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593395000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +7ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '03',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593403000000n
] +1ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '04',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593409000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '05',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593415000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '06',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593422000000n
] +1ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +5ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '07',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593428000000n
] +1ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '08',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593434000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +7ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '09',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593442000000n
] +1ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +7ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '0a',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593449000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '0b',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593456000000n
] +1ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '0c',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593462000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '0d',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593469000000n
] +1ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +8ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '0e',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593478000000n
] +1ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '0f',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593484000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '10',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593490000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '11',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593496000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '12',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593502000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  post_waku_v2_relay_v1_message [
    payload: '13',
    contentTopic: '/test/1/waku-store/utf8',
    timestamp: 1674794593508000000n
] +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":true} +6ms
  waku:waku Waku node created 12D3KooWJ8cmTVHVYZFoiBXZmxeNpvAhBYJr9aejB1zHZgaVcnPY relay: false, store: true, light push: true, filter: true, peer exchange: true  +0ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Query:  get_waku_v2_debug_v1_info [] +401ms
  waku:nwaku RPC Response:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{"listenAddresses":["/ip4/","/ip4/"],"enrUri":"enr:-KO4QDDsm1eBGT0p9Qlhoi0gLUSbC2ojtBOFTs1T7geIv_ZgRA2jSEhu5zrx9u74zIz9_7erp1t3Gdgtei8OKDicENMBgmlkgnY0gmlwhKEI3PqKbXVsdGlhZGRyc4wACgShCNz6BsSt3QOJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQKrecnGW8E4QcB7z8YhHZCrsdWMaQZ5F8gPcUgTkfsvXIN0Y3CCxKyFd2FrdTIL"}} +6ms
  waku:waku Dialing to /ip4/ with protocols store,filter,lightpush,peer-exchange +133ms
  waku:wait-for-remote-peer /vac/waku/store/2.0.0-beta4 peer found:  16Uiu2HAm6y3QXQ6jdZHS2UDotehE19xxSGYQkMHnDVuXpUf9kZtP +0ms
  waku:store Querying history with the following options { pageSize: 7, peerId: undefined } +0ms
  waku:libp2p-utils Using codec /vac/waku/store/2.0.0-beta4 +0ms
  waku:store Querying store peer /ip4/ for (/waku/2/default-waku/proto) [ '/test/1/waku-store/utf8' ] +36ms
  waku:store 20 messages retrieved from store +70ms
  waku:store Stopping pagination due to `response.pagingInfo.cursor` missing from store response +1ms
  waku:nwaku nwaku 2037443 getting SIGINT at 3:43:14 pm +512ms
  waku:nwaku nwaku 2037443 interrupted: true +1ms

AssertionError: expected 20 to equal 14
Expected :14
Actual   :20
<Click to see difference>

    at Context.<anonymous> (file:///home/fryorcraken/src/waku-org/js-waku/packages/tests/tests/store.node.spec.ts:259:30)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

nwaku version/commit hash


LNSD commented 1 year ago

Waku store page size limit expected behaviour:

Checking the logs from nwaku, the issue seems that comes from the query:

❯ grep -E 'pageSize: [[:digit:]]+' ~/Downloads/nwaku_Waku_Store_Callback_on_promise._aborts_when_callback_returns_true.log
INF 2023-01-27 15:43:14.345+11:00 received history query                     topics="waku store" tid=2037443 file=protocol.nim:73 peerId=12D*aVcnPY requestId=d5b9c0ec-793f-4455-b3f5-3ea64d9d80a6 query="(pubsubTopic: some(\"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\"), contentTopics: @[\"/test/1/waku-store/utf8\"], cursor: none(HistoryCursor), startTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), endTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), pageSize: 18446744073709551612, ascending: false)"

Note the pageSize: 18446744073709551612. As there are only 20 items the database, it returns all of them.

In other words:

The number 18446744073709551612 is greater than the max page size limit. So the maximum number of messages in the response would be 100. But, as there are only 20 in the node's Waku archive, the store node responds with all the messages it has, 20.

fryorcraken commented 1 year ago

Waku store page size limit expected behaviour:

  • If no page size limit is not specified (not present), the limit defaults to 20.
  • If the page size limit is set to 0, the limit defaults to 20.
  • If the page limit is grater than the max page size limit (100), the limit is set to 100.

