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Google Chrome Helper (GPU) is on 100% in VSCode when idle #2811

Closed dzsodzso63 closed 3 years ago

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

Issue description or question

Google Chrome Helper (GPU) is on 100% when idle

It's not happening immediately, but after a while. When I restart wallaby, 's working properly again. It's unclear that which action causes the error, but after a while my computer heats up, and checking the processes reveals the error

The diagnostics report below is copied after the first test run, with no problem at all, when I tried to copy the report when the issue was experienced, the report was so big that this GH page failed to work

Wallaby diagnostics report

{ editorVersion: '1.60.0',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.313',
  editorType: 'VSCode',
  osVersion: 'darwin 19.6.0',
  nodeVersion: 'v10.21.0',
  coreVersion: '1.0.1148',
  checksum: 'ZTI3YmFhOTJjMThmOTZlZjE5MzI5YzBkNzI0ZWY2YWIsMTY2MjUwODgwMDAwMCww',
   { files:
      [ { pattern: 'img/**/*.+(css|less|scss|sass|html|json|svg|png)', load: false, instrument: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, order: 1 },
        { pattern: 'packages/**/*.+(css|less|scss|sass|html|json|svg|png)', load: false, instrument: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, order: 2 },
        { pattern: 'packages/**/*.+(js|ts|tsx)', load: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, instrument: true, order: 3 },
        { pattern: 'config/**/*.+(js|ts)', load: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, instrument: true, order: 4 },
        { pattern: 'packages/**/*.test.+(js|ts|tsx)', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, instrument: true } ],
     tests: [ { pattern: 'packages/**/*.test.+(js|ts|tsx)', load: false, ignore: false, trigger: true, test: true, order: 5 } ],
      { type: 'browser',
        kind: 'chrome',
        params: { runner: '--headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch --window-size=1000,1200' },
        viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 },
        options: { width: 800, height: 600 },
        bundle: true },
     testFramework: { version: 'jasmine@3.6.0', configurator: 'jasmine@2.1.3', reporter: 'jasmine@2.1.3', starter: 'jasmine@2.1.3' },
     compilers: { '**/*.+(js|ts|tsx)': [Function], '**/*.?(lit)coffee?(.md)': [Function] },
     screenshot: true,
     diagnostics: {},
     filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [],
     runAllTestsInAffectedTestFile: false,
     updateNoMoreThanOneSnapshotPerTestFileRun: false,
     addModifiedTestFileToExclusiveTestRun: true,
     preprocessors: {},
     maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
     autoConsoleLog: true,
     delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
     workers: { initial: 0, regular: 0, recycle: false },
     teardown: undefined,
      { ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore/',
        ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
        commentAutoLog: '?',
        testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' } },
     automaticTestFileSelection: true,
     runSelectedTestsOnly: false,
     mapConsoleMessagesStackTrace: false,
     extensions: {},
     reportUnhandledPromises: false,
     throwOnBeforeUnload: true,
     slowTestThreshold: 75,
     lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
     loose: undefined,
      'const wallabyWebpack = require(\'wallaby-webpack\');\nprocess.env.BABEL_ENV = \'test\';\nprocess.env.NODE_ENV = \'test\';\nconst webpackConfig = require(\'./config/webpack.config\');\n\n// removing babel-loader, we will use babel compiler instead, it\'s more performant\nwebpackConfig.module.rules = webpackConfig.module.rules.filter(\n  (rule) => rule.use !== \'babel-loader\'\n);\n\n// removing unnecessary plugins\nwebpackConfig.plugins = webpackConfig.plugins.filter(\n  (plugin) =>\n    !(\n      plugin.constructor &&\n      [\'CleanWebpackPlugin\', \'WebpackBarPlugin\'].indexOf(\n        plugin.constructor.name\n      ) > -1\n    )\n);\n\ndelete webpackConfig.entry;\ndelete webpackConfig.output;\ndelete webpackConfig.devtool;\n\nconst wallabyPostprocessor = wallabyWebpack(webpackConfig);\n\nmodule.exports = function (wallaby) {\n  return {\n    files: [\n      {\n        pattern: \'img/**/*.+(css|less|scss|sass|html|json|svg|png)\',\n        load: false,\n        instrument: false,\n      },\n      {\n        pattern: \'packages/**/*.+(css|less|scss|sass|html|json|svg|png)\',\n        load: false,\n        instrument: false,\n      },\n      { pattern: \'packages/**/*.+(js|ts|tsx)\', load: false },\n      { pattern: \'config/**/*.+(js|ts)\', load: false },\n      \'!packages/**/*.test.+(js|ts|tsx)\',\n    ],\n    tests: [{ pattern: \'packages/**/*.test.+(js|ts|tsx)\', load: false }],\n    postprocessor: wallabyPostprocessor,\n    env: {\n      type: \'browser\',\n      kind: \'chrome\',\n      params: {\n        runner:\n          \'--headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch --window-size=1000,1200\',\n      },\n    },\n    bootstrap: function () {\n      window.__moduleBundler.loadTests();\n    },\n    testFramework: \'jasmine\',\n    compilers: {\n      \'**/*.+(js|ts|tsx)\': wallaby.compilers.babel(),\n    },\n    screenshot: true,\n    // trace: true,\n  };\n};\n' },
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  fs: { numberOfFiles: 1663 },
   [ '2021-09-27T10:49:11.495Z project Wallaby Node version: v10.21.0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:11.495Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/Formlabs/guillotine/static/formlabs-web-frontend/wallaby.conf.js\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:11.670Z project File cache: <homeDir>/.vscode/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.313/projects/c0f4bcc0faa9ed30\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:11.789Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:11.798Z project package.json file change detected, invalidating local cache\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.134Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 10, for regular run: 5\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.134Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #6\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #7\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #8\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.135Z workers Starting run worker instance #9\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.137Z workers Web server is listening at 54474\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:12.142Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.308Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #1\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #2\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #3\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #4\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #5\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #6\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #7\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #8\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:13.309Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #9\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:17.143Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/constants/ActionConstants.ts]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:17.165Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/LogIn/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:17.183Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/constants/CloudQueueConstants.ts]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:17.209Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/constants/RegisterPrinterConstants.ts]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:17.661Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/common/util/d3.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:18.898Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/CreateGroup/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:19.658Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/CloudQueue/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:22.081Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/global.d.ts]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:22.505Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/reducers/sill_untyped_reducers.d.ts]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:22.645Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Timeline/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:23.124Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Statistics/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:23.142Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Settings/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:23.182Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Search/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:23.884Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Prints/v3/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:24.156Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Printers/v3/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:25.118Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Materials/v3/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:25.240Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/BetaProgram/test/StateSnapshot.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:28.796Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Overview/v3/test/StateSnapsotGroupContext.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:29.077Z project Compiler did not set ranges for file [packages/dashboard/js/pages/Overview/v3/test/StateSnapsotGlobal.js]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:31.063Z project Stopping process pool\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:31.066Z project Running postprocessor\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:31.188Z postprocessor New compiler created\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:31.311Z postprocessor Webpack compilation started\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:45.023Z postprocessor Webpack compilation finished\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.466Z postprocessor Emitting 1922 files\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.728Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.728Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.762Z project Running all tests\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.818Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.818Z workers Distributing tests between 10 workers\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.820Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #b7q34]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #k9rwv]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #y9pye]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #h9b5x]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #r8pl9]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #omp3f]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #6, session #veeqc]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #7, session #alxl7]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #8, session #5sl4j]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #9, session #qfu9r]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.821Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #b7q34]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.825Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 8\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.830Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #b7q34]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.830Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #k9rwv]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.832Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.844Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #1, session #k9rwv]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox1.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.844Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #y9pye]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.868Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 8\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.876Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #2, session #y9pye]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox2.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.876Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #h9b5x]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.881Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 8\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.887Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #3, session #h9b5x]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox3.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.887Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #r8pl9]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.889Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 8\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.913Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #4, session #r8pl9]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox4.