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The adult microbiome of healthy and otitis patients: Definition of the core healthy and diseased ear microbiomes #189

Open SvetlanaUP opened 3 months ago

SvetlanaUP commented 3 months ago

The adult microbiome of healthy and otitis patients: Definition of the core healthy and diseased ear microbiomes – Maria Burton et al. – PlosOne https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0262806

alcantara-m commented 3 months ago

Hello! Could I be assigned to this project? Thank you @SvetlanaUP :)

FaithAlexander commented 3 months ago

Hello @SvetlanaUP, I would love to work on this paper. Can I have it assigned to me, please? My full name is Alexander Faith.

Msjulieozi commented 3 months ago

Can I please be assigned to this project? @SvetlanaUP , I would love to work on it. Thanks you!

SvetlanaUP commented 3 months ago

Assigned to @alcantara-m

AleruDivine commented 3 months ago

Hey @alcantara-m, good morning! I hope you're doing well. I noticed this issue has been assigned to you for a while now, and since we're in the final week of contributions, I just wanted to check in. If you need a hand with anything, if you have any questions or blockers, just give me a shout. I'll be more than happy to help out however I can! 😊

Thank you so much!🙏

samreen-19 commented 3 months ago

Hi @SvetlanaUP I noticed that this paper hasn't even been opened on bugsigdb yet, and I've finished my earlier curation. So may I work on it?

AleruDivine commented 3 months ago

@samreen-19, this paper is currently being curated by @alcantara-m

samreen-19 commented 3 months ago

Oh okay, thank you for informing @AleruDivine

samreen-19 commented 3 months ago

@AleruDivine are you sure tho? I looked the study up on bugsigdb , and I didn't find any existing study for this paper. 😅

AleruDivine commented 3 months ago

Here is the link: https://bugsigdb.org/Study_1069

samreen-19 commented 3 months ago

Ohh, my bad. I apologize.

AleruDivine commented 3 months ago

That's okay @samreen-19

BarakatAA commented 2 months ago

Hi @alcantara-m good morning and trust you're doing great.

I noticed this study does not yet have the 'needs review' tag and wanted to know if you needed help. Do reach out if so. All best wishes!

alcantara-m commented 2 months ago

Hi @BarakatAA thank you for reaching out to me!

When I check the paper, it says Needs Review so I don't know if maybe its a bug?

AleruDivine commented 2 months ago

@alcantara-m I understand you, you also need to let the mentors know by commenting here that your paper is ready for review, so they can add the "needs review" tag here too

alcantara-m commented 2 months ago

Hi @SvetlanaUP the paper is ready since April 2nd! Link to paper: https://bugsigdb.org/Study_1069

Thank you @AleruDivine for the heads up!

BarakatAA commented 2 months ago

Hi @alcantara-m I meant here on Github. It lacks the tag so I thought maybe you were still curating. If you're done curating then mention it here and tag the mentors

BarakatAA commented 2 months ago

Okay, I see you've done that now.

Scholarpat commented 1 month ago

Hi @SvetlanaUP,

This is one of the articles I presented yesterday during office hours. It had some missing experiments and signatures, which I have now included, along with some data that was not included in the initial curation. Although these newly curated experiments and signatures are not showing up, they do exist.

@cmirzayi reported the issue here.

Thank you, and have a great weekend!