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Coverage not detected for curried functions (e.g. when used with fp-ts) #2590

Closed schickling closed 3 years ago

schickling commented 3 years ago

Issue description or question

Seems like curried functions are not picked up for code coverage detection see here:


Repro: I've forked the fp-ts repo and added a simple test case test/Applicative.ts to illustrate the problem.


Wallaby diagnostics report

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  config: {
    diagnostics: {
      jest: {
        config: {
          configs: [
              automock: false,
              cache: true,
              cacheDirectory: '/tmp/jest_rs',
              clearMocks: false,
              coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/' ],
              cwd: '<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts',
              dependencyExtractor: undefined,
              detectLeaks: undefined,
              detectOpenHandles: undefined,
              displayName: undefined,
              errorOnDeprecated: false,
              extraGlobals: [],
              filter: undefined,
              forceCoverageMatch: [],
              globalSetup: undefined,
              globalTeardown: undefined,
              globals: {},
              haste: { computeSha1: false, throwOnModuleCollision: false },
              injectGlobals: true,
              moduleDirectories: [ 'node_modules' ],
              moduleFileExtensions: [ 'ts', 'js' ],
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              snapshotSerializers: [],
              testEnvironment: '<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/jest-environment-node/build/index.js',
              testEnvironmentOptions: {},
              testLocationInResults: false,
              testMatch: [],
              testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/' ],
              testRegex: [ 'test' ],
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              testURL: 'http://localhost',
              timers: 'real',
              transform: [ [ '^.+\\.tsx?$', '<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/ts-jest/dist/index.js', {} ] ],
              transformIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '\\.pnp\\.[^\\/]+$' ],
              unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
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          globalConfig: {
            bail: 0,
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            changedSince: undefined,
            collectCoverage: true,
            collectCoverageFrom: [ 'src/**/*.ts', '!src/pipeable.ts', '!src/EitherT.ts', '!src/ReaderT.ts', '!src/StateT.ts', '!src/TheseT.ts', '!src/WriterT.ts', '!src/ValidationT.ts' ],
            collectCoverageOnlyFrom: undefined,
            coverageDirectory: '<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/coverage',
            coverageProvider: 'babel',
            coverageReporters: [ 'json', 'text', 'lcov', 'clover' ],
            coverageThreshold: { global: { branches: 100, functions: 100, lines: 100, statements: 100 } },
            detectLeaks: undefined,
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            enabledTestsMap: undefined,
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            json: false,
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            listTests: undefined,
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            maxConcurrency: 5,
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            noSCM: undefined,
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            notify: false,
            notifyMode: 'failure-change',
            onlyChanged: false,
            onlyFailures: false,
            outputFile: undefined,
            passWithNoTests: undefined,
            projects: [],
            replname: undefined,
            reporters: undefined,
            rootDir: '<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts',
            runTestsByPath: false,
            silent: undefined,
            skipFilter: false,
            testFailureExitCode: 1,
            testNamePattern: undefined,
            testPathPattern: '',
            testResultsProcessor: undefined,
            testSequencer: '<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/test-sequencer/build/index.js',
            testTimeout: undefined,
            updateSnapshot: 'new',
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            verbose: undefined,
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            watchAll: false,
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            watchman: true
          hasDeprecationWarnings: false,
          wallaby: {
            roots: [],
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            testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|/\\..+/' ],
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    filesWithCoverageCalculated: [ 'src/**/*.ts', '!src/pipeable.ts', '!src/EitherT.ts', '!src/ReaderT.ts', '!src/StateT.ts', '!src/TheseT.ts', '!src/WriterT.ts', '!src/ValidationT.ts' ],
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    micromatch: true,
    files: [
      { pattern: '/node_modules/', regexp: /\/node_modules\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|/\\..+/', regexp: /\.\/dist\/|\.\/build\/|\.\/coverage\/|\/\..+\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '**/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 1 },
      { pattern: 'test', regexp: /test/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true }
    tests: [
      { pattern: '/node_modules/', regexp: /\/node_modules\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|/\\..+/', regexp: /\.\/dist\/|\.\/build\/|\.\/coverage\/|\/\..+\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: 'test', regexp: /test/, ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, order: 2 }
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    compilers: {},
    preprocessors: {},
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    teardown: undefined,
    hints: {
      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore/',
      ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
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      testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' }
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    lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
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    configCode: 'auto.detect#-808920395'
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  debug: [
    '2020-12-21T09:07:34.376Z angular/cli config Angular CLI not found.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:34.439Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:34.439Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:34.441Z project Wallaby Node version: v14.9.0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:34.441Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/auto.detect\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.303Z project File cache: <homeDir>/.vscode-server/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.254/projects/69f19180b80e733d\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.312Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.348Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 2, for regular run: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.348Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.348Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.350Z workers Web server is listening at 37873\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.378Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.386Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.388Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.389Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.395Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.395Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.396Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.396Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #58w3c]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.396Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #12vxv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.397Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #58w3c]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.397Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #12vxv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.492Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.492Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #58w3c]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.492Z workers [worker #0, session #58w3c] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.533Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.533Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #12vxv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:35.534Z workers [worker #1, session #12vxv] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:44.704Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:45.779Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:46.292Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceT\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:46.392Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:46.968Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:47.004Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:50.020Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.662Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.663Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.664Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.665Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: lookup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.665Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.666Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: unfold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.667Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: wither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.667Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: wilt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.668Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.668Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: mapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.668Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.669Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.669Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.670Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.670Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.670Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.671Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.671Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.672Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.672Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.672Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.673Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.673Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.674Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.680Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.681Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.681Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.684Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.685Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.686Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.687Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.688Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.688Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.688Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRightWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.688Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: duplicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.689Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.689Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.689Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getOrd\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.689Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isEmpty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.689Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isNotEmpty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.690Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: cons\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.690Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: snoc\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.691Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: head\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.692Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: last\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.692Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: tail\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.692Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: takeLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.693Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: takeRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.693Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: spanLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.693Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: takeLeftWhile\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.694Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: dropLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.694Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: dropRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.695Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: dropLeftWhile\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.695Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: init\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.696Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: findIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.697Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: findFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.697Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: findFirstMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.698Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: findLast\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.699Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: findLastMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.700Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: findLastIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.700Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: insertAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.701Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: unsafeUpdateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.701Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: updateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.701Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: deleteAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.702Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: modifyAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.702Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sort\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.702Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: prependToAll\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.702Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: intersperse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.703Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: zipWith\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.703Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: zip\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.703Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: unzip\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.703Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rights\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.703Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: lefts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.703Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.704Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rotate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.704Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.704Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.704Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.704Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: scanLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.704Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: scanRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.705Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: uniq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.705Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sortBy\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.705Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chop\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.706Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: splitAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.707Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should split an array into length-n pieces\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.707Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: returns an empty array if provided an empty array\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.708Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should respect the law: RA.chunksOf(n)(xs).concat(RA.chunksOf(n)(ys)) == RA.chunksOf(n)(xs.concat(ys)))\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.711Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: makeBy\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.712Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: range\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.712Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: replicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.712Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: comprehension\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.712Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: union\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.713Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: intersection\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.714Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: difference\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.714Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should be safe when calling map with a binary function\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.714Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.769Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.770Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: splitChoice\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.770Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fanin\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.775Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.776Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: log\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.776Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: info\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.777Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: error\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.777Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: warn\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.781Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.781Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: create\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.782Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: now\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.782Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: eqDate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.782Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: eqMonth\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.783Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: eqYear\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.789Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.789Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.789Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.799Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.800Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: gcd\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.800Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: lcm\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.801Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fieldNumber\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.805Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.806Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getFoldableComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.806Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: intercalate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.807Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.807Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse_\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.808Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldM\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.808Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceM\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.809Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.810Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getFunctorComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.814Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.814Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.814Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.814Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.815Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.816Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.816Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.816Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.816Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.816Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.816Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainRec\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.816Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.817Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.817Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.817Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.817Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.818Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.819Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: read\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.819Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: write\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.819Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: modify\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.819Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: newIORef\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.819Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: pipe\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.864Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.864Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.865Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.865Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.865Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.865Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.865Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.866Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.866Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.866Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.866Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.867Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: extract\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.867Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.867Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: duplicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.867Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.868Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.868Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.868Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.868Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ChainRec\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.868Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.869Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.869Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.871Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.871Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getTupleMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.872Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.872Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getFunctionMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.872Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getEndomorphismMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.872Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getMeetMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.872Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getJoinMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.872Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getDualMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.883Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.884Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.884Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.884Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.884Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.884Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.885Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.885Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: duplicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.885Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.885Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.885Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.885Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.886Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.886Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.886Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.886Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.886Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.887Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.887Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.887Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.887Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.887Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.887Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: wither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.888Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: wilt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.888Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.888Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: zero\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.888Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.888Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toNullable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.888Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toUndefined\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.889Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.889Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: equals\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.889Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.890Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getOrd\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.890Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainNullableK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.890Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.890Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromNullable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.890Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromPredicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.890Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApplySemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.891Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApplyMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.891Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getFirstMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.891Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getLastMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.891Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.891Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isNone\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.891Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isSome\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.891Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: exists\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.892Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: tryCatch\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.892Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getRefinement\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.892Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.892Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.892Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.892Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: throwError\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.892Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.893Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.893Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromNullableK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.893Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.893Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.893Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.897Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.897Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getTupleOrd\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.898Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.898Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ordNumber\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.898Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ordBoolean\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.898Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: clamp\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.898Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: between\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.898Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getDualOrd\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.898Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ordDate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.899Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.899Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: geq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.899Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromCompare\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.900Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.900Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: random\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.900Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: randomInt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.900Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: randomRange\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.901Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: randomBool\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.905Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.905Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.905Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.905Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.905Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.906Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.906Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.906Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirstW\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.907Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.907Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.907Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.908Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromOption\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.908Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromPredicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.908Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.908Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.908Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.908Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: orElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.908Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.909Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: concat (right)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.909Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: concat (left)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.909Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: empty (right)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.909Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: empty (left)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.909Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.909Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: asks\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.909Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: local\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.910Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApplicativeReaderValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.910Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getAltReaderValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.910Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.910Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.910Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.910Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.910Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.911Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.977Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.977Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.977Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.977Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.977Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.978Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.978Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.978Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirstW\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.978Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.978Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.978Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.979Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.979Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromPredicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.979Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.979Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromOption\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.979Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:51.979Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: applicativeReaderTaskEitherSeq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:53.405Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: applicativeReaderTaskEitherPar\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:58.601Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.380Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: booleanAlgebraBoolean\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.380Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: booleanAlgebraVoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.381Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getFunctionBooleanAlgebra\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.381Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getDualBooleanAlgebra\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.384Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.384Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getMinMaxBoundedDistributiveLattice\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.386Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.386Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getCompactableComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.390Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.390Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.390Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: contramap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.391Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.391Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.391Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getApplicative\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.391Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.400Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getApplicative\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.400Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.423Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.425Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.426Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.426Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.426Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.426Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.427Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.462Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.463Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.464Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirstW\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.468Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: duplicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.468Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.469Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.469Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.470Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.470Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.470Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.471Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.471Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.471Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.472Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.472Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.473Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.473Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: isLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.473Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: isRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.474Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: orElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.476Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: swap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.476Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: parseJSON\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.476Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: stringifyJSON\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.480Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromPredicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.480Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromNullable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.481Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: tryCatch\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.481Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: equals\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.482Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainRec\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.482Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.482Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.483Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.483Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.483Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.483Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.484Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: wither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.484Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: wilt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.484Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.485Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.485Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.486Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: show\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.486Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getApplicativeValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.487Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getAltValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.487Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getValidationMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.488Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromOption\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.488Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: exists\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.488Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.489Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.489Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromNullableK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.491Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainNullableK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.491Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.491Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.492Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.494Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.494Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: contramap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.495Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getTupleEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.495Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromEquals\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.495Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: eqDate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.496Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getStructEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.496Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: eqStrict\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.497Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.499Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.500Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getFilterableComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.502Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.503Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getFoldableWithIndexComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.505Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.505Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getFunctorComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.516Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.517Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.517Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.517Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.517Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ApplicativePar\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.517Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ApplicativeSeq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.517Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.518Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.518Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.518Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.518Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirstW\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.562Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.564Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.564Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.564Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.564Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromOption\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.564Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.565Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromPredicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.565Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.566Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.566Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: orElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.566Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: tryCatch\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.566Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.566Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.567Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: should return the acquire error if acquire fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.567Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: body and release must not be called if acquire fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.567Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: should return the use error if use fails and release does not\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.567Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: should return the release error if both use and release fail\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.567Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: release must be called if the body returns\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.568Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: release must be called if the body throws\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.568Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: should return the release error if release fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.568Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getApplicativeIOValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.568Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getAltIOValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.569Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.569Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.569Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.569Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.569Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.569Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.570Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.570Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceSeqArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.570Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseSeqArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.570Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseSeqArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.583Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.583Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: URI\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.583Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: size\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.584Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: isEmpty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.584Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: member\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.584Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.584Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: keys\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.584Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: values\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.584Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: collect\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.585Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.585Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toUnfoldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.585Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: insertAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.585Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: deleteAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.585Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: pop\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.585Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: lookupWithKey\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.586Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: lookup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.586Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: isSubmap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.586Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: