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Heap out of memory when running ~700 jest tests in create-react-app project #2730

Closed mealplana closed 3 years ago

mealplana commented 3 years ago

Issue description or question

When I run Wallaby in my Typescript/React project the software runs out of memory. When I run my ~700 tests using jest on the terminal it works (takes around 10 minutes on my Mac) but I haven't manage to run all tests with coverage with Wallaby.

I have 8GB of RAM in this laptop, and I am using Webstorm.

I am using automatic configuration.

When I use the Exclusive test run feature to only run Wallaby for a particular folder it works great. I installed this tool today and I already love it, I would be happy to buy a license if I can get it to work for the project. I am attaching the diagnostics report below.

Am I doing something extremely inefficient in the tests/projects that I am missing? Any help would be appreciated.

Wallaby diagnostics report

  editorVersion: 'WebStorm 2021.1.2',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.216',
  editorType: 'IntelliJ',
  osVersion: 'darwin 20.5.0',
  nodeVersion: 'v12.18.3',
  coreVersion: '1.0.1096',
  checksum: 'MjgwMjJiMjg1ZjFhMDc1YWJiYjczMTlkNzNhZjJlODIsMTYyNDc1MjAwMDAwMCwx',
  config: {
    diagnostics: {
      jest: {
        config: {
          configs: [
              automock: false,
              cache: true,
              cacheDirectory: '/private/var/folders/_3/14pm39_d2hldmz3j0wq19dlr0000gn/T/jest_dx',
              clearMocks: true,
              coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/' ],
              cwd: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend',
              dependencyExtractor: undefined,
              detectLeaks: undefined,
              detectOpenHandles: undefined,
              displayName: undefined,
              errorOnDeprecated: false,
              extraGlobals: [],
              filter: undefined,
              forceCoverageMatch: [],
              globalSetup: undefined,
              globalTeardown: undefined,
              globals: {},
              haste: { computeSha1: false, throwOnModuleCollision: false },
              injectGlobals: true,
              moduleDirectories: [ 'node_modules' ],
              moduleFileExtensions: [
                'web.js',  'js',
                'web.ts',  'ts',
                'web.tsx', 'tsx',
                'json',    'web.jsx',
                'jsx',     'node'
              moduleLoader: undefined,
              moduleNameMapper: [
                [ '^react-native$', 'react-native-web' ],
                [ '^.+\\.module\\.(css|sass|scss)$', 'identity-obj-proxy' ],
                [ '^.+\\.(css|less|sass|scss)$', '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/src/__mocks__/styleMock.js' ]
              modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],
              modulePaths: [ '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/src' ],
              name: '49a3d8a492d003d33566a4aec2f680bf',
              prettierPath: 'prettier',
              resetMocks: false,
              resetModules: false,
              resolver: undefined,
              restoreMocks: false,
              rootDir: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend',
              roots: [ '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/src' ],
              runner: 'jest-runner',
              setupFiles: [ '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/node_modules/react-app-polyfill/jsdom.js' ],
              setupFilesAfterEnv: [ '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/src/setupTests.ts' ],
              skipFilter: false,
              skipNodeResolution: undefined,
              slowTestThreshold: 5,
              snapshotResolver: undefined,
              snapshotSerializers: [],
              testEnvironment: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/node_modules/jest-environment-jsdom/build/index.js',
              testEnvironmentOptions: {},
              testLocationInResults: false,
              testMatch: [
              testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/' ],
              testRegex: [],
              testRunner: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/node_modules/jest-circus/runner.js',
              testURL: 'http://localhost',
              timers: 'real',
              transform: [
                [ '^.+\\.(js|jsx|mjs|cjs|ts|tsx)$', '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/node_modules/ts-jest/dist/index.js', {} ],
                [ '^.+\\.css$', '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/node_modules/react-scripts/config/jest/cssTransform.js', {} ],
              transformIgnorePatterns: [ '[/\\\\]node_modules[/\\\\].+\\.(js|jsx|mjs|cjs|ts|tsx)$', '^.+\\.module\\.(css|sass|scss)$' ],
              unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
              watchPathIgnorePatterns: []
          globalConfig: {
            bail: 0,
            changedFilesWithAncestor: false,
            changedSince: undefined,
            collectCoverage: false,
            collectCoverageFrom: [
            collectCoverageOnlyFrom: undefined,
            coverageDirectory: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/coverage',
            coverageProvider: 'babel',
            coverageReporters: [ 'json', 'text', 'lcov', 'clover' ],
            coverageThreshold: { global: { branches: 100, functions: 100, lines: 100, statements: 100 } },
            detectLeaks: undefined,
            detectOpenHandles: undefined,
            enabledTestsMap: undefined,
            errorOnDeprecated: false,
            expand: false,
            filter: undefined,
            findRelatedTests: false,
            forceExit: false,
            globalSetup: undefined,
            globalTeardown: undefined,
            json: false,
            lastCommit: false,
            listTests: undefined,
            logHeapUsage: false,
            maxConcurrency: 5,
            maxWorkers: 3,
            noSCM: undefined,
            noStackTrace: false,
            nonFlagArgs: undefined,
            notify: false,
            notifyMode: 'failure-change',
            onlyChanged: false,
            onlyFailures: false,
            outputFile: undefined,
            passWithNoTests: undefined,
            projects: [],
            replname: undefined,
            reporters: undefined,
            rootDir: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend',
            runTestsByPath: false,
            silent: undefined,
            skipFilter: false,
            testFailureExitCode: 1,
            testNamePattern: undefined,
            testPathPattern: '',
            testResultsProcessor: undefined,
            testSequencer: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/node_modules/@jest/test-sequencer/build/index.js',
            testTimeout: undefined,
            updateSnapshot: 'new',
            useStderr: false,
            verbose: undefined,
            watch: false,
            watchAll: false,
            watchPlugins: [
              { config: {}, path: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/node_modules/jest-watch-typeahead/filename.js' },
              { config: {}, path: '<homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/node_modules/jest-watch-typeahead/testname.js' }
            watchman: true
          hasDeprecationWarnings: false,
          wallaby: {
            roots: [ 'src' ],
            watchPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|\\./git/|/\\..+/' ],
            testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '/node_modules/', '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|\\./git/|/\\..+/' ],
            testMatch: [ 'src/**/__tests__/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', 'src/**/*.{spec,test}.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' ],
            testRegex: []
    testFramework: { version: 'jest@24.8.0', configurator: 'jest@24.8.0', reporter: 'jest@24.8.0', starter: 'jest@24.8.0', autoDetected: true },
    filesWithCoverageCalculated: [
    filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [],
    globalSetup: false,
    micromatch: true,
    files: [
      { pattern: '/node_modules/', regexp: /\/node_modules\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|\\./git/|/\\..+/', regexp: /\.\/dist\/|\.\/build\/|\.\/coverage\/|\.\/git\/|\/\..+\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '**/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 1 },
      { pattern: 'src/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 2 },
      { pattern: 'src/**/__tests__/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: 'src/**/*.{spec,test}.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true }
    tests: [
      { pattern: '/node_modules/', regexp: /\/node_modules\//, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
        pattern: '\\./dist/|\\./build/|\\./coverage/|\\./git/|/\\..+/',
        regexp: /\.\/dist\/|\.\/build\/|\.\/coverage\/|\.\/git\/|\/\..+\//,
        ignore: true,
        trigger: true,
