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Wallaby crash with a v8 error #2793

Closed ekaradon closed 3 years ago

ekaradon commented 3 years ago

Issue description or question

I tried to reload the window, to restart wallaby, to restart the IDE, to use another git branch without any success. Not every test run (I would say a third of them run), and I got this error dumped:

# Fatal error in , line 0 
# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor(). 
#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffc389506e0 

 1: 0x55e3e1b93553  [/usr/bin/node] 

 2: 0x55e3e2691558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node] 

 3: 0x55e3e2093e66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node] 

 4: 0x55e3e26fbec6  [/usr/bin/node] 

 5: 0x55e3e26fda80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node] 

 6: 0x55e3e28fea90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 7: 0x55e3e28ffdb7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 8: 0x55e3e288d97b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 9: 0x55e3e273662a  [/usr/bin/node] 

10: 0x55e3e288d97b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node] 

11: 0x55e3e288da19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

12: 0x55e3e288f28c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node] 

13: 0x55e3e288f4f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

14: 0x55e3e27463e2  [/usr/bin/node] 

15: 0x55e3e2746874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node] 

16: 0x55e3e2746b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

17: 0x55e3e1daa101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

18: 0x55e3e1daab67  [/usr/bin/node] 

19: 0x55e3e1dabaf2  [/usr/bin/node] 

20: 0x55e3e1dadbed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node] 
21: 0x55e3e21c0a52  [/usr/bin/node] 
22: 0x55e3e21c0f92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 
23: 0x55e3e2562f19  [/usr/bin/node] 

# Fatal error in , line 0 
# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor(). 
#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffd1c06a860 

 1: 0x55871d869553  [/usr/bin/node] 
 2: 0x55871e367558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node] 
 3: 0x55871dd69e66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node] 

 4: 0x55871e3d1ec6  [/usr/bin/node] 

 5: 0x55871e3d3a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node] 

 6: 0x55871e5d4a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 7: 0x55871e5d5db7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 8: 0x55871e56397b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 9: 0x55871e40c62a  [/usr/bin/node] 

10: 0x55871e56397b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node] 

11: 0x55871e563a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

12: 0x55871e56528c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node] 

13: 0x55871e5654f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

14: 0x55871e41c3e2  [/usr/bin/node] 

15: 0x55871e41c874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node] 

16: 0x55871e41cb38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

17: 0x55871da80101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

18: 0x55871da80b67  [/usr/bin/node] 

19: 0x55871da81af2  [/usr/bin/node] 

20: 0x55871da83bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node] 

21: 0x55871de96a52  [/usr/bin/node] 

22: 0x55871de96f92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

23: 0x55871e238f19  [/usr/bin/node] 

# Fatal error in , line 0 
# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor(). 
#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffef92e4570 

 1: 0x556c3037e553  [/usr/bin/node] 

 2: 0x556c30e7c558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node] 

 3: 0x556c3087ee66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node] 

 4: 0x556c30ee6ec6  [/usr/bin/node] 

 5: 0x556c30ee8a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node] 

 6: 0x556c310e9a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 7: 0x556c310eadb7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 8: 0x556c3107897b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 9: 0x556c30f2162a  [/usr/bin/node] 

10: 0x556c3107897b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node] 

11: 0x556c31078a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

12: 0x556c3107a28c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node] 

13: 0x556c3107a4f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

14: 0x556c30f313e2  [/usr/bin/node] 

15: 0x556c30f31874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node] 

16: 0x556c30f31b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

17: 0x556c30595101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

18: 0x556c30595b67  [/usr/bin/node] 

19: 0x556c30596af2  [/usr/bin/node] 

20: 0x556c30598bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node] 

21: 0x556c309aba52  [/usr/bin/node] 

22: 0x556c309abf92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

23: 0x556c30d4df19  [/usr/bin/node] 

# Fatal error in , line 0 
# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor(). 
#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffef4c626b0 

 1: 0x55877d86d553  [/usr/bin/node] 

 2: 0x55877e36b558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node] 

 3: 0x55877dd6de66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node] 

 4: 0x55877e3d5ec6  [/usr/bin/node] 

 5: 0x55877e3d7a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node] 

 6: 0x55877e5d8a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 7: 0x55877e5d9db7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 8: 0x55877e56797b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node] 

 9: 0x55877e41062a  [/usr/bin/node] 

10: 0x55877e56797b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node] 

11: 0x55877e567a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

12: 0x55877e56928c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node] 

13: 0x55877e5694f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node] 

14: 0x55877e4203e2  [/usr/bin/node] 

15: 0x55877e420874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node] 

16: 0x55877e420b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

17: 0x55877da84101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

18: 0x55877da84b67  [/usr/bin/node] 

19: 0x55877da85af2  [/usr/bin/node] 

20: 0x55877da87bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node] 

21: 0x55877de9aa52  [/usr/bin/node] 

22: 0x55877de9af92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node] 

23: 0x55877e23cf19  [/usr/bin/node] 