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.913Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #omp3f]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.915Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.918Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #5, session #omp3f]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox5.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.918Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #6, session #veeqc]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.919Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 8\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.923Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #6, session #veeqc]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox6.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.923Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #7, session #alxl7]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.924Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.927Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #7, session #alxl7]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox7.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.927Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #8, session #5sl4j]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.934Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.936Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #8, session #5sl4j]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox8.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.936Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #9, session #qfu9r]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.937Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 7\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #9, session #qfu9r]: http://localhost:54474/wallaby_sandbox9.html\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #b7q34]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #k9rwv]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #y9pye]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #h9b5x]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #r8pl9]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #omp3f]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #6, session #veeqc]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #7, session #alxl7]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #8, session #5sl4j]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #9, session #qfu9r]\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.940Z workers [worker #0, session #b7q34] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.941Z workers [worker #1, session #k9rwv] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.942Z workers [worker #2, session #y9pye] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.942Z workers [worker #3, session #h9b5x] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.942Z workers [worker #4, session #r8pl9] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.942Z workers [worker #5, session #omp3f] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.942Z workers [worker #6, session #veeqc] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.942Z workers [worker #7, session #alxl7] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.942Z workers [worker #8, session #5sl4j] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:46.942Z workers [worker #9, session #qfu9r] Running tests in sandbox\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.358Z workers [r8pl9] Loaded 37 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.365Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should set request status on SERVER_ERR\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.448Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should set request status on STARTED\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.452Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should set results on successful get\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.453Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should set request status on SUCCESS\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.454Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should set request status on STARTED\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.455Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should set request status on SUCCESS\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.474Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should set request status on SERVER_ERR\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.482Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should set successfully fetched prints\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.521Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should create a GET request for the user\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.538Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should POST to submit password reset request\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.604Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should pass through UI actions\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.611Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should POST to create a user\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.620Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should POST to submit password reset\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.654Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should PATCH to update email\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.708Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when missing cylinder PILK-1-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.740Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when missing tank from FORM-2-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.786Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when missing back cartridge FRML-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.831Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when normal condition PILK-1-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.858Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when normal FORM-2-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.880Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when missing both cartridges FRML-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.884Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when empty cartridge in FORM-2-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.886Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when missing cartridge from FORM-2-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.892Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when normal FORM-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.915Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when both missing from FORM-2-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.932Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when not proper cartridge data for both slots FRML-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.935Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when missing tank from FORM-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.942Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when missing cartridge from FORM-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.945Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when expired tank in FORM-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.951Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when both missing from FORM-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.956Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when empty cartridge in FORM-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.959Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when normal FRML-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.962Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render the component correctly when normal FRBL-3-0\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.967Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should create a \n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.970Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should create a POST for sending a print vote\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.984Z workers [b7q34] Loaded 32 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.986Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should clear the localStorage when the session is changed\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.988Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should clear the localStorage when the session is changed\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.989Z workers [alxl7] Loaded 29 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.990Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should clear the persisted state on log out\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.991Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should set data into print records on load\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.995Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should persist the store to localStorage on store initialize\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.995Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should clear the csv loading flag\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.996Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should not clear non-session storage while logged out\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:48.997Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should set a csv loading flag\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.000Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should render\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.022Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should set print error on error\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.119Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render with loaded state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.120Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should render without cart\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.121Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should keep the existing print while loading a new one\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.129Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should render with Running Low\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.130Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should insert a freshly fetched print object\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.133Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should render with Low Health\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.134Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should initialize the printPage key store\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.136Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render with init state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.136Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should render with Running Low and Low Health\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.137Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should ignore request if not success\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.140Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should be resistent against empty intial value\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.141Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should extract print objects from printer response\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.143Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.144Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should set loaded print object\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.147Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should be resistent against empty intial value\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.148Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should set loading status\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.151Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.168Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should redirect on error\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.171Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should create a GET request for print events of a specific printrun\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.171Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should add prints to print records, and page data to pages\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.172Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should create a PUT request to mark all as read\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.174Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should set a loading status while loading\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.185Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should