walkccc / CLRS

📚 Solutions to Introduction to Algorithms Third Edition
MIT License
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Possible to generate pdf file for https://github.com/walkccc/CLRS? #445

Open grassit opened 2 years ago

grassit commented 2 years ago

I was wondering if it is possible to generate pdf file for https://github.com/walkccc/CLRS? Thanks!

Naheel-Azawy commented 10 months ago

The following should generate a pdf of everything. Some katex is not parsed for some reason though, haven't checked why yet. Depends on pandoc, pdfunite, and chromium.

mycat() {
    sed 's#\.\./img#docs/img#g' "$1"

rm -rf mkpdf
mkdir -p mkpdf

# mostly the default pandoc css, with few modifications
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for chap_dir in docs/Chap*; do
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pdfunite mkpdf/*.pdf clrs.pdf