wallabyjs / console-ninja

Repository for Console Ninja questions and issues
376 stars 17 forks source link

[Bug]: To use Console Ninja PRO features or use free features only, please select one of the available options #322

Open hamishtaplin opened 1 month ago

hamishtaplin commented 1 month ago

What happened?

VSCode keeps popping up a status message saying:

To use Console Ninja PRO features or use free features only, please select one of the available options.



CLI command to start your dev tool

It's a next.js project so:

next dev

Steps to reproduce (or sample repo)

I can't reliably reproduce this - it happens periodically

Log output

10:03:57.246 info extension stopping host
10:03:57.485 info host ------------ starting ------------
10:03:57.549 info extension host process output: port:[65400]
10:03:57.549 info extension 
10:03:57.602 info host worker Starting Host Worker...
10:03:57.612 info host client connected: extension { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:03:57.653 info host starting host: {"extensionFolder":"/Users/hamishtaplin/.vscode/extensions/wallabyjs.console-ninja-1.0.331","runtimeHookFile":"/Users/hamishtaplin/.vscode/extensions/wallabyjs.console-ninja-1.0.331/out/runtimeHook/tracer.js","globalErrorHandlerFile":"/Users/hamishtaplin/.vscode/extensions/wallabyjs.console-ninja-1.0.331/out/runtimeHook/errorHandler.js","networkLoggingHandlerFile":"/Users/hamishtaplin/.vscode/extensions/wallabyjs.console-ninja-1.0.331/out/runtimeHook/networkLoggingHandler.js","filesToInstrument":[{"path":"/users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/jest.setup.ts","reason":"search"},{"path":"/users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/lib/analytics/ecommerceevents.test.ts","reason":"search"},{"path":"/users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/lib/featuretoggle/index.ts","reason":"search"},{"path":"/users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/lib/analytics/ecommerceevents.ts","reason":"search"},{"path":"/users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/lib/authentication/sessioncookie.ts","reason":"search"},{"path":"/users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/app/providers.tsx","reason":"search"},{"path":"/users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/__mocks__/zustand.ts","reason":"search"},{"path":"/users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/components/ui/alertdialog.tsx","autoLogPoints":[{"range":{"startLine":40,"endLine":40,"startColumn":0,"endColumn":0}}],"reason":"autoLogPoints"},{"path":"/Users/hamishtaplin/Sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/lib/analytics/ecommerceEvents.test.ts","reason":"open"}],"debug":false,"config":{"dateTimeFormat":"HH:mm:ss.SSS","dateTimeDisplayMode":"Absolute","installBinToPath":true,"openLinksInEditor":true,"maxLogViewerEntries":15000,"showWelcomeMessageInTools":true,"fontSize":10,"outputMode":"Beside File","captureFunctions":false,"searchUrl":"https://www.google.com/search?q={query}","enableProFeatures":true,"toolsToAutoPatch":["vite","angular","jest","webpack","next.js","nest.js","cypress","http-server","serve","live-server","remix","qwik","hydrogen","serverless","astro","live-server-extension"],"showErrors":true,"showLogsOnlyFromOpenedFiles":false,"showLogsFromLogPointsOnly":false,"showLogsFromMultipleRunningToolsTogether":false,"predictiveLoggingEnabled":true,"allowConsoleLogToTriggerPredictions":true,"showNetworkRequests":true},"allowedHosts":["localhost","","example.cypress.io","hamishs-mbp.lan","","",""],"host":"","forcedStart":false,"startTime":1721898237247}
10:03:57.667 info host starting tools discovery and integration
10:03:57.679 info host looking for tools to patch
10:03:58.695 info host found 7 tool file(s) to patch
10:03:58.696 info host patching /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/bundle5.js
10:03:58.696 info host patching /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-swc-loader.js
10:03:58.696 info host patching /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js
10:03:58.696 info host patching /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/node_modules/jest-runner/build/testWorker.js
10:03:58.697 info host patching /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/node_modules/webpack/lib/WebpackOptionsApply.js
10:03:58.697 info host patching /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/node_modules/webpack/lib/index.js
10:03:58.697 info host patching /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/node_modules/webpack/lib/webpack.js
10:03:58.755 info host Host's startup and patch time: 1508 ms
10:03:58.755 info host completed tools discovery and integration
10:03:58.757 ERR! host uncaught exception: No clients connected
10:03:59.351 info buildHook-76275 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:03:59.352 info buildHook-76275 running tools: jest, next.js
10:03:59.369 info host client connected: buildHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:03:59.373 ERR! host unable to set access and modified time for file /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui/src/components/ui/alertdialog.tsx
10:03:59.384 info buildHook-88771 installing build hook for jest at /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui, node v20.14.0
10:03:59.394 info buildHook-88770 installing build hook for jest at /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui, node v20.14.0
10:03:59.395 info buildHook-88769 installing build hook for jest at /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui, node v20.14.0
10:03:59.403 info buildHook-88771 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:03:59.404 info buildHook-88771 running tools: jest
10:03:59.406 info buildHook-88770 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:03:59.406 info buildHook-88770 running tools: jest
10:03:59.406 info buildHook-88769 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:03:59.406 info buildHook-88769 running tools: jest