empty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.586Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: singleton\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.586Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.587Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.587Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.587Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.587Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.587Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.587Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.588Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.588Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.588Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.588Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.588Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.588Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.589Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.589Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.589Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRightWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.589Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.589Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.589Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.590Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: wither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.590Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: wilt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.590Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.591Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.591Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.591Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.591Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromFoldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.591Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.591Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: updateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.592Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: modifyAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.615Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.662Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.663Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.663Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.664Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: head\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.664Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: tail\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.664Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.664Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.664Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: of\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.665Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.665Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.666Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.666Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: extract\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.667Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: min\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.667Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: max\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.667Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.667Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.667Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.668Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.668Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.668Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.668Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: group\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.668Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: groupSort\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.669Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: last\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.669Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: init\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.669Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sort\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.669Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: prependToAll\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.669Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: intersperse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.670Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.670Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: groupBy\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.670Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: insertAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.670Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: updateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.670Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: modifyAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.671Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: copy\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.671Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.671Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.671Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.672Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.672Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRightWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.672Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: cons\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.672Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: snoc\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.673Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: uncons\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.673Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: unsnoc\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.673Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.673Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: alt / concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.674Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.674Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.674Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.676Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.676Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.676Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.677Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.677Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.677Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.677Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromM\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.692Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: none\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.694Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.695Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sign\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.695Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: eqOrdering\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.695Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: monoidOrdering\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.696Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: invert\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.699Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.699Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.700Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.700Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.700Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.700Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.700Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.701Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.701Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: compose\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.701Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: promap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.701Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: of\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.701Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: local\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.702Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: id\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.702Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: compose\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.702Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.702Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.702Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.703Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: asks\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.703Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.703Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.703Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.703Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.704Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.710Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.710Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.710Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.711Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.762Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.762Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.763Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.763Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.763Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: of\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.763Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.764Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.764Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: asks\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.765Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.768Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromReader\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.769Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: local\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.773Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainIOK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.773Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainTaskK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.773Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromIOK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.773Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromTaskK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.774Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.774Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:07:59.774Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: applicativeTaskEitherSeq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:01.187Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: applicativeTaskEitherPar\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:02.148Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:02.817Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.386Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.832Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.833Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.889Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.890Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.890Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.890Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.890Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: lookup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.891Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.891Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: unfold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.891Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: wither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.892Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: wilt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.892Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.893Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.894Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.894Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.894Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.894Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.894Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.894Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.894Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.895Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.895Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.895Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.895Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.895Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.895Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.895Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.896Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.896Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.896Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.896Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.896Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.896Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.897Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.897Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.897Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.897Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRightWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.898Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: duplicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.898Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.898Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.898Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getOrd\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.898Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: isEmpty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.899Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: isNotEmpty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.899Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: cons\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.899Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: snoc\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.900Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: head\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.900Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: last\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.900Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: tail\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.900Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: takeLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.901Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: takeRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.901Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: spanLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.901Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: takeLeftWhile\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.905Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: dropLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.905Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: dropRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.905Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: dropLeftWhile\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.905Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: init\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.906Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: findIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.906Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: findFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.906Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: findFirstMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.906Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: findLast\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.906Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: findLastMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.906Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: findLastIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.906Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: insertAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.907Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: unsafeUpdateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.907Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: updateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.907Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: deleteAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.907Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: modifyAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.907Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sort\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.907Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: zipWith\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.908Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: zip\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.908Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: unzip\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.908Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: rights\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.908Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: lefts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.909Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.909Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: prependToAll\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.909Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: intersperse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.909Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: rotate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.910Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.910Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.910Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.910Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: scanLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.911Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: scanRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.911Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: uniq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.911Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sortBy\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.911Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chop\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.912Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: splitAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.912Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: should split an array into length-n pieces\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.912Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: returns an empty array if provided an empty array\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.913Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: should respect the law: RA.chunksOf(n)(xs).concat(RA.chunksOf(n)(ys)) == RA.chunksOf(n)(xs.concat(ys)))\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.913Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: makeBy\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.913Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: range\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.914Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: replicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.914Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: comprehension\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.915Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: union\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.915Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: intersection\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.967Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: difference\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.968Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: should be safe when calling map with a binary function\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.968Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.969Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.969Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.969Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: empty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.969Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.969Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.970Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: every\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.970Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: some\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.975Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.976Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.976Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.976Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.976Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: head\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.976Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: tail\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.977Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.977Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.977Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: of\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.977Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.977Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.978Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.978Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: extract\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.978Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: min\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.978Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: max\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.978Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.978Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.979Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.979Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromReadonlyArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.979Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.979Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.980Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: group\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.980Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: groupSort\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.988Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: last\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.988Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: init\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.989Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sort\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.989Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: prependToAll\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.989Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: intersperse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.989Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.989Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: groupBy\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.989Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: insertAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.990Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: updateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.990Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: modifyAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.990Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.990Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.991Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.991Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.991Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRightWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.991Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: cons\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.991Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: snoc\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.991Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: uncons\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.991Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: unsnoc\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.992Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.992Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: alt / concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.992Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.992Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.992Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.992Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromReadonlyArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.992Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.993Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.993Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.998Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.999Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toReadonlyArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:03.999Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.000Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: some\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.000Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.000Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: every\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.000Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.001Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: isSubset\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.001Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.001Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.001Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: union\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.001Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: intersection\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.003Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.003Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getUnionMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.003Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getIntersectionSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.003Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: difference\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.003Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.003Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.004Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: singleton\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.004Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: insert\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.004Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: remove\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.004Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.004Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.004Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.004Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.005Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.005Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromSet\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.005Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toSet\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.010Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.010Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.011Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.011Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.011Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.011Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.011Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.012Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.012Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.012Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.012Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.012Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.012Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.012Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.013Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduceRightWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.013Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.013Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.013Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.013Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.013Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.014Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.014Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.014Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: wither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.015Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: wilt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.063Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.063Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.063Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: lookup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.063Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromFoldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.067Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toUnfoldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.067Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseWithIndex should sort the keys\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.067Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: size\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.068Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: isEmpty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.068Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: insertAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.068Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: deleteAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.068Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: pop\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.068Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: every\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.069Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: some\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.069Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.069Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromFoldableMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.069Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.069Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: singleton\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.069Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: hasOwnProperty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.069Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: updateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.069Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: modifyAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.071Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.071Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getTupleSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.071Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.071Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getMeetSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.071Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getJoinSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.072Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getObjectSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.072Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: semigroupProduct\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.072Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getFirstSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.072Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: semigroupVoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.072Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getDualSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.072Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getIntercalateSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.077Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.078Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.079Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.085Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: some\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.085Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.086Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: every\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.086Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.086Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: subset\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.086Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.087Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.087Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: union\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.087Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: intersection\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.087Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.088Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getUnionMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.088Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getIntersectionSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.092Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: difference\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.092Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.093Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.093Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: singleton\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.093Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: insert\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.093Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: remove\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.093Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toggle\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.093Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.094Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.094Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.094Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.094Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.097Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.098Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.098Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.098Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.098Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.098Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.099Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.099Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.099Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: evalState\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.099Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: execState\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.099Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: evaluate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.100Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: execute\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.100Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: put\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.100Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: get\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.101Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: modify\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.101Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: gets\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.102Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.102Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.102Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.103Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.103Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.105Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.105Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.105Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.105Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: duplicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.105Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: seek\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.106Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: seeks\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.106Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: peeks\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.106Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: experiment\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.112Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.112Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.112Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.113Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.113Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.113Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.113Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.114Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.114Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.114Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fromTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.114Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: applicativeTaskSeq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.115Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: applicativeTaskPar\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.115Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.115Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: empty (right)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.115Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: empty (left)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.115Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: concat (rejected)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.133Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.162Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: empty (right)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.487Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: empty (left)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.492Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chainIOK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.493Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.493Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.493Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.495Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.495Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.496Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: sequenceSeqArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.496Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseSeqArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.496Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: traverseSeqArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.500Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.500Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.500Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.500Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.589Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Par\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:04.821Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Seq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:05.365Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:05.810Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.132Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.133Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.133Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: right\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.134Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: left\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.134Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: both\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.134Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: rightIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.135Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: leftIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.135Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: rightTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.135Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: leftTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.136Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.136Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: swap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.136Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: toTuple\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.139Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.140Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.140Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getComonad\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.140Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: tracks\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.140Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: listen\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.140Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: listens\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.140Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: censor\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.163Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.163Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: getTraversableComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.171Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.172Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: swap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.173Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.173Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.177Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.177Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: flip\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.178Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: not\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.178Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: unsafeCoerce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.179Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: constTrue\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.180Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: constFalse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.180Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: constNull\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.181Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: constUndefined\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.183Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: constVoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.183Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: increment\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.184Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: decrement\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.184Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: absurd\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.184Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: flow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.184Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: tupled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.184Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: untupled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.184Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: pipe\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.187Z workers [12vxv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.188Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: {}\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.188Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Functor\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.188Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Contravariant\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.188Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: FunctorWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.189Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Apply\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.189Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.189Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Bifunctor\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.189Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.190Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Foldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.191Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: FoldableWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.192Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.192Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Filterable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.192Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: FilterableWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.192Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Profunctor\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.192Z workers [12vxv] Test executed: Semigroupoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.277Z workers [12vxv] Run 649 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:06.279Z workers [12vxv] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:25.699Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:25.875Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: asks\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.514Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: local\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.519Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.519Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.519Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftReaderTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.520Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightReaderTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.520Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightReader\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.520Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftReader\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.521Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromTaskEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.521Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.521Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromIOEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.521Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.522Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.522Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: orElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.522Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.522Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: swap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.523Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.523Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApplyMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.523Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromReaderEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.524Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApplicativeReaderTaskValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.524Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getAltReaderTaskValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.524Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should return the acquire error if acquire fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.525Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: body and release must not be called if acquire fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.526Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should return the use error if use fails and release does not\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.526Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should return the release error if both use and release fail\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.526Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: