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Repository for Wallaby.js questions and issues
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Not all tests are executed #2218

Closed MartineFrancken closed 4 years ago

MartineFrancken commented 4 years ago

Issue description or question

Since recently not all our tests are run after starting Wallaby.js, resulting in a significantly lower test coverage and files shown as completely not tested while all tests should be available.

Total of tests is currently 671, tests executed this run was equal to 635 (differs per run)

Wallaby diagnostics report

{ editorVersion: 'WebStorm 2019.2.2',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.140',
  editorType: 'IntelliJ',
  osVersion: 'darwin 19.0.0',
  nodeVersion: 'v10.15.3',
  coreVersion: '1.0.752',
   { files:
      [ { pattern: 'src/**/*.+(ts|css|less|scss|sass|styl|html|json|svg)', load: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, instrument: true, order: 1 },
        { pattern: 'src/**/*.d.ts', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, instrument: true },
        { pattern: 'src/**/*spec.ts', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, instrument: true } ],
     tests: [ { pattern: 'src/**/*spec.ts', load: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, test: true, order: 2 }, { pattern: 'src/**/*e2e-spec.ts', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true } ],
     testFramework: { version: 'jasmine@3.4.0', configurator: 'jasmine@2.1.3', reporter: 'jasmine@2.1.3', starter: 'jasmine@2.1.3' },
     compilers: { '**/*.?(lit)coffee?(.md)': [Function] },
     env: { kind: 'chrome', type: 'browser', params: {}, viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 }, options: { width: 800, height: 600 }, bundle: true },
     debug: true,
     filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [ 'src/**/*mock.ts', 'src/environments/*.ts', 'src/test.ts', 'src/main.ts' ],
      { ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage/',
        ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
        commentAutoLog: '?',
        testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' } },
     runAllTestsInAffectedTestFile: false,
     preprocessors: {},
     maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
     autoConsoleLog: true,
     delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
     workers: { initial: 0, regular: 0, recycle: false },
     teardown: undefined,
     automaticTestFileSelection: true,
     runSelectedTestsOnly: false,
     extensions: {},
     reportUnhandledPromises: false,
     throwOnBeforeUnload: true,
     slowTestThreshold: 75,
     lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
     loose: undefined,
      'var wallabyWebpack = require(\'wallaby-webpack\');\nvar path = require(\'path\');\n\nvar compilerOptions = Object.assign(\n    require(\'./tsconfig.json\').compilerOptions,\n    require(\'./src/tsconfig.spec.json\').compilerOptions);\n\ncompilerOptions.module = \'CommonJs\';\n\nmodule.exports = function (wallaby) {\n\n    var webpackPostprocessor = wallabyWebpack({\n        entryPatterns: [\n            \'src/wallabyTest.js\',\n            \'src/**/*spec.js\'\n        ],\n\n        module: {\n            rules: [\n                {test: /\\.css$/, loader: [\'raw-loader\']},\n                {test: /\\.html$/, loader: \'raw-loader\'},\n                {\n                    test: /\\.ts$/,\n                    loader: \'@ngtools/webpack\',\n                    include: /node_modules/,\n                    query: {tsConfigPath: \'tsconfig.json\'}\n                },\n                {test: /\\.js$/, loader: \'angular2-template-loader\', exclude: /node_modules/},\n                {test: /\\.styl$/, loaders: [\'raw-loader\', \'stylus-loader\']},\n                {test: /\\.less$/, loaders: [\'raw-loader\', {loader: \'less-loader\', options: {paths: [__dirname]}}]},\n                {test: /\\.scss$|\\.sass$/, loaders: [\'raw-loader\', \'sass-loader\']},\n                {test: /\\.(jpg|png|svg)$/, loader: \'url-loader?limit=128000\'}\n            ]\n        },\n\n        resolve: {\n            extensions: [\'.js\', \'.ts\'],\n            modules: [\n                path.join(wallaby.projectCacheDir, \'src/app\'),\n                path.join(wallaby.projectCacheDir, \'src\'),\n                \'node_modules\'\n            ]\n        },\n        node: {\n            fs: \'empty\',\n            net: \'empty\',\n            tls: \'empty\',\n            dns: \'empty\'\n        }\n    });\n\n    return {\n        files: [\n            {pattern: \'src/**/*.+(ts|css|less|scss|sass|styl|html|json|svg)\', load: false},\n            {pattern: \'src/**/*.d.ts\', ignore: true},\n            {pattern: \'src/**/*spec.ts\', ignore: true}\n        ],\n\n        tests: [\n            {pattern: \'src/**/*spec.ts\', load: false},\n            {pattern: \'src/**/*e2e-spec.ts\', ignore: true}\n        ],\n\n        testFramework: \'jasmine\',\n\n        compilers: {\n            \'**/*.ts\': wallaby.compilers.typeScript(compilerOptions)\n        },\n\n        middleware: function (app, express) {\n            var path = require(\'path\');\n            app.use(\'/favicon.ico\', express.static(path.join(__dirname, \'src/favicon.ico\')));\n            app.use(\'/assets\', express.static(path.join(__dirname, \'src/assets\')));\n        },\n\n        env: {\n            kind: \'chrome\'\n        },\n\n        postprocessor: webpackPostprocessor,\n\n        setup: function () {\n            window.__moduleBundler.loadTests();\n        },\n\n        debug: true,\n\n        filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [\'src/**/*mock.ts\', \'src/environments/*.ts\', \'src/test.ts\', \'src/main.ts\'],\n        hints: {\n            ignoreCoverage: /ignore coverage/\n        }\n    };\n};\n' },
   { dependencies:
      { '@angular/animations': '^8.1.3',
        '@angular/cdk': '^8.1.1',
        '@angular/common': '^8.1.3',
        '@angular/core': '^8.1.3',
        '@angular/forms': '^8.1.3',
        '@angular/material': '^8.1.1',
        '@angular/material-moment-adapter': '^8.1.1',
        '@angular/platform-browser': '^8.1.3',
        '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': '^8.1.3',
        '@angular/router': '^8.1.3',
        '@ionic-native/camera': '^5.10.0',
        '@ionic-native/core': '^5.8.0',
        '@ionic-native/device': '^5.11.0',
        '@ionic-native/ms-adal': '^5.8.0',
        '@ionic-native/network': '^5.10.0',
        '@ionic-native/pro': '^5.8.0',
        '@ionic-native/splash-screen': '^5.8.0',
        '@ionic-native/sqlite': '^5.11.0',
        '@ionic-native/status-bar': '^5.8.0',
        '@ionic/angular': '^4.7.0',
        '@ngx-translate/core': '^11.0.1',
        '@ngx-translate/http-loader': '^4.0.0',
        '@types/md5': '^2.1.33',
        'adal-angular': '^1.0.17',
        'adal-angular4': '^3.0.16',
        'ambu-suite-components': '^1.6.1-rc.1',
        'cordova-android': '7.1.2',
        'cordova-ios': '^4.5.5',
        'cordova-plugin-camera': '4.1.0',
        'cordova-plugin-device': '^2.0.2',
        'cordova-plugin-inappbrowser': '^1.5.0',
        'cordova-plugin-ionic': '5.4.4',
        'cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard': '^2.1.3',
        'cordova-plugin-ionic-webview': '4.1.1',
        'cordova-plugin-ms-azure-mobile-apps': '^2.0.2',
        'cordova-plugin-network-information': '^2.0.2',
        'cordova-plugin-splashscreen': '5.0.3',
        'cordova-plugin-statusbar': '^2.4.2',
        'cordova-plugin-whitelist': '^1.3.3',
        'cordova-sqlite-storage': '3.2.1',
        'core-js': '^2.6.3',
        d3: '^5.10.0',
        'guid-typescript': '^1.0.9',
        'ionic-selectable': '^4.4.1',
        ionicons: '^4.5.8',
        'jasmine-marbles': '^0.6.0',
        md5: '^2.2.1',
        moment: '^2.24.0',
        'moment-timezone': '^0.5.25',
        prettier: '^1.18.2',
        rxjs: '^6.5.2',
        stream: '0.0.2',
        tslib: '^1.10.0',
        update: '^0.7.4',
        'zone.js': '~0.9.1' },
      { '@angular-devkit/architect': '^0.801.2',
        '@angular-devkit/build-angular': '~0.801.2',
        '@angular-devkit/build-ng-packagr': '~0.801.2',
        '@angular-devkit/core': '^8.1.2',
        '@angular-devkit/schematics': '^8.1.2',
        '@angular/cli': '^8.1.2',
        '@angular/compiler': '^8.1.3',
        '@angular/compiler-cli': '^8.1.3',
        '@angular/language-service': '^8.1.3',
        '@ionic/angular-toolkit': '^2.0.0',
        '@ionic/app-scripts': '^3.2.3',
        '@types/jasmine': '^3.4.0',
        '@types/jasminewd2': '^2.0.6',
        '@types/node': '^10.12.18',
        'angular2-template-loader': '^0.6.2',
        codelyzer: '^5.0.1',
        'cordova-set-version': '^8.0.1',
        'jasmine-core': '^3.4.0',
        'jasmine-spec-reporter': '~4.2.1',
        karma: '^4.2.0',
        'karma-chrome-launcher': '^3.1.0',
        'karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter': '^2.1.0',
        'karma-jasmine': '^2.0.1',
        'karma-jasmine-html-reporter': '^1.4.2',
        'ng-packagr': '^5.1.0',
        'pretty-quick': '^1.10.0',
        protractor: '^5.4.2',
        'ts-node': '~7.0.0',
        tsickle: '^0.35.0',
        tslint: '^5.17.0',
        'tslint-config-prettier': '^1.18.0',
        typescript: '3.4.5',
        'url-loader': '^1.1.2',
        'wallaby-webpack': '^3.9.15' } },
  fs: { numberOfFiles: 299 },
   [ '2019-09-24T12:35:27.721Z project Wallaby Node version: v10.15.3\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:27.722Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/Ontwikkelen/projecten/ambu-forms-app/wallaby.js\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:28.463Z project File cache: <homeDir>/Library/Caches/WebStorm2019.2/wallaby/projects/ac437631757b58a6\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:28.471Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:28.473Z project package.json file change detected, invalidating local cache\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.227Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 6, for regular run: 3\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.227Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.228Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.228Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.228Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.228Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.228Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.231Z workers Web server is listening at 56427\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.248Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.460Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.503Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.504Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.504Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.504Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.505Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.505Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.505Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.505Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.506Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.525Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.525Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.525Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.526Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.526Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.526Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.526Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.527Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.527Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.527Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.528Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.528Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.528Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.529Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.529Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.529Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.529Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.530Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.530Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.530Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.530Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.530Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.531Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.531Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.531Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.531Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.534Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.538Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.545Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.545Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.546Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.546Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.547Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.547Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.547Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.548Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.548Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.549Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.549Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.549Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.549Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.550Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.550Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.550Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.551Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.551Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.552Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.553Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.554Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.554Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.554Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.554Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.555Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.555Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.555Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.555Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.556Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.556Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.556Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.556Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.556Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.557Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.557Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.557Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.557Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.557Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.558Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.558Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.558Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.558Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.559Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.559Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.559Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.562Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.563Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.563Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.574Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.574Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.576Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.576Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.576Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.576Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.577Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.577Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.577Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.577Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.578Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.578Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.584Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.587Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.589Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.590Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.593Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.593Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.594Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.594Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.599Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.604Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.606Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.608Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.608Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.609Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.609Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.609Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.610Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.610Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.617Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.617Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.617Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.618Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.618Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.619Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.619Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.619Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.621Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.621Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.621Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.622Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.622Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.623Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.623Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.629Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.631Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.632Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.632Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.633Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.633Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.633Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.634Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.634Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.634Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.634Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.635Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.635Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.635Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.636Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.636Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.637Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.637Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.637Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.638Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.638Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.638Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.638Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.639Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.639Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