        load: true,
        test: true
      { pattern: 'src/**/__tests__/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, order: 3 },
      { pattern: 'src/**/*.{spec,test}.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, order: 4 }
    runAllTestsInAffectedTestFile: false,
    updateNoMoreThanOneSnapshotPerTestFileRun: false,
    addModifiedTestFileToExclusiveTestRun: true,
    compilers: {},
    preprocessors: {},
    maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
    autoConsoleLog: true,
    delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
    workers: { initial: 0, regular: 0, recycle: false },
    teardown: undefined,
    hints: {
      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore/',
      ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
      commentAutoLog: '?',
      testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' }
    automaticTestFileSelection: true,
    runSelectedTestsOnly: false,
    mapConsoleMessagesStackTrace: false,
    extensions: {},
    env: { type: 'node', params: {}, runner: '/usr/local/bin/node', viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 }, options: { width: 800, height: 600 }, bundle: true },
    reportUnhandledPromises: true,
    slowTestThreshold: 75,
    lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
    loose: true,
    configCode: 'auto.detect#-117548334'
  packageJSON: {
    dependencies: {
      '@apollo/client': '^3.3.11',
      '@aws-amplify/ui-react': '^1.0.3',
      '@handsontable/react': '^5.0.0',
      '@stripe/react-stripe-js': '^1.3.0',
      '@stripe/stripe-js': '^1.13.1',
      'aws-amplify': '^3.3.1',
      'aws-appsync-auth-link': '^3.0.4',
      'aws-appsync-subscription-link': '^3.0.6',
      bootstrap: '^4.6.0',
      'font-awesome': '^4.7.0',
      formik: '^2.2.6',
      handsontable: '^8.3.2',
      'line-awesome': '^1.3.0',
      lodash: '^4.17.21',
      luxon: '^1.26.0',
      'qrcode.react': '^1.0.1',
      ramda: '^0.27.1',
      react: '^17.0.1',
      'react-bootstrap': '^1.5.0',
      'react-dom': '^17.0.1',
      'react-router-bootstrap': '^0.25.0',
      'react-router-dom': '^5.1.2',
      'react-scripts': '4.0.3',
      'react-table': '^7.6.3',
      'react-toastify': '^7.0.3',
      yup: '^0.28.3'
    devDependencies: {
      '@testing-library/jest-dom': '^5.11.9',
      '@testing-library/react': '^11.2.5',
      '@testing-library/react-hooks': '^5.0.3',
      '@testing-library/user-event': '^12.7.3',
      '@types/jest': '^26.0.20',
      '@types/lodash': '^4.14.157',
      '@types/luxon': '^1',
      '@types/node': '^14.14.31',
      '@types/qrcode.react': '^1.0.1',
      '@types/ramda': '^0.27.38',
      '@types/react': '^17.0.2',
      '@types/react-dom': '^17.0.1',
      '@types/react-router-bootstrap': '^0.24.5',
      '@types/react-router-dom': '^5.1.7',
      '@types/react-table': '^7.0.28',
      '@types/sass': '^1.16.0',
      '@types/stripe': '^8.0.417',
      '@types/yup': '^0.28.3',
      cypress: '^7.3.0',
      'jest-canvas-mock': '^2.3.1',
      prettier: '1.19.1',
      'react-test-renderer': '^17.0.1',
      sass: '^1.32.8',
      'snapshot-diff': '^0.8.1',
      'ts-jest': '^26.5.2',
      typescript: '^4.2.2'
  fs: { numberOfFiles: 956 },
  debug: [
    '2021-06-12T15:06:52.795Z angular/cli config Angular CLI not found.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:53.428Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:53.428Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:53.429Z project Wallaby Node version: v12.18.3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:53.429Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/WebstormProjects/mealplana-frontend/auto.detect\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:54.694Z project File cache: <homeDir>/Library/Caches/JetBrains/WebStorm2021.1/wallaby/projects/ec542e7c6fd613c7\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:54.832Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:54.916Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 2, for regular run: 2\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:54.917Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:54.917Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:54.917Z workers Web server is listening at 62307\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:54.936Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.515Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.518Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.549Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.556Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.561Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.582Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.582Z workers Distributing tests between 2 workers\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.584Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.584Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #046h9]\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.584Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #9xm4x]\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.584Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #046h9]\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.585Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #9xm4x]\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.585Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #046h9]\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.585Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #9xm4x]\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.585Z workers [worker #0, session #046h9] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:06:55.589Z workers [worker #1, session #9xm4x] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:03.617Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/ApolloClientWrapper.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:03.818Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:06.352Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/app/App.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/App.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticator/AppAuthenticator.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/table/styled/StyledTable.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/react-helpers/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/Form.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/SettingsWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/FormikAutoSave.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/create/CreateDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:06.553Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:40.184Z fs No metadata for added file found: .idea/workspace.xml\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:40.399Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (046h9): 2021-06-12T15:06:56.628Z\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:52.495Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/AppRouter.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/AppRouter.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/multiple/ViewMultipleChildDocs.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/multiple/existing/ExistingDocs.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/recipe/search/RecipeSearch.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:52.695Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:07:58.272Z workers [046h9] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:01.565Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token # in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:01.572Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (9xm4x): 2021-06-12T15:06:56.631Z\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:04.496Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:06.589Z workers [046h9] Test executed: should render ApolloClientWrapper\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:06.745Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:09.143Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token d in JSON at position 3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:10.494Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 4\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:11.761Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token h in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:11.769Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:13.462Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:17.166Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 6\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:21.733Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token m in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:24.449Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:27.337Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:30.954Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token r in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:35.392Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token p in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:36.866Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token # in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:38.305Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token i in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:38.310Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:39.022Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:39.025Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected end of JSON input\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:47.077Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token # in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:49.191Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 7\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:51.035Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 7\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:53.232Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:08:55.180Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token p in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:00.774Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token x in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:03.041Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:08.051Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/nav/NavDropdown.