create a GET request for all events\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.185Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should set a loaded status after load\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.186Z workers [r8pl9] Test executed: should render\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.186Z workers [h9b5x] Loaded 24 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.187Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should pass props through to the component\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.188Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should set an error flag on error\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.189Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should load and render the component\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.189Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should mark a print as not shared\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.191Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should clear alerts on command\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.192Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should do nothing until request is finished\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.193Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should render with initial state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.194Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should alert already registered printers\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.195Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should mark a print as shared\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.197Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should ignore loading state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.197Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should do nothing until request is finished\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.198Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should alert successful registration\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.199Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: Should render with user\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.204Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: Should render without user\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.206Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should render\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.256Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should log out\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.634Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should render with loaded state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.635Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should alert failed consumable delete\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.635Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should render\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.639Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should render in graph\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.643Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should alert failed consumable name update\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.646Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should clear the search query\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.651Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should alert offline errors\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.652Z workers [y9pye] Loaded 12 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.653Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should search support and prints\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.655Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should ignore other states\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.655Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should initialize state on an empty action\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.657Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should render with loaded state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.659Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should alert if offline\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.660Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should render with initial state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.660Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should set an error on bad fetch\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.660Z workers [alxl7] Test executed: should render with init state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.661Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should ignore other states\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.662Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should do nothing if there are no results\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.663Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should do nothing when get requests is started\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.663Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should ignore loading state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.665Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should correctly set fetched data\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.666Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should alert expired reset token\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.667Z workers [veeqc] Loaded 17 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.667Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should render the component correctly\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.668Z workers [b7q34] Test executed: should alert successful reset\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.669Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should create POST request to send a code\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.669Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should create a GET request for notifications\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.675Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should capitalize input codes\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.678Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should POST to log in\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.680Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should create an error reset request\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.681Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should POST to log out\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.682Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should render with loaded state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.682Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should render the component correctly\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.689Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should render with init state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.695Z workers [y9pye] Test executed: should render with loaded state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.699Z workers [k9rwv] Loaded 21 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.701Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should render with init state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.794Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should render with loaded state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.798Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should render queue page, opens the attention tab\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.811Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should render queue page, opens the Jobs In Queue tab, showing the job which is fully compatible\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.834Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should render in loading state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.858Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set error state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.867Z workers [5sl4j] Loaded 31 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.871Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should render with loaded state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.872Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should load data on success\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.872Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should render with init state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.873Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set default urlBase and auth keys\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.873Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set all defined values\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.874Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should GET tank stats\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.874Z workers [omp3f] Loaded 14 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.875Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should GET cartridge stats\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.875Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should create GET request for printers\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.875Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should GET material stats\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.875Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should create a DELETE request to deregister a printer\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.876Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: shuld GET print data for the bar chart\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.876Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should show error\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.877Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should GET printer stats\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.877Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should show material matching compatibility problem\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.877Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set all defined values\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.888Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set defaults for missing values\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.890Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should let admin to remove printer\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.890Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should render queue page, opens the attention tab, but not showing the job which is fully compatible at least one printer\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.891Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set loading state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.891Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should render\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.903Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should have proper printer icon\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.903Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should render settings for non admin without Delete button\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.904Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should render\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.904Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set new cartridges in state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.905Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set the action status\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.905Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should preserve existing cartridges before load\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.907Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set the action status\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.916Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should preserve existing tanks before load\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.917Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should clear on command\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.917Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set new tanks in state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.924Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should save selected material\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.925Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set consumables in state in one run\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.926Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should mark consumable for deletion while