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Repository for Wallaby.js questions and issues
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Jest shows coverage for files, wallaby does not #2661

Closed apaniel closed 3 years ago

apaniel commented 3 years ago

Issue description or question

Jest shows coverage for files, wallaby does not


  editorVersion: '1.54.1',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.274',
  editorType: 'VSCode',
  osVersion: 'darwin 19.6.0',
  nodeVersion: 'v14.15.0',
  coreVersion: '1.0.1044',
  checksum: 'Mjk4ZDJjZTZhN2Y0YmZkY2UzYThlN2U3YjI1ZWEyMDgsMTYyOTUwNDAwMDAwMCww',
  config: {
    trace: true,
    diagnostics: {
      jest: {
        config: {
          configs: [
              automock: false,
              cache: true,
              cacheDirectory: '/private/var/folders/5f/1s7dltqj2ngfv3l6pr3f88gc0000gp/T/jest_dy',
              clearMocks: false,
              coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/' ],
              cwd: '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher',
              dependencyExtractor: undefined,
              detectLeaks: undefined,
              detectOpenHandles: undefined,
              displayName: undefined,
              errorOnDeprecated: false,
              extraGlobals: [],
              filter: undefined,
              forceCoverageMatch: [],
              globalSetup: undefined,
              globalTeardown: undefined,
              globals: {},
              haste: { computeSha1: false, throwOnModuleCollision: false },
              injectGlobals: true,
              moduleDirectories: [ 'node_modules' ],
              moduleFileExtensions: [ 'js', 'json', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx', 'node' ],
              moduleLoader: undefined,
              moduleNameMapper: [],
              modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],
              modulePaths: undefined,
              name: 'd3dd4679da4b57cd495eb1ae05025f9a',
              prettierPath: 'prettier',
              resetMocks: false,
              resetModules: false,
              resolver: undefined,
              restoreMocks: false,
              rootDir: '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher',
              roots: [ '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher/__tests__' ],
              runner: 'jest-runner',
              setupFiles: [],
              setupFilesAfterEnv: [],
              skipFilter: false,
              skipNodeResolution: undefined,
              slowTestThreshold: 5,
              snapshotResolver: undefined,
              snapshotSerializers: [],
              testEnvironment: '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher/node_modules/jest-environment-jsdom/build/index.js',
              testEnvironmentOptions: {},
              testLocationInResults: false,
              testMatch: [],
              testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/' ],
              testRegex: [ '/__tests__/.*\\.(test|spec).js$' ],
              testRunner: '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/index.js',
              testURL: 'http://localhost',
              timers: 'real',
              transform: [ [ '\\.[jt]sx?$', '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher/node_modules/babel-jest/build/index.js', {} ] ],
              transformIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '\\.pnp\\.[^\\/]+$' ],
              unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
              watchPathIgnorePatterns: []
          globalConfig: {
            bail: 0,
            changedFilesWithAncestor: false,
            changedSince: undefined,
            collectCoverage: false,
            collectCoverageFrom: [],
            collectCoverageOnlyFrom: undefined,
            coverageDirectory: '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher/coverage',
            coverageProvider: 'babel',
            coverageReporters: [ 'json', 'text', 'lcov', 'clover' ],
            coverageThreshold: undefined,
            detectLeaks: undefined,
            detectOpenHandles: undefined,
            enabledTestsMap: undefined,
            errorOnDeprecated: false,
            expand: false,
            filter: undefined,
            findRelatedTests: false,
            forceExit: false,
            globalSetup: undefined,
            globalTeardown: undefined,
            json: false,
            lastCommit: false,
            listTests: undefined,
            logHeapUsage: false,
            maxConcurrency: 5,
            maxWorkers: 11,
            noSCM: undefined,
            noStackTrace: false,
            nonFlagArgs: undefined,
            notify: false,
            notifyMode: 'failure-change',
            onlyChanged: false,
            onlyFailures: false,
            outputFile: undefined,
            passWithNoTests: undefined,
            projects: [],
            replname: undefined,
            reporters: undefined,
            rootDir: '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher',
            runTestsByPath: false,
            silent: undefined,
            skipFilter: false,
            testFailureExitCode: 1,
            testNamePattern: undefined,
            testPathPattern: '',
            testResultsProcessor: undefined,
            testSequencer: '<homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher/node_modules/@jest/test-sequencer/build/index.js',
            testTimeout: undefined,
            updateSnapshot: 'new',
            useStderr: false,
            verbose: false,
            watch: false,
            watchAll: false,
            watchPlugins: undefined,
            watchman: true
          hasDeprecationWarnings: false,
          wallaby: {
            roots: [ '__tests__' ],
            watchPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|/\\..+/' ],
            testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|/\\..+/' ],
            testMatch: [],
            testRegex: [ '/__tests__/.*\\.(test|spec).js$' ]
    testFramework: { version: 'jest@24.8.0', configurator: 'jest@24.8.0', reporter: 'jest@24.8.0', starter: 'jest@24.8.0', autoDetected: true },
    filesWithCoverageCalculated: [],
    filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [],
    globalSetup: false,
    micromatch: true,
    files: [
      { pattern: '/node_modules/', regexp: /\/node_modules\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|/\\..+/', regexp: /\.\/dist\/|\.\/build\/|\.\/coverage\/|\/\..+\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '__tests__/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 1 },
      { pattern: '/__tests__/.*\\.(test|spec).js$', regexp: /\/__tests__\/.*\.(test|spec).js$/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true }
    tests: [
      { pattern: '/node_modules/', regexp: /\/node_modules\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|/\\..+/', regexp: /\.\/dist\/|\.\/build\/|\.\/coverage\/|\/\..+\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '/__tests__/.*\\.(test|spec).js$', regexp: /\/__tests__\/.*\.(test|spec).js$/, ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, order: 2 }
    runAllTestsInAffectedTestFile: false,
    updateNoMoreThanOneSnapshotPerTestFileRun: false,
    addModifiedTestFileToExclusiveTestRun: true,
    compilers: {},
    preprocessors: {},
    maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
    autoConsoleLog: true,
    delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
    workers: { initial: 0, regular: 0, recycle: false },
    teardown: undefined,
    hints: {
      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore/',
      ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
      commentAutoLog: '?',
      testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' }
    automaticTestFileSelection: true,
    runSelectedTestsOnly: false,
    extensions: {},
    env: { type: 'node', params: {}, runner: '/usr/local/bin/node', viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 }, options: { width: 800, height: 600 }, bundle: true },
    reportUnhandledPromises: true,
    slowTestThreshold: 75,
    lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
    loose: true,
    configCode: 'auto.detect#218654490'
  packageJSON: {
    dependencies: {
      'url-join': '^4.0.1',
      '@vp/hopper-live-site': '^1.6.0',
      axios: '^0.21.1',
      'axios-retry': '^3.1.9',
      'build-url': '^6.0.1',
      contentful: '^8.1.8',
      'http-status-codes': '^2.1.4',
      https: '^1.0.0',
      mustache: '^4.1.0',
      'query-string': '^6.14.1',
      slugify: '^1.3.5',
      traverse: '^0.6.6'
    devDependencies: {
      'cross-env': '^7.0.3',
      dotenv: '^8.2.0',
      'fs-extra': '^9.1.0',
      jest: '^26.6.3',
      'jest-when': '^2.7.0',
      'lambda-local': '^1.7.4',
      semistandard: '^16.0.0',
      serverless: '^2.22.0',
      'serverless-api-gateway-caching': '^1.4.0',
      'serverless-domain-manager': '^3.3.1',
      'serverless-offline': '^5.12.0',
      'serverless-offline-scheduler': '^0.4.2',
      'serverless-plugin-log-retention': '^2.0.0'
  fs: { numberOfFiles: 37 },
  debug: [
