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WindowFromPoint捕获鼠标悬停的实际窗口 #9

Open suhao opened 2 years ago

suhao commented 2 years ago


  1. 获取组合控件或者嵌入式窗口的实际窗口
  2. 截图时获取窗口:我们可能需要使用到ChildWindowFromPointEx
  3. 获取透明窗口


  1. 侵入式场景方案一:利用框架层解决
  1. 非框架层或者非侵入式场景:利用窗口遍历
  1. 侵入式场景方案二:在进程中利用窗口遍历来实现


suhao commented 2 years ago


//  WindowFromPointEx.c
//  Copyright (c) 2002 by J Brown 
//  Freeware
//  HWND WindowFromPointEx(POINT pt)
//  Provides a better implementation of WindowFromPoint.
//  This function can return any window under the mouse,
//  including controls nested inside group-boxes, nested
//  dialogs etc.

#define STRICT

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>

static HWND  hwndGlobal;
static HWND  hwndButton;
static BOOL  g_fShowHidden;
static DWORD dwArea;

//  Callback function used with FindBestChild
static BOOL CALLBACK FindBestChildProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
    RECT  rect;
    DWORD a;
    POINT pt;

    pt.x = (short)LOWORD(lParam);
    pt.y = (short)HIWORD(lParam);

    GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect);

    // Is the mouse inside this child window?
    if(PtInRect(&rect, pt))
        // work out area of child window
        a = (rect.right-rect.left) * (rect.bottom-rect.top);

        // if this child window is smaller than the
        // current "best", then choose this one
        if(a < dwArea && (IsWindowVisible(hwnd) || g_fShowHidden == TRUE))
            dwArea = a;
            hwndGlobal = hwnd;

    return TRUE;

//  The problem:
//  WindowFromPoint API is not very good. It cannot cope
//  with odd window arrangements, i.e. a group-box in a dialog
//  may contain a few check-boxes. These check-boxes are not
//  children of the groupbox, but are at the same "level" in the
//  window-hierachy. WindowFromPoint will just return the
//  first available window it finds which encompasses the mouse
//  (i.e. the group-box), but will NOT be able to detect the contents.
//  Solution:
//  We use WindowFromPoint to start us off, and then step back one
//  level (i.e. from the parent of what WindowFromPoint returned).
//  Once we have this window, we enumerate ALL children of this window
//  ourselves, and find the one that best fits under the mouse - 
//  the smallest window that fits, in fact.
//  I've tested this on alot of different apps, and it seems
//  to work flawlessly - in fact, I havn't found a situation yet
//  that this method doesn't work on.....we'll see!
//  Inputs:
//  hwndFound - window found with WindowFromPoint
//  pt        - coordinates of mouse, in screen coords
//              (i.e. same coords used with WindowFromPoint)
static HWND FindBestChild(HWND hwndFound, POINT pt)
    HWND  hwnd;
    DWORD dwStyle;

    dwArea = -1;    // Start off again

    hwndGlobal = 0;

    hwnd = GetParent(hwndFound);

    dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwndFound, GWL_STYLE);

    // The original window might already be a top-level window,
    // so we don't want to start at *it's* parent
    if(hwnd == 0 || (dwStyle & WS_POPUP))
        hwnd = hwndFound;

    // Enumerate EVERY child window.
    //  Note to reader:
    //  You can get some real interesting effects if you set
    //  hwnd = GetDesktopWindow()
    //  fShowHidden = TRUE
    //  ...experiment!!
    EnumChildWindows(hwnd, FindBestChildProc, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));

    if(hwndGlobal == 0)
        hwndGlobal = hwnd;

    return hwndGlobal;

//  Find window under specified point (screen coordinates)
HWND WindowFromPointEx(POINT pt, BOOL fShowHidden)
    HWND hWndPoint;

    g_fShowHidden = fShowHidden;

    // First of all find the parent window under the mouse
    // We are working in SCREEN coordinates 
    hWndPoint = WindowFromPoint(pt);

    if(hWndPoint == 0)
        return 0;

    // WindowFromPoint is not too accurate. There is quite likely
    // another window under the mouse.
    hWndPoint = FindBestChild(hWndPoint, pt);

    //if we don't allow hidden windows, then return the parent
        while(hWndPoint && !IsWindowVisible(hWndPoint))
            hWndPoint = GetParent(hWndPoint);

    return hWndPoint;
suhao commented 2 years ago



首先我们要明白截图软件的基本原理,截图时实际上是新建了一个全屏窗口,然后将当前桌面的截图画在上面,大部分截图软件,包括QQ都是这么做的。根据鼠标位置获取下层窗口,有好几个类似的API可以用(WindowFromPoint, ChildWindowFromPoint, ChildWindowFromPointEx,RealChildWindowFromPoint)。

