waldemarnt / testable-nodejs-api

Código da série Node.js API testável disponivel no meu canal no youtube
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Any plans to translate the videos in English? #7

Closed vangelov closed 7 years ago

vangelov commented 7 years ago

Hello! I don't know any Portuguese but your code organisation is great! Do you plan to translate your series in English? I think it will help a lot of people.

waldemarnt commented 7 years ago

Hey Buddy, Yep, I have plans. The next video series will be based on my book which is https://leanpub.com/construindo-apis-testaveis-com-nodejs/ maybe next month I'll start publishing it. Please, subscribe in my channel to get involved, as soon as I have some content I'll start publishing it. My main goal was to help the Brazilian community but right now I'll create content in english as well.


vangelov commented 7 years ago

Great, thank you!