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.455Z angular/cli config Angular CLI not found.\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.550Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.550Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.551Z project Wallaby Node version: v14.15.0\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.551Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/Desktop/Repositories/gallery-data-fetcher/auto.detect\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.602Z project File cache: <homeDir>/.vscode/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.274/projects/b197d52f282fd578\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.614Z uiService Listening port 51236\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.625Z project package.json file change detected, invalidating local cache\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.637Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 10, for regular run: 5\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.637Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.637Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.637Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.637Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.637Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.637Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.637Z workers Starting run worker instance #6\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.638Z workers Starting run worker instance #7\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.638Z workers Starting run worker instance #8\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.638Z workers Starting run worker instance #9\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.638Z workers Web server is listening at 54727\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.638Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.865Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.865Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.979Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #2\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:45.983Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #3\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.008Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #4\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.025Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.027Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.034Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.045Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.046Z workers Distributing tests between 10 workers\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.052Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.053Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #ud10d]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.053Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #4w2si]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.053Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #jx7tv]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.054Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #1ugqa]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.054Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #o3xdp]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.054Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #zg5g9]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.054Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #6, session #gpwjn]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.054Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #7, session #phkhv]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.054Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #8, session #6l8o6]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.055Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #9, session #z0f0g]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.055Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #ud10d]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.055Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #4w2si]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.055Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #jx7tv]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.055Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #1ugqa]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.055Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #o3xdp]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.056Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #zg5g9]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.056Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #6, session #gpwjn]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.056Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #7, session #phkhv]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.056Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #8, session #6l8o6]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.056Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #9, session #z0f0g]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.056Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #ud10d]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.056Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #4w2si]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.057Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #jx7tv]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.057Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #1ugqa]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.057Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #o3xdp]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.058Z workers [worker #0, session #ud10d] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.059Z workers [worker #1, session #4w2si] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.061Z workers [worker #2, session #jx7tv] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.062Z workers [worker #3, session #1ugqa] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.062Z workers [worker #4, session #o3xdp] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.145Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #5\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.146Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #zg5g9]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.146Z workers [worker #5, session #zg5g9] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.221Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #9\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.222Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #9, session #z0f0g]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.222Z workers [worker #9, session #z0f0g] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.295Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #6\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.295Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #6, session #gpwjn]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.295Z workers [worker #6, session #gpwjn] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.359Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #8\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.359Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #8, session #6l8o6]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.359Z workers [worker #8, session #6l8o6] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.360Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #7\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.360Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #7, session #phkhv]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:46.360Z workers [worker #7, session #phkhv] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.745Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.490Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.770Z workers [gpwjn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.770Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should return default preselected options mappings\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.771Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.771Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.772Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.772Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.773Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.779Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.780Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.781Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.781Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.781Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.782Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.783Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.784Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.784Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.784Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.785Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.788Z workers [gpwjn] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.789Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: Should return TRUE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.789Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: Should return TRUE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.790Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: Should return TRUE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.790Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: Should return FALSE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.791Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: Should return FALSE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.791Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: Should return FALSE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.792Z workers [gpwjn] Test executed: Should return FALSE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.793Z workers [gpwjn] Run 24 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.794Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:53.744Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.795Z workers [gpwjn] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.861Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.575Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.866Z workers [6l8o6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.866Z workers [6l8o6] Test executed: should fetch data from the service only when there is no data in the cache\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.876Z workers [6l8o6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.877Z workers [6l8o6] Test executed: should include the instructions_uri value in the previewInstructionsUri query parameter\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.877Z workers [6l8o6] Test executed: should return design mpv options as a query parameter\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.877Z workers [6l8o6] Test executed: should return vistaprint-prod as the tenant in the url path\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.878Z workers [6l8o6] Test executed: should return merchants as the tenant type in the url path\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.879Z workers [6l8o6] Test executed: should return a width as a query parameter\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.879Z workers [6l8o6] Test executed: should return a requester as a query parameter\n',