.639Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.639Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.640Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.640Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.640Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.640Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.640Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.641Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.641Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.641Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.641Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.642Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.642Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.642Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.643Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.643Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.643Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.643Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.643Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.644Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.644Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.644Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.644Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.645Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.645Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.647Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.647Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.648Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.648Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.649Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.649Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.649Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.649Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.649Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.650Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.650Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.650Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.650Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.651Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.651Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.651Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.652Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.652Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.653Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.654Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.654Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.654Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.655Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.655Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.655Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.692Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.692Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.693Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.693Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.693Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.693Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.694Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.694Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.694Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.694Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.695Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.695Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.695Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.695Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.696Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.696Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.696Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.696Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.697Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.697Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.697Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.697Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.697Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.698Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.698Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.698Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.699Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.700Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.701Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.701Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.702Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.702Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.702Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.703Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.703Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.703Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.703Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.704Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.704Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.704Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.705Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.705Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.705Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.705Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.706Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.706Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.706Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.706Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.706Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.707Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.707Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.707Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.707Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.707Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.707Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.708Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.708Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.708Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.708Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.708Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.708Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.709Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.709Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.709Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.709Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.709Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.709Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.710Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.710Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.710Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.710Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.710Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.711Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.711Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.711Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.711Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.784Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.784Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #1\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.784Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.784Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #3\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.784Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #4\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:35.784Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #5\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.340Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.341Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.342Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.342Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.343Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.343Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.343Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.344Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.348Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.348Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.349Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.349Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.349Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.349Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.349Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.349Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.349Z project Starting processor pool (if not yet started)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.387Z project Stopping process pool\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.389Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:37.406Z postprocessor New TypeScript language service is required\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:46.977Z postprocessor New compiler created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:47.100Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:55.529Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.085Z postprocessor Emitting 1453 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.494Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.494Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.495Z project Running all tests\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.548Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.548Z workers Distributing tests between 6 workers\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.549Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.550Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #h0a1g]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.550Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #240do]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.550Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #9b3bn]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.550Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #ndktk]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.550Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #dd989]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.550Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #fn8zv]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.551Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #h0a1g]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.553Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 11\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.555Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #h0a1g]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.555Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #240do]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.556Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 12\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.557Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #1, session #240do]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox1.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.557Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #9b3bn]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.558Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 12\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.560Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #2, session #9b3bn]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox2.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.560Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #ndktk]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.561Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 11\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.563Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #3, session #ndktk]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox3.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.563Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #dd989]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.563Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 12\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.565Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #4, session #dd989]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox4.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.565Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #fn8zv]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.565Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 12\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.566Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #5, session #fn8zv]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox5.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.567Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #h0a1g]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.567Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #240do]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.567Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #9b3bn]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.567Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #ndktk]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.567Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #dd989]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.567Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #fn8zv]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.567Z workers [worker #0, session #h0a1g] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.569Z workers [worker #1, session #240do] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.569Z workers [worker #2, session #9b3bn] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.569Z workers [worker #3, session #ndktk] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.569Z workers [worker #4, session #dd989] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:56.569Z workers [worker #5, session #fn8zv] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.470Z workers [240do] Loaded 109 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.519Z workers [fn8zv] Loaded 104 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.545Z workers [dd989] Loaded 116 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.580Z workers [h0a1g] Loaded 140 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.595Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should get from local storage\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.595Z workers [ndktk] Loaded 116 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.621Z workers [9b3bn] Loaded 86 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.634Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should transform date to correct format\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.638Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should logout on error 401\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.638Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should store to local storage\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.650Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should transform moment date to correct format\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.652Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should login user with cordovaLogin\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.660Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should handle an error\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.663Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should take a picture\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.665Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should not be able to transform a null value\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.668Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return the default copy text when no copy text is specified\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.673Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return user token\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.691Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.700Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should login user through web\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.718Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should correctly handle empty or null regions\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.726Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear user info on logout\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.757Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should execute post request\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.757Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should detect same remote trip from different device\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.761Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.767Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should process regions\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.781Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should load remote trips\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.785Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should execute get request\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.798Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.801Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should process regions and set language\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.804Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should store remoteTrip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.804Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should execute delete request\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.820Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.827Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should detect newer local trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.831Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should return requestHeaders\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.840Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should navigate user to login when remote logged out\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.850Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should return when remote trip is null\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.851Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set disabled state\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.856Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should execute get from national api request\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.859Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should remove all synchronized images\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.868Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return the default copy text when no copy text is specified\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.876Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should call post for sign in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.876Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: trip should fail on error\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.880Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.887Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should remove all