Checking the logs from nwaku, the issue seems that comes from the query:

❯ grep -E 'pageSize: [[:digit:]]+' ~/Downloads/nwaku_Waku_Store_Callback_on_promise._aborts_when_callback_returns_true.log
INF 2023-01-27 15:43:14.345+11:00 received history query                     topics="waku store" tid=2037443 file=protocol.nim:73 peerId=12D*aVcnPY requestId=d5b9c0ec-793f-4455-b3f5-3ea64d9d80a6 query="(pubsubTopic: some(\"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\"), contentTopics: @[\"/test/1/waku-store/utf8\"], cursor: none(HistoryCursor), startTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), endTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), pageSize: 18446744073709551612, ascending: false)"

Note the pageSize: 18446744073709551612. As there are only 20 items the database, it returns all of them.

In other words:

The number 18446744073709551612 is greater than the max page size limit. So the maximum number of messages in the response would be 100. But, as there are only 20 in the node's Waku archive, the store node responds with all the messages it has, 20.

Yes but I sent 7 so why does it decode 18446744073709551612? Has the Protobuf changed?

Also note that in the js-waku branch I provided to reproduce, one needs to pull origin master for in the nwaku submodule to reproduce with latest master.

LNSD commented 1 year ago

Yes but I sent 7 so why does it decode 18446744073709551612? Has the Protobuf changed?

Nothing has changed in the Waku store protocol (which acts as an RPC query mechanism for the Waku archive service). I only fixed the Waku archive bug.

LNSD commented 1 year ago

The page size limit continues being a uint64 in the protobuf:


And nwaku decodes it as:


~I need to check if the zint64 type has changed.~ Edit: Nothing has changed in nim-libp2p's minprotobuf code 😕

LNSD commented 1 year ago

This number 18446744073709551612 (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC) smells as an encoding issue. Where? I am not sure.

fryorcraken commented 1 year ago

I will investigate more but the same test passes with v0.13.0 and fails with v0.14.0 so I am dubious on the fact that it comes from js-waku.

fryorcraken commented 1 year ago

Ran nwaku v0.13.0 and v0.14.0 binary with the same js-waku software and test suite. Both node systematically interprets the pageSize differently:

nwaku v0.13.0:

INF 2023-01-30 21:02:19.398+11:00 received history query                     topics="waku store" tid=2294776 file=protocol.nim:232 peerId=12D*cGyWR3 requestId=8bb7f101-7af7-4372-a941-d360daa7ee2d query="(contentFilters: @[(contentTopic: \"/test/1/waku-store/utf8\")], pubsubTopic: \"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\", pagingInfo: (pageSize: 7, cursor: (pubsubTopic: \"\", senderTime: 0, receiverTime: 0, digest: (data: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])), direction: BACKWARD), startTime: 0, endTime: 0)"


nwaku v0.14.0:

INF 2023-01-30 21:05:02.052+11:00 received history query                     topics="waku store" tid=2295273 file=protocol.nim:73 peerId=12D*gr4ebx requestId=8dbacdf7-1177-4a46-8ceb-55f5eafea84c query="(pubsubTopic: some(\"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\"), contentTopics: @[\"/test/1/waku-store/utf8\"], cursor: none(HistoryCursor), startTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), endTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), pageSize: 18446744073709551612, ascending: false)"


fryorcraken commented 1 year ago

Next step I was going to do is test with go-waku as a client instead of js-waku. I am not saying that js-waku protobuf encoding can be trusted, only saying it hasn't changed.

LNSD commented 1 year ago

I am also dumping the nwaku Waku store client protobuf to double-check if anything changed between versions.

LNSD commented 1 year ago

I am also dumping the nwaku Waku store client protobuf to double-check if anything changed between versions.

This is the dump of a pageSize: 7 query:

0a 14 63 65 63 39 34 36 39 65 65 62 65 62 64 38 30 33 31 36 32 66 12 27 1a 1f 0a 1d 2f 77 61 6b 75 2f 32 2f 64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 2d 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2f 70 72 6f 74 6f 22 04 08 0e 18 00

Which translates into the following dissection (https://protobuf-decoder.netlify.app/):


LNSD commented 1 year ago

@fryorcraken Could you run the same test changing the following line's type to a signed int64?


fryorcraken commented 1 year ago

@fryorcraken Could you run the same test changing the following line's type to a signed int64?