    "2021-03-15T14:16:53.879Z workers [6l8o6] Test executed: should return purpose 'template.landing.pages' as a query parameter\n",
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.880Z workers [6l8o6] Run 8 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.881Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:53.861Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:53.883Z workers [6l8o6] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.189Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.561Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.191Z workers [phkhv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.200Z workers [phkhv] Test executed: should fetch data from the service only when there is no data in the cache\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.207Z workers [phkhv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.211Z workers [phkhv] Test executed: should return undefined\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.212Z workers [phkhv] Test executed: should return facet data\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.216Z workers [phkhv] Run 3 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.216Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:54.188Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.218Z workers [phkhv] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.347Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.439Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.352Z workers [z0f0g] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.353Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: Should raise an error\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.353Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return default page content for pageId TLP:aFrames\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.354Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return default page content for pageId TLP:aFrames:1:10\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.354Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return default page content for pageId TLP:aFrames:1:10:79\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.354Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: Should return default page content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.355Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return the overriden content for the page\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.355Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return default page content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.356Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return default page content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.356Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return content from page with UUID templatesLandingPage.index.aframes\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.356Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return content from page with UUID templatesLandingPage.index.aframes.1.10\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.357Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return default page content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.357Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: should return default page content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.359Z workers [z0f0g] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.360Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'art & entertainement' and locale 'en-IE', return 'art-entertainement'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.360Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'art & entertainement' and locale 'en-ie', return 'art-entertainement'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.360Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'art & entertainement' and locale 'EN-ie', return 'art-entertainement'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.360Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'arte e entretenimento' and locale 'pt-PT', return 'arte-entretenimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.361Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'arte e entretenimento' and locale 'pt-pt', return 'arte-entretenimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.361Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'animais/cuidados' and locale 'pt-PT', return 'animais-cuidados'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.362Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'cartões de negócios' and locale 'PT-pT', return 'cartoes-de-negocios'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.362Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'arte y entretenimento' and locale 'es-ES', return 'arte-entretenimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.362Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'arte y entretenimento' and locale 'es-es', return 'arte-entretenimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.363Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'artey y yentretenimento' and locale 'es-es', return 'artey-yentretenimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.363Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'arte e divertimenti' and locale 'it-it', return 'arte-divertimenti'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.364Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'artee divertimenti' and locale 'it-it', return 'artee-divertimenti'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.364Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'art et amusement' and locale 'fr-be', return 'art-amusement'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.364Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'art et amusementet' and locale 'fr-be', return 'art-amusementet'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.365Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'artey en yentretenimento' and locale 'nl-be', return 'artey-yentretenimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.365Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'arte en divertimento' and locale 'nl-nl', return 'arte-divertimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.365Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'arte and divertimento' and locale 'nl-nl', return 'arte-and-divertimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.366Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'artey y yentretenimento' and locale 'es-es', return 'artey-yentretenimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:16:54.366Z workers [z0f0g] Test executed: given input 'artey y yentretenimento' and locale 'es-es', return 'artey-yentretenimento'\n",
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.367Z workers [z0f0g] Run 31 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.368Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:54.346Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.369Z workers [z0f0g] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.688Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.205Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.697Z workers [1ugqa] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.776Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.305Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.790Z workers [zg5g9] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.790Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should call gallery API with locale as culture\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.790Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should return first result\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.791Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should encode gallery name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.791Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should encode gallery name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.792Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should encode gallery name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.792Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should call with lowercased locale\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.792Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should encode gallery name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.793Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should not include category and facetCategory in the request when receiving only value for Industry\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.793Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should include category and facetCategory in the request when receiving