wallabag / docker

Official docker-composer for wallabag.
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Another image download issue #416

Open michelleunen opened 1 month ago

michelleunen commented 1 month ago

Hi, I installed a docker instance of wallabag and I changed the volume to point to a folder in my home directory. The command used is :

docker run -v /home/leu/kDrive/wallabag/data:/var/www/wallabag/data -v /home/leu/kDrive/wallabag/images:/var/www/wallabag/web/assets/images -p 80:80 -e "SYMFONYENVDOMAIN_NAME=http://localhost" wallabag/wallabag

When saving an article, the images are correctly saved to my folder /home/leu/kDrive/wallabag/images. When I look at the source code of the saved article, the link is for example, http://localhost/assets/images/c/6/c6cdf2cf/baa6c2da.jpeg. If I put this link in the address bar of my browser, the image shows up correctly but is not displayed when I read the saved article in wallabag.

I must be doing something wrong but don't know what.