wallabag / docker

Official docker-composer for wallabag.
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Error 500 while trying to create a new user #396

Closed Froggy232 closed 5 months ago

Froggy232 commented 5 months ago

Version: if you know it, otherwise use the git revision Installation: Docker image PHP version: The one included in docker OS: Fedora Silverblue Database: MariaDB Parameters: I don't know how to find it, sorry :(

Hi, I try to install wallabag through docker on my home server for my personal use, but I have some problems. First, I have deployed a db container with :

docker run --name wallabag-db -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw" -d mariadb

Then, I have deployed a wallabag container with :

docker run --name wallabag --link wallabag-db:wallabag-db -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_DRIVER=pdo_mysql" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_HOST=wallabag-db" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_PORT=3306" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_NAME=wallabag" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_USER=wallabag" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_PASSWORD=wallapass" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__DATABASE_CHARSET=utf8mb4" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__DOMAIN_NAME=http://wallabag.alrhome.net:83" -e "SYMFONY__ENV__MAILER_TRANSPORT=none" -p 83:80 wallabag/wallabag

Everything seems to work, until I try to create an user. It throw me an error 500. I have also try to login with "wallabag" as username and wallapass as password, but it tell me bad credentials. Can someone help me? Thanks you

j0k3r commented 5 months ago

Without logs we won't be able to help you.

Froggy232 commented 5 months ago

Sorry, the logs of the wallabag-db are here : https://pastebin.com/TyuQZ6dD And the wallabag container logs are here : https://pastebin.com/duQTtSpF Thanks you a lot

Froggy232 commented 5 months ago

Also, the full error message is : Connection could not be established with host "ssl://": stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to ssl:// (Connection refused)

j0k3r commented 5 months ago

You must configure a mailer to receive email when creating an account: https://doc.wallabag.org/en/admin/mailer

Froggy232 commented 5 months ago

I understand, even if I have put "SYMFONYENVMAILER_TRANSPORT=none"? Thanks you

Froggy232 commented 5 months ago

Thanks, it works now!