wakystuf / ESG-Mod

An Endless Space 2 balance and overhaul mod
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Sisters of Mercy buff. #1496

Open Tat011 opened 1 week ago

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

As Waky said this minor is by far the least useful so they need a buff, that being said we dont wanna buff Vaulters so its a bit tricky. Arphar proposed giving them sterile food "so vaulters can usually use the systems they get their hands on regardless of composition" and i think that's probably the healthiest option (i assume +2? idk the numbers exactly).

wakystuf commented 1 week ago

Yeah, that's probably a good idea. That shouldn't provide the Vaulters with much more value than the pop that they'd otherwise have, so should be fine. +2 should be fine (doubled if boosted); could be any FIDSI. I think their pop collection bonuses are also terrible, right? I forget what they are, but maybe something about ground defenses or healing rate (both of which are terrible)?

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

Trait 1: +50% Hero regen per turn. (Should probably be buffed to +100% assuming its not getting replaced)

Trait 2: +10% Regen on Ships. (outside of fights) (Should probably also be buffed to +100%, even then it still seems pretty useless)

wakystuf commented 1 week ago

Yeah, wow those are terrible. If we made them +1000% I'd still ban them from breeding. Unless the ship regen works inside hostile territory, in which case we should just remove it due to risking breaking things

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

uhh, im not sure, theres a natural regen always applied to ships and it probably modifies that? but idk

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

oh these are the assimilation traits, not collection

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

Collection are acording to the wiki: +20% Health Regen (ship) Ratio on Systems with Sisters of Mercy

Increases Health of Troops when Defending in Ground Battle by +25%

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

Thats weird <SimulationDescriptor Name="PopulationCollectionBonusSistersOfMercy2" Type="PopulationCollectionBonus"> <Modifier TargetProperty="DockedFleetsHealthRegenerationRatioBonusFromCollection" Operation="Addition" Value="0.20" Path="../ClassEmpire,EmpireTypeMajor/ClassStarSystem/ClassPopulationStarSystemAffinitySistersOfMercy" /> </SimulationDescriptor>

<SimulationDescriptor Name="PopulationCollectionBonusSistersOfMercy3" Type="PopulationCollectionBonus"> </SimulationDescriptor>

wakystuf commented 1 week ago

For assimilation then those are fine. Those pop collection bonuses are even worse though; I'd forgotten how bad they were since I remember going through it carefully a long time ago and imposing a hard ban on ever growing those pop.

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

We could just give them influence on T2 collection like Kalgeros and for T3 we give the Health to attacking troops too

wakystuf commented 1 week ago

Yeah those are both reasonable I think

captaincobbs commented 1 week ago

Can we give them approval as a T2? More accurate to their bonuses in Endless Legend, influence makes no sense for them. Their law is +25% Health on Troops, could make it an increase to the morale effect on ships or something weird, or reduced manpower damage on ships.

captaincobbs commented 1 week ago

Sorry for being a stickler about it, but you should look at their Endless Legend skill tree and see if anything looks particularly interesting, I'd like to keep themes the same even if we are changing the bonuses Link to skill tree: https://endlesslegend.fandom.com/wiki/Valete_Sapiri_Kugua

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

ok so aparently approval as a collection is a thing though oddly enough only guardians use it so ill change it

Tat011 commented 1 week ago

I think this is complete now? To recap the changes are: -Giving the pop +2 food on sterile -Changing its 2nd collection bonus from +50% ship health regeneration when in systems with this pop to +10 approval in systems with this pop. -Changing the 3rd collection bonus from +35% HP to troops when defending and +10% ship HP to +25% HP to troops period both with the law setting on and off.