login data (minus device id)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.904Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should initialize when online\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.930Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should react on store changes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.932Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should call post for refresh\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.955Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should clear base data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.979Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: synchronizer should return when offline, already processing or up-to-date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.982Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should clear login object on sign out\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.987Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should remove synchronized trips\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:58.991Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should write value of medication\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.006Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.019Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set features correct on select region\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.038Z workers [240do] Test executed: should copy an address\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.038Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should resume partial base data load\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.041Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should be an implementation of StorageServiceSQLite\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.058Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should subscribe to onNetworkConnected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.059Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should not call save when there are new pending changes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.063Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should signal listeners when updated data available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.073Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set medication\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.088Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should contain login object\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.089Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should clear dirty flag when no new changes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.089Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should signal listeners when new data available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.095Z workers [240do] Test executed: should clear the address field\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.111Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should return when hospital or region already loaded\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.121Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.132Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should call upgrade for each trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.155Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should execute when removeFromStore is called\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.177Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should create all the tables on initialization\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.228Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should only add to supported stores\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.234Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should call loginRefresh when network is connected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.248Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should call execute on clearStore\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.253Z workers [240do] Test executed: should reset pickup location address on clear\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.260Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return arrival patient exceeds when urgency is A1, total time more than 15 minutes and diff between dispatch and arrival less than 12 minutes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.262Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should create a new item in the synchronization log\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.268Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should signal listeners when new data available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.288Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should reject when storeName does not exist\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.293Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set drivers correct on select region\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.293Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should continue loading after partial load\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.325Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should be an implementation of StorageServiceSQLite\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.325Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.338Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return isNetherlands true when countryCode is nl\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.343Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should call removeUserData when user signs out\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.382Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should go to trip overview when user is already logged into vehicle\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.407Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should call mergeConclict when conflicting versions\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.417Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return isNetherlands true when no countryCode\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.439Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set driver when already logged in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.440Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should call overwrite when taking ownership of remote trips\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.460Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return isBelgium false when countryCode is not be\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.463Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should detect same trips\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.465Z workers [240do] Test executed: should add and open new assessment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.471Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return dispatch exceeds when urgency is A1 and total time less than 15 minutes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.484Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show alert when current user is forced to logoff\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.487Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should reset baseDataFlags and call storageService\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.512Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should remove local trip when other users dirty trip was synchronized\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.512Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return isNetherlands false when countryCode is not nl\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.536Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return isBelgium true when countryCode is be\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.541Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should not reload base data on reconnect\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.562Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set disabled state\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.564Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should call removeUserData when user signs out\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.575Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show load indicator and subscribe refresh\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.589Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should return immediately when no gmsData is available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.608Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.610Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should call save trip when closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.627Z workers [240do] Test executed: should open assessment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.635Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return isBelgium false when no countryCode\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.645Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: no more calls when offline\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.652Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return new GmsTimesModel when gmsTimes is null\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.657Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set diagnosis\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.657Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set single region\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.669Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should keep updated remote version of trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.678Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return country code for region number\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.682Z workers [240do] Test executed: should load assessment on url change on navigation end\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.693Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should retry load on trip on error while still online\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.697Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should call post for force sign in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.724Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should clear trip country code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.738Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should write value of diagnosis if diagnosis is empty\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.742Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should start job to check every 10 sec if vehicle still available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.748Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should immediately retry when new version available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.769Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return correct country code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.773Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should not store remoteTrip, where there is a local trip and identical hashes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.777Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not do anything when url does not contain assessments\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.796Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should remain offline when connection type indicates offline\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.820Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should recreate unowned trips map\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.827Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return dispatch exceeds when urgency is A2, total time more than 20 minutes and dispatch more than 1 minute\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.833Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should call showForceAlert when other AVP is logged in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.844Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should blindly keep closed remote version if local also closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.865Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should not resolve merge if correct user is not signed in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.868Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should create diagnosis on write if not defined\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.874Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return tripCanBeEdited true when trip status is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.891Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.895Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should keep remote closed trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.914Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should eventually come online when initial connection type indicates offline\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.928Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set injury codes based on specialism on specialism change\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.938Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should retry after timeout when still online\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.941Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return tripCanBeEdited false when trip status is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.945Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return arrival patient exceeds when urgency is A2, total time more than 20 minutes and diff between dispatch and arrival more than 17 minute\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:35:59.981Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should detect different remote trip from different device\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.011Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should show alert when no regions present\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.034Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should automatically resolve when direct descendant\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.043Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear specialism and injury codes on specialism change to null\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.045Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.059Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should call remote api when overwrite\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.081Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should retire when offline\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.082Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should only show shift field when shifts are available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.090Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear injury codes and intoxication on change injury codes to no injury codes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.108Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should call all synchronizable stores\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.128Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return new GmsTimesModel when gmsTimes is not null\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.148Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should show popup when remote closed trip overwrites values of current user\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.157Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear injury codes and intoxication on specialism change to specialism without clarificationType\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.177Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should map blobs and trips\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.210Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should synchronize dirty trips\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.229Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return false for showInjuryCodes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.265Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return departure-hospital if arrival hospital time is first unknown time\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.269Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should use the in-memory cache when fields are available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.271Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should not show popup when remote closed trip overwrites values of other user\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.296Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.305Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should subscribe to onDisconnect and onConnect\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.331Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should initialize when in browser\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.349Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return dispatch-arrival if arrival patient time is first unknown time\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.354Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should clear store when flag is set\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.357Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return false for showIntoxication\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.394Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should only synchronize new attachments\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.437Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should update processing status accordingly\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.449Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return true for showIntoxication\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.464Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should synchronize trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.489Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should not call mergeConclict when other error\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.495Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should only show post field when posts are available when posts are not mandatory\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.512Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set internal injury codes on write value diagnosis\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.513Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return true if trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.514Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should retry on failure of endpoints\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.519Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return dispatch exceeds when urgency is A2, total time more than 20 minutes and dispatch less than 1 minute\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.524Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return