values for Industry and another facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.794Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should include category and facetCategory in the request when receiving values for Industry and other facets\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.797Z workers [zg5g9] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.798Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should build quicklinks sorted alphabetically\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.798Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should add the product url part\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.798Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should add translated templates part\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.799Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should set https protocol for all urls\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.799Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should slugify and add the parent facet name with the root category name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.799Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should use the en-gb translation\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.799Z workers [zg5g9] Test executed: should add the parents localised name as a path part\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.800Z workers [zg5g9] Run 17 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.801Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:54.775Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.802Z workers [zg5g9] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.843Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.305Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.848Z workers [o3xdp] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.848Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should throw an error when there are no category filters\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.849Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should call gallery config with the filtered locale from gallery response\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.850Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should return data only for the categories that have taxonomies\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.851Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should return data only for the categories with at least one taxonomy having 6 or more designs\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.851Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should remove those taxonomies from the content of the category\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.854Z workers [o3xdp] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.905Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.194Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.907Z workers [4w2si] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.907Z workers [4w2si] Test executed: should filter out V2 galleries\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:54.913Z workers [4w2si] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.063Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.138Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.066Z workers [jx7tv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.066Z workers [jx7tv] Test executed: should not publish ppagTail products\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.067Z workers [jx7tv] Test executed: should store contentful entries in the cache for the selected locale\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.067Z workers [jx7tv] Test executed: should always store fresh contentful entries in the cache\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.072Z workers [jx7tv] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.073Z workers [jx7tv] Test executed: should get gallery taxonomy content with counts for the supported category\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.073Z workers [jx7tv] Test executed: should filter out taxonomy items with not enough content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.073Z workers [jx7tv] Test executed: should use the gallery name cache\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.074Z workers [jx7tv] Test executed: should return undefined\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.076Z workers [jx7tv] Run 7 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.076Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:55.062Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.077Z workers [jx7tv] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.084Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run: 2021-03-15T14:16:47.200Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.085Z workers [ud10d] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.086Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: should filter in V2 galleries\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.094Z workers [ud10d] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.094Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: Returns empty object\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.444Z workers [4w2si] Test executed: should return facets data for the given facets\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.444Z workers [4w2si] Test executed: should get gallery url using only the root category id\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.445Z workers [4w2si] Test executed: should get gallery url using both facet id and root category id\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.445Z workers [4w2si] Test executed: should return gallery urls for the given facets\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.445Z workers [4w2si] Test executed: should return empty array content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.446Z workers [4w2si] Test executed: should return empty galleryUrl\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.447Z workers [4w2si] Run 7 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.448Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:55.443Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.449Z workers [4w2si] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.561Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: should return level zero gallery content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.562Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: should return level zero and level one gallery content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.562Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: should return the urlPathSegment for each facet one\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.562Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: should return level zero, level one and level two gallery content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.563Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: should return the urlPathSegment for each sublevel facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.563Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: should ignore that facet while aggregating the galleries\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.565Z workers [ud10d] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.566Z workers [ud10d] Test executed: should remove the template query params and add fullBleedElected to query params\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.568Z workers [ud10d] Run 9 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.568Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:55.560Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.569Z workers [ud10d] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.825Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "productName" prop as the localized product name from hierarchy\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.825Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "categoryName" prop as the localized name for the product parent from hierarchy\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.826Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "pageId" prop as the input pageId prop\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.826Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "mpvId" prop as the input mpvId prop\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.826Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "shippingInformationMarkdown" prop\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.827Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "facetName" prop from the content localizedName for non level 0 tlps\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.827Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "facetName" prop from the content localizedName for non level 0 tlps\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.827Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "facetName" prop from the content localizedName for non level 0 tlps\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.827Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should set "quickLinks" prop from the quicklinks input\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.827Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should have all the contentful mandatory fields without tokens\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.828Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should add the galleryUrl prop from facetData in the result\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.828Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should add the studioUrl prop from facetData uploadDesignUrl in the result\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.828Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should add the default images from the first facetData content sorted by ranking in the result\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.828Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should add the designs prop from facetData content sorted by ranking in the result\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.829Z workers [o3xdp] Test executed: should add the simplified designs prop from facetData content in the result\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.830Z workers [o3xdp] Run 20 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.830Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:16:55.824Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:55.831Z workers [o3xdp] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:59.650Z workers Some long running code has been detected: test "Put gallery content for mpv id v2 should generate a file for existing locale and mpvId" is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Also review your recent changes to the code that the test covers, as well as its `before` and `after` hooks.