wallabag / wallabagger

Chrome / Firefox / Opera plugin for wallabag v2.
MIT License
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After Update 1.17.0 not working anymore #391

Closed walhallaRV closed 2 months ago

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

Hi, doesn't save bookmarks anymore. If I try to wallabag a site, there comes "Saving the site in wallabag" and after some seconds it appears "An error occurred while saving ...".

The server is runnig without any problems. I can save bookmarks manually. No errors.

I deleted the profile in the addon and recreated. Same result.

I deleted the client on the server and recreated, created a new profile in the addon. Same result.

If I check the options / configuration of the addon, all the checks are "green" or OK. No errors there.

AddOn (Chrome): V1.17.0 Wallabag Server: V2.6.9

Thanks for any hint to resolve this problem!

ScreenShot 859 Wallabagger - Vivaldi

Simounet commented 2 months ago

Hi @walhallaRV , I'm really sorry for your trouble. Just to be sure, are you using Vivaldi? I want to try to reproduce your issue.

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

Hi, I made the screenshot with Vivaldi, yes. But I also tried with Chrome and Opera -> exactly the same behaviour / error.

Thanks for your response!

Simounet commented 2 months ago

I'm assuming that you are using a self hosted version of wallabag.

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

@ you are using a self hosted version of wallabag -> yes

@ Did you updated it recently? -> no. some weeks ago. but worked. any hint regarding this or known problems?

@ Was it working before? -> yes

@ Are you sure it's not working after the wallabagger update? hmmm,, pretty sure yes, but can not bet ;)

@ debug: will try later when i am at home!

thanks so far!

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

"Then give me the error result that should appear on the extension page" -> I tryed, but I cant see anything on the extension page (neighter Vivaldi, nor Chrome)

Just can see the list of AddOns installed. On "Details" dont see anything too?

Simounet commented 2 months ago

Don't you have DELETE and ERRORS buttons after the DETAILS button?

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

"DELETE" I have, yes. "Errors" no.

VIVALDI ScreenShot 871 Erweiterungen - Vivaldi

CHROME ScreenShot 873 Wallabagger - Google Chrome

ScreenShot 874 Erweiterungen - Google Chrome

Simounet commented 2 months ago

Ok, can you click on Hintergrundseite and let me know what message you should have on the bottom part after trying to save a page please?

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

Hi, OK, here we are with lots of errors like this two examples (just the URL of the website to save is different):

ScreenShot 892 DevTools - chrome-extension___gbmgphmejlcoihgedabhgjdkcahacjlj__generated_background_page html

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

Hi again, "401" OK. Used my notebook to test now, deleted Chrome caches, history, cookies, ... everything, restarted Chrome, flushed local DNS-cache on the notebook and tried again. Maybe some more information for you ->

ScreenShot 893 DevTools - chrome-extension___gbmgphmejlcoihgedabhgjdkcahacjlj__generated_background_page html

P.S.: Unfortunately in german. The translation of german error-messages ->

  1. "Speichere Seite in Wallabag" -> Saving the site in Wallabag
  2. "Beim Speichern des Artikels ..." -> While saving the article an error occurred
Simounet commented 2 months ago

It's so weird. It looks like you're not authenticated with your wallabag instance. I'm trying to reproduce this behavior on my side. Do you have any addon that can modify the request? Can you try on a clean browser profile? Firefox maybe?

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

This Chrome is nearly fresh and clean. Just two AddOns: Bitwarden, VPN-Provider and yours ;). I deactivated the other two - same error.

The user / password are correct. I checked once again. When I created this Profile in your AddOn, I put in exactly this data and the result was "OK" / green (see screenshot in my first post -> "Checklist"). To be safe, I logged in directly in Wallabag and copied the data from the error -> everything OK, login succeeded.

If it helps, I can create an user for you in Wallabag. So you can see / try what happens on your computer?

HolgerAusB commented 2 months ago

Just wild guessing, because I had a similar problem with FieryFeeds connecting to my Wallabag.

