waldo2188 / DatatableBundle

Symfony2 Ajax Datatable Bundle to simplify the use of http://datatables.net/ (and Doctrine entity inside)
MIT License
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Datatables configuration not working #17

Closed m453h closed 12 months ago

m453h commented 7 years ago

Datatables js configuration are not working in config.yml

Here is my configuration:

# Ajax Datatables configuration
        search:           false
        pageLength: "10"
        lengthMenu: [[5,10, 25, 50, -1], [5,10, 25, 50, 'All']]
        dom: '<"clearfix"lf>rtip'
        jQueryUI: "false"
        bFilter: "false"

I am unable to see any JS and datatables changes as per those configurations

The changes are also not reflected by specifying them on twig options as well

{{ datatable({
    'js' : {
        'ajax' : path('datatable'),

any work around on this issue please ?