Wallaby diagnostics report

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    compilers: {},
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    hints: {
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      commentAutoLog: '?',
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      'webstomp-client': '1.0.7'
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      '@emotion/jest': '11.2.1',
      '@types/debug': '4.1.5',
      '@types/i18n-js': '3.0.3',
      '@types/is': '0.0.21',
      '@types/jest': '26.0.14',
      '@types/lscache': '1.3.0',
      '@types/luxon': '1.24.4',
      '@types/prop-types': '15.7.3',
      '@types/react': '16.9.49',
      '@types/react-dom': '16.9.8',
      '@types/react-redux': '7.1.18',
      '@types/react-router-dom': '5.1.7',
      '@types/react-select': '4.0.15',
      '@types/recompose': '0.30.7',
      '@types/sinon': '9.0.5',
      'create-react-class': '15.6.3',
      csv: '5.3.2',
      enzyme: '3.11.0',
      'enzyme-adapter-react-16': '1.15.4',
      'enzyme-to-json': '3.5.0',
      'eslint-plugin-emotion': '10.0.27',
      'git-rev-sync': '3.0.1',
      'jest-extended': '0.11.5',
      'jest-sonar-reporter': '2.0.0',
      must: '0.13.2',
      'npm-run-all': '4.1.5',
      'react-scripts': '3.0.1',
      sinon: '9.0.3',
      'source-map-explorer': '2.5.0',
      stylus: '0.54.5',
      typescript: '3.9.9'
  fs: { numberOfFiles: 2421 },
  debug: [
    '2021-09-08T08:08:57.210Z angular/cli config Angular CLI not found.\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:57.392Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:57.392Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:57.395Z project Wallaby Node version: v16.9.0\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:57.395Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/projects/comwatt/console-frontend/auto.detect\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:58.932Z project File cache: <homeDir>/.vscode-oss/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.242/projects/44162f447a27667e\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.049Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.556Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 6, for regular run: 3\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #6\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.563Z workers Web server is listening at 38973\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:08:59.844Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.019Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #2\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.028Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.033Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.043Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.093Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.093Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #7, session #5xz2a]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.093Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #7, session #5xz2a]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.093Z workers Starting run worker instance #7\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.097Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.098Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.127Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #3\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.130Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #6\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.131Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #5\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.135Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #4\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.311Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #7\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:00.311Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #7, session #5xz2a]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.742Z workers Distributing tests between 6 workers\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.749Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.749Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #x1cva]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.749Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #ksnze]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.749Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #vpzvl]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.749Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #14qk8]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.749Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #6ygho]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.749Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #wmyp8]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #x1cva]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #ksnze]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #vpzvl]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #14qk8]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #6ygho]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #wmyp8]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #x1cva]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #ksnze]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #vpzvl]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #14qk8]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #6ygho]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #wmyp8]\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.750Z workers [worker #0, session #x1cva] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.758Z workers [worker #1, session #ksnze] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.769Z workers [worker #2, session #vpzvl] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.774Z workers [worker #3, session #14qk8] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.779Z workers [worker #4, session #6ygho] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:01.785Z workers [worker #5, session #wmyp8] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:10.276Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (ksnze): 2021-09-08T08:09:03.778Z\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:11.424Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (6ygho): 2021-09-08T08:09:03.786Z\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:12.203Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (x1cva): 2021-09-08T08:09:03.629Z\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:12.620Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (vpzvl): 2021-09-08T08:09:03.786Z\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:12.723Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:12.759Z workers [vpzvl] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:12.929Z workers [vpzvl] Test executed: should be able to load the alert configuration into the form\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:13.123Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:13.173Z workers [vpzvl] Test executed: should be possible to delete an existing alert\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:13.174Z workers [vpzvl] Test executed: should be possible to create a new alert\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:13.559Z workers [vpzvl] Test executed: should be possible to modify an existing alert\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:13.944Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should dispatch `fetch_alert_list` actions as expected\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:13.971Z workers [x1cva] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:14.007Z workers [x1cva] Test executed: assessing `formatDeviceDataForHighcharts`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:14.096Z workers [x1cva] Test executed: assessing `formatSiteDataForConsumption`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:14.140Z workers [x1cva] Test executed: assessing `formatSiteDataForConsumptionAndProduction`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:14.212Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (14qk8): 2021-09-08T08:09:03.556Z\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:14.536Z workers [14qk8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:14.618Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should return an encrypted token for an existing login/password\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:15.179Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (wmyp8): 2021-09-08T08:09:03.846Z\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:15.260Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:15.345Z workers [x1cva] Test executed: handle time as 24-hour time\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:16.284Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should recognizes the sensor type\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:16.480Z workers [wmyp8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:16.551Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: Should display 1 DeviceConfigAlerts component with a device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:16.563Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should not accept attempt to login when user and password fields are empty\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:16.563Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should accept attempt to login when both user and password fields are filled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:17.010Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should recognizes the switch type\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:17.698Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should prefill email when given in query\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:18.150Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should put user credentials in lowercase for the login part\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:18.259Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should throw a bad credentials for a non existing user\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:18.532Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should recognizes the setpoint type\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:18.898Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: Should display 1 DeviceConfigAlerts component with a composite device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:18.924Z workers [vpzvl] Test executed: should not allow the user to submit the form while he has not done anything\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:19.033Z workers [x1cva] Test executed: handle summer savelight offset\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:19.052Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: Should display 2 DeviceConfigAlerts components with a composite device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:19.083Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:19.291Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: Should display 3 DeviceConfigAlerts components with a composite device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:19.297Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should recognizes the sensor type even for a thermostat\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:19.309Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should show little by little the inputs as the user fill them\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:19.971Z workers [vpzvl] Test executed: should not allow the user to submit the form when nothing is filled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:20.575Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return the right nature for an electric sensor\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:20.937Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should redirect to the next stage when given one in query once authentified\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.233Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return the right nature for an electric switch\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.273Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffd1c06a860\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.276Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error:  1: 0x55871d869553  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 2: 0x55871e367558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 3: 0x55871dd69e66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.282Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error:  4: 0x55871e3d1ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.283Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error:  5: 0x55871e3d3a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.284Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error:  6: 0x55871e5d4a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.287Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error:  7: 0x55871e5d5db7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.287Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error:  8: 0x55871e56397b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.288Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error:  9: 0x55871e40c62a  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.289Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 10: 0x55871e56397b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.289Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 11: 0x55871e563a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.294Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 12: 0x55871e56528c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.297Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 13: 0x55871e5654f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.297Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 14: 0x55871e41c3e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.298Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 15: 0x55871e41c874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.299Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 16: 0x55871e41cb38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.300Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 17: 0x55871da80101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.301Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 18: 0x55871da80b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.301Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 19: 0x55871da81af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.307Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 20: 0x55871da83bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.308Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 