wallabag / android-app

Android application to read your articles saved in your wallabag. You can also easily add new articles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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HTTP response: 500 Internal Server Error #649

Closed pixelyo closed 6 years ago

pixelyo commented 6 years ago

this is the error I get on my android phone when i am trying to sync with my wallabag server - wallabag docker-compose:

Server error
Error: com.di72nn.stuff.wallabag.apiwrapper.exceptions.UnsuccessfulResponseException: HTTP response: 500 Internal Server Error

this is the corresponding server log message:

"POST /api/entries.json HTTP/1.0" 500 72 "-" "okhttp/3.8.1"

Can you help me here?

Strubbl commented 6 years ago

Looks like a server misconfiguration. Maybe you can also try with another client, e.g. with https://github.com/wallabag/wallabagger

pixelyo commented 6 years ago

@Strubbl it seems to be working with wallabagger, just seems to be a problem with the android app

Strubbl commented 6 years ago

Please have a look in your wallabg server log. It can be found in wallabag's folder under var/logs/prod.log error 500 indicates that the server is not properly configured.

pixelyo commented 6 years ago

i think i have found the corresponding server log message:

"POST /api/entries.json HTTP/1.0" 500 72 "-" "okhttp/3.8.1"

after reinstalling the android app it seems to be working again, i will see if i can recreate the issue

Strubbl commented 6 years ago

Okay, thanks for the feedback. Please feel free to reopen if you can reproduce the error.