wallabag / android-app

Android application to read your articles saved in your wallabag. You can also easily add new articles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Upgrading to Wallabag 2.4.3 broke the app #1261

Open gerroon opened 2 years ago

gerroon commented 2 years ago


I upgraded my Wallabag from 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 and the app started having problems and throws these exceptions/

I host Wallabag with Apache and Mysql on Debian testing. I use the 2.4.3 version of the app on Android 18.1. This was working fine in Wallabag 2.4.2

Server error
wallabag.apiwrapper.exceptions.UnsuccessfulResponseException: HTTP response: 500 Internal Server Error
wallabag.apiwrapper.exceptions.UnsuccessfulResponseException: HTTP response: 500 Internal Server Error
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.checkResponse(WallabagService.java:1525)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.checkResponseBody(WallabagService.java:1503)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.execAndCheckBody(WallabagService.java:1499)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.lambda$getArticles$0$WallabagService(WallabagService.java:218)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.-$$Lambda$WallabagService$PrzoUvX9wnRBX2jTxVqPJ-eD3zU.run(Unknown Source:4)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.NotFoundPolicy.call(NotFoundPolicy.java:140)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.NotFoundPolicy.call(NotFoundPolicy.java:133)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.NotFoundPolicy.call(NotFoundPolicy.java:128)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.getArticles(WallabagService.java:218)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.ArticlesQueryBuilder.execute(ArticlesQueryBuilder.java:282)
    at wallabag.apiwrapper.ArticlesPageIterator.hasNext(ArticlesPageIterator.java:80)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.workers.ArticleUpdater.performUpdate(ArticleUpdater.java:183)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.workers.ArticleUpdater.update(ArticleUpdater.java:127)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.workers.ArticleUpdateWorker.updateArticles(ArticleUpdateWorker.java:77)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.workers.ArticleUpdateWorker.update(ArticleUpdateWorker.java:37)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.tasks.UpdateArticlesTask.run(UpdateArticlesTask.java:17)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.tasks.ActionRequestTask.run(ActionRequestTask.java:25)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.-$$Lambda$0cveUIqKhxWljSld0gpOhfhYfj0.run(Unknown Source:2)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.TaskService.run(TaskService.java:162)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.TaskService.lambda$PgumDII_lptJcUDKRD70B1M_ER8(Unknown Source:0)
    at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.-$$Lambda$TaskService$PgumDII_lptJcUDKRD70B1M_ER8.run(Unknown Source:2)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)
di72nn commented 2 years ago

You should check server logs - an Internal Server Error occurs when the app is simply trying to load articles via API.

gerroon commented 2 years ago

You should check server logs - an Internal Server Error occurs when the app is simply trying to load articles via API.

Thanks but why would it start doing it suddenly? The web app works, and I have not anything else on the server between the versions?

di72nn commented 2 years ago

Hard to say. Some data may cause errors on the API, but not on the web UI. Maybe the updated version handles something differently. It should be clear(er) after checking the logs.

njean42 commented 2 years ago

Hey there. I had the same issue of the android app getting a 500 when trying to perform a quick sync. Also started out of the blue.

What I did:

  1. check the logs: nothing apart from an access log line: - - [27/May/2022:09:57:27 +0200] "GET /api/entries.json?perPage=30&page=1&sort=updated&detail=full&order=asc&since=1653464118 HTTP/1.1" 500 5538 "-" "okhttp/4.9.1"
  2. try a complete sync: worked for all pages, except the last/latest one: - - [27/May/2022:10:04:12 +0200] "GET /api/entries.json?perPage=30&page=163&sort=created&detail=full&order=asc&since=0 HTTP/1.1" 500 5538 "-" "okhttp/4.9.1"
  3. copy-paste the (15) latest article URLs, up to the latest sync'ed one in the app
  4. delete these 15 latest articles: android app sync is working again
  5. add articles one by one, sync the android app each time Conclusion: android app is syncing again, the issue vanished... Probably was an issue with some article's content, but I'm not able to tell which, since it fixed itself.

@gerroon: maybe you can try this out if it's not too many articles?

My config in case it could help:

gerroon commented 2 years ago

@njean42 I had that issue before and I was able to get the app back by removing last article however in this case between the upgrades there were not any new articles, so in my view that would not be an article related issue, given the app started freaking out aftert the upgrade.

njean42 commented 2 years ago

makes sense indeed

Micha-Btz commented 1 year ago

did you solve the error? I have problemms too, but seems a different error:

Unbekannter Fehler wallabag.apiwrapper.exceptions.UnsuccessfulResponseException: HTTP response: 403 Stacktrace: wallabag.apiwrapper.exceptions.UnsuccessfulResponseException: HTTP response: 403 at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.checkResponse(WallabagService.java:1525) at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.checkResponseBody(WallabagService.java:1503) at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.execAndCheckBody(WallabagService.java:1499) at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.lambda$getArticles$0$WallabagService(WallabagService.java:218) at wallabag.apiwrapper.-$$Lambda$WallabagService$PrzoUvX9wnRBX2jTxVqPJ-eD3zU.run(Unknown Source:4) at wallabag.apiwrapper.NotFoundPolicy.call(NotFoundPolicy.java:140) at wallabag.apiwrapper.NotFoundPolicy.call(NotFoundPolicy.java:133) at wallabag.apiwrapper.NotFoundPolicy.call(NotFoundPolicy.java:128) at wallabag.apiwrapper.WallabagService.getArticles(WallabagService.java:218) at wallabag.apiwrapper.ArticlesQueryBuilder.execute(ArticlesQueryBuilder.java:282) at wallabag.apiwrapper.ArticlesPageIterator.hasNext(ArticlesPageIterator.java:80) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.workers.ArticleUpdater.performUpdate(ArticleUpdater.java:183) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.workers.ArticleUpdater.update(ArticleUpdater.java:127) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.workers.ArticleUpdateWorker.updateArticles(ArticleUpdateWorker.java:77) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.workers.ArticleUpdateWorker.update(ArticleUpdateWorker.java:37) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.tasks.UpdateArticlesTask.run(UpdateArticlesTask.java:17) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.tasks.ActionRequestTask.run(ActionRequestTask.java:25) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.-$$Lambda$0cveUIqKhxWljSld0gpOhfhYfj0.run(Unknown Source:2) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.TaskService.run(TaskService.java:162) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.TaskService.lambda$PgumDII_lptJcUDKRD70B1M_ER8(Unknown Source:0) at fr.gaulupeau.apps.Poche.service.-$$Lambda$TaskService$PgumDII_lptJcUDKRD70B1M_ER8.run(Unknown Source:2) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:920)

Web pages work fine, first seem after the upgrade. Any Ideas? TIA Micha

gerroon commented 1 year ago

I was not able to solve it. I just stopped using the app.

di72nn commented 1 year ago

@Micha-Btz I would suggest to start with re-running the connection wizard, because the error you get seems to be related to authentication.

@gerroon so you didn't find anything useful in the server logs?

Micha-Btz commented 1 year ago

@di72nn re-running the connection wizard solved the issue for me. Thanks.

thiswillbeyourgithub commented 1 year ago

Well F###.

It appears running the connection wizard will not only re authenticate but will also wipe your local database. This if very frustrating as I lost a few days of reading and some articles I will never remember about :(

The issue had been happenning to me for about a week (?) on the official app.wallabag.it.