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/search/CrudDocsSearch.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/AppRouter.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/AppRouter.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/ViewFood.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/overview/Overview.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:08.252Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:09.207Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 9\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:10.598Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token h in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:10.601Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:11.960Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected string in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:14.209Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/nav/NavDropdown.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/AppRouter.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/AppRouter.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/ViewFood.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:14.412Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:18.215Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token r in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:23.219Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/react-helpers/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/Form.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/FormikAutoSave.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/create/CreateDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/AppRouter.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:23.422Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:28.056Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token r in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:28.057Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected end of JSON input\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:32.561Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:32.656Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token m in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:35.082Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:36.872Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token e in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:37.012Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token d in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:37.327Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token r in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:37.835Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 17\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:38.173Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected string in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:38.318Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:43.321Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/tabs/Tabs.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/string/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/storage/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/string/cast/emptyStrToNull.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/storage/image/upload/UploadPicture.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/client/view/profile/existing/picture/ClientPicture.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/client/view/profile/existing/picture/ClientPicture.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:43.523Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:43.780Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token x in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:43.793Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected number in JSON at position 3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:43.807Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token d in JSON at position 3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:48.813Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/tooltip/Tooltip.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/multiple/ViewMultipleChildDocs.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/client/view/profile/existing/picture/ClientPicture.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:49.018Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:49.249Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:54.255Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/tooltip/Tooltip.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/list/DisplayResults.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/multiple/ViewMultipleChildDocs.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/list/result/table-container/DocsTableContainer.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/list/result/table-container/actions/ActionModal.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/client/view/profile/existing/picture/ClientPicture.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:54.458Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:09:57.625Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token e in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:02.633Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/tooltip/Tooltip.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/spreadsheet/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/spreadsheet/common/CommonDataGrid.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/spreadsheet/full/CrudSpreadsheetEditor.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/spreadsheet/full/content/CrudSpreadsheetEditorContent.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/client/view/profile/existing/picture/ClientPicture.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:02.834Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:12.201Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 4\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:17.245Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/tooltip/Tooltip.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/loading/LoadingScreen.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/search/FoodSearch.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:17.447Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:22.493Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected string in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:27.499Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/create/CreateUser.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/Form.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/SettingsWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/useSettings.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/FormikAutoSave.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/useForm.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/config/yup/YupConverter.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/search/FoodSearch.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:27.700Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:29.831Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected string in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:33.908Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 9\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:38.917Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/search/FoodSearch.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:39.117Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:40.576Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 7\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:45.582Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/multiple/ViewMultipleChildDocs.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/multiple/existing/ExistingDocs.