other employer true when selected employer is other\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.538Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should handle empty storage\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.557Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: blob should fail on error\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.564Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set internal specialism and injury code options on write value diagnosis\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.580Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should not react on own store changes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.615Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should filter specialism which are already selected as differential from specialism options\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.622Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return dispatch exceeds when urgency is A2 and total time less than 20 minutes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.696Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should show post field when posts are mandatory even when there are not posts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.727Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear intoxication on change injury codes to injury codes without clarificationType\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.760Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return arrival-departure if departure patient time is first unknown time\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.765Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return true for showInjuryCodes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.840Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should set single region on ion view will enter\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.877Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load intoxication options on change to injury codes with clarification type\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.893Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should return true if trip is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.899Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return requires clarification false when none of the selected values has not the requiresTextualClarification flag\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.920Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return dispatch exceeds when urgency is not A1 or A2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.938Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should get specialism options\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.974Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return false if trip is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.995Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should not show post field when posts are not mandatory and posts are not available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:00.996Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should be able to load specialism options when no diagnosis is set\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.070Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.081Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should ignore focus when disabled\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.160Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should return name of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.168Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should clear clarification text field if new select value does not require clarification\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.187Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set the default mask\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.220Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open trip overview on click continue\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.221Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should show the value when focused\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.245Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should create note model if not available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.289Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should show the masked value\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.289Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should return false if trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.322Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should unfocus on disable\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.352Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should show masked value when losing focus\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.370Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return arrival patient exceeds when urgency unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.373Z workers [240do] Test executed: should clear impact speed when no energetic trauma\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.376Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should call logout on click changeUser\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.382Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should remove mask when focussed and enabled\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.412Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should should handle a mask-change while focused\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.429Z workers [fn8zv] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.442Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should update the maxlength accordingly\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.448Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.450Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.451Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.452Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.453Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.453Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.454Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.455Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.473Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.482Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return trip can be edited when trip status is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.498Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should load siwha component on ion view will enter\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.531Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should have 0 editable characters on focus when there are no editable characters\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.559Z workers [fn8zv] Run 68 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.565Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should update the value\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.575Z workers [fn8zv] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.581Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should show post field when posts are not mandatory but posts are available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.604Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return order does not exceed when order is less than 2 minutes later than report\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.770Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return yes label when value is true\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.779Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not clear clarification text field if new select value does require clarification\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.810Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return trip can be edited when trip status is open\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.846Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should show login indicator\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.888Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return all ticks for raster lines\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:01.931Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return arrival patient exceeds when urgency is A2 and total time less than 20 minutes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.040Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should show an error alert on error login\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.106Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return order does not exceed when order time is unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.149Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should load base data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.164Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should add tooltip data to assessment indicators on mouse down\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.183Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not clear impact speed when high energetic trauma\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.183Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return circle open when time is unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.292Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should submit login on click login\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.321Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return arrival patient exceeds when urgency is A1, total time more than 15 minutes and diff between dispatch and arrival more than 12 minutes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.363Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set calculated dimensions on init\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.375Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not load siwha parts when no trip available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.421Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should show post field when posts are mandatory and when there are posts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.428Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not load without trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.493Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return no label when value is false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.507Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set tooltip data on touch move\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.541Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return arrival patient exceeds when urgency is not A1 or A2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.543Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should display user name when user is logged in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.577Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set all input fields to disabled when trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.659Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return circle closed when time is unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.684Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should only show monitor field when monitors are available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.692Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return true if mechanism contains high energetic trauma\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.702Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set tooltip data on mouse move\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.707Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not load siwha parts when not own trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.718Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return arrival patient exceeds when urgency is A2, total time more than 20 minutes and diff between dispatch and arrival less than 17 minute\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.796Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should initially disable login button and enable after selection of values\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.875Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return end if all times are known\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.920Z workers [240do] Test executed: should clear circulation\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.923Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should call showForceAlert when other AVP is logged in and not continue on no force\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.935Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should reset and log on touch cancel\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.938Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create siwha object if not available in trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:02.987Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return dispatch exceeds when dispatch time unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.090Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should not be able to perform login without driver\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.102Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return arrival patient exceeds when urgency is A1 and total time less than 15 minutes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.121Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should reset tooltip data on mouse leave\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.198Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should clear address on select other\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.226Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return order exceeds when order is more than 2 minutes later than report\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.256Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return star lines only when value available for EtCO2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.265Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should display logged off message when no user is logged in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.283Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.327Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return start if report time is unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.355Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should not be able to perform login without region\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.367Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.390Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return blood pressure point for vital\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.408Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return dispatch exceeds when urgency is A1, total time more than 15 minutes and dispatch more than 1 minute\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.508Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should call login on click login\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.543Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return false if mechanism contains no energetic trauma\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.572Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set address on employer change\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.585Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return order-dispatch if dispatch time is first unknown time\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.588Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return star lines for EtCO2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.666Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should set region on select\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.690Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return arrival patient exceeds when arrival time unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.741Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should scale value on blood pressure scale\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.759Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should clear address other then employer when location other than employer is false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.767Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return report-order if order time is first unknown time\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.779Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should force login on alert continue\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.779Z workers [240do] Test executed: should clear trauma fields when non-trauma is selected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.838Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should scale value on raster scale\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.868Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return hospital-release if release time is first unknown time\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.887Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should call route when successfully logged in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.928Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return requires clarification false when selected value has not the requiresTextualClarification flag\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.956Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not return dispatch exceeds when urgency is A1, total time more than 15 minutes and dispatch less than 1 minute\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:03.986Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return polygon points for a triangle for a data point\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.058Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should dismiss alert on cancel\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.104Z workers [240do] Test executed: should set passenger protection options when passenger is selected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.136Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return release-end if end time is first unknown time\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.163Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return requires clarification when one of selected values has the requiresTextualClarification flag\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.169Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should scale value on ETCO2 scale\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.193Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should call modal dismiss on click cancel button\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.271Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should show confirm alert on tap confirm button\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.282Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.290Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return other employer false when selected employer is not