walkor / workerman

An asynchronous event driven PHP socket framework. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols.
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Transferring data between workers #1028

Open muramidaza opened 6 months ago

muramidaza commented 6 months ago

Good day! I have the config:

$this->worker = new Worker(self::getWebsocketAddressWorker(), $this->context);

$this->worker->count = 4;

How can transfer data between workers? For example, one client received a connection in the first worker. And another client received a connection in the second worker. Need to transfer data from one client to another. But this requires access to the connection from the first client in the second worker. How to correctly receive data (example Connection) from another worker?

It seems that each worker has its own global variables

walkor commented 6 months ago


I think this is what you want.

muramidaza commented 6 months ago

I tried to remodel in a functional style. For the test. But still, global variables are unique for each worker.


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

//php /var/www/html/chat.php start

use Channel\Client;
use Channel\Server;
use modules\chat\models\Chat;
use modules\chat\models\ChatMember;
use modules\chat\models\ChatMessage;
use modules\homeCall\models\Users;
use Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection;
use Workerman\Worker;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;

const ACTION_CONNECT = 'connect';
const ACTION_SEND_MESSAGE = 'send_message';
const ACTION_CONNECT_TO_CHAT = 'connect_to_chat';

const AUTH_TYPE_KEY = 'key';
const AUTH_TYPE_TOKEN = 'token';

$websocketUrl = '';
$websocketHost = '';
$websocketPort = '2346';
$websocketDomain = 'homecall_php_new';
$websocketSsl = false;

$channel_server = new Server(getWebsocketHost());

$users = [];
$connectionsUsers = [];
$chatsLoggedUsers = [];
$chatsUsers = [];
$connections = [];

$dateTimeFormat = 'php:d M Y, H:i';

$debug = true;

$context = [];

if (getWebsocketSsl()) {
    $context = [
        'ssl' => [
//            'local_cert'  => Yii::$app->params['server.chat.ssl.cert'] ?? '',
//            'local_pk'    => Yii::$app->params['server.chat.ssl.pkey'] ?? '',
            'verify_peer' => false,

$worker = new Worker(getWebsocketAddressWorker(), $context);

if (getWebsocketSsl()) {
    $worker->transport = 'ssl';

$worker->count = 4;

// При запуске соединение процесса с каналами
$worker->onWorkerStart = function () {
    Client::on('publish', function($eventData){

// Обработка события нового подключения
$worker->onConnect = function(TcpConnection $connection) {
    global $debug;
    if ($debug)
        echo 'New connection '.$connection->id. ' worker ' . $connection->worker->id . "\n";

// Обработка события закрытия соединения
$worker->onClose = function (TcpConnection $connection) {
    global $debug;

    $userID = getUserIDByConnection($connection);

    if(!$userID) return;

    deleteClient($connection, $userID);
    if ($debug)
        echo 'Connection closed ' . $connection->id . " worker " . $connection->worker->id . "\n";

// Обработка события получения данных
$worker->onMessage = function (TcpConnection $connection, $data) {
    onMessage($connection, $data);

// Запуск

function onMessage(TcpConnection $connection, string $message): void
    global $debug;

    $data = json_decode($message, true);

    $action = $data['action'] ?? '';

    $userID = getUserIDByConnection($connection);

    if ($action !== ACTION_CONNECT && is_null($userID)) {
        $connection->send(toJson(['error' => 'У вас нет прав для доступа к чату']));

    switch ($action) {
        case ACTION_CONNECT: {

            $userID = $data['user_id'];

            addClient($connection, $userID, []);

                'action' => 'init',
                'chats' => [],

        case ACTION_CONNECT_TO_CHAT: {
            $chatID = $data['chat_id'] ?? null;

            if (!Chat::checkAccess($chatID, $userID)) {
                $connection->send(toJson(['error' => 'Нет доступа к чату, попробуйте обновить страницу']));

            $messageList = formatMessages(ChatMessage::find()->where(['chat_id' => $chatID])->all());