10:03:59.408 info buildHook-88771 installing fs interceptor
10:03:59.409 info buildHook-88770 installing fs interceptor
10:03:59.410 info buildHook-88769 installing fs interceptor
10:03:59.409 info buildHook-88772 installing build hook for jest at /users/hamishtaplin/sites/ooooby/ooooby-b2c/web-public-ui, node v20.14.0
10:03:59.417 info buildHook-76275 file processed (stat): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:03:59.417 info buildHook-88772 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:03:59.417 info buildHook-88772 running tools: jest
10:03:59.421 info buildHook-88772 installing fs interceptor
10:03:59.423 info buildHook-76275 file processed (stat): 4 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:03:59.445 info buildHook-76275 file processed (stat): 44 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:03:59.467 info buildHook-76275 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:03:59.476 info buildHook-76275 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:03:59.493 info buildHook-76275 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:03:59.502 info buildHook-76275 file processed (stat): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:03:59.504 info buildHook-76275 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:03:59.504 info buildHook-76275 running tools: jest, next.js
10:03:59.553 info buildHook-88769 file processed (sync): 4 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:00.575 info buildHook-88769 file processed (sync): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:00.584 info buildHook-88770 file processed (sync): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:00.594 info buildHook-88772 file processed (sync): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:00.596 info buildHook-88771 file processed (sync): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:00.913 info host client connected: buildHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:04:01.211 info buildHook-88770 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.246 info buildHook-88771 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.253 info buildHook-88772 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.432 info buildHook-88770 file processed (sync): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.453 info buildHook-88771 file processed (sync): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.474 info buildHook-88769 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.508 info buildHook-88771 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.535 info buildHook-88770 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.593 info buildHook-88769 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.606 info buildHook-88772 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.619 info buildHook-88769 file processed (sync): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.643 info host client connected: buildHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:04:01.644 info host client connected: runtimeHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:04:01.651 info buildHook-88771 file processed (stat): 4 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.665 info buildHook-88771 file processed (stat): 44 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.678 info buildHook-88771 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.680 info buildHook-88771 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:04:01.680 info buildHook-88771 running tools: jest
10:04:01.793 info host client connected: runtimeHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:04:01.905 info buildHook-88769 file processed (stat): 44 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.936 info buildHook-88769 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:01.942 info buildHook-88769 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:04:01.942 info buildHook-88769 running tools: jest
10:04:01.959 info host client connected: buildHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:04:01.960 info host client connected: runtimeHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:04:01.966 info host client connected: runtimeHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:04:01.977 info buildHook-88772 file processed (stat): 4 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:02.060 info buildHook-88772 file processed (stat): 44 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:02.076 info buildHook-88772 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:02.083 info buildHook-88772 file processed (stat): 0 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:02.084 info buildHook-88772 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:04:02.084 info buildHook-88772 running tools: jest
10:04:02.365 info host client connected: buildHook { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 65400 }
10:04:02.422 info buildHook-88770 file processed (stat): 4 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:02.448 info buildHook-88770 file processed (stat): 44 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:02.471 info buildHook-88770 file processed (stat): 6 log points, error handler: false, network logging handler: false
10:04:02.473 info buildHook-88770 allowed tools: vite, angular, jest, webpack, next.js, nest.js, cypress, http-server, serve, live-server, remix, qwik, hydrogen, serverless, astro, live-server-extension, node
10:04:02.473 info buildHook-88770 running tools: jest
smcenlly commented 1 month ago

Just to confirm because you didn't explicitly mention, have you selected one of the options? Until you select an option at least once, the message is expected to continue appearing.

Is it possible that you see the message when opening Console Ninja on remote workspaces for the first time? Please also ensure that you have settings sync enabled in your VS Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/settings-sync.