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/multiple/existing/useExistingDocs.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/search/FoodSearch.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:45.784Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:47.945Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token r in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:55.308Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/foodParams.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/search/FoodSearch.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:55.508Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:59.665Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 6\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:10:59.667Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected end of JSON input\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:04.672Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/create/CreateUser.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/table/styled/StyledTable.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/SettingsWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/useSettings.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/nav/brand/desktop/BrandDesktop.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/nutrients/Nutrients.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:04.882Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:21.388Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/create/CreateUser.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/SettingsWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/useSettings.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/nav/brand/desktop/BrandDesktop.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/nutrients/Nutrients.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:21.591Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:27.902Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/create/CreateUser.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/notification/NotificationScreen.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/Form.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/notification/navbar/actions/NavbarActionsSimple.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/nav/brand/desktop/BrandDesktop.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/FormikForm.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/config/FormField.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/components/single-checkbox/SingleCheckbox.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/nutrients/Nutrients.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/navigation/navbar/actions/username/Username.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:28.103Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:34.014Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 4\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:39.019Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/nav/brand/desktop/BrandDesktop.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/manager/useCrudDocsManager.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/components/single-checkbox/SingleCheckbox.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/nutrients/Nutrients.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:39.221Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:53.162Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token x in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:58.173Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/CognitoUserContext.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/useUser.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/nav/brand/desktop/BrandDesktop.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/components/single-checkbox/SingleCheckbox.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/nutrients/Nutrients.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:11:58.374Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:00.098Z workers Sandbox (active) [046h9] error: msg.startsWith is not a function\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:00.107Z workers Sandbox (active) [046h9] error: msg.startsWith is not a function\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:00.215Z workers [046h9] Run 1 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:06.989Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:07.005Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:07.086Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:07.093Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token _ in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:07.130Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 9\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:07.180Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:07.189Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:07.206Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token S in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:07.240Z workers [046h9] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:12.213Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/spreadsheet/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsUtil.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/spreadsheet/common/CommonDataGrid.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/manager/useCrudDocsManager.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/components/text-area/TextArea.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/portions/Portions.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/portions/Portions.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:12.417Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:12.726Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token g in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:22.718Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/create/CreateUser.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/Form.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/useSettings.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/FormikForm.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/config/FormField.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/portions/Portions.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/portions/Portions.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:22.922Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:29.196Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/create/CreateUser.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/portions/Portions.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:29.397Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:35.669Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/create/CreateUser.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/address/AddressEditor.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/food/view/portions/Portions.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:35.873Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:39.956Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token S in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:44.961Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/create/CreateUser.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/Form.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/SettingsWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/settings/load/useSettings.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/FormikAutoSave.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/address/AddressEditor.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/meal-plan/search/MealPlanSearch.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:45.162Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:46.439Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token p in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:46.463Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token r in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:46.473Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token e in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:51.478Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/spreadsheet/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/spreadsheet/common/CommonDataGrid.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/spreadsheet/full/CrudSpreadsheetEditor.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/meal-plan/search/MealPlanSearch.spec.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/view/spreadsheet/full/content/CrudSpreadsheetEditorContent.