21: 0x55871de96a52  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.309Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 22: 0x55871de96f92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.310Z workers Sandbox (active) [vpzvl] error: 23: 0x55871e238f19  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.410Z workers [vpzvl] Run 6 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:21.588Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should send the expected data once the user has filled the register form\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:22.194Z workers [x1cva] Test executed: handle having several devices in the same batch\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:22.414Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: does not redirect to the next stage when given one in query when facing an error\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:22.469Z workers [14qk8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:23.304Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not allow to create an already existing company\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:23.422Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: registration_number and country fields must be disabled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:23.450Z workers [x1cva] Test executed: should not manipulate timezone when using a scale greater than `DAY`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:23.452Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return the right nature for a temperature sensor\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:23.713Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: should display the expected company properties returned by the service\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:24.570Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should redirect the user the relative url when given one in query once authentified\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:24.685Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:25.205Z workers [x1cva] Test executed: assessing `getCurrentSiteState`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:25.611Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: should be possible to modify every fields except the registration number and the country\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:25.882Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return the right nature for a temperature setpoint\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.097Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should populate the bluetooth connected object when available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.174Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffc389506e0\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.174Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  1: 0x55e3e1b93553  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.175Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  2: 0x55e3e2691558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.175Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  3: 0x55e3e2093e66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.176Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  4: 0x55e3e26fbec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.177Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  5: 0x55e3e26fda80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.178Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  6: 0x55e3e28fea90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.178Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  7: 0x55e3e28ffdb7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.179Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  8: 0x55e3e288d97b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.180Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error:  9: 0x55e3e273662a  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.181Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 10: 0x55e3e288d97b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.181Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 11: 0x55e3e288da19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.182Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 12: 0x55e3e288f28c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.182Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 13: 0x55e3e288f4f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.183Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 14: 0x55e3e27463e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.184Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 15: 0x55e3e2746874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.184Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 16: 0x55e3e2746b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.185Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 17: 0x55e3e1daa101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.185Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 18: 0x55e3e1daab67  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.186Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 19: 0x55e3e1dabaf2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.189Z workers Sandbox (active) [x1cva] error: 20: 0x55e3e1dadbed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '21: 0x55e3e21c0a52  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '22: 0x55e3e21c0f92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '23: 0x55e3e2562f19  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.289Z workers [x1cva] Run 8 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:26.872Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return instance number for azure iot connected object instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:27.235Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not populate the bluetooth connected object when already added\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:27.455Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should handle two digits instance number\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:27.472Z workers [wmyp8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:27.663Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not populate the bluetooth connected object added to another site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:27.942Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should redirect the user if the component does not find the bluetooth connected object\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.255Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not populate the bluetooth connected object when it is unauthorized for this site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.339Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should not redirect the user if there is a matching bluetooth connected object\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.410Z workers [vpzvl] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.411Z workers [vpzvl] Sandbox closing error, not opened\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.412Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffd1c06a860\n' +
      ', stack: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffd1c06a860\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  1: 0x55871d869553  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 2: 0x55871e367558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 3: 0x55871dd69e66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  1: 0x55871d869553  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 2: 0x55871e367558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ' 3: 0x55871dd69e66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  4: 0x55871e3d1ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  4: 0x55871e3d1ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  5: 0x55871e3d3a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  5: 0x55871e3d3a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  6: 0x55871e5d4a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  6: 0x55871e5d4a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  7: 0x55871e5d5db7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  7: 0x55871e5d5db7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  8: 0x55871e56397b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  8: 0x55871e56397b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  9: 0x55871e40c62a  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  9: 0x55871e40c62a  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 10: 0x55871e56397b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 10: 0x55871e56397b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 11: 0x55871e563a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 11: 0x55871e563a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 12: 0x55871e56528c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 12: 0x55871e56528c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.413Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 13: 0x55871e5654f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 13: 0x55871e5654f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 14: 0x55871e41c3e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 14: 0x55871e41c3e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 15: 0x55871e41c874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 15: 0x55871e41c874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 16: 0x55871e41cb38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 16: 0x55871e41cb38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 17: 0x55871da80101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 17: 0x55871da80101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 18: 0x55871da80b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 18: 0x55871da80b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 19: 0x55871da81af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 19: 0x55871da81af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 20: 0x55871da83bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 20: 0x55871da83bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 21: 0x55871de96a52  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 21: 0x55871de96a52  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 22: 0x55871de96f92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 22: 0x55871de96f92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.414Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 23: 0x55871e238f19  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 23: 0x55871e238f19  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:28.567Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should ask to fill installation details when required\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:29.004Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not populate the bluetooth connected object when it does not match any known connected object\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:29.145Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:29.189Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should not ask to fill installation details when optional\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:29.427Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should ask for wifi credentials once installation details are fulfilled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:29.471Z workers [14qk8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:29.882Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display everything as expected in the reference usage case\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:30.370Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: should show a button inviting the user to add the object when available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:30.620Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not populate the bluetooth connected object when it does not have the right status\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:30.821Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display as many bluetooth connected objects than detected\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:31.476Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should warn the user when no bluetooth connected object are detected\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:31.679Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should redirect the user once the gateway has been successfully added\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.504Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should reference an already paired bluetooth connected object\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.548Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display a spinner and hide the text and the button when the scan is in progress\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.549Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should re-trigger the operation when the user click on the button\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.557Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.557Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when there is no available capacities and no capacities are selected\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.557Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when several capacities are available but none are selected\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.558Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one capacity is available and none are selected (smart plug)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.558Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one capacity is available and none are selected (box)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.558Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one sensor is selected and none are available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.559Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one switch is selected and none are available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.559Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one sensor is selected and one switch is available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.560Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one sensor is selected and others sensors are available but switch are not\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.561Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one sensor and one switch are selected\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.562Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one sensor is selected and there is still room for sensors or