                'action' => 'init_chat',
                'messages' => $messageList,
        case ACTION_SEND_MESSAGE: {
            $chatID = $data['chat_id'] ?? null;
            $message = $data['message'] ?? null;
            $message_type_id = $data['message_type_id'] ?? null;

            if ($debug) echo 'Received message ' . print_r($data, true)."\n";

            //$count_messages = ChatMessage::find()->where(['chat_id' => $chatID])->count();
            $chat = Chat::findOne($chatID);

            if($chat->status != Chat::STATUS_ACTIVE) {
                $connection->send(toJson(['error' => 'Чат закрыт']));

            $chatMessage = new ChatMessage();
            $chatMessage->user_id = $userID;
            $chatMessage->chat_id = $chatID;
            $chatMessage->message = $message;
            $chatMessage->type_id = $message_type_id;

            if (!$chatMessage->save()) {

            if ($debug) echo 'Chat ID ' . $chatID . "\n" . 'Message ' . $message . "\n";

            Client::publish('publish', array(
                'chat_id' => $chatID,
                'message' => toJson([
                    'action' => 'add_message',
                    'chat_id' => $chatID,
                    'user_id' => $userID,
                    'message' => $message,
                    'message_type_id' => $message_type_id


        default: {
            $connection->send(toJson(['error' => 'Команда не найдена']));

function formatMessages($messageList)
    global $dateTimeFormat;

    foreach ($messageList as &$item) {
        $item['created_at'] = '';

    return $messageList;

function formatChats($chatList, $current_user_id)
    global $dateTimeFormat;

    $chatListArray = [];

    foreach ($chatList as $key => $chat) {
        /** @var $chat Chat */

        $chatListArray[$key]['id'] = $chat->id;
        $chatListArray[$key]['type_id'] = $chat->type_id;
        $chatListArray[$key]['created_at'] = '';
        if($chat->type_id == Chat::TYPE_SIMPLE) {
            foreach ($chat->users as $user) {
                /** @var $user Users */
                if($user->id != $current_user_id) {
                    $chatListArray[$key]['name'] = $user->getFullName();

    return $chatListArray;

function onPublish($eventData)
    global $debug;
    global $chatsLoggedUsers;
    global $connections;

    $chatID = $eventData['chat_id'];
    $message = $eventData['message'];

    //Получаем список ID пользователей, которые зашли в данный чат
    $userIDs = $chatsLoggedUsers[$chatID];

    foreach ($userIDs as $userID) {
        if (isset($users[$userID])) {
            foreach ($users[$userID]['connections'] as $connectionID) {

                /** @var  $connection TcpConnection */

                $connection = $connections[$connectionID];

                if($connection) $connection->send($message);

                if ($debug) echo 'Send to connection[' . $connectionID . '] - user[' . $userID . ']' . "\n";
                if ($debug) echo 'Message ' . print_r(json_decode($message), true) . "\n";

 * Авторизован ли клиент
 * @param TcpConnection $connection
 * @return int|null
function getUserIDByConnection(TcpConnection $connection): ?int
    global $connectionsUsers;
    return $connectionsUsers[$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id] ?? null;

 * Добавление соединения
 * @param TcpConnection $connection
 * @param int $userID
 * @param array $chatIDs
 * @return void
function addClient(TcpConnection $connection, int $userID, array $chatIDs)
    global $connections;
    global $users;
    global $connectionsUsers;

    // Добавляем клиента и его соединение
    $connections[$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id] = $connection;

    $users[$userID]['connections'][$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id] = $connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id;

    $users[$userID]['chats'] = $chatIDs;

    $connectionsUsers[$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id] = $userID;

    foreach ($chatIDs as $chatID) {
        $chatsUsers[$chatID][$userID] = $userID;


 * Удаление соединения
 * @param TcpConnection $connection
 * @param int $userID
 * @return void
function deleteClient($connection, $userID)
    global $connections;
    global $users;
    global $connectionsUsers;

