waku-org / nwaku

Waku node and protocol.
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bug: nwaku <> js-waku interop tests failing #2621

Open gabrielmer opened 3 weeks ago

gabrielmer commented 3 weeks ago


nwaku <> js-waku interop tests have been failing for quite some time. This issue tracks our stabilization efforts.

EmilIvanichkovv commented 3 weeks ago

I've been investigating the same issue for 2/3 weeks now. @weboko is familiar with some of the details, as we had discussions on Discord.

I can provide you with the version details of the projects I used, which worked fine.

In the project we are developing, we utilize noise sessions (provided by js-noise on the JS side). As you know, the first step is to initiate a handshake. With the versions above, I was able to process it successfully and then exchange encrypted messages between nwaku <> js-waku.

At some point, the js-waku node stopped connecting to peers (more details can be found in Discord), so I was forced to update versions, which of course triggered other discrepancies. With the help of @weboko, most of them were fixed. Now, on the JS side, everything seems to work fine. I am able to start the node and connect to peers.

The main problem now is that the messages I send from nwaku to the corresponding pubsub and content topics are never received by the JS instance. Whether I send direct messages or use the handshake utils provided by nwaku, the messages do not reach the js-waku node. This used to work fine before, but now it's a blocker for us because we rely on Waku for message transfer between the backend and frontend of our app.

If you think more details might be helpful, feel free to reach out to me for a chat.

gabrielmer commented 3 weeks ago

@EmilIvanichkovv thanks so much for the comment! From what I've seen until now, the interop test failures do not seem to be related to what you're experiencing.

However, will DM you in order to understand and help debug from nwaku side :)