other\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.302Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.339Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should display prefix for tripNumber\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.364Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not load base data when no trip is available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.371Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set max length for NL\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.394Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should scale based on scale and accessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.454Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should contain menu item to sign in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.484Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.494Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return requires clarification when selected value has the requiresTextualClarification flag\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.518Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should contain menu item to log off\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.535Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should scale value on respiration scale\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.554Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should contain menu item to sign out\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.565Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show full delivery address correctly whem from gms\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.585Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not clear impact speed when low energetic trauma\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.612Z workers [dd989] Test executed: No delivery address to display when info location is null\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.653Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should format date with d3\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.664Z workers [dd989] Test executed: No pickup address to display when info location is null\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.716Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should append an address\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.725Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should filter trip types for patient not transported\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.727Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show address without houseNumberAddition correctly\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.739Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return polygon points for a diamond for a data point\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.785Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return true if patient is driver\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.790Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show hospital correctly\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.840Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not show hospital when "Overige bestemmingen"\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.871Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return line for data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.902Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show edit button when open trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.909Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should say it needs clarification\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.943Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should scale value on spO2 scale\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.962Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show full pickup address correctly whem from gms\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:04.995Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show full address correctly\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.039Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set all input fields to disabled when trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.042Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return false if incident is null\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.057Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show open button when closed trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.108Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should add tooltip data to assessment indicators on touch end\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.122Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show missing address correctly\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.191Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show gender female(female)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.195Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not set all input fields to disabled when trip is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.199Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should scale value on heart frequency scale\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.225Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show gender female(V)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.229Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should set the triage value when button is clicked\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.278Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show gender male(male)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.328Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return true if mechanism contains fall from height\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.343Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show gender male(M)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.352Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should be able to use accessors\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.441Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should filter trip types for patient transported\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.447Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should scale value on x scale\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.507Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should allow numeric input with maximum length\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.511Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return true if incident has value\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.512Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show no female\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.556Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.565Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should create an instance\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.573Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return true if pickup hospital is selected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.590Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should allow numeric input\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.594Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show accept button when new trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.612Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should allow numeric input with decimal\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.657Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should delete attachment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.688Z workers [240do] Test executed: should clear breathing\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.724Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return correct MUG label\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.742Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should show attachment viewer\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.773Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.824Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create new attachment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.832Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.853Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return false if mechanism does not contain fall from height\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.856Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create new attachment with one present\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.859Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should not load locations when no trip is set\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.890Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not take picture when there are already 4 attachments\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.990Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:05.994Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set total km to 0 if arrival is not available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.044Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return false when no trauma\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.115Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should load locations on enter view\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.136Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set total km to 0 if departure is not available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.202Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not say assessment is empty when it is the last assessment and contains value\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.233Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set all input fields to disabled when trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.238Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not clear inspection when inspection not same as reason\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.247Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should clear higwaynumber\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.264Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should set the default address\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.325Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.412Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should create location model if not provided in trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.475Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return true if mechanism contains low energetic trauma\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.508Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not load without trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.575Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should copy address of selected pickup hospital to location\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.655Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should set min and max time available correct\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.667Z workers [240do] Test executed: should set driver protection options when driver is selected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.685Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return false if no pickup hospital is selected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.712Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should return yes label when value is true\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.741Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should clear application present on applicant change to false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.806Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return correct mug label\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.831Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not clear medication when administered\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.839Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return false if patient is no driver or passenger\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.891Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should clear additional resources on additional resources change to false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.978Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return correct highway label\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.994Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should calculate km if arrival and departure are available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:06.995Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return true if patient is passenger\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.070Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.100Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not update correct sync object\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.111Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should be able handle missing date of birth\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.114Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return postal code invalid is true if incorrect Belgium postal code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.132Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not be bothered by extra fields\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.145Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should correctly show popup when mka address\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.149Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return editable is true if trip is new\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.163Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return postal code invalid is false if correct Belgium postal code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.180Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return name of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.181Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return postal code invalid is true if incorrect Dutch postal code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.195Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should be able to generate a name when all elements are present\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.211Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not fail on an undefined address\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.224Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should reset values on change intervention type to primary intervention\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.230Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return postal code invalid is false if correct Dutch postal code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.249Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not fail on an null address\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.265Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return foreign address is true if country is not set\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.287Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should be able discard prefix if only element\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.302Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return true when an empty AddressModel is passed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.319Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not be fooled by a field containing only space characters\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.335Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should be able to handle a last name with prefix\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.342Z workers [240do] Test executed: should clear falling height \n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.353Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should update empty sync object\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.358Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not say assessment is empty when it is the last assessment and contains value in airway\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.369Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should be able to handle a last name without prefix\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.376Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should correctly determine if there is mka pick address\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.385Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should be able to handle a single first name\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.399Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return editable is false if trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.412Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return true when a field contains valid data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.430Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should update missing sync object\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.444Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not fail on undefined or null fields\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.445Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should return true if trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.460Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should be able to generate an empty name\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.460Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should clear values on change transported to false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.473Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not clear falling height when fall from height\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.479Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return editable is true if trip is in progress\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.493Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return foreign address is true if country is Netherlands\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.509Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should be able to handle undefined patientDataModel\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.527Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return null when trip date is not available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.542Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return age of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.557Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return true if other hospital is selected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.558Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return postal code invalid is false if no country selected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.572Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should return foreign address is false if country is Belgium\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.588Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should not be fooled by a random object with