wallabyjs / atom-wallaby

Wallaby.js atom package starter
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Interactive variable inspection #44

Open jiku opened 8 years ago

jiku commented 8 years ago

With the current version, I'm constantly using console.log, and having a few issues with

Would it be possible to add a feature that lets you inspect variables selected with and/or under cursor and/or carot, through the context menu and/or keyboard shortcuts? Then it outputs to a tooltip, the console or inline in the editor window. I.e. select the variable you want to inspect, press a hotkey and it shows the value somewhere.

ArtemGovorov commented 8 years ago

Thanks for posting the feature request. We'll be addressing some of the points when implementing the debugger support feature, so feel free to subscribe to it.

console.log output often goes past the editor window, with no wrapping, so anything past simple objects aren't inspectable unless you console.log it specifically

For now you may use wallaby "Show line tests" command to get the full multiline report.