release must be called if the body returns\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.526Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: release must be called if the body throws\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.526Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should return the release error if release fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.526Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.527Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainIOEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.527Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainTaskEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.527Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.527Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.527Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.527Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.527Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.527Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequenceSeqArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.528Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.528Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseSeqArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.557Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.558Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.558Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.558Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.558Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.558Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.559Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: size\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.559Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isEmpty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.559Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: member\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.559Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.560Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: keys\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.560Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: values\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.560Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: collect\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.560Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toReadonlyArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.560Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toUnfoldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.560Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: insertAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.560Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: deleteAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.561Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: pop\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.561Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: lookupWithKey\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.561Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: lookup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.561Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isSubmap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.561Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: empty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.561Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: singleton\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.562Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.563Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.564Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.564Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.565Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseWithIndex should sort the keys\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.565Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.565Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.565Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.566Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.566Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.566Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRightWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.567Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.567Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.568Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.568Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: wither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.569Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: wilt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.569Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.569Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.569Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.570Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.570Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromFoldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.570Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.570Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: updateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.570Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: modifyAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.571Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.571Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.571Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: mapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.580Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.581Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.581Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.581Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.581Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.582Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: compact\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.582Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: separate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.582Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.582Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.582Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.582Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.582Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.583Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.583Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRightWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.583Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.583Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: partitionWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.583Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.584Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.584Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.584Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.584Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.584Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: wither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.584Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: wilt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.585Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getMonoid\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.585Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.585Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: lookup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.585Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromFoldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.585Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toReadonlyArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.586Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toUnfoldable\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.586Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseWithIndex should sort the keys\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.586Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: size\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.586Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isEmpty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.586Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: insertAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.586Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: deleteAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.587Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: pop\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.587Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: every\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.587Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: some\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.587Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.587Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromFoldableMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.587Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.587Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: singleton\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.588Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: hasOwnProperty\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.588Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: updateAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.588Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: modifyAt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.588Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromRecord\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.588Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toRecord\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.590Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.590Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: compose\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.591Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.591Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: extract\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.591Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.592Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.592Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.592Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: duplicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.592Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.592Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.592Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.592Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.593Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.593Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: swap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.593Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApply\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.593Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApplicative\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.593Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getMonad\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.593Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainRec\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.594Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.594Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getTupleRing\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.594Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: negate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.595Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getFunctionRing\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.595Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.596Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getFunctionSemiring\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.596Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.596Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: showString\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.597Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: showNumber\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.597Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: showBoolean\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.597Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getStructShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.597Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getTupleShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.605Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.606Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.606Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.606Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.607Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.607Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.607Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.607Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.607Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.608Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.608Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.608Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromPredicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.608Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:26.734Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: applicativeStateReaderTaskEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.713Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: run\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.713Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: applicativeReaderTaskEitherSeq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.714Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: execute\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.714Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightState\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.714Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftState\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.715Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromReaderTaskEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.716Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: left\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.716Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.717Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftTask\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.717Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromTaskEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.717Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightReader\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.718Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftReader\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.718Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromIOEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.718Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.718Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromOption\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.718Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.718Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.718Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromOption\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.719Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromReaderEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.719Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.720Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainIOEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.720Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainTaskEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.720Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainReaderTaskEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.720Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: put\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.720Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: get\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.721Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: modify\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.721Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: gets\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.721Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.721Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.721Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.721Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.722Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArrayWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.723Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.723Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: splitStrong\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.723Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fanout\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.737Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.737Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.737Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.737Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.738Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.738Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.738Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.738Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.738Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirstW\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.739Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.739Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.739Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.739Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getApplicativeTaskValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.739Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getAltTaskValidation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.739Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.739Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: alt\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.740Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.740Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: concat\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.740Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: concat (right)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.740Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: concat (left)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.740Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: empty (right)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.740Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: empty (left)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:32.811Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: applicativeTaskEitherSeq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:33.209Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: applicativeTaskEitherPar\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:33.538Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: taskify\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.070Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: composed taskify\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.140Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should return the acquire error if acquire fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.140Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: body and release must not be called if acquire fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.140Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should return the use error if use fails and release does not\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.141Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should return the release error if both use and release fail\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.141Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: release must be called if the body returns\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.141Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: release must be called if the body throws\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.142Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should return the release error if release fails\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.142Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: filterOrElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.142Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: orElse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.142Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: swap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.142Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.142Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainIOEitherK\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.143Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: resolving\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.143Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rejecting\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.143Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.143Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftIO\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.144Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: tryCatch\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.144Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromIOEither\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.144Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromOption\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.144Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromPredicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.145Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.145Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.145Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequenceArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.145Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.145Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequenceSeqArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.145Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverseSeqArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.153Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.153Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.154Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: bimap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.154Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: mapLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.154Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.154Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.154Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.155Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.155Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.155Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.155Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.155Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.155Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getSemigroup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.156Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.156Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: toTuple\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.157Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.157Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.157Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: leftOrBoth\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.158Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: rightOrBoth\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.158Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getLeftOnly\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.158Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getRightOnly\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.158Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fromOptions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.158Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isLeft\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.158Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.159Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: isBoth\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.159Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.159Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: swap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.162Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.163Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: traverse\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.163Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: sequence\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.163Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.163Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.164Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.164Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apSecond\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.164Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.164Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.164Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: flatten\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.165Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: duplicate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.165Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: extract\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.165Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: extend\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.165Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduce\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.165Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.166Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: reduceRight\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.166Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: drawTree\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.166Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getEq\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.166Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: unfoldTree\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.166Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: unfoldTreeM\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.166Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: elem\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.166Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: getShow\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.166Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: fold\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.168Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: do notation\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.168Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: apS\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.170Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.170Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: map\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.170Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: evalWriter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.170Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: execWriter\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.171Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: evaluate\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.171Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: execute\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.172Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: tell\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.172Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: listen\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.172Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: pass\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.174Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: listens\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.174Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: censor\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.174Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: of\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.175Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: ap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.175Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.176Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.176Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.177Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.177Z workers [58w3c] Test executed: check exported modules\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.177Z workers [58w3c] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.178Z workers Sandbox (active) [58w3c] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.278Z workers [58w3c] Run 611 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.284Z workers [58w3c] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.285Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.286Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.304Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.304Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.305Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.308Z project Test name duplicate: traverseArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.310Z project Test name duplicate: chainFirst\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.310Z project Test name duplicate: fromOption\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.312Z project Test name duplicate: getApplicative\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.314Z project Test name duplicate: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.314Z project Test name duplicate: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.314Z project Test name duplicate: chain\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.315Z project Test name duplicate: foldMap\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.315Z project Test name duplicate: foldMapWithIndex\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.315Z project Test name duplicate: fromReadonlyArray\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.317Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.398Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:08:34.727Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.469Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.487Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.488Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.496Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.497Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.497Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.497Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #ij6yb]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.497Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #rtcdw]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.498Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #ij6yb]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.498Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #rtcdw]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.498Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #ij6yb]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.498Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #rtcdw]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.498Z workers [worker #0, session #ij6yb] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.500Z workers [worker #1, session #rtcdw] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.805Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.806Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:45.806Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.179Z workers [rtcdw] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.180Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.180Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.180Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.262Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.262Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #x1fuz]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #wg5bv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #x1fuz]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #wg5bv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #x1fuz]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.296Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #wg5bv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.297Z workers [worker #0, session #x1fuz] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.297Z workers [x1fuz] Sandbox is waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.297Z workers [worker #1, session #wg5bv] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.586Z workers [wg5bv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.589Z workers Sandbox (active) [wg5bv] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.690Z workers [wg5bv] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.710Z workers [wg5bv] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.711Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:46.830Z workers [ij6yb] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.279Z workers [x1fuz] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.280Z workers [x1fuz] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.281Z workers [x1fuz] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.390Z workers [x1fuz] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.392Z workers [x1fuz] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.392Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.394Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.394Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.395Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.395Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.496Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.573Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.686Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.690Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.690Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.693Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.693Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.693Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.693Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #gvg2i]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.694Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #cxaac]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.694Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #gvg2i]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.694Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #cxaac]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.694Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #gvg2i]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.694Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #cxaac]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.694Z workers [worker #0, session #gvg2i] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.702Z workers [worker #1, session #cxaac] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.871Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.871Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:47.871Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.069Z workers [cxaac] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.070Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.070Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.070Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.165Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.165Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #4nutd]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #c2d95]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #4nutd]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #c2d95]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #4nutd]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #c2d95]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z workers [worker #0, session #4nutd] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z workers [4nutd] Sandbox is waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.169Z workers [worker #1, session #c2d95] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.372Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.372Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.372Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.508Z workers [gvg2i] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.508Z workers [4nutd] Sandbox run was cancelled while it was waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.508Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.509Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.509Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.510Z workers [c2d95] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.562Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.562Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #9y5oq]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #9b7ai]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #9y5oq]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #9b7ai]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #9y5oq]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #9b7ai]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.571Z workers [worker #0, session #9y5oq] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.572Z workers [worker #1, session #9b7ai] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.672Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.673Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.673Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.796Z workers [9b7ai] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.796Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.796Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.796Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.826Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.826Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #82h9n]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #ti5yx]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #82h9n]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #ti5yx]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #82h9n]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #ti5yx]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.864Z workers [worker #0, session #82h9n] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.865Z workers [82h9n] Sandbox is waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.865Z workers [worker #1, session #ti5yx] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:48.999Z workers [ti5yx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:49.013Z workers Sandbox (active) [ti5yx] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:49.162Z workers [ti5yx] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:49.170Z workers [ti5yx] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:49.170Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:49.463Z workers [9y5oq] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.115Z workers [82h9n] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.116Z workers [82h9n] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.117Z workers [82h9n] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.206Z workers [82h9n] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.208Z workers [82h9n] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.208Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.213Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.213Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.213Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.213Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.267Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:50.281Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.142Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.147Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.147Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #3afrx]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #slffy]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #3afrx]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #slffy]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #3afrx]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #slffy]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.152Z workers [worker #0, session #3afrx] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.153Z workers [worker #1, session #slffy] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.296Z workers [slffy] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.298Z workers Sandbox (active) [slffy] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.401Z workers [slffy] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.477Z workers [slffy] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.477Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.587Z workers [3afrx] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.587Z workers [3afrx] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.588Z workers [3afrx] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.611Z workers [3afrx] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.612Z workers [3afrx] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.612Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.613Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.613Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.613Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.613Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.621Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:51.678Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.645Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.650Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.650Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #4lbs7]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #hrmuy]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #4lbs7]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #hrmuy]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #4lbs7]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #hrmuy]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.654Z workers [worker #0, session #4lbs7] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.655Z workers [worker #1, session #hrmuy] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.771Z workers [hrmuy] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.773Z workers Sandbox (active) [hrmuy] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.864Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.865Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.865Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.884Z workers [hrmuy] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.884Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.884Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.884Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.967Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.967Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #d804s]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #8x3ys]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #d804s]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #8x3ys]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #d804s]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #8x3ys]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z workers [worker #0, session #d804s] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z workers [d804s] Sandbox is waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:54.971Z workers [worker #1, session #8x3ys] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.012Z workers [4lbs7] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.065Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.065Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.065Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.295Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.295Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.295Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.881Z workers [d804s] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.881Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.881Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.881Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.909Z workers [8x3ys] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.962Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.962Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #lkag5]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #juizh]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #lkag5]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #juizh]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #lkag5]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #juizh]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.968Z workers [worker #0, session #lkag5] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:55.970Z workers [worker #1, session #juizh] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.088Z workers [juizh] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.089Z workers Sandbox (active) [juizh] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.123Z workers [juizh] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.164Z workers [juizh] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.165Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.218Z workers [lkag5] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.218Z workers [lkag5] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.219Z workers [lkag5] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.266Z workers [lkag5] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.267Z workers [lkag5] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.268Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.269Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.269Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.269Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.269Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.273Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.288Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.376Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.380Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.380Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #gpgwv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #v903s]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #gpgwv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #v903s]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #gpgwv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #v903s]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.385Z workers [worker #0, session #gpgwv] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.387Z workers [worker #1, session #v903s] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.500Z workers [v903s] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.501Z workers Sandbox (active) [v903s] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.566Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.566Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.566Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.573Z workers [v903s] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.573Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.573Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.573Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.621Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.621Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #gjmbe]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #8dz6i]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #gjmbe]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #8dz6i]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #gjmbe]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #8dz6i]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z workers [worker #0, session #gjmbe] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z workers [gjmbe] Sandbox is waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.629Z workers [worker #1, session #8dz6i] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.794Z workers [8dz6i] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.799Z workers Sandbox (active) [8dz6i] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.810Z workers [gpgwv] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.869Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.869Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.869Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.874Z workers [8dz6i] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.875Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.875Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.875Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.966Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.966Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.971Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.971Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.971Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.971Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #8g4a7]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.972Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #yx74l]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.972Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #8g4a7]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.972Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #yx74l]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.972Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #8g4a7]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.972Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #yx74l]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.972Z workers [worker #0, session #8g4a7] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.972Z workers [8g4a7] Sandbox is waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:56.972Z workers [worker #1, session #yx74l] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.068Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.069Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.069Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.265Z workers [yx74l] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.265Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.265Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.265Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.266Z workers [gjmbe] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.266Z workers [8g4a7] Sandbox run was cancelled while it was waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.315Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.315Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #pmx05]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #lli1v]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #pmx05]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #lli1v]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #pmx05]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #lli1v]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.320Z workers [worker #0, session #pmx05] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.321Z workers [worker #1, session #lli1v] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.408Z workers [lli1v] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.409Z workers Sandbox (active) [lli1v] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.465Z workers [lli1v] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.466Z workers [lli1v] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.466Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.670Z workers [pmx05] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.670Z workers [pmx05] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.671Z workers [pmx05] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.686Z workers [pmx05] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.687Z workers [pmx05] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.687Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.690Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.690Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.690Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.690Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.700Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:57.712Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.577Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.582Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.582Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #x9p88]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #wv9r4]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #x9p88]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #wv9r4]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #x9p88]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #wv9r4]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.585Z workers [worker #0, session #x9p88] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.586Z workers [worker #1, session #wv9r4] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.672Z workers [wv9r4] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.673Z workers Sandbox (active) [wv9r4] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.678Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.678Z workers Cancelling test run, cancel requester priority: 2, current run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.678Z project Test run was cancelled\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.701Z workers [wv9r4] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.701Z project Test run cancelled, re-queueing run data\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.701Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.701Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.765Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.765Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #4kpne]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #h3gok]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #4kpne]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #h3gok]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #4kpne]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #h3gok]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z workers [worker #0, session #4kpne] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z workers [4kpne] Sandbox is waiting for worker cleanup\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.768Z workers [worker #1, session #h3gok] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.873Z workers [h3gok] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.874Z workers Sandbox (active) [h3gok] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.893Z workers [h3gok] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.894Z workers [x9p88] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.895Z workers [h3gok] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:58.896Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.084Z workers Sandbox (active) [4kpne] error: Failed to instrument test/Applicative.ts\n' +
      "  32 |         [2, 'b'],\n" +
      "  33 |         [3, 'c']\n" +
      '> 34 |     ]), E.chain(function (_) { return E.; }), E.map(A.unzip));\n' +
      '     |                                         ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token (34:40)\n' +
      '  35 |     assertG(E.isRight, result);\n' +
      "  36 |     expect(result.right).toEqual([[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]);\n" +
      '  37 | });\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.094Z workers [4kpne] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.095Z workers [4kpne] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.095Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Failed to instrument test/Applicative.ts\n' +
      "  32 |         [2, 'b'],\n" +
      "  33 |         [3, 'c']\n" +
      '> 34 |     ]), E.chain(function (_) { return E.; }), E.map(A.unzip));\n' +
      '     |                                         ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token (34:40)\n' +
      '  35 |     assertG(E.isRight, result);\n' +
      "  36 |     expect(result.right).toEqual([[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]);\n" +
      '  37 | });, stack: Error: Failed to instrument test/Applicative.ts\n' +
      "  32 |         [2, 'b'],\n" +
      "  33 |         [3, 'c']\n" +
      '> 34 |     ]), E.chain(function (_) { return E.; }), E.map(A.unzip));\n' +
      '     |                                         ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token (34:40)\n' +
      '  35 |     assertG(E.isRight, result);\n' +
      "  36 |     expect(result.right).toEqual([[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]);\n" +
      '  37 | });\n' +
      '    at Object.formatInstrumentationError (<homeDir>/.vscode-server/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.254/wallaby245605/server.js:28:1449)\n' +
      '    at TsJestTransformer.e.process (<homeDir>/.vscode-server/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.254/wallaby245605/runners/node/jest@24.8.0/initializer.js:14:23001)\n' +
      '    at ScriptTransformer.transformSource (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js:464:35)\n' +
      '    at ScriptTransformer._transformAndBuildScript (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/transform/build/ScriptTransformer.js:569:40)\n' +
      '    at ScriptTransforme\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.095Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.096Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.096Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.096Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.096Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.101Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.110Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.630Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.634Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.634Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #5y0id]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #0njs5]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #5y0id]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #0njs5]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #5y0id]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #0njs5]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.637Z workers [worker #0, session #5y0id] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.638Z workers [worker #1, session #0njs5] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.700Z workers [0njs5] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.701Z workers Sandbox (active) [0njs5] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.728Z workers [0njs5] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.729Z workers [0njs5] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.730Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.886Z workers [5y0id] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.886Z workers [5y0id] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.886Z workers [5y0id] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.900Z workers [5y0id] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.901Z workers [5y0id] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.901Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.902Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.902Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.902Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.903Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.906Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.916Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.925Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.929Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.929Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #ywpbz]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #jpsmv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #ywpbz]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #jpsmv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #ywpbz]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #jpsmv]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.934Z workers [worker #0, session #ywpbz] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:09:59.935Z workers [worker #1, session #jpsmv] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.024Z workers [jpsmv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.063Z workers Sandbox (active) [jpsmv] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.078Z workers [jpsmv] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.079Z workers [jpsmv] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.079Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.166Z workers [ywpbz] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.166Z workers [ywpbz] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.166Z workers [ywpbz] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.192Z workers [ywpbz] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.193Z workers [ywpbz] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.193Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.194Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.194Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.194Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.194Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.198Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:00.208Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.921Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.926Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.926Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #bufhw]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #1mntj]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #bufhw]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #1mntj]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #bufhw]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #1mntj]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.929Z workers [worker #0, session #bufhw] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:01.931Z workers [worker #1, session #1mntj] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.019Z workers [1mntj] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.020Z workers Sandbox (active) [1mntj] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.074Z workers [1mntj] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.076Z workers [1mntj] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.076Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.217Z workers Sandbox (active) [bufhw] error: result is not defined\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.269Z workers [bufhw] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.270Z workers [bufhw] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.270Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.271Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.271Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.271Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.271Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.276Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.283Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.630Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.634Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.634Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #0ko1g]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #aq906]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #0ko1g]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #aq906]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #0ko1g]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #aq906]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.637Z workers [worker #0, session #0ko1g] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.638Z workers [worker #1, session #aq906] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.763Z workers [aq906] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.764Z workers Sandbox (active) [aq906] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.783Z workers [aq906] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.784Z workers [aq906] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.784Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.868Z workers Sandbox (active) [0ko1g] error: result is not defined\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.880Z workers [0ko1g] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.881Z workers [0ko1g] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.882Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.882Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.882Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.882Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.882Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.887Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:02.895Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.804Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.808Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.808Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #o3g0z]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #mq8si]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #o3g0z]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #mq8si]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #o3g0z]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #mq8si]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.811Z workers [worker #0, session #o3g0z] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.812Z workers [worker #1, session #mq8si] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.886Z workers [mq8si] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.886Z workers Sandbox (active) [mq8si] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.901Z workers [mq8si] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.901Z workers [mq8si] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:06.902Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.065Z workers Sandbox (active) [o3g0z] error: result is not defined\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.085Z workers [o3g0z] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.086Z workers [o3g0z] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.087Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.089Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.089Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.089Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.089Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.098Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:07.106Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.486Z fs File changed in editor: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.490Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.490Z testTask Test files from affected: 1, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #4qz4f]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #c7ray]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #4qz4f]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #c7ray]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #4qz4f]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #c7ray]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.494Z workers [worker #0, session #4qz4f] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.495Z workers [worker #1, session #c7ray] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.562Z workers [c7ray] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.563Z workers Sandbox (active) [c7ray] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.580Z workers [c7ray] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.588Z workers [c7ray] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.589Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.681Z workers [4qz4f] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.681Z workers [4qz4f] Test executed: should notice curried functions\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.682Z workers [4qz4f] Test executed: getApplicativeComposition\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.762Z workers [4qz4f] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.773Z workers [4qz4f] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.774Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.776Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.776Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.776Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.776Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.788Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:10:15.808Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.285Z fs File deleted: test/example.spec.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.293Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.294Z testTask Test files from affected: 0, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.297Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.297Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #befs0]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.297Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #befs0]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.297Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #befs0]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.297Z workers [worker #0, session #befs0] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.539Z workers [befs0] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.540Z workers Sandbox (active) [befs0] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.565Z workers [befs0] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.566Z workers [befs0] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.567Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.567Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.567Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.567Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.567Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.571Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:32.575Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.705Z fs File changed: examples/tsconfig.json\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.708Z extended-core New document or complex document change\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.712Z project Test run started; run priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.712Z testTask Test files from affected: 0, from deleted or manually requested: 0, from recently changed: 0, from loaded by: 0, from failing: 0\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.718Z workers Starting test run, priority: 2\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.718Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #fr5xg]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.718Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #fr5xg]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.718Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #fr5xg]\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.718Z workers [worker #0, session #fr5xg] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.828Z workers [fr5xg] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.829Z workers Sandbox (active) [fr5xg] error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.850Z workers [fr5xg] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.862Z workers [fr5xg] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.862Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: Your test suite must contain at least one test., stack: Error: Your test suite must contain at least one test.\n' +
      '    at onResult (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:175:18)\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/@jest/core/build/TestScheduler.js:304:17\n' +
      '    at <homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:260:13\n' +
      '    at Array.map (<anonymous>)\n' +
      '    at Emittery.Typed.emit (<homeDir>/code/playground/fp-ts/node_modules/emittery/index.js:258:23)\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.863Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.863Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.864Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.864Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.871Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.875Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.993Z fs File changed in editor: examples/tsconfig.json\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.993Z fs No changes detected for examples/tsconfig.json\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:14:47.994Z extended-core File was not changed, but file markers may need to be synced\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:15:01.324Z fs File changed: test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:15:01.325Z fs No changes detected for test/Applicative.ts\n',
    '2020-12-21T09:15:01.325Z extended-core File was not changed, but file markers may need to be synced\n'
ArtemGovorov commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing the repo.

