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Alterations of conjunctival microbiota associated with orthokeratology lens wearing in myopic children #186

Closed Folakunmi21 closed 2 weeks ago

Folakunmi21 commented 6 months ago

Alterations of conjunctival microbiota associated with orthokeratology lens wearing in myopic children - Zhang et al - BMC https://bmcmicrobiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12866-023-03042-1

Ebere330 commented 6 months ago

@SvetlanaUP Please may I be assigned to this paper to be curated?

Ebere330 commented 6 months ago

Hi, I am through with my second contribution and would like for it to be reviewed. Here is the link below: https://bugsigdb.org/Study_913


Peacesandy commented 6 months ago

Hello @Ebere330 this is a fair curation attempt, you missed out on a lot of details, which I will point out below.

N/B: For ease, please go through the paper and the reviewed study. All corrections have been made and the study has been marked reviewed.


All elements marked "Needs review" (none "Incomplete") (1 point): 1 Correct study design (1 point): 1 Entered all relevant experiments and no irrelevant experiments (1 point): 1 Body site correctly identified (i.e. does not include multiple sites) (1 point): 1 Condition entered according to contrast (correct EFO ontology) (1 point): 0 Contrast groups correctly identified (1 point): 1 Groups correctly labeled as 1 and 0 (1=cases, 0=controls) (1 point): 1 Antibiotic exclusion correctly identified (1 point): 1 Correctly identified sequencing details (2 points): 2 Identified correct statistical test (1 point): 0 Identified MHT correction (1 point): 0 Correctly recorded matched on factors (1 point): 1 Entered correct number of statistical tests per experiment (1 point): 0 All diversity measures identified (1 point): 1 Diversity results correctly entered as increased/decreased/unchanged (1 point): 1 All signature sources correctly identified (-1 for each error) (2 points): 0 Abundance direction correctly selected (1 point): 0 Members of Signatures identified correctly (2 points): 0 Correct use of NCBI taxonomy (2 points): 2

Total (maximum 23 points): 14

@SvetlanaUP https://bugsigdb.org/Study_913 corrected and reviewed ✅

Ebere330 commented 6 months ago

Thank you @Peacesandy and @SvetlanaUP for the review and corrections made. Will make necessary amendments as suggested ... corrections well taken and noted