这里我们重点关注ChildWindowFromPointEx,因为我们知道截图时有个全屏窗口覆盖在上面,通过鼠标位置去取得窗口,肯定首先取到的是这个全屏窗口,所以我们要把这个窗口过滤掉,而只有ChildWindowFromPointEx这个API有窗口过滤功能。 HWND ChildWindowFromPointEx(

HWND hwndParent,     POINT pt,     UINT uFlags );


hwndParent [in] Handle to the parent window. pt [in] Specifies a POINT structure that defines the client coordinates (relative to hwndParent) of the point to be checked. uFlags [in] Specifies which child windows to skip. This parameter can be one or more of the following values. CWP_ALL Does not skip any child windows CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE Skips invisible child windows CWP_SKIPDISABLED Skips disabled child windows CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT Skips transparent child windows

所以我们有理由相信QQ的全屏窗口用了WS_EX_LAYERED属性,然后QQ通过调用ChildWindowFromPointEx(hWndDesktop,ptCursor, CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE|CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT), 这样就可以过滤掉不可见的和Layered窗口,然后通过递归调用该API,就可以获取里面的子窗口了。

为了验证我们猜想,怎么可以自己建立一个Layered Window,然后用QQ截图,可以看到QQ是无法识别该窗口的。



另外,有些截图软件能够识别到比窗口粒度更小的元素,比如Toolbar控件上的每个Item,他们用的应该是MSAA(Microsoft Active Accessibility),标准控件一般都支持该接口。

看到有些人对通过枚举方式识别窗口的代码感兴趣 , 下面是我的代码:

class CSCWinFilter
    static BOOL IsFilterWindow(HWND hWnd)
        _ASSERTE(hWnd != NULL);
        DWORD dwProcessID = GetCurrentProcessId();
        if(hWnd != NULL && IsWindow(hWnd))
            DWORD dwWinProcessId(0);
            GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwWinProcessId);
            if(dwProcessID == dwWinProcessId) 
                return TRUE;

        return FALSE;

    static DWORD GetIncludeStyle()
        return WS_VISIBLE;

    static DWORD GetExcludeStyleEx()
        return  WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;

    static BOOL IsTargetPopupWindow()
        return FALSE;

class CSCWinInfo
    HWND m_hWnd;    
    CRect m_rtWin;    //window rect

    INT m_nLevel;    // 1 - pop up window  ;  2N - child window

//pop up win 1 (level 1).. first Z order
//        child11 (level 2)
//        child12 (level 2)
//                chilld121 (level 3)
//                chilld122 (level 3)
//        child3 (level 2)
//pop up win2
//        child21 (level 2)
//        child21 (level 2)
// .
// .
//pop up winN . last Z order

template<typename CWinFilterTraits = CSCWinFilter>
class CSCWinSpy:  public CHYSingleton<CSCWinSpy>
    BOOL SnapshotAllWinRect()

        // cache current window Z order when call this function
        EnumWindows(EnumWindowsSnapshotProc, 1); 

        return TRUE;

    //get from current Z order of desktop
    HWND GetHWNDByPoint(CPoint pt)
        m_hWndTarget = NULL;

        EnumWindows(EnumWindowsRealTimeProc, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));

        return m_hWndTarget;

    CRect GetWinRectByPoint(CPoint ptHit, BOOL bGetInRealTime = FALSE)
        CRect rtRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        if(bGetInRealTime) //get from current Z order
            HWND hWndTarget = GetHWNDByPoint(ptHit);
            if(hWndTarget != NULL )
                GetWindowRect(hWndTarget, &rtRect);
        else //get from snapshot cache
            GetRectByPointFromSnapshot(ptHit, rtRect);

        return rtRect;

    static BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsRealTimeProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
        if(!PtInWinRect(hwnd, CPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)))) return TRUE;

        if(ShouldWinBeFiltered(hwnd))  return TRUE;

        m_hWndTarget = hwnd;

        if(CWinFilterTraits::IsTargetPopupWindow()) return FALSE; //this is the target window, exit search

        EnumChildWindows(hwnd, EnumChildRealTimeProc, lParam);

        return FALSE;

    static BOOL CALLBACK EnumChildRealTimeProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
        if(!PtInWinRect(hwnd, CPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)))) return TRUE;

        if(ShouldWinBeFiltered(hwnd)) return TRUE;

        m_hWndTarget = hwnd;
        EnumChildWindows(hwnd, EnumChildRealTimeProc, lParam);

        return FALSE;

    static BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsSnapshotProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
        INT nLevel = lParam;
        if(ShouldWinBeFiltered(hwnd))  return TRUE;

        SaveSnapshotWindow(hwnd, nLevel);

