walinejs / waline

💬 A Simple, Safe Comment System
GNU General Public License v2.0
2.17k stars 381 forks source link

[Bug]: 管理后台升级后在查看评论的页面回复或刷新会退出登录状态 || [Bug]: After the management background is upgraded, replying or refreshing the page for viewing comments will log out of the login state. #2590

Open elkan1788 opened 2 months ago

elkan1788 commented 2 months ago

问题描述 | Describe the bug

在访问后台管理时,按页面顶部的升级提示,在vercel环境重新部署进行升级,升级后的版本为:@waline/admin v0.25.3 ,然后登录到后台管理,进行评论答复(答复是提交成功的)或刷新页面时,都会退出到登录界面。

与 #2219 的问题表现类似,尝试过勾选下次自动登录,但是问题依旧存在的。



浏览器环境: Edge123.0.2420.81 和 火狐 127.0

问题网站 | Website URL


服务部署在哪里? | Where your waline deploy?

Vercel (Default)

数据存储在哪里?| Where your comment data store?


Problem description | Describe the bug

When accessing the backend management, follow the upgrade prompt at the top of the page and redeploy in the vercel environment to upgrade. The upgraded version is: @waline/admin v0.25.3, then log in to the backend management and reply to comments (the reply is Submit Successfully) or when refreshing the page, you will exit to the login interface.

Similar to the problem #2219, I tried to check the box to automatically log in next time, but the problem still exists.

Another problem I discovered is that after entering the user name, I directly press the Enter key to prompt "Please enter the password." However, after entering the password, the login button is still gray and unavailable, and nothing happens when pressing the Enter key.

Login button invalid

Browser environment: Edge123.0.2420.81 and Firefox 127.0

Question Website | Website URL


Where is the service deployed? | Where your waline deploy?

Vercel (Default)

Where is the data stored? | Where your comment data store?


lizheming commented 2 months ago

可以检查下 localStorage 内是否有 token 字段写入成功,保活依赖本地存储,若开启隐私模式等可能会导致失败。

You can check whether the token field in localStorage is written successfully. Keep-alive relies on local storage. If privacy mode is turned on, etc., it may cause failure.

elkan1788 commented 2 months ago

检查过了,确认在会话和本地存储中都有token的值存在。 image

Checked and confirmed that the token value exists in the session and local storage. image