    //Удаление соединения из списка соединений
    if($connections[$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id]) unset($connections[$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id]);

    unset($connectionsUsers[$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id]);

    //Удаление соединения из списка пользователей
    if (isset($users[$userID]) && $users[$userID]['connections'][$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id]) {
        unset($users[$userID]['connections'][$connection->id . '-' . $connection->worker->id]);

    //Если соединений у пользователя больше не осталось то удаляем пользователя
    if(empty($users[$userID]['connections'])) {
        foreach ($users[$userID]['chats'] as $chatID) {
            if(!empty($chatsUsers[$chatID][$userID])) unset($chatsUsers[$chatID][$userID]);
            if(!empty($chatsLoggedUsers[$chatID][$userID])) unset($chatsLoggedUsers[$chatID][$userID]);



 * Вывод пользователей в консоль
 * @return void
function printClientList()
    global $debug;
    global $users;

    if (!$debug) return;

    echo "\n------------------------------------------\nClients: \n";
    foreach ($users as $userID => $userItem) {
        echo 'User ID: ' . $userID . " \n";
        foreach ($userItem['connections'] as $connectionID => $connectionItem) {
            echo ' - Connection ID: ' . $connectionID . " \n";
        foreach ($userItem['chats'] as $chat) {
            echo ' - Chat ID: ' . $chat . " \n";
    echo "---------------- " . memory_get_usage() . " ---------------\n";

 * Вывод соединений в консоль
 * @return void
function printConnectionList()
    global $debug;
    global $connectionsUsers;

    if (!$debug) return;

    echo "\n------------------------------------------\nConnections: \n";

    foreach ($connectionsUsers as $connectionID => $userID) {
        echo 'Connection ID ' . $connectionID . ' User ID ' . $userID . " \n";

    echo "---------------- " . memory_get_usage() . " ---------------\n";

 * Формирование ответа в JSON
 * @param array $data
 * @return false|string
function toJson(array $data) {
    return json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

function getWebsocketHost()
    global $websocketHost;
    return $websocketHost;

function getWebsocketAddressWorker(bool $cli = false): string
    if ($cli) {
        return (getWebsocketSsl() ? 'wss://' : 'ws://').getWebsocketDomainWorker().':'.getWebsocketPort();
    return 'websocket://'.getWebsocketDomainWorker().':'.getWebsocketPort();

function getWebsocketSsl(): bool
    global $websocketSsl;
    return $websocketSsl;

function getWebsocketDomain(): string
    global $websocketDomain;
    return $websocketDomain;

function getWebsocketPort(): string
    global $websocketPort;
    return $websocketPort;

function getWebsocketDomainWorker(): string
    global $websocketDomain;
    return $websocketDomain;

I've simplified the code for the test. Clients join and a connection is created. But for example variable $users each worker has his own

muramidaza commented 6 months ago

That is - I specify a variable as an array to store connections outside the function. Inside the function I call this variable with word Global and save the user and connection there. This variable is in this array. If the new connection is in the same worker, then there will be 2 connections in the array.

But if the new (third) connection is in the new worker, then the new connection will be added to the empty array. That is, there will be one connection.

And if, for example, there is a fourth connection, and it will be in the first worker. Then it will be added to the array where there are already 2 variables.

That is, each worker has its own global variable.

That is, it turns out to be 2 global variables. One stores an array with 3 connections and the second stores an array with 1 connection. And each global variable is called from the worker to which it belongs.

Initially, I did it in the form of classes and specified these variables as static. And used them as static ServerChatController::$connectionsUsers, example in onMessage method

$this->worker->onMessage = function (TcpConnection $connection, $data) {
            $this->onMessage($connection, $data);

Everything works, but each worker has its own static variable

Please help me make global or static variables common to all workers

walkor commented 6 months ago

Unable to share connection objects between processes, you can notify the corresponding worker process through the channel and have the process operate the connection object on its behalf.
Or use only one process to handle all.

muramidaza commented 6 months ago

Thank you very much! I used channels - now everything works correctly