defined fields\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.603Z workers [dd989] Test executed: should update old sync object\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.626Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should clear values on change transported to true\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.669Z workers [dd989] Run 116 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.670Z workers [dd989] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.686Z workers [240do] Test executed: should call tripService.getGmsPatient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.754Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return false if intervention locations are unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.761Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not load emv options when no trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.830Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should return false if trip is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.843Z workers [240do] Test executed: should load baseData\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.851Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should reset values on change intervention type to inter hospital transport\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.934Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should clear sub trip type on change trip type\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:07.938Z workers [240do] Test executed: should clear inspection when inspection same as reason\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.010Z workers [240do] Test executed: should ignore changes to trip store from TripService\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.046Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set countryCode on change hospital to other\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.066Z workers [240do] Test executed: should mark current trip as updated\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.109Z workers [240do] Test executed: should save current trip when updated\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.127Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should be able to handle invalid birth date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.130Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear medication when not administered\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.145Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should correctly not show popup when no mka address\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.160Z workers [240do] Test executed: should get progress of mandatory fields\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.190Z workers [240do] Test executed: should reload trips when change event is triggered\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.218Z workers [240do] Test executed: should convert patient to patients\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.247Z workers [240do] Test executed: should get correct patient from trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.254Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should clear address on change hospital\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.274Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create a new trip from gms trip when available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.311Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not save when there was no actual change\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.340Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return correct part of assessment for patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.368Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return false if not a other hospital is selected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.370Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create a new trip with all incident fields\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.398Z workers [240do] Test executed: should recognize existing trip with empty sync object as non-existent\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.406Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should default to false for all features\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.410Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should correctly show popup when mka patient (female)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.423Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not save current trip when not updated\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.447Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should filter hospitals for trip date and country code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.459Z workers [240do] Test executed: should get correct patient from gmsTrip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.472Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should filter countries for trip date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.492Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return true when anything is loaded\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.505Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create a new trip without driver\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.514Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should call the generic filter on trip date function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.523Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load emv options between 1 and 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.537Z workers [240do] Test executed: should close trip on closeCurrentTrip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.538Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return filtered base data on trip date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.559Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return empty array when no values for base data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.569Z workers [240do] Test executed: should update other trip with gms data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.582Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should filter hospitals for trip date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.599Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not return a patient when gmsTrip does not contain any patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.607Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should load all trip types\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.621Z workers [240do] Test executed: should give current trips with getTrips\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.629Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should load all hospitals\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.655Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set empty array when no medicines available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.656Z workers [240do] Test executed: should get number of mandatory fields\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.677Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should filter trip types for trip date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.689Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not return a patient when trip does not contain any patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.705Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should handle no hospitals\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.720Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return part of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.723Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should load all medicines\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.730Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should correctly not show popup when no mka patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.747Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should load all countries\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.749Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not reload trip if current trip not set\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.768Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.778Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create a new trip without driver\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.789Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should start load of all select options\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.804Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not return part of patient when trip does not contain any patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.812Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should load all baseData\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.839Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return baseData\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.839Z workers [240do] Test executed: should reload trip if current trip changed externally\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.863Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should filter medicines for trip date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.869Z workers [240do] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.881Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return empty list when no base data is known\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.896Z workers [240do] Test executed: should react to gms trip changes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.908Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return filtered base data on today when trip date unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.916Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should add medication when no medication is available on administered change\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.925Z workers [240do] Test executed: should update current trip with gms data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:08.964Z workers [240do] Test executed: should call post for load Gms trips in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.002Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not return assessment if no patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.037Z workers [240do] Test executed: should call post for loadtrips in\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.063Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return sub part of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.093Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return correct assessment for patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.093Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should correctly show popup when mka patient (male)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.124Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not return assessment if patient index incorrect\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.149Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create assessment if assessment does not exist\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.202Z workers [240do] Test executed: should be able to set a selected value\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.232Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.256Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set to null on selection invalid date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.275Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set PTS to 0 when calculated PTS is negative\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.287Z workers [240do] Test executed: should add siwha tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.310Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should be able to able to calculate a valid age from string\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.327Z workers [240do] Test executed: should remove objective tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.363Z workers [240do] Test executed: should get full name of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.399Z workers [240do] Test executed: should remove siwha tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.467Z workers [240do] Test executed: should show close modal\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.506Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should reset date-time to null when date is invalid\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.535Z workers [240do] Test executed: should not return a name when no patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.572Z workers [240do] Test executed: should add Times tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.598Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should return no label when value is false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.608Z workers [240do] Test executed: should add Note tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.639Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear connected fields of Airway when no procedures are performed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.650Z workers [240do] Test executed: should close trip on closeTrip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.696Z workers [240do] Test executed: should add a new patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.696Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return min date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.696Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.744Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.780Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open alert on remove patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.790Z workers [240do] Test executed: should remove Times tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.817Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should give back a correct name\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.843Z workers [240do] Test executed: should open tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.853Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.876Z workers [240do] Test executed: should add objective tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.889Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open all sbar tabs\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.911Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return guid from memory\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.925Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should remove patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.931Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return guid from local storage\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.943Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should pickup up an external change\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.953Z workers [240do] Test executed: should be created\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.964Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open assessment tab with correct sub part\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.972Z workers [240do] Test executed: should generate a new guid and store it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.992Z workers [240do] Test executed: should be an implementation of DeviceServiceWeb\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:09.997Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should say assessment is not empty when it is not the last assessment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.002Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open alert on close trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.012Z workers [240do] Test executed: should be an implementation of DeviceServiceCordova\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.031Z workers [240do] Test executed: should get uuid from device\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.045Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should not return a name when not available\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.060Z workers [240do] Test executed: should call the callback function when new data arrives\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.075Z workers [240do] Test executed: should do an initial call to the store\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.079Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should only allow remove patient when there are multiple patients\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.111Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open assessment tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.120Z workers [240do] Test executed: should close force login modal\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.131Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should handle switching from enabled to disabled\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.144Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open a tab only once\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.153Z workers [240do] Test executed: should return other user first name\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.184Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should return no age of patient if date of birth is unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.190Z workers [240do] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.233Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should return correct age of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.258Z workers [240do] Run 109 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.260Z workers [240do] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.292Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should close all tabs of sbar when one of them is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.311Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load emv options above 13 when age unknown\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.327Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.334Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should be able to clear the set date-time\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.363Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should load correct tab link for assessment (always last assessment)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.397Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should not change tab link when no assessment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.431Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should close tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.467Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should give back a correct name\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.506Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should tabSelected for assessment tab\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.511Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should be able to set the time to