I changed the lifetime for tokens in [wallabag]/app/config/parameters.yml to a much high value (months instead of 1 hour)

    # how long the access token should live in seconds for the API
    fos_oauth_server_access_token_lifetime: 3600
    # how long the refresh token should life in seconds for the API
    fos_oauth_server_refresh_token_lifetime: 1209600

After changing this back to standard, FieryFeeds still tried to use it's stored access token, because it thought it is valid for the next few months. So I needed to generate a new wallabag API key for FieryFeeds.

And as you exposed your client_id and client_secret to us, you should revoke this and generate a new key set anyway.

Simounet commented 2 months ago

This Chrome is nearly fresh and clean. Just two AddOns: Bitwarden, VPN-Provider and yours ;). I deactivated the other two - same error.

The user / password are correct. I checked once again. When I created this Profile in your AddOn, I put in exactly this data and the result was "OK" / green (see screenshot in my first post -> "Checklist"). To be safe, I logged in directly in Wallabag and copied the data from the error -> everything OK, login succeeded.

If it helps, I can create an user for you in Wallabag. So you can see / try what happens on your computer?

Would be very helpful. If you want, you can send me the credentials to contact at mygithubusername dot net.

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

Just wild guessing, because I had a similar problem with FieryFeeds connecting to my Wallabag.

I changed the lifetime for tokens in [wallabag]/app/config/parameters.yml to a much high value (months instead of 1 hour)

    # how long the access token should live in seconds for the API
    fos_oauth_server_access_token_lifetime: 3600
    # how long the refresh token should life in seconds for the API
    fos_oauth_server_refresh_token_lifetime: 1209600

After changing this back to standard, FieryFeeds still tried to use it's stored access token, because it thought it is valid for the next few months. So I needed to generate a new wallabag API key for FieryFeeds.

And as you exposed your client_id and client_secret to us, you should revoke this and generate a new key set anyway.

Hi Holger, i had a look in the parameters.yml ->

fos_oauth_server_access_token_lifetime: 3600
fos_oauth_server_refresh_token_lifetime: 1209600

I never changed it. Seems to be "standard". So what did you set here that it worked again?

@ client id / pw: yes, I know. As long as nobody knows where the waalabag is, I dont mind. Created several times new because it didnt work and sure: when it works again i will recreate. THANKS for the hint! ;)

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

This Chrome is nearly fresh and clean. Just two AddOns: Bitwarden, VPN-Provider and yours ;). I deactivated the other two - same error. The user / password are correct. I checked once again. When I created this Profile in your AddOn, I put in exactly this data and the result was "OK" / green (see screenshot in my first post -> "Checklist"). To be safe, I logged in directly in Wallabag and copied the data from the error -> everything OK, login succeeded. If it helps, I can create an user for you in Wallabag. So you can see / try what happens on your computer?

Would be very helpful. If you want, you can send me the credentials to contact at mygithubusername dot net.

Sent you a test - email. If it was right, pls answer and I will send you the data! THX

HolgerAusB commented 2 months ago

I set it back to this standard. I just want to make sure, you haven't changed here anything.

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

I set it back to this standard. I just want to make sure, you haven't changed here anything.

No, didnt change anything regarding this! OK, this should be the correct standard values! Thanks for the hint - but unfortunately this is not the problem. What a pity. Could have been fixed very fast ;) But THANK YOU!

Simounet commented 2 months ago

I can reproduce your error. Seems like a wallabag server error because with the exact same extension, I can use wallabagger without any issue with my instance and wallabag.it. Can you try to use the wallabag app on Android/iPhone, just to be sure?

HolgerAusB commented 2 months ago

401 = unauthorized

Simounet commented 2 months ago

@HolgerAusB Thanks for your help. It's not that kind of issue. @walhallaRV sent me credentials to test it and I can reproduce it.

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

@HolgerAusB Thanks for your help. It's not that kind of issue. @walhallaRV sent me credentials to test it and I can reproduce it.

