wallabag / docker

Official docker-composer for wallabag.
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Docker Environment Mailer Credentials? #388

Closed gitwittidbit closed 5 months ago

gitwittidbit commented 7 months ago

So I set up Wallabag with docker compose some time ago und hadn't used it in a while. But the instance is still there.

Besides my admin account, I also set up a user account. But for some reason, it does not accept my user credentials for it anymore ("invalid credentials"). The admin account still accepts my credentials but there is no way to reset the password for a user.

I can click on"Forgot your password" for the user account on the login page but then I get an error that wallabag could not connect to some stream on Which is no surprise, I guess.

The surprise is that I set an environment variable (SYMFONYENVMAILER_HOST) in my docker compose to point to the mail server on some other host. But it seems that the variable is no longer in use. Instead there is a new variable (SYMFONYENVMAILER_DSN) that I can use. But the docs don't mention the environment variables for mailer user and mailer password anymore. So how do I tell Wallabag the account credentials???

Moreover, I just tried to keep the old environment variables (SYMFONYENVMAILER_USER, SYMFONYENVMAILER_PASSWORD) but that doesn't work either. It tells me that it could not establish a connection with my mailer host because it can't resolve the mailer host's FQDN.

If I change /etc/resolv.conf to my network's nameserver, it seems to be able to resolve the mailer host's FQDN but then I get an error that it can't resolve the DB host...

So I'm really stuck at this point.

How do I enable sending password reset links (or anything else probably)?


j0k3r commented 7 months ago

But the docs don't mention the environment variables for mailer user and mailer password anymore. So how do I tell Wallabag the account credentials???

Maybe you were looking at the wrong place? It's here: https://doc.wallabag.org/en/admin/mailer

gitwittidbit commented 7 months ago

Ah yes, I was apparently looking in the wrong place then: https://github.com/wallabag/docker/blob/master/README.md

I tried including the name and the password in the DSN but I can't confirm whether it works yet because I still bump into the first problem that wallabag can't connect to the mailer host because it can't resolve the mailer host's FQDN.

I am running wallabag in docker. On the docker host, the mailer host's FQDN does resolve, it is only inside the wallabag container that it does not.

Kdecherf commented 7 months ago

I don't think the name resolution issue you're describing here is related to wallabag. You may need to check your Docker setup

sundogak commented 6 months ago

This works for versions 2.6.1 and newer for me in Docker Wallabag: SYMFONY__ENV__MAILER_DSN: gmail+smtp://insertyourname@gmail.com:apppassword@default

Note that I couldn't get Outlook SMTP to work as Outlook expects the reply address to be same as user name and it seems based on return error code that Wallabag is sending "noreply@wallabag.org" as sender when tried this string: SYMFONY__ENV__MAILER_DSN: smtp://insertyouremail@outlook.com:apppassword@smtp-mail.outlook.com:587