now\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.545Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear infusion when not administered\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.551Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.584Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should map images\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.614Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should show alert when deleting attachment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.643Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should close modal\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.644Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should show clear button as disabled when no time set\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.694Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open menu\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.728Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should show back button on trip page\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.759Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should contain vehicle name\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.781Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should show clear button as enabled when time is set\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.788Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should navigate to trip overview\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.800Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should calculate pts on change length\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.820Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should open menu from function\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.854Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should contain name user\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.886Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should show logo on tripoverview\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.920Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should call check route on url change\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.949Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.958Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set only year month and date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:10.985Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should contain logo app\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.013Z workers [9b3bn] Test executed: should create an instance\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.073Z workers [9b3bn] Run 86 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.074Z workers [9b3bn] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.102Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load all assessment parts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.127Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.243Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should set only hour and minutes\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.289Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not clear infusion when administered\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.366Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: do set null on write value empty\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.465Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not say assessment is empty when it is the last assessment and contains value in breathing\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.475Z workers [ndktk] Test executed: should return max date\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.550Z workers [ndktk] Run 116 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.552Z workers [ndktk] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.635Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not clear emv on change  do calculate gcs to true\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.799Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear connected fields of Breathing when procedures are not performed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:11.979Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return tripCanBeEdited true when trip status is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:12.188Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should say assessment is not empty when it is the only assessment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:12.367Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return correct yes no label\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:12.547Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load emv options between 2 and 5\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:12.722Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not clear connected fields of Airway when procedures are performed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:12.879Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should calculate PTS when weight less than 10\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:13.039Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not clear connected fields of Breathing when procedures are performed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:13.195Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:13.345Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not load base data when no trip\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:13.489Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load emv options between 5 and 13\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:13.649Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load all base data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:13.801Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return age of patient is under 13 false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:13.946Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear connected fields of Circulation when procedures are not performed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:14.104Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear emv on change  do calculate gcs to false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:14.247Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should say assessment is empty when it is the last assessment and is empty\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:14.390Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return age of patient is under 13 false when no date of birth\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:14.538Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not clear connected fields of Circulation when procedures are performed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:14.684Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return age of patient is under 13\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:14.836Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should add new medication\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:14.983Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear pts on clear of pts part\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:15.141Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load emv options above 13\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:15.300Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should set maximal emv\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:15.458Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return correct performed label\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:15.652Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return correct conducted label\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:15.801Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear FAST fields on change fast to false\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:15.947Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return correct administered label\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:16.107Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should calculate PTS when weight more than 20\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:16.259Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not say assessment is empty when it is the last assessment and contains value in circulation\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:16.412Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should calculate gcs on change eye\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:16.553Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should add medication when no infusion is available on administered change\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:16.697Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not say assessment is empty when it is the last assessment and contains value in disability\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:16.830Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not clear FAST fields on change fast to true\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:16.969Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should not say assessment is empty when it is the last assessment and contains value in exposure\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.120Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should say assessment is empty when it is the last assessment and temperature is 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.267Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should clear gcs on change eye to null\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.418Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should return tripCanBeEdited false when trip status is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.560Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should remove assessment\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.616Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should start timeout when not authenticated\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.643Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should create the app\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.667Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should load regions and features\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.702Z workers [h0a1g] Test executed: should initialize the app\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.761Z workers [h0a1g] Run 140 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.762Z workers [h0a1g] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.763Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.793Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.795Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.796Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.798Z project Test name duplicate: should return the default copy text when no copy text is specified\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.799Z project Test name duplicate: should create a new trip without driver\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.805Z project Test name duplicate: should call removeUserData when user signs out\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.805Z project Processed executed tests\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:17.847Z project Processed code coverage\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:36:18.018Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:05.613Z uiService UI client connected\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:05.613Z uiService Outgoing message ui:handshake\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:05.624Z uiService Incoming message ui:start\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:05.624Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:05.630Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:05.649Z uiService Incoming message ui:codeRequested\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:05.657Z uiService Outgoing message ui:code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:05.883Z uiService Incoming message ui:openedInEditor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:45.455Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:45.459Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:45.459Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:45.467Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:45.468Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:45.469Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:45.700Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.033Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.039Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.039Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.040Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.130Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.140Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.140Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.144Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.144Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.144Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.147Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.194Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.197Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.198Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.198Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.325Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.637Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.649Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.660Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.660Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.660Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.701Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.701Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #udpy9]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.701Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #udpy9]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.704Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.707Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #udpy9]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.707Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #udpy9]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.707Z workers [worker #0, session #udpy9] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.902Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.903Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.904Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.904Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.904Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.905Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.906Z workers [udpy9] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.907Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.908Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.908Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.909Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.957Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.958Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:46.958Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.090Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.090Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.090Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.091Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.107Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.289Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.294Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.295Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.295Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.363Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.367Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.369Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.370Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.370Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.370Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.371Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.420Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.431Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.437Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.437Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.619Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.903Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.907Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.908Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.908Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.908Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.909Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.910Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.910Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.910Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.913Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.966Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.967Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:47.967Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.097Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.102Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.102Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.105Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.148Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.325Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.332Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.333Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.333Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.333Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.334Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.334Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.334Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.384Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.388Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.388Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.390Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.390Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.390Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.391Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.412Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.414Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.415Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.418Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.419Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.419Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.526Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.868Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.868Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.868Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.869Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.921Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.924Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.924Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.926Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.926Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.926Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.927Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.949Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.949Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.949Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.951Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.951Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:48.952Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.032Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.241Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.256Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.279Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.279Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.279Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.357Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.358Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #ikokj]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.358Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #ikokj]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.368Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.370Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #ikokj]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.371Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #ikokj]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:49.371Z