switch\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.562Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one sensor is selected and there is still a switch available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.562Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when one sensor is selected and there is still room for two others sensors\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.563Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when two sensors are selected\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.563Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when three sensors are selected and switchs are available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.564Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when three sensors are selected and switchs are not available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.564Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: handles when three sensors and one switch are selected\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.565Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.565Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should deduce that the connected object reference has ethernet\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.566Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should deduce that the connected object reference does not have ethernet\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.566Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should deduce that the phase configuration is required\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.566Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should deduce that the phase configuration is not required\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.568Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.572Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should show nothing when the platform is not integrated\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.572Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should show a check mark when the platform is integrated\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.573Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should show that the platform has been added and load the new connected objects\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.574Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.575Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should not display any delete button with the default template\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.576Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should be possible to revoke a delegation\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.577Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should be possible to give up on a delegation\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.577Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should redirect the user to the delegated gateway if he clicks on the widget\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.578Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should prompt the user to cancel or confirm the revocation\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.580Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should show the regular delegation description again if the user cancel deletion\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.581Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should call the right delete action if the user confirm a delegation deletion\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.582Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should call the right delete action if the user confirm a third party access deletion\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.583Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.584Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should display the delegated access beneficiary\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.585Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.586Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should match the right part nature when set to DEVICE\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.587Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should match the right part nature when set to COMPOSITE_DEVICE\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.587Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should create a Device instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.588Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should create a CompositeDevice instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.589Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.589Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: when not authorized, the button must be disabled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.590Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should ask for user confirmation before triggering autoset\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.590Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: must be possible to cancel the autoset order\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.591Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not ask for confirmation when not required\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.591Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: must ask for availability of automatic setings\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.591Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: must display nothing when there is no automatic settings available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.592Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: must display the automatic settings user interface when it is available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.592Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: must send the order once the user has confirmed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.593Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.593Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should display the device kind as title\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.594Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.597Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display diagnostic data of concerned clamps when request completes\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.597Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.597Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not display diagnostic data when diagnostic request fails\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.598Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.599Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should display an anomaly message when the device is facing some issues\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.599Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display an anomaly message when the site controling the device is offline\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.601Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should not display an overlay when the device is not facing any issue\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.605Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.606Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not inject anything else that its own measures\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.607Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.608Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return false when serial number is invalid\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.609Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return true when serial_number is valid\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.610Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not return gateway as offline when no gateway is provided\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.611Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not return gateway as offline when it is online\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.612Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return gateway as offline when it is offline\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.615Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not return gateway as online when no gateway is provided\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.616Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not return gateway as online when it is offline\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.616Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return gateway as online when it is offline\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.617Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.617Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display expected network information\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.617Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display an unknown interface when service failed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.618Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.618Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should output 18 small pipes & 6 large pipes\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.618Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should each time display one large pipe followed by three small pipes\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.620Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.620Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not display a typical day having unknown modes for the device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.621Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display typical days having no mode unknown by the device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.623Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.625Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should render an input with `SIRET` as label when using FR as country\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.629Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should render an input with the given label when not using a managed country\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.629Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display its children right after the company registration number helper\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.641Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.643Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should render a nice SelectCountry component\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.644Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should use as default label `country`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.646Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should pass over the value to the select component\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.647Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should call onChange when initialized through locale\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.647Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should handle the EN locale\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.648Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.649Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return a spinner when operation is on progress on this component\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.650Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.651Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not be possible to submit while name is not filled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.652Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not be possible to submit while typing wrong supply number\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.652Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display a checkbox to specify whether or not the site is three-phase\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.653Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should send the three-phase status when creating the site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.653Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should send the mono-phase status when creating the site without toggling checkbox\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.653Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should redirect user once he has successfully added a site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.654Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.654Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display the name of the site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.655Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should use the product properties in order to ascertain which images it must render\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.655Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should show the site state dot\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.655Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be visible when on a medium screen\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.656Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be visible when on a big screen\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.657Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be hidden when displayed on a small screen\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.658Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should show the site state dot\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.659Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display an EASY product\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.660Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display a POWER product\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.660Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be hidden when displayed on a medium screen\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.660Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be hidden when displayed on a big screen\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.661Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be visible when displayed on a small screen\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.662Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.662Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display a handle when provided a site with write access\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.663Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not display anything when provided a site with read access\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.664Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.664Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should