waku-org / waku-rust-bindings

Rust wrapper over go-waku ffi
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bug: peer count cannot be deserialized #72

Closed hopeyen closed 9 months ago

hopeyen commented 9 months ago

Hi there, I am encountering a small bug when running function waku_peer_count at https://github.com/waku-org/waku-rust-bindings/blob/master/waku-bindings/src/node/peers.rs#L99

The error is

Err("could not deserialize waku JsonResponse: invalid type: string \"3\", expected usize at line 1 column 13")

Which seems like a simple mismatch on types between the go-binding and rust deserialization since rust is expecting an usize.

Reproducible by calling waku_peer_count() on a running waku node handle

richard-ramos commented 9 months ago

just published v0.3.1! with the fix