workers [worker #0, session #ikokj] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.132Z workers [ikokj] Loaded 4 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.296Z workers [ikokj] Test executed: should return false if trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.413Z workers [ikokj] Test executed: should return name of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.482Z workers [ikokj] Test executed: should return true if trip is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.545Z workers [ikokj] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.591Z workers [ikokj] Run 4 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.593Z workers [ikokj] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.593Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.593Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.594Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.594Z project Processed executed tests\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.600Z project Processed code coverage\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.612Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.612Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.614Z uiService Outgoing message ui:coverageChanged\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.614Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.620Z uiService Incoming message ui:codeRequested\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:38:50.627Z uiService Outgoing message ui:code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:02.895Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:02.896Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:02.896Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:02.899Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:02.899Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:02.899Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:02.999Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.173Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.173Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.174Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.188Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.256Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.265Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.265Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.268Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.268Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.268Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.269Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.320Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.324Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.324Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.324Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.437Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.574Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.574Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.574Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.641Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.648Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.649Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.651Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.651Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.652Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.653Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.700Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.700Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.701Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.706Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.706Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.706Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.783Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.927Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.930Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.931Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.931Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.931Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.949Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.949Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #io668]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.950Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #io668]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.951Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.952Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #io668]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.952Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #io668]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:03.952Z workers [worker #0, session #io668] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.230Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.230Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.230Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.230Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.231Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.231Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.284Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.307Z workers [io668] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.308Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.308Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.308Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.309Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.335Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.338Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.338Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.338Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.424Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.536Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.537Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.537Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.537Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.582Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.586Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.587Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.588Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.588Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.588Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.590Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.638Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.641Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.641Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.641Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.716Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.868Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.871Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.871Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.872Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.872Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.872Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.873Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.873Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.873Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.874Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.924Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.926Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:04.926Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.017Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.290Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.298Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.300Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.301Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.301Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.354Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.355Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #ncioe]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.355Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #ncioe]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.359Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.365Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #ncioe]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.365Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #ncioe]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.365Z workers [worker #0, session #ncioe] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.387Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.391Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.391Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.391Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.391Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.391Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.445Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.496Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.550Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.601Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.655Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.706Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.761Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.812Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.865Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.915Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:05.970Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.020Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.070Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.124Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.176Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.229Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.282Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.306Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.307Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.307Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.307Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.307Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.309Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.363Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.391Z workers [ncioe] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.391Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.391Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.391Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.393Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.413Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.415Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.417Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.417Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.520Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.821Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.830Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.831Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.832Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.832Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.849Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.849Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #qfl3m]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.849Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.849Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.849Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #qfl3m]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.851Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.852Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #qfl3m]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.852Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #qfl3m]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:06.852Z workers [worker #0, session #qfl3m] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.349Z workers [qfl3m] Loaded 4 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.502Z workers [qfl3m] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.616Z workers [qfl3m] Test executed: should return false if trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.691Z workers [qfl3m] Test executed: should return true if trip is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.751Z workers [qfl3m] Test executed: should return name of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.799Z workers [qfl3m] Run 4 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.800Z workers [qfl3m] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.800Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.801Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.801Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.801Z project Processed executed tests\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.803Z project Processed code coverage\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.818Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.818Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.820Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.826Z uiService Incoming message ui:codeRequested\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:07.841Z uiService Outgoing message ui:code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.014Z fs File changed in editor: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.015Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.015Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.017Z uiService Outgoing message ui:busy\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.017Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.017Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.130Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.422Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.426Z postprocessor Emitting 4 files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.428Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.428Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.428Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.452Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.452Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #cwp5w]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.452Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #cwp5w]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.453Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.456Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #cwp5w]: http://localhost:56427/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.457Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #cwp5w]\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.457Z workers [worker #0, session #cwp5w] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.531Z fs File changed: src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.531Z fs No changes detected for src/app/pages/trip/background/background.page.spec.ts\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:08.532Z extended-core File was not changed, but file markers may need to be synced\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.015Z workers [cwp5w] Loaded 4 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.216Z workers [cwp5w] Test executed: should return true if trip is not closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.356Z workers [cwp5w] Test executed: should return name of patient\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.423Z workers [cwp5w] Test executed: should create\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.493Z workers [cwp5w] Test executed: should return false if trip is closed\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.537Z workers [cwp5w] Run 4 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.538Z workers [cwp5w] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.539Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.539Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.539Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.539Z project Processed executed tests\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.542Z project Processed code coverage\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.552Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.552Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.554Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.557Z uiService Incoming message ui:codeRequested\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:09.562Z uiService Outgoing message ui:code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:36.633Z uiService Incoming message ui:closedInEditor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:36.633Z uiService Incoming message ui:codeRequested\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:36.648Z uiService Outgoing message ui:code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:36.652Z uiService Incoming message ui:openedInEditor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:40.793Z uiService Incoming message ui:closedInEditor\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:40.794Z uiService Incoming message ui:codeRequested\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:40.825Z uiService Outgoing message ui:code\n',
     '2019-09-24T12:39:40.834Z uiService Incoming message ui:openedInEditor\n' ] }
ArtemGovorov commented 4 years ago

Thanks for providing the diagnostics report.

Wallaby runs tests in parallel chunks, and if there are some global errors during some chunk of test files execution, remaining test files in that chunk are not running.

In your case the reason Wallaby doesn't run all tests is because there are some global errors coming from tests (or loaded modules) that prevent remaining tests from running.

Specifically, I was able to stop a few of these global errors in the log:

'2019-09-24T12:36:01.448Z workers Sandbox (active) [fn8zv] error: TypeError: params.get is not a function\n',

and Wallaby Failing Tests should have some better error description once the test run is over. All you need to do to make all tests run is to find where the TypeError: params.get is not a function is coming in your codebase and fix the failing tests.

smcenlly commented 4 years ago

@MartineFrancken - I hope our suggestion helped you fixed the problem. I'm going to close this issue. If you're still having problems, please let us know and we'll reopen the issue.