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:51.681Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:59.204Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 4\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:59.225Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:59.399Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected number in JSON at position 3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:59.410Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token i in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:59.584Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 9\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:59.588Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token d in JSON at position 3\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:59.751Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token e in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:12:59.756Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected end of JSON input\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:04.794Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/stripe/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/stripe/load/StripeLoader.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/forms/content/useForm.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/search/form/SearchForm.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/navigation/home/cancel-warning/CancelWarning.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:04.999Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:07.247Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token # in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:07.256Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:07.270Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token , in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:12.276Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/stripe/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/number/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/number/rounding/round.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/types/doc.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/stripe/display/subscription/pricing/DisplayPricingFormatted.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/navigation/home/cancel-warning/CancelWarning.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:12.482Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:13.901Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token d in JSON at position 1\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:18.908Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/number/rounding/round.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/types/doc.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/Header.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/header/new/NewDoc.tsx\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/navigation/home/cancel-warning/CancelWarning.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:19.114Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:20.270Z nodeRunner Error while processing STDOUT message: Unexpected token S in JSON at position 0\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:25.274Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsManager.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/CrudDocsUtil.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/number/rounding/round.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/types/doc.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/crud/manager/useCrudDocsManager.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/format/defaultValues.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/format/formatter.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/navigation/home/cancel-warning/CancelWarning.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:25.476Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:32.296Z workers Some long running code has been detected: one of your files is taking more than 5000ms to execute.\n' +
      'Execution of the following files has started but has not finished:\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/ui/index.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/user/load/UserWrapper.tsx\n' +
      '- src/lib/number/rounding/round.ts\n' +
      '- src/lib/date/format/defaultValues.ts\n' +
      '- src/app/authenticated/content/router/navigation/home/cancel-warning/CancelWarning.spec.tsx\n' +
      'Try commenting out the test or excluding the test file from the `tests` list in your wallaby config,\n' +
      'and restarting wallaby to make sure that it is this test/file causing the issue and not something else.\n' +
      'Pinging test runner sandbox...\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:32.497Z workers The sandbox is not responsive. Check for possibly recently introduced infinite loops.\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.293Z workers Sandbox (active) [9xm4x] error: FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory\n' +
      ' 1: 0x1011d1c65 node::Abort() (.cold.1) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 2: 0x10009f919 node::Abort() [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 3: 0x10009fa7f node::OnFatalError(char const*, char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 4: 0x1001e3867 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 5: 0x1001e3807 v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 6: 0x10036b995 v8::internal::Heap::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 7: 0x10036d20a v8::internal::Heap::RecomputeLimits(v8::internal::GarbageCollector) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 8: 0x100369c3c v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 9: 0x100367a3e v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      '10: 0x10037390a v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawWithLightRetry(int, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      '11: 0x100373991 v8::internal::Heap::AllocateRawWithRetryOrFail(int, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      '12: 0x10034135a v8::internal::Factory::NewFillerObject(int, bool, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      '13: 0x100693768 v8::internal::Runtime_AllocateInYoungGeneration(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      '14: 0x1009dcb79 Builtins_CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      '15: 0x25d6befe8c4c \n' +
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.396Z workers [9xm4x] Sandbox can not be pinged: not opened\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.396Z workers [9xm4x] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.396Z workers [9xm4x] Sandbox closing error, not opened\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.397Z workers [9xm4x] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.397Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory\n' +
      ' 1: 0x1011d1c65 node::Abort() (.cold.1) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 2: 0x10009f919 node::Abort() [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 3: 0x10009fa7f node::OnFatalError(char const*, char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 4: 0x1001e3867 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 5: 0x1001e3807 v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 6: 0x10036b995 v8::internal::Heap::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 7: 0x10036d20a v8::internal::Heap::RecomputeLimits(v8::internal::GarbageCollector) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 8: 0x100369c3c v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 9: 0x100367a3e v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/usr/local, stack: FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory\n' +
      ' 1: 0x1011d1c65 node::Abort() (.cold.1) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 2: 0x10009f919 node::Abort() [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 3: 0x10009fa7f node::OnFatalError(char const*, char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 4: 0x1001e3867 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 5: 0x1001e3807 v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 6: 0x10036b995 v8::internal::Heap::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(char const*) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 7: 0x10036d20a v8::internal::Heap::RecomputeLimits(v8::internal::GarbageCollector) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 8: 0x100369c3c v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/usr/local/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 9: 0x100367a3e v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/usr/local\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.399Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.400Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.401Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.402Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.402Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.452Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:13:46.547Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:21:34.108Z fs File changed: .idea/workspace.xml\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:21:34.108Z fs No metadata for changed file found: .idea/workspace.xml\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:29:35.536Z fs File changed: .idea/workspace.xml\n',
    '2021-06-12T15:29:35.536Z fs No metadata for changed file found: .idea/workspace.xml\n'
ArtemGovorov commented 3 years ago

