wakystuf / ESG-Mod

An Endless Space 2 balance and overhaul mod
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Addition of a Mild tag. #1490

Open Tat011 opened 3 weeks ago

Tat011 commented 3 weeks ago

While Hot/Cold has Temperate as a middle ground, Sterile/Fertile does not, this results in planets that aren't Sterile/Fertile being straight up worse than other planets so I'm proposing adding the mild tag to fill this void. (Which already exists in that other balance mod I'm pretty sure) There are some things to consider about this imlpementation tho: -it needs to be integrated so presumably some buildings/pops need to be changed to favor this tag. (which ones?) -would gas giants have this tag? (probably not but it's worth considring)

captaincobbs commented 1 week ago

Mild implies you're living in the atmosphere, I'm fine with adding this tag but keep that in mind. The Gas is a replacement for planet fertility.

Also, would this be associated with its own FIDS?

One last thing, could you make a list of buildings that would be affected and what their bonuses would be?

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

Proposed pop changes: -Make Haroshem work with Mild rather than Sterile (Fits their lore/theme better but we need to see how this affects Cravers) -Make Xirmisala work with Mild rather than Fertile (would this be a nerf or buff to Nakalim?) -Make Kalgeros work with Mild rather than Fertile -To compensate for the loss of 2 fertile pop reduce Amoeba from +5 food to +4 and give them the unused +1 influence on fertile.

Proposed Improvement changes: This one im not so sure on... -We could give the resource deposits specialization a bonus on mild like almost all the other specialization get and give both deposit improvements bonuses on mild. Improvements potentially affected: Strategic resource specialization, Miners Union, Expanded Mines, Craft Guilds, Mechsuit Quarter. Pops potentially affected: Harmony, Gnashast, Galvran.

-We could give Influence an association with mild since they also have a non specific specialization (non unique planets would still make 0 influence natively tho). Improvements potentially affected: Influence specialization, National Museum, Body Language Institute, Intergalactic Lectures. Pops potentially affected: Imperials, Illo.

-Approval could be moved from being sort of associated with fertile exept not really (Fertile is also already taken by food) to mild (would require changing planets not insignificantly), which could be paired with adding an approval specialization. Improvements potentially affected: Infinite Supermarkets, Colonial Rights, Wellbeing Foundation, High Serenity Programm Pops potentially affected: Kalgeros, Xirmisala.

-We could be spicy and give military improvements an association with mild (probably a bad idea). Improvements potentially affected: The ones that give ship EXP. Pops potentially affected: Yuusho, Tikanan.

-We could make it so mild is associated with trade which could be paired with adding a trade income specialization. Improvements potentially affected: Solar Security Operations Base, Xhiyun Cartel, Borer's Guild Borse.

wakystuf commented 1 week ago

This will be more of a lift than some other tweaks we've discussed, but if someone else is undertaking it then it's fine with me. A few thoughts: -The changes to Xirmisala and Kalgeros seem fine. I'd probably increase the overall Amoeba number if we're going to add a condition (maybe +3 food unconditional, and then +3 on fertile?) -I think you make a good point about needing to be careful with the Haroshems due to the Cravers; moving them to mild is kind of a buff to Craver early game (since Mild is easier to colonize than Sterile), which is not what the world needs. -Associating mild with Influence probably makes the most sense (resources and military would be really susceptible to being broken, and approval should follow the terraforming tree for both lore and gameplay flow reasons). Trade could also work, though probably less good than influence -If we do pick influence, then I agree with how you described it (non-unique planets still have 0 native influence, but the buildings--and I agree with the ones you listed--will have an added synergy). Probably roughly a +50% synergy? So If it's +X today, then it'd be +X unconditional (same as before) and +0.5X on Mild? -Probably also add Culture Center to the list, though I would probably only create the synergy with the per pop portion (I believe there is also a fixed or per SD bonus that I'd leave as-is)

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

Since aparently i can't change the Haroshems and and i assume changing the Epistis from sterile to Mild will also be rejected for the same reason im kinda out of pops to change, i guess Kalgeros can be changed, idk any ideas?

wakystuf commented 1 week ago

I thought we already talked about Kalgeros, right? I thought your idea was good on that one.

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

i mentioned Haroshem, Xirmisala (which turns out got changed to on happy and the wiki never got updated), Kalgeros and Illo for if we went the influence route and since all of these minus Kalgeros are mayor faction fodder then i guess Kalgeros will be the only one to change.

wakystuf commented 1 week ago

Illo I think might be OK. They are secondary with Hissho, right?

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

yes, currenty they have +1 influence and +2 influence on hot... for some reason

captaincobbs commented 3 days ago

I did some thinking and discussing with Frost, before you get too far on this, what would Mild's association even be? I don't want to add this just to add this.

Right now we have two Axis, as you well know:

What would we conceivably associate Mild with, aside as a lame middle ground for some bonuses to target.

Tat011 commented 3 days ago

i gave a bunch of options and waky said influence (while still keeping the raw production as 0) was the one that makes the most sense and i agree.

captaincobbs commented 2 days ago

Could have Temperate as Influence, Mild as Dust, it would match vanilla better

Tat011 commented 2 days ago

That'd require changing a lot of stuff and idk why it'd be better exactly.

captaincobbs commented 1 day ago

It would match the vanilla allocation of dust, and influence was originally planned to be associated with Temperate but they killed most of the influence buildings later on.