Using proto definition:

message PagingInfo {
  optional sint64 page_size = 1;
  optional Index cursor = 2;
  enum Direction {
  optional Direction direction = 3;

v0.14.0 behaviour matches expectations


INF 2023-01-30 23:19:27.742+11:00 received history query                     topics="waku store" tid=2308316 file=protocol.nim:73 peerId=12D*pyb2Nu requestId=de11d517-4d32-4e31-a2d6-91fdecaf9113 query="(pubsubTopic: some(\"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\"), contentTopics: @[\"/test/1/waku-store/utf8\"], cursor: none(HistoryCursor), startTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), endTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), pageSize: 7, ascending: false)"

However, v0.13.0 now interprets the expected value of 7 as 14 (as per your comment above)

INF 2023-01-30 23:26:17.648+11:00 received history query                     topics="waku store" tid=2309232 file=protocol.nim:232 peerId=12D*QxmUSB requestId=ead804a7-ab72-4f21-b531-01d0e6a13578 query="(contentFilters: @[(contentTopic: \"/test/1/waku-store/utf8\")], pubsubTopic: \"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\", pagingInfo: (pageSize: 14, cursor: (pubsubTopic: \"\", senderTime: 0, receiverTime: 0, digest: (data: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])), direction: BACKWARD), startTime: 0, endTime: 0)"


Do note the current RFC expects uint64 (I know store protocol is getting revamped):


message PagingInfo {
  uint64 pageSize = 1;
  Index cursor = 2;
  enum Direction {
    BACKWARD = 0;
    FORWARD = 1;
  Direction direction = 3;

Note: the js-waku test pass whether the value is interpreted as 7 or 14 due to how it's setup.

LNSD commented 1 year ago

Ok, this confirms my suspicions.

Do note the current RFC expects uint64 (I know store protocol is getting revamped):

Yes, that is correct. It should be a uint64, not a sint64. A non-trivial issue could explain this in nwaku's Waku store RPC codec. It is not generated from protobuf files; it is manually written using nim-libp2p's minprotobuf library.

LNSD commented 1 year ago

The Waku Store rpc_codec at v0.13.0: https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/blob/v0.13.0/waku/v2/protocol/waku_store/rpc_codec.nim#L82-L84

  var pageSize: uint64
  discard ?pb.getField(1, pageSize)
  pagingInfo.pageSize = pageSize

The same codec in master (v0.14.0+): https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/blob/master/waku/v2/protocol/waku_store/rpc_codec.nim#L87-L91

  var pageSize: zint64
  if not ?pb.getField(1, pageSize):
    rpc.pageSize = none(uint64)
    rpc.pageSize = some(uint64(pageSize))

This type change from uint64 to zint64 explains the issue observed. Let me check if changing it back to uint64 solves the issue.

LNSD commented 1 year ago

@fryorcraken Could you run the tests against the branch associated with PR #1520?

@richard-ramos Could you check if any changes are necessary for go-waku to be compatible with this fix?

fryorcraken commented 1 year ago

@fryorcraken Could you run the tests against the branch associated with PR #1520?

Confirmed that this resolves the issue:

INF 2023-01-31 14:45:03.276+11:00 received history query                     topics="waku store" tid=2363182 file=protocol.nim:73 peerId=12D*YimyUB requestId=1d0826f1-6016-48de-82d4-b41aa85892cf query="(pubsubTopic: some(\"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\"), contentTopics: @[\"/test/1/waku-store/utf8\"], cursor: some((pubsubTopic: \"/waku/2/default-waku/proto\", senderTime: 1675136702339000000, storeTime: 1675136702339000000, digest: (data: [50, 126, 61, 105, 234, 47, 218, 202, 51, 78, 99, 55, 209, 47, 149, 8, 157, 197, 31, 27, 9, 94, 122, 71, 40, 117, 100, 28, 234, 179, 251, 56]))), startTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), endTime: none(CompiledIntTypes), pageSize: 7, ascending: false)"


LNSD commented 1 year ago

PR #1520 was merged. Closing the issue since the fix was confirmed to work by the js-waku interop tests.