walkingmachinegraveyard / sara_commun

Commun packages for the Sara robot
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Person Recognition - Robocup2k17 #128

Open gortium opened 7 years ago

gortium commented 7 years ago

Person Recognition

An Operator is introduced to the robot, which then needs to learn what the Operator looks like. Once the robot has gathered enough information about the Operator, the Operator mixes within a crowd and the robot needs to find the Operator. Once the robot has found its Operator, it must state some information about the Operator and the crowd, such as genders.


The robot has to identify the Operator within a crowd and state information about the Operator and the crowd.


This test focuses on people detection and recognition; as well as pose recognition and human-robot interaction with unknown people.


1. Operator:

A professional operator is selected by the TC to test the robot. He/she may be a different person drafted from the crowd in each run.

2.Other people:

There are no restrictions on other people walking by or standing around throughout the complete task.


This test may also be held outside the arena. This is in order to have the possibility to run multiple tests in parallel and reduce the total time needed for testing all robots.

1. Start:

The robot starts at a designated starting position, and waits for the professional operator.

2. Memorizing the operator:

The robot has to memorize the operator. During this phase, the robot may instruct the operator to follow a certain setup procedure.

3. Learning operator name:

Optionally, the robot may ask the operator for his/her name to create a more natural interaction after finding the operator again.

4. Waiting 10 seconds:

Once the robot states it has finished memorizing the operator, it must wait for 10 seconds while the operator walks around and mixes with the crowd.

5. Find the crowd:

After the time elapses, the robot must turn around (about $180\degree$), find the crowd, and start looking for the operator.

- Crowd size:

The crowd may contain between 5 and 10 people, standing, sitting or lying within an area of 5 meters (diameter).

- Crowd position:

The crowd will be located behind the robot at a distance of 2 to 3 meters.

6. Finding the operator:

nce the crowd has been located, the robot must greet the operator (optionally by name) and state their gender, pose (sitting, standing, raised arm), and relative position within the crowd. Alternatively to state the relative position of the operator, the robot may point or approach to the operator. In any case, it must be clear to the referees that the robot has found the operator, unambiguously. Examples include:


In the case of the slightest ambiguity, no points will be granted.This includes the referees not being able to understand or hear the robot.

7. Describing the crowd

Finally, the robot must tell the size of the crowd and how many men, women and unidentified people there are (even including children).

8. Delivering report file

Immediately after the test, an USB pen-drive will be collected by the referees from the robot. The pen-drive must contain a report file as described further.

Report file:

Robots must create a PDF report file stored in a USB-stick attached to the robot to be given to the TC after the test, which will be used for scoring. The report must be as follows:

- File name:

The name of the file must be: [TEAMNAME]-Try-[TIMESTAMP].pdf

- Team name:

The report file must contain the name of the team.

- Operator's picture:

The report file must include a picture of the operator with a caption stating operator's gender and, if given, the operator's name. Drawing a frame enclosing the region(s) used for recognition is advised.

- Crowd's picture:

Beneath the operators information, the report file must include a picture of the crowd with a labeled frame enclosing each detected person, and a set of captions stating their genders and, in the case of the operator, the pose.

9. Additional rules and remarks

1. Waiting & Continue Rule:

Instead of waiting 10 seconds the robot may wait for a spoken command. Since this test is not concerned with audio and speech recognition, there is no penalty when using the Continue Rule (see Section 3.9.15). A single key press used as start command is also allowed.

2. Disturbances from outside:

If a person from the audience (severely) interferes with the robot in a way that makes it impossible to solve the task, the team may repeat the test immediately.

3. Children:

Note that the operator and crowd may be members of the audience as well, which may include children. A robot only looking up may look over a child operator.

4. Preparation:

The robot needs to wait for about 1 min before the operator appears in front of the robot. During this waiting time the team is not allowed to touch the robot.

5. Instructing the operator:

he robot interacts with the operator, not the team. The team is not allowed to instruct the operator.

10. Data recording

Please record the following data (section 3.4)

- Images These will not be publicly available due to privacy concerns of the operator and crowd.