I sent by email and saw that you logged in?!

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

401 = unauthorized

  • of course, you tried to generate a new API key_pair in wallabag?
  • your are using the correct password? I went crazy the first time, when accidentally using the API of my non-privileged user with admin's password
  • are you using two-factor-auth in wallabag? Don't know if this makes a difference here.

"you tried to generate a new API key_pair in wallabag?" -> Yes, i did.

"your are using the correct password?" -> Yes. I doublechecked several times. Identical with the password in the error - message. And all the tests went OK when I created the user - profile in the AddOn (see screenshot in my firts post).

"are you using two-factor-auth in wallabag?" -> No, i don't.

Unfortunately 401 can mean many, many thing. But I cant find any details. Searched the logfile and just found "401" when the AddOn calls. Nothing more.

HolgerAusB commented 2 months ago

maybe something with site-config of webserver (apache2)? apache-logfiles?

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

I can reproduce your error. Seems like a wallabag server error because with the exact same extension, I can use wallabagger without any issue with my instance and wallabag.it. Can you try to use the wallabag app on Android/iPhone, just to be sure?

Hi, I deleted all API-keys and changed my password. Deleted the profil in the AddOn too.

@ Android: made a connection check and ended in:

Screenshot_2024-04-19-13-07-12-893_fr gaulupeau apps InThePoche


@ AddOn Created a new profile with the new data. It worked, everything green or "passed" ->

ScreenShot 908 Wallabagger - Vivaldi

If I try to save a website, appears "Loading API ..." (takes some seconds) -> "Saving website in wallabag" -> "An error occurred while saving ..."

ScreenShot 909 How to configure docker container with https - DevOpsSchool com - Vivaldi

ScreenShot 910 Screenshots

@ Wallabag (Web) No problems. Can login, can save websites. Everything seems to work properly. No errors, clean logfile.

So, I dont have any idea anymore. Seems that I have to give up ... :(

Simounet commented 2 months ago

Looks like this issue https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues/2768 . Can you try this advice https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag/issues/2768#issuecomment-426084967?

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

maybe something with site-config of webserver (apache2)? apache-logfiles?

@ Logfiles clean. Just this simple lines with the 401 errors. Nothing else. php-Log is clean / empty.

@ site-config: didn't change, worked, but I can post it later from home!

walhallaRV commented 2 months ago

Looks like this issue wallabag/wallabag#2768 . Can you try this advice wallabag/wallabag#2768 (comment)?

Hi, I dont know what to say! read this two threads.

Yes I have had this "CGIPassAuth on" in site-cfg:

    <Directory /home/xxxxx/public_html/web>
    Require all granted
    CGIPassAuth On
       <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
            Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
            Options -MultiViews
            RewriteEngine On
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
            RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L]

Now I added this mentioned (in the thread): "adding SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1 also solves the problem for me (apache2 version 2.4.10)." (mine is 2.4.59) which should be depreciated (not written in the man)


I don't understand, but OK ... I dont have to understand everything ;) Interesting is the fact that it worked! Maybe something changed with some of the PHP(fpm) or Apache Updates in the last days / weeks? We never will know. And unfortunately I cant say if it happened immediately after one of the updates (Debian / PHP / Apache)? Even worse: I realized that something doesnt work after I made the update of the AddOn (which I saw by the way, accidentially and made it ;).

I am really sorry for making this trouble, robbing your time!!! I Iread hours and hours - buth at the wrong end. Didnt find / read this thread you sent. Maybe because I thought "Server was running. No problems. Worked." and for me the AddOn-Update was the evil :)))))

But OK. THANK YOU and Holger for the help and your hints / tipps! Maybe one day I can give a little bit back to you! ;)

THANKS, have a nice weekend, take care of you (litle bit ;) and enjoy life.

A la vôtre (? Google said ;) and Prost und zum Wohl!

Simounet commented 2 months ago

So glad that we could help you. Have a nice week-end! Thanks @HolgerAusB for helping us.