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:16:59.838Z workers Sandbox is responsive. The issue may be asynchronous in nature (for example, a missing callback).\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:00.148Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should generate a file for existing locale and mpvId\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:00.149Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should publish the gallery even if it is an empty file\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.829Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should publish a file for every facet contained in the gallery aggregation\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.831Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: adds quicklinks for level 0\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.832Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: adds quicklinks for level 1\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.833Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not publish any facet related to that level 0 facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.833Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not publish any facet related to that level 0 facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.833Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not publish any facet related to that level 0 facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.834Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not publish any facet related to that level 0 facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.844Z workers [1ugqa] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.845Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not remove anything from the text\n',
    "2021-03-15T14:17:03.845Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: Shouldn't blow up for null\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:17:03.846Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: Shouldn't blow up for undefined\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:17:03.846Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: Shouldn't blow up for \n",
    "2021-03-15T14:17:03.847Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: Shouldn't blow up for null\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:17:03.847Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: Shouldn't blow up for undefined\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:17:03.848Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: Shouldn't blow up for \n",
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.849Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.849Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.850Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.850Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.851Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.851Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.851Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.851Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.852Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.852Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.852Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.852Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.853Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.853Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.853Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.853Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.853Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.854Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.854Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.854Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.854Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.854Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.855Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.855Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.855Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.855Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.855Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.856Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.856Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.856Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.856Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.857Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.857Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.858Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.858Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.858Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.858Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.858Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.858Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.859Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.859Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.860Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.860Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.860Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.860Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.860Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.861Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.861Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.861Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.861Z workers [1ugqa] Test executed: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.862Z workers [1ugqa] Run 66 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.863Z workers Jest Test Run Complete: 2021-03-15T14:17:03.828Z\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.865Z workers [1ugqa] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.865Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.866Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.866Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.866Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should not publish any facet related to that level 0 facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should not publish any facet related to that level 0 facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should not publish any facet related to that level 0 facet\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should not lowercase the product name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.868Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should lowercase the product name and the facet name\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should remove prepositions\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should set "facetName" prop from the content localizedName for non level 0 tlps\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should set "facetName" prop from the content localizedName for non level 0 tlps\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.869Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps true, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable true, uploadOnly true]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should filter MPV based on ppagTail value regardles of [buildTlps false, externallyMarketable false, uploadOnly false]\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: Should return TRUE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: Should return TRUE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: Should return FALSE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: Should return FALSE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: Should return FALSE\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should return default page content\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: should return default page content\n',
    "2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: given input 'artey y yentretenimento' and locale 'es-es', return 'artey-yentretenimento'\n",
    "2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Test name duplicate: given input 'artey y yentretenimento' and locale 'es-es', return 'artey-yentretenimento'\n",
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.870Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.875Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2021-03-15T14:17:03.910Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n'
smcenlly commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting your problem. This has been fixed in the latest version of Wallaby. Please upgrade to Wallaby core v1.0.1046. If Wallaby does not update for you automatically, you may update immediately using the VS Code command Wallaby.js: Force Core Update.