Code coverage works as expected in this case. Wallaby collect branch coverage, so coverage indicators show if certain code branch had been executed or not. Curried functions (that are expressed in the code as simple expression with no coverable/conditional branches) are not something special to Wallaby (or any code coverage tools).

Let's consider your example:

Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 11 43 37 am

For the purposes of code coverage collection matter, it can be simplified as follows:

const a = b(c.d([...]), e.f(_ => g.h(_))), i.j(k.l));

or even further:

const a = b(c(d), f(_ => h(_))), j(k));

There are only 2 code regions that matter here in terms of code coverage (that may or may not be executed and thus may change the code coverage):

All other expressions in the b function parameter list are always executed (to pass those arguments to the b function), so it doesn't make sense to treat them as separate coverable code regions/branches.

Semantics of the executed code (ie. the fact that some of the parameters may or may not be functions that may be used somewhere later in the code) are simply impossible to consider for the code coverage purposes.

The behaviour described above is not specific to Wallaby, Jest/Istanbul coverage works the same way:

Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 11 42 02 am

Hope it makes sense. Let me know if you have any question re the coverage logic described above.

schickling commented 3 years ago

I see! Thanks a lot for explaining. I understand now that this is the way how Istanbul code coverage works and why it works this way, nonetheless FWIW I found it a bit counterintuitive.