pending\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.926Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should remove deleted consumables from state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.927Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should return object copies when changing status\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.928Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should render with initial state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.936Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.936Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set the action status\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.956Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set loading state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.956Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.956Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should clear existing prints during load\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.959Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set error state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.967Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set new prints in state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.973Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should load data on success\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.975Z workers [qfu9r] Loaded 21 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.975Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should render around DST change\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.976Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should render in no DST\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.977Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.991Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.993Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should render with init state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:49.995Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set the success status\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.025Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should render in DST\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.026Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should create copies when updating consumables\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.026Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should render the component correctly\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.026Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.026Z workers [5sl4j] Test executed: should set the loading status\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.031Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should have material badge\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.036Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.050Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should create URL to get single order\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.062Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should render when open\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.063Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should select the selected material\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.065Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set the page to 1 by default\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.075Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should render with loaded state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.081Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set the provided page number\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.086Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should create GET tanks and cartridges\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.125Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should render the component correctly\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.129Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should create setter action for selected material\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.129Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should reset state on command\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.129Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should return the request status always\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.130Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should handle change events\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.131Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should create GET request for prints of a material type\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.131Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set an error if creation fails\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.132Z workers [r8pl9] Run 37 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.134Z workers [r8pl9] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.136Z workers [alxl7] Run 29 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.139Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should create a DELETE request for tanks\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.139Z workers [alxl7] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.141Z workers [b7q34] Run 32 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.142Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should return the response if creation succeeds\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.143Z workers [b7q34] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.143Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should map known error codes\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.144Z workers [y9pye] Run 12 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.146Z workers [y9pye] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.147Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.151Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should create a DELETE request for cartridges\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.156Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should set an error message on failure\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.157Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should have material dropdown\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.161Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.167Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set request status if not successful\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.176Z workers [5sl4j] Run 31 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.177Z workers [5sl4j] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.179Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should create PUT request to update consumable nickname\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.181Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should change the location hash if successful\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.187Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should redirect the window hash on success\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.191Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.193Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should create POST request to set consumable nickname\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.195Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should set password reset request status\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.198Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: getVolume method\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.200Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should ignore loading state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.205Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.213Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: getMass method\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.222Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should not change state if user did not load\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.232Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.236Z workers [h9b5x] Test executed: should put the user object in state if loaded\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.240Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should initialize state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.242Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should happen on successful log in\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.245Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.253Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should set events data when loaded\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.255Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should do nothing on initial get request\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.260Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.269Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should immediately update notifications\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.269Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should happen on successful log out\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.273Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.277Z workers [k9rwv] Test executed: should mark all events as read\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.282Z workers [omp3f] Test executed: should set fetched notifications\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.284Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should happen on unsuccessful log out\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.297Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should happen on any authenticated 401\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.300Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.314Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.316Z workers [h9b5x] Run 24 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.317Z workers [h9b5x] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.340Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.343Z workers [veeqc] Test executed: should render the component correctly\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.357Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.381Z workers [omp3f] Run 14 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.383Z workers [k9rwv] Run 21 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.401Z workers [veeqc] Run 17 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.726Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should render with saved global state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.811Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should render with initial state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.883Z workers [omp3f] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.883Z workers [omp3f] Sandbox closing error, Cannot read property \'then\' of undefined\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.883Z workers [k9rwv] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.883Z workers [k9rwv] Sandbox closing error, Cannot read property \'then\' of undefined\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.900Z workers [veeqc] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.900Z workers [veeqc] Sandbox closing error, Cannot read property \'then\' of undefined\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:50.991Z workers [qfu9r] Test executed: should render with saved group context state\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:51.080Z workers [qfu9r] Run 21 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:51.466Z workers [qfu9r] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:51.466Z workers [qfu9r] Sandbox closing error, Cannot read property \'then\' of undefined\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.467Z workers [qfu9r] Sandbox is not responsive, recycling worker instance\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.467Z workers [qfu9r] Sandbox closing error, Cannot read property \'then\' of undefined\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.467Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.506Z project Test run finished\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.508Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.509Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.510Z project Test name duplicate: should clear the localStorage when the session is changed\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.513Z project Test name duplicate: should be resistent against empty input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.513Z project Test name duplicate: should be resistent against undefined input\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.513Z project Processed executed tests\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.568Z project Processed code coverage\n',
     '2021-09-27T10:49:56.776Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n' ] }
smcenlly commented 3 years ago