try to validate user given in query\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.665Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.665Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: Should add email, password and number type\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.674Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.675Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should present a form which allow you to fill a color, a name, a device and a measure type\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.676Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should show all the devices without any duplicate\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.676Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should autofill everything when a device is chosen\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.677Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should send the right request when the user wants to create a tile\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.678Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.679Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should warn when no value are available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.680Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should make the right request and transform as expected the result\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.683Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.684Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be possible to use indifferently func or bool as a parameter to know if instantiable\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.686Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should by default return the given component when it is available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.692Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should explain that the component is already created when not instantiable\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.693Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should congratulate user when the widget has been successfully created\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.694Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should suggest to create another tile when still instantiable\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.695Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should NOT suggest to create another tile when tile is NO MORE instantiable\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.697Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.697Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should call JSOG decode on the result returned by the service response\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.698Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should by default remove any pagination system\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.698Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not remove pagination when explicitly asked for\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.699Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should take in account specific options given for the request\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.700Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should try auto login and return the final result if first call is not unauthorized\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.701Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should throw an error if service failed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.701Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should throw the unauthorized error if the auto login fails\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.702Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not try several authentification once when is already in progress\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.704Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.704Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should check the French zip code as a 5 long digit number\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.705Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should check the Swiss zip code as a 4 long digit number\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.707Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.707Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should inject both `on_toggle` and `active_id` into the context\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.708Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be possible to override the default template\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.709Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.709Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not trigger focus once mounted when not asked to\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.710Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not trigger focus once mounted when asked to not focus\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.710Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should trigger focus once mounted when asked\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.711Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not trigger focus more than once\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.711Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display a label\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.712Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display an icon asking user to fill the field when the latter is required\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.712Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display a cross when user fill a value not matching the validator\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.712Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display a check when user fill a value matching the validator\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.713Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should hide validation feedback when it is disabled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.713Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display an invisible check when input subject to validation but not filled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.715Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not display any validation feedback when no validation is given\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.716Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should display its children right before InputFeedback\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.717Z workers [ksnze] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.717Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should throw error when native webView not available\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.717Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should throw error when native webView throws\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.718Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should throw error when missing `channel_id`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.718Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should throw error when missing `action_name`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.718Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should throw error when params are not object\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.719Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should throw error when impossible to stringify parameters\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.720Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should call postMessage with expected args\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.720Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should be possible to subscribe to messages coming from `get_message_stream_from_native_webview`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.720Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not return messages and not break stream when source event is not formatted correctly\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.721Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not return messages and not break stream when source event is not well formated\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.722Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should not stop event stream on unparsable message\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.722Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should parse escaped single-quote characters\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.722Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should receive notifications on every message event\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.723Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should always return the same higher order stream, and not override original source\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.724Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should return a cold observable and activate it on `subscribe`.\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.725Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should stop stream when `complete` status is emitted\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.726Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should send unsubscribe message if observable is unsubscribed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.727Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should end observable with error if streaming a null value\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.727Z workers [ksnze] Test executed: should end observable with error if streaming an `error_status`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.836Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: should not show a button when the connected object is already added to the site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.998Z workers [ksnze] Run 168 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:32.998Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (ksnze): 2021-09-08T08:09:32.546Z\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.002Z workers [ksnze] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers [x1cva] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers [x1cva] Sandbox closing error, not opened\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffc389506e0\n' +
      ', stack: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffc389506e0\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  1: 0x55e3e1b93553  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  1: 0x55e3e1b93553  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  2: 0x55e3e2691558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  2: 0x55e3e2691558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  3: 0x55e3e2093e66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  3: 0x55e3e2093e66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  4: 0x55e3e26fbec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  4: 0x55e3e26fbec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  5: 0x55e3e26fda80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  5: 0x55e3e26fda80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  6: 0x55e3e28fea90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  6: 0x55e3e28fea90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  7: 0x55e3e28ffdb7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  7: 0x55e3e28ffdb7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  8: 0x55e3e288d97b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  8: 0x55e3e288d97b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  9: 0x55e3e273662a  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  9: 0x55e3e273662a  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 10: 0x55e3e288d97b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 10: 0x55e3e288d97b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 11: 0x55e3e288da19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 11: 0x55e3e288da19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 12: 0x55e3e288f28c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 12: 0x55e3e288f28c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 13: 0x55e3e288f4f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 13: 0x55e3e288f4f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 14: 0x55e3e27463e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 14: 0x55e3e27463e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 15: 0x55e3e2746874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 15: 0x55e3e2746874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.290Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 16: 0x55e3e2746b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 16: 0x55e3e2746b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.291Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 17: 0x55e3e1daa101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 17: 0x55e3e1daa101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.291Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 18: 0x55e3e1daab67  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 18: 0x55e3e1daab67  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.291Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 19: 0x55e3e1dabaf2  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 19: 0x55e3e1dabaf2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.291Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 20: 0x55e3e1dadbed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '21: 0x55e3e21c0a52  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '22: 0x55e3e21c0f92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '23: 0x55e3e2562f19  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 20: 0x55e3e1dadbed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '21: 0x55e3e21c0a52  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '22: 0x55e3e21c0f92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      '23: 0x55e3e2562f19  [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.291Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should return the right type of device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.582Z workers [wmyp8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.730Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should return me all the instances defined in the data\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:33.731Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should aggregate capacities using same instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:34.030Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should