wallabyjs / ngCliWebpackSample

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Coverage of projects (libraries) with new wallaby.js setup #43

Closed cdcarson closed 5 years ago

cdcarson commented 5 years ago


This is a question.

I'm using VSCode 1.36.1 and Wallaby 1.0.137.

(My example repo is here)

With a clean Angular application plus a library, using the current wallaby.js from this repo, I'm getting the following message in the Wallaby panel:

Specified entry pattern "projects/my-library/src/**/*spec.js" does not match any file.

Is the intention that the wallaby.js in the root directory should take care of running the library tests as well? In that case, shouldn't line 46-51 in wallaby.js read...

   tests: [
      // replace applications.map with projects.map...
      ...projects.map(project => ({
           pattern: project.sourceRoot + specPattern,
           load: false

This works, at least for me. That is, all the app tests and all the project tests run, and the error message goes away. There's a huge upside in not having to configure each project separately. And I don't see a downside, really.

But I just wanted to check first to see whether that is what you intended, or if you can see a downside. Thanks,


smcenlly commented 5 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out. There's no reason we can't load replace applications with projects. As your rightly point out, this will then run tests for libraries and applications.