Can you please try this solution?

mealplana commented 3 years ago

Hi @ArtemGovorov - thanks! I think this helped, I managed to run all the tests in 9 min now.

I also noticed - I think I have a couple of tests that are really inefficient and I can improve. E.g. i have a test that renders the whole app without mocking subcomponents, so this probably is causing the high memory usage.

I also noticed that many of my files that are reported as taking too long are files such as src/lib/crud/index.ts I have several "index.ts" files that are just reexporting modules within their folder. For example:

export { CrudDocsManager } from './CrudDocsManager';
export { CrudDocsSearch } from './search/CrudDocsSearch';
export { getCellToDateFormatter, getOnCreateOptions } from './CrudDocsUtil';
export * from './CrudDocAPI';
export { ViewDoc } from './view/single/ViewDoc';
export { ViewChildDocs } from './view/single/ViewChildDocs';
export { ViewMultipleChildDocs } from './view/multiple/ViewMultipleChildDocs';
export { CrudSpreadsheetEditor } from './view/spreadsheet/full/CrudSpreadsheetEditor';
export { FixedSpreadsheetEditor } from './view/spreadsheet/fixed/FixedSpreadsheetEditor';
export { CreateDoc } from './create/CreateDoc';
export { ApolloQueryResultWrapper } from './list/result/ApolloQueryResultWrapper';
export { CrudEditor } from './editor/CrudEditor';

I will try to rewrite the tests that cause the runner to have to render the whole app as that is obviously inefficient - but any idea why the index.ts files that just reexport components would be problematic?

ArtemGovorov commented 3 years ago

I will try to rewrite the tests that cause the runner to have to render the whole app as that is obviously inefficient - but any idea why the index.ts files that just reexport components would be problematic?

My guess is that the first consumer of such file causes all dependant files to be compiled/processed by Jest and it takes some time (running Jest from terminal is not much different, the issue is just not reported by vanilla Jest). Also it may not an issue per se, Wallaby just lets you know that some tests are running more than 5 seconds to load.