return the right type for each instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:34.038Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: should not show a button when the connected object is already added to another site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:34.458Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should tell me whether or not a capacity belongs to the connected object\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:34.586Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should explicitly try to disconnect the connected object when the component is unmounted\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:34.916Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should tell me whether or not a device is using the connected object\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:34.993Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: should not show a button when the connected object is not authorized to be added to this site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:35.268Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should return the right name and the right address for every kind of device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:35.740Z workers [wmyp8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:36.095Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:36.366Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: should not show a button when the connected object has the wrong status\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:36.588Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should returns the right screen when trying to remove an AZUREIOT device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:36.789Z workers [14qk8] Test executed: should not show a button when the connected object is not found\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.272Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not load the connected_object when already cached\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.303Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should load the connected object when not cached\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.305Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.306Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should show the platform as unlinked when not integrated\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.307Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should show the platform as linked when integrated\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.307Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: on desktop, when not integrated, on click, it asks for oauth data and open link in a new tab\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.308Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: on the app, when not integrated, on tap, it asks for oauth data and ask to the app to open the link\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.308Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: when integrated, on click, it asks to the backend to delete the oauth token\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.309Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.310Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to submit once all the required fields are filled and consents are agreed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.310Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: forbids to submit when eula terms are not agreed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.311Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: forbids to submit when remote monitoring terms are not agreed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.311Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to submit once all the required fields are filled and consents are agreed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.311Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: forbids to submit when eula terms are not agreed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.312Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: forbids to submit when remote monitoring terms are not agreed\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.312Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: Saving the form with a validated email must call the creation api\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.312Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible for an installer too\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.313Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: Saving the form with an email not validated must display an error\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.313Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.313Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should return the right properties\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.314Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should return the default device icon when no one is provided\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.314Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should gives me the right description of capacities\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.314Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should return the capacities eligible for supplied feature\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.314Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.315Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not redirect to settings clamps on validation when site is not three-phase\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.316Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should redirect to clamp phase configuration with a box\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.316Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not redirect to clamp phase configuration with just a relay\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.317Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not redirect to clamp phase configuration with a plug\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.320Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.321Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should allow to update the phase of a standard device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.322Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should allow to update the phases of three phases device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.322Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle a grid meter three phases device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.323Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should allow inversion only for grid meter three-phase device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.323Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.323Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not be possible to select grid meter, widthdrawal or injection as device kind\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.328Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: Should update the device kind\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.329Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.330Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should autocomplete the device name following a device kind change\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.330Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display some help once grid meter or global consumption is chosen\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.331Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display an error on device name input when already exists\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.332Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.332Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: must show PowerProfilingTilePart when a electricity sensor exists\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.333Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should filter only the right power measures for the right tile\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.335Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should aggregate all measures of same types together\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.335Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.336Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: Should dispatch fetch_flow actions correctly\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.336Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: Should dispatch update_flow actions correctly\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.336Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.341Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display two buttons, one allowing user to cancel, the order for confirming the removal\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.342Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should disable the cancel button when operation is in progress\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.343Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should disable the submit button when site is read only\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.344Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should launch the operation once the user click on the submit button\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.345Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: it should notify the user when something went wrong\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.345Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: it notify the user and update the store when everything goes right\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.346Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.346Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display no planning applied to this device if no typical day schedules is bound\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.347Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display as many TypicalDayBound components as typical day schedule instances\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.349Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.349Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should list as much schedules as there are\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.350Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.351Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not be able to create a typical day if the label is not filled\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.351Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should call the create typical day operation service when no one is given\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.352Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not be submittable while the label or the schedules are not modified (label)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.353Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not be submittable while the label or the schedules are not modified (schedules)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.354Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should call the update typical day operation service when one is given\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.354Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should call the close parameter once an operation has been succesfully done\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.354Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.355Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle a reference to the root value of the url\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.355Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle a reference to an intermediate value of the url\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.355Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle a reference to the last value of the url\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.355Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle an unknown reference\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.355Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle adding bits to the URL after the referenced part\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.356Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not handle to when it is not a string\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.356Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle relative URL\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.356Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.357Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should render a nice SelectLanguage component\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.357Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should use as default label `language`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.357Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should pass over the value to the select component\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.358Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should call onChange when initialized through locale\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.359Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.359Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should redirect to my club url for a user\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.360Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should redirect to my space url for an installer\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.361Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.361Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display the site owner name, site name, site uuid, address and its state\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.362Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.363Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should list all the devices owned by the site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.363Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not display archived devices\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.364Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display as visible devices referenced by tiles\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.364Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should allow the user to hide a device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.366Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should allow the user to create a tile for a device\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.367Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should disable visibility action if user has no write rights\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.368Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not disable visibility action if user has write rights\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.368Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not display part children\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.373Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.373Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: Should return all timezones\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.374Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.374Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should suggest to the user to resend an activation email for its account when the token is invalid\n',
