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jest snapshot extension? #1366

Closed kwonoj closed 6 years ago

kwonoj commented 6 years ago

Issue description or question

I have jest snapshot generated for tsx component, i.e team-add-button-spex.tsx.snap by running jest --updatesnatshot, and recently wallaby started to create team-add-button-spec.ts.snap aside of those snapshots, while component hasn't changed / extension is still tsx. Is there any changes requires configuration to match snapshot extension?

I could see wallaby added those files while running.

​​​​​[Info]​​​​​ Thu, 26 Oct 2017 05:09:46 GMT wallaby:workers Sandbox [7wqwd] is responsive, closing it
​​​​​[Info]​​​​​ Thu, 26 Oct 2017 05:09:46 GMT wallaby:fs File added: spec/jest/renderer/components/__snapshots__/title-bar-buttons-container-spec.ts.snap
​​​​​[Info]​​​​​ Thu, 26 Oct 2017 05:09:46 GMT wallaby:project Test run is not cancelled because cancel requester does not have enough priority to cancel the run

Wallaby.js configuration file

// paste your config here

Code editor or IDE name and version

Visual Studio Code v1.? WebStorm v? IntelliJ IDEA v? Atom v1.? Visual Studio v? Sublime Text v3 build ?

OS name and version

Windows OSX Linux

ArtemGovorov commented 6 years ago

Could you please share your wallaby config file?

kwonoj commented 6 years ago

Oops, sorry.

module.exports = (wallaby) => ({
  files: [
    { pattern: 'spec/jest/**/!(*-spec)', instrument: false, load: true },
    { pattern: 'package.json', instrument: false, load: true }

  tests: [

  env: {
    type: 'node',
    runner: 'node',
    //this'll allow test can determine runner environment
    params: { env: 'wallaby=true' }

  testFramework: 'jest',

  compilers: {
    '**/*.js?(x)': wallaby.compilers.typeScript(),
    '**/*.ts?(x)': wallaby.compilers.typeScript()

  workers: {
    initial: 4,
    regular: 2

  reportConsoleErrorAsError: true,

  lowCoverageThreshold: 50,

  setup: function(w) {
    jestConfig = {
      resetMocks: true,
      resetModules: true,
      setupTestFrameworkScriptFile: './spec/jest/setup.js',
      globals: { __JEST_DEV__: true }

kwonoj commented 6 years ago

and just in case setup.js is

// Initialize `chai-subset` to add partial object matcher to chai
const chai = require('chai');

// Add a window.fetch mock
global.fetch = require('jest-fetch-mock');

// Electron's Node gets to use Chrome's V8,
// meaning that Electron's JavaScript features are usually a little
// bit ahead of what's available in Node.
// Todo: Remove when Node 8 becomes stable
ArtemGovorov commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Could you please also share your tsconfig.json file?

kwonoj commented 6 years ago


  "compilerOptions": {
    "removeComments": false,
    "preserveConstEnums": true,
    "sourceMap": true,
    "allowJs": true,
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "noImplicitReturns": true,
    "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true,
    "noUnusedLocals": true,
    "noImplicitThis": true,
    "noUnusedParameters": true,
    "importHelpers": true,
    "noEmitHelpers": true,
    "module": "commonjs",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "target": "es2016",
    "jsx": "react",
    "outDir": ".tmp/build",
    "lib": [
    "typeRoots": [
  "include": [
  "formatCodeOptions": {
    "indentSize": 2,
    "tabSize": 2
ArtemGovorov commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Could you please clone and try this simple repo https://github.com/wallabyjs/wallaby-jest-snapshots, try editing the src/component.spec.tsx file to see if wallaby creates src/__tests__/__snapshots__/component.spec.ts.snap next to the existing src/__tests__/__snapshots__/component.spec.tsx.snap file?

kwonoj commented 6 years ago

with repo provided, it's not reproducible. in my repo, it even doesn't need to edit component (tsx) file - as soon as I start wallaby, those files are generated. I haven't touch specific component / wallaby config / jest version all for a while, nothing's really changed.

kwonoj commented 6 years ago

And for fyi, just took diff between previous tsx.snap snapshot to newly created ts.snap, it is identical.

ArtemGovorov commented 6 years ago

Hmm, it's interesting.

and recently wallaby started to create team-add-button-spec.ts.snap aside of those snapshots,

Could you please double check if the created file is team-add-button-spec.ts.snap or team-add-button-spec.js.snap (...ts.snap vs ...js.snap)?

Is this an OSS project? If yes, could you please share a link, if not, could you please share package.json and package-lock/yarn.lock file?

kwonoj commented 6 years ago

image I'm 100% sure it's ts.snap and tsx component. Unfortunately, it is corp private repo so I can't share full package.json, let me try out redact few details.

kwonoj commented 6 years ago


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ArtemGovorov commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the provided details! The issue is fixed and the fix is published in the latest core v1.0.509.