            EnumChildWindows(hwnd, EnumChildSnapshotProc, nLevel);

        return TRUE;

    static BOOL CALLBACK EnumChildSnapshotProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
        INT nLevel = lParam;

        if(ShouldWinBeFiltered(hwnd)) return TRUE;

        SaveSnapshotWindow(hwnd, nLevel);

        EnumChildWindows(hwnd, EnumChildSnapshotProc, nLevel);

        return TRUE;

    static BOOL PtInWinRect(HWND hWnd, CPoint pt)
        CRect rtWin(0, 0, 0, 0);
        GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rtWin);
        return PtInRect(&rtWin, pt);

    static BOOL ShouldWinBeFiltered(HWND hWnd)
        if(CWinFilterTraits::IsFilterWindow(hWnd)) return TRUE;

        DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE);
        DWORD dwStyleMust = CWinFilterTraits::GetIncludeStyle();
        if((dwStyle & dwStyleMust) != dwStyleMust) return TRUE;

        DWORD dwStyleEx = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE);
        DWORD dwStyleMustNot = CWinFilterTraits::GetExcludeStyleEx();
        if((dwStyleMustNot & dwStyleEx) != 0) return TRUE;

        return FALSE;

    //find the first window that level is biggest
    static BOOL  GetRectByPointFromSnapshot(CPoint ptHit, CRect& rtRet)
        int nCount = m_arSnapshot.size();
        _ASSERTE(nCount > 0);
        CSCWinInfo* pInfo = NULL;
        CSCWinInfo* pTarget = NULL; 

        for(int i=0; i<nCount; ++i)
            pInfo = m_arSnapshot[i];
            _ASSERTE(pInfo != NULL);

            //target window is found 
            //and level is not increasing, 
            //that is checking its sibling or parent window, exit search
            if(pTarget != NULL
                && pInfo->m_nLevel <= pTarget->m_nLevel)

            if(PtInRect(&pInfo->m_rtWin, ptHit))
                if(pTarget == NULL)
                    pTarget = pInfo;
                    if( pInfo->m_nLevel > pTarget->m_nLevel)
                        pTarget = pInfo;

        if(pTarget != NULL)
#ifdef _DEBUG
            if(pTarget != NULL)
                HWND hWnd = pTarget->m_hWnd;
                TCHAR szText[128] = {0};
                _sntprintf(szText, 127, _T("GetRectByPointFromSnapshot: pt(%d, %d), hWnd(%x)"),
                    ptHit.x, ptHit.y, (UINT)(pInfo->m_hWnd));

            return TRUE;

        return FALSE;

    static VOID SaveSnapshotWindow(HWND hWnd, INT nLevel)
        _ASSERTE(hWnd != NULL && IsWindow(hWnd));
        CRect rtWin(0, 0, 0, 0);
        GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rtWin);
        if(rtWin.IsRectEmpty()) return;

        CSCWinInfo* pInfo = new CSCWinInfo;
        if(pInfo == NULL) return;

        pInfo->m_hWnd = hWnd;
        pInfo->m_nLevel = nLevel;
        pInfo->m_rtWin = rtWin;


    static VOID ClearData()
        int nCount = m_arSnapshot.size();
        for(int i=0; i<nCount; ++i)
            delete m_arSnapshot[i];


    friend class CHYSingleton<CSCWinSpy>;

    CSCWinSpy() { NULL; }
    ~CSCWinSpy() {    ClearData(); }

    static HWND m_hWndTarget;
    static std::vector<CSCWinInfo*> m_arSnapshot;

template<typename T> HWND CSCWinSpy<T>::m_hWndTarget = NULL;
template<typename T> std::vector<CSCWinInfo*> CSCWinSpy<T>::m_arSnapshot;

这样使用, 在截图开始时保存所有桌面窗口层次:



CRect rtSelect = CSCWinSpy<CSCWinFilter>::GetInstance()->GetWinRectByPoint(pt, FALSE);


  1. 更正下,用工具看了下QQ截图时的全屏窗口,发现它没有WS_EX_LAYERED属性,也没有WS_DISABLED属性,所以QQ截图在获取最外层Popup窗口时应该不是用ChildWindowFromPointEx获取的。 而应该是通过Z-Order从上到下枚举(EnumWindows)所有可见并且非Transparent的Popup窗口, 这样他们可以过滤掉自己的全屏窗口,找到第一个鼠标所在位置的Popup窗口,然后再用ChildWindowFromPointEx获取里面的子窗口。
  2. 个人感觉QQ应该不是用枚举窗口做的,用SPY++可以发现,QQ的遮罩层会定时收到WM_ENABLE的消息,先FALSE然后在TRUE,比较像先把自己窗口ENABLE,然后抓取其他窗口,然后再恢复,但是使用WindowFromPoint却发现无法穿透ENABLE的窗口,目前还没找方法来实现,你说的枚举我回头试下,感谢你的分享