    "2021-09-08T08:09:37.374Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should inform the user that he already has been validated if it's the case\n",
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.375Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.375Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should give me the right base location_data for my url\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.376Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should ignore the parameters given through query parameters\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.376Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should throw an error when giving improper location_data object\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.377Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to get only the query part of an url\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.377Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to get only the path part of an url\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.378Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to push at the end of an url a new uri\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.378Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be able to tell me when the given pathname match with the current location\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.379Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should create the query object matching the search string\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.379Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not throw when giving an empty query\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.380Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.380Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should call the `retry_action` prop when clicking on the button\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.381Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.381Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display the resale amount \n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.381Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display a warning when the resale response timeout\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.382Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.382Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display N/A when the economies_rate is unknown\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.383Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should display one hundred percent when the user is earning money from injection\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.384Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.384Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle ADD_ENTITIES_2\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.385Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle SET_ENTITIES_3\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.385Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle ADD_ENTITIES_2\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.386Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle SET_ENTITIES_3\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.387Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle SET_COLLECTION_4\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.389Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle DEL_ENTITY_5\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.390Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle DEL_ENTITIES_6 with keys\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.391Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle DEL_ENTITIES_6 with a predicate\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.391Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle PATCH_ENTITIES_7\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.391Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle SET_ENTITY_BUILDER_1\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.392Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.392Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle synchronous actions\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.393Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle failing synchronous actions\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.393Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to clone it without modifying the behaviour\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.394Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle operation which takes time\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.394Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle promise which went wrong\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.395Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not complete operation when intermediate operation went wrong\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.395Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should allow chaining of operation\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.396Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle multiple chaining\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.396Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not chain operations when failing\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.396Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should chain when using `on_error` when failing\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.397Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should multiple chaining with `on_error`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.397Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle reducer action\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.397Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle promise to set entities\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.400Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle promise to set collection\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.400Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle promise to add entity\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.400Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle promise to add entities\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.400Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle promise to del entity\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.401Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle promise to patch entity\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.401Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle synchronous actions\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.401Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle failing synchronous actions\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.402Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to clone it without modifying the behaviour\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.402Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle operation which takes time\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.403Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle operation which went wrong\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.403Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not complete operation when intermediate operation went wrong\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.403Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should allow chaining of operation\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.404Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle multiple chaining\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.404Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should not chain operations when failing\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.405Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should chain when using `on_error` when failing\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.405Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should multiple chaining with `on_error`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.406Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle reducer action\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.406Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle operation with observable feeding different results\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.406Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to cleanup internal resources from outside before operation starts\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.407Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should handle observable to add entity\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.410Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.410Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should throw when no context is set\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.410Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should inject the given id into the context\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.411Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: should be possible to override the default template\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.412Z workers [6ygho] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.412Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: handles `is_required`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.414Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: handles `is_email`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.415Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: handles `is_password`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.415Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: handles `is_phone`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.415Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: handles `is_registration_number`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.416Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: handles `is_name`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.416Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: handles `is_number`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.416Z workers [6ygho] Test executed: handles `is_zip_code`\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.655Z workers [6ygho] Run 165 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.655Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (6ygho): 2021-09-08T08:09:37.302Z\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:37.656Z workers [6ygho] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:38.856Z workers [wmyp8] Test executed: should display the third party component when current user is the owner of the site\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.272Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffef4c626b0\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.273Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  1: 0x55877d86d553  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.273Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  2: 0x55877e36b558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.274Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  3: 0x55877dd6de66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.275Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  4: 0x55877e3d5ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.275Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  5: 0x55877e3d7a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.276Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  6: 0x55877e5d8a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.276Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  7: 0x55877e5d9db7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.277Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  8: 0x55877e56797b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.277Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error:  9: 0x55877e41062a  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.278Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 10: 0x55877e56797b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.278Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 11: 0x55877e567a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.279Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 12: 0x55877e56928c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.279Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 13: 0x55877e5694f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.280Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 14: 0x55877e4203e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.280Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 15: 0x55877e420874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.281Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 16: 0x55877e420b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.281Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 17: 0x55877da84101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.282Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 18: 0x55877da84b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.282Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 19: 0x55877da85af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.283Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 20: 0x55877da87bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.283Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 21: 0x55877de9aa52  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.284Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 22: 0x55877de9af92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.285Z workers Sandbox (active) [wmyp8] error: 23: 0x55877e23cf19  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.385Z workers [wmyp8] Run 15 