when I tried to copy the report when the issue was experienced, the report was so big that this GH page failed to work

Could you please try attaching it as a file attachment or else email it to us: hello@wallabyjs.com? It sounds like it will have some information that will help us work out what's going on.

Could you also please try updating your runner params in your config file to include:

smcenlly commented 3 years ago

Assuming adding the additional chrome flags fixed the problem for you and closing the issue.

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately adding the chrome flags did not solve the issue. GPU is at 120% right now again. Now I attached the diag file. diagnostic.txt

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

@smcenlly pls reopen the issue

smcenlly commented 3 years ago

Is it possible for you to provide us with a sample and steps to reproduce the problem? The issue is most likely related to something that your tests are doing, and not Wallaby so I think that would be the fastest way to expedite a solution/identify the problem. If you are unable to share publicly, you may email us instead: hello@wallabyjs.com.

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

Ok, I will try to create a repo for it, the problem is that I have to rip off company data

@smcenlly Can you explain why the GPU is high when there's also the --disable-gpu flag?

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

My Chrome Process with params started by wallaby:

MacOS/Google Chrome --disable-features=TranslateUI --disable-extensions --disable-component-extensions-with-background-pages --disable-background-networking --disable-sync --metrics-recording-only --disable-default-apps --mute-audio --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows --disable-renderer-backgrounding --disable-background-timer-throttling --force-fieldtrials=*BackgroundTracing/default/ --remote-debugging-port=52803 --user-data-dir=xxx --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch --window-size=900,1200 --disable-translate --disable-extensions --disable-background-networking --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-sync --metrics-recording-only --disable-default-apps --