waleedka / hiddenlayer

Neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras.
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tensor shapes not displayed in rendered graph #83

Open asberk opened 3 years ago

asberk commented 3 years ago

Using the following code — which comes from the PyTorch demo notebook — I get the output in the subsequent image. The Pytorch demo notebook suggests in its first example that tensor shapes are printed on the edges between nodes. However, I have found this not to be the case in my attempts. How can I get the tensor shapes printed along the edges? Is this an issue, or is there documentation I can refer to fix the output?

(By the way, I am running python3.8 with the latest version of Pytorch (1.6.0) and hiddenlayer).

import torchvision
import hiddenlayer as hl

model = torchvision.models.resnet101()

# Rather than using the default transforms, build custom ones to group
# nodes of residual and bottleneck blocks.
transforms = [
    # Fold Conv, BN, RELU layers into one
    hl.transforms.Fold("Conv > BatchNorm > Relu", "ConvBnRelu"),
    # Fold Conv, BN layers together
    hl.transforms.Fold("Conv > BatchNorm", "ConvBn"),
    # Fold bottleneck blocks
        ((ConvBnRelu > ConvBnRelu > ConvBn) | ConvBn) > Add > Relu
        "Bottleneck Block",
    # Fold residual blocks
        """ConvBnRelu > ConvBnRelu > ConvBn > Add > Relu""",
        "Residual Block",
    # Fold repeated blocks

# Display graph using the transforms above
res_graph = hl.build_graph(
    model, torch.zeros([1, 3, 224, 224]), transforms=transforms

peterqtr11 commented 3 years ago

I face the same problem

Alexis-Martin commented 3 years ago

There is a fix for that. You need to replace the function get_shape(torch_node) in the file pytorch_builder.py, by this one:

def get_shape(torch_node):
    """Return the output shape of the given Pytorch node."""
    # Extract node output shape from the node string representation
    # This is a hack because there doesn't seem to be an official way to do it.
    # See my quesiton in the PyTorch forum:
    # https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/node-output-shape-from-trace-graph/24351/2
    # TODO: find a better way to extract output shape
    # TODO: Assuming the node has one output. Update if we encounter a multi-output node.
    shape = torch_node.output().type().sizes()
    return shape

The solution comes from the link of the discussion above.

ahrnbom commented 3 years ago

I had this problem too, and Alexis-Martin's solution worked for me, so I created a pull request: https://github.com/waleedka/hiddenlayer/pull/89

lxfhfut commented 2 years ago

If Alexis-Martin's solution does not work, try

    shape = torch_node.output().type().sizes()
    shape = None
return shape

Refer here for more details.

markytools commented 2 years ago

If Alexis-Martin's solution does not work, try

    shape = torch_node.output().type().sizes()
    shape = None
return shape

Refer here for more details.

This fixed the problem, "RuntimeError: outputs_.size() == 1 INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED"