Closed enriquevaa closed 4 months ago
Thank you! Can you post the exact code that isn't working along with your sessionInfo()?
#Reading layers
t3b_cdmx<-st_read("t3b_cdmx.shp") %>% st_transform('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')
manzanas<-st_read("Hogares_AGEB_CDMX.shp")%>% st_transform('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')%>% st_transform(crs = 4326)
#Adding Popup
manzanas$popup <- glue::glue(
"<strong>CVEGEO: </strong>{manzanas$CVEGEO}<br><strong>Poblacion: </strong>{manzanas$HOGAR_AGEB}"
#Creating ui
ui <- dashboardPage(skin="red",
dashboardHeader(title="Mapa interactivo T3B"),
tabName = "lays",
icon = icon("layer-group"),selectInput("layers", "Agregar capa", vars5)))),
tags$style(type = "text/css", "#mapa {height: calc(100vh - 80px) !important;}"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
bins_1<- c(0,200,400, 700, 1000 ,1500 ,2000,4000,11000)
output$mapa <- renderMapboxgl({
mapboxgl(center = c( -99.16719645546601,19.427190799035163),zoom=10,style = mapbox_style("dark"),access_token = token)})
comp<- input$layers
if (comp== "Ninguno") {
mapboxgl_proxy("mapa") %>% clear_layer("X.")%>% clear_layer("CVEGEO")
if (comp== "Heatmap") {
mapboxgl_proxy("mapa") %>%
id = "X.",
source = t3b_cdmx,
heatmap_opacity = 0.7,
heatmap_color = interpolate(
property = "heatmap-density",
values = seq(0, 1, 0.2),
stops = c('rgba(33,102,172,0)', 'rgb(103,169,207)',
'rgb(209,229,240)', 'rgb(253,219,199)',
'rgb(239,138,98)', 'rgb(227,27,35)')))
if (comp== "Poblacion") {
mapboxgl_proxy("mapa") %>%
add_fill_layer(id = "CVEGEO",
source = manzanas,
fill_color =interpolate(
column = "HOGAR_AGEB",
values = bins_1,
stops =c('rgb(255,255,217)', 'rgb(237,248,177)',
'rgb(199,233,180)', 'rgb(127,205,187)',
'rgb(65,182,196)', 'rgb(29,145,192)','rgb(34,94,168)',
na_color = "lightgrey"
tooltip = "HOGAR_AGEB",
hover_options = list(
fill_color = "yellow",
fill_opacity = 1
fill_opacity = 0.5) %>%
"Hogares en AGEB",
values = c(20, 80),
colors = c('rgb(255,255,217)', 'rgb(12,44,132)')
shinyApp(ui, server)
Session info:
Would you mind sharing your data? I tried an analogous example with some different data and the legend appeared for me. However, I'll also test on Windows and with your data.
Yeah sure, I mean with the legend I refer to show the info as popup from the polygons added. Appreciate
I have checked and it works if a render again de mapbox "mapa" output, but no if a use mapboxgl_proxy()
This should now work. Can you re-install and try it out?
Perfect. It works now!
The function hover or tooltip works fine with mapboxgl in my console, but when I render it on a shiny app it doesn´t show any legends. Cheers for all your work Kyle.