while testing the new features of the 4D Plugin I recognized that the idle status is not working when a graphical objects is assigned to more than two activities.
The idle status is not working at all, when the branch kind is a costum FRT or the activities are linked to different activity types.
If the opacity for "not started" appereance for different activity types is 0, the idle status is not working. The assigned graphical objects will appear with the last assigned actvitiy.
Thanks for your feedback. This was filed in our issue tracker.
In the meantime, because this is not related with the SDK, I will close this issue.
Best regards,
Axel Barrot.
Hi, while testing the new features of the 4D Plugin I recognized that the idle status is not working when a graphical objects is assigned to more than two activities.
The idle status is not working at all, when the branch kind is a costum FRT or the activities are linked to different activity types. If the opacity for "not started" appereance for different activity types is 0, the idle status is not working. The assigned graphical objects will appear with the last assigned actvitiy.