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.496Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffef92e4570\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.496Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  1: 0x556c3037e553  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.497Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  2: 0x556c30e7c558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.497Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  3: 0x556c3087ee66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.498Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  4: 0x556c30ee6ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.498Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  5: 0x556c30ee8a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.499Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  6: 0x556c310e9a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.499Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  7: 0x556c310eadb7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.500Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  8: 0x556c3107897b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.500Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error:  9: 0x556c30f2162a  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.501Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 10: 0x556c3107897b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.501Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 11: 0x556c31078a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.502Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 12: 0x556c3107a28c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.502Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 13: 0x556c3107a4f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.503Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 14: 0x556c30f313e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.504Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 15: 0x556c30f31874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.505Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 16: 0x556c30f31b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.505Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 17: 0x556c30595101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.506Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 18: 0x556c30595b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.506Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 19: 0x556c30596af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.507Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 20: 0x556c30598bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.507Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 21: 0x556c309aba52  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.508Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 22: 0x556c309abf92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.509Z workers Sandbox (active) [14qk8] error: 23: 0x556c30d4df19  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:39.611Z workers [14qk8] Run 13 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.385Z workers [wmyp8] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.385Z workers [wmyp8] Sandbox closing error, not opened\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.385Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffef4c626b0\n' +
      ', stack: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffef4c626b0\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.385Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  1: 0x55877d86d553  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  1: 0x55877d86d553  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.385Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  2: 0x55877e36b558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  2: 0x55877e36b558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.385Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  3: 0x55877dd6de66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  3: 0x55877dd6de66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.385Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  4: 0x55877e3d5ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  4: 0x55877e3d5ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  5: 0x55877e3d7a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  5: 0x55877e3d7a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  6: 0x55877e5d8a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  6: 0x55877e5d8a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  7: 0x55877e5d9db7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  7: 0x55877e5d9db7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  8: 0x55877e56797b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  8: 0x55877e56797b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  9: 0x55877e41062a  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  9: 0x55877e41062a  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 10: 0x55877e56797b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 10: 0x55877e56797b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 11: 0x55877e567a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 11: 0x55877e567a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 12: 0x55877e56928c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 12: 0x55877e56928c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 13: 0x55877e5694f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 13: 0x55877e5694f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 14: 0x55877e4203e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 14: 0x55877e4203e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 15: 0x55877e420874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 15: 0x55877e420874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 16: 0x55877e420b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 16: 0x55877e420b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 17: 0x55877da84101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 17: 0x55877da84101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 18: 0x55877da84b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 18: 0x55877da84b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 19: 0x55877da85af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 19: 0x55877da85af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 20: 0x55877da87bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 20: 0x55877da87bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 21: 0x55877de9aa52  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 21: 0x55877de9aa52  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 22: 0x55877de9af92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 22: 0x55877de9af92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.386Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 23: 0x55877e23cf19  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 23: 0x55877e23cf19  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.612Z workers [14qk8] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.613Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffef92e4570\n' +
      ', stack: \n' +
      '\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '# Fatal error in , line 0\n' +
      '# Check failed: !holder_map.has_named_interceptor().\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#\n' +
      '#FailureMessage Object: 0x7ffef92e4570\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.613Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  1: 0x556c3037e553  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  1: 0x556c3037e553  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.614Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  2: 0x556c30e7c558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  2: 0x556c30e7c558 V8_Fatal(char const*, ...) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.614Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  3: 0x556c3087ee66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  3: 0x556c3087ee66 v8::internal::ConcurrentLookupIterator::TryGetPropertyCell(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::LocalIsolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSGlobalObject>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Name>) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.614Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  4: 0x556c30ee6ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  4: 0x556c30ee6ec6  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.614Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  5: 0x556c30ee8a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  5: 0x556c30ee8a80 v8::internal::compiler::JSGlobalObjectRef::GetPropertyCell(v8::internal::compiler::NameRef const&, v8::internal::compiler::SerializationPolicy) const [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.614Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  6: 0x556c310e9a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  6: 0x556c310e9a90 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceNamedAccess(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::NamedAccessFeedback const&, v8::internal::compiler::AccessMode, v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.614Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  7: 0x556c310eadb7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  7: 0x556c310eadb7 v8::internal::compiler::JSNativeContextSpecialization::ReduceJSLoadNamed(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.615Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  8: 0x556c3107897b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack:  8: 0x556c3107897b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.615Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message:  9: 0x556c30f2162a  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack:  9: 0x556c30f2162a  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.615Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 10: 0x556c3107897b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 10: 0x556c3107897b v8::internal::compiler::Reducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*, v8::internal::compiler::ObserveNodeManager*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.615Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 11: 0x556c31078a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 11: 0x556c31078a19 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::Reduce(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.615Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 12: 0x556c3107a28c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 12: 0x556c3107a28c v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceTop() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.615Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 13: 0x556c3107a4f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 13: 0x556c3107a4f2 v8::internal::compiler::GraphReducer::ReduceNode(v8::internal::compiler::Node*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.616Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 14: 0x556c30f313e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 14: 0x556c30f313e2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.616Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 15: 0x556c30f31874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 15: 0x556c30f31874 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineImpl::CreateGraph() [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.616Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 16: 0x556c30f31b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 16: 0x556c30f31b38 v8::internal::compiler::PipelineCompilationJob::PrepareJobImpl(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.616Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 17: 0x556c30595101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 17: 0x556c30595101 v8::internal::OptimizedCompilationJob::PrepareJob(v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.616Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 18: 0x556c30595b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 18: 0x556c30595b67  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.616Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 19: 0x556c30596af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 19: 0x556c30596af2  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.616Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 20: 0x556c30598bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 20: 0x556c30598bed v8::internal::Compiler::CompileOptimized(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSFunction>, v8::internal::ConcurrencyMode, v8::internal::CodeKind) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.617Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 21: 0x556c309aba52  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 21: 0x556c309aba52  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.617Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 22: 0x556c309abf92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
      ', stack: 22: 0x556c309abf92 v8::internal::Runtime_CompileOptimized_Concurrent(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/usr/bin/node]\n' +
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.617Z workers Failed to map the stack to user code, entry message: 23: 0x556c30d4df19  [/usr/bin/node]\n, stack: 23: 0x556c30d4df19  [/usr/bin/node]\n\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.869Z workers [5xz2a] Run 0 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.870Z workers [5xz2a] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.871Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.914Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.915Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.930Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:46.944Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:47.047Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2021-09-08T08:09:47.754Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n'


ekaradon commented 3 years ago

Downgrading nodejs solved the issue for me:

❯ sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/nodejs-16.8.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
[sudo] password for ekaradon: 
loading packages...
warning: downgrading package nodejs (16.9.0-1 => 16.8.0-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) nodejs-16.8.0-1

Total Installed Size:  30.78 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      -0.08 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 

For information, I'm using Archlinux if you want try to reproduce the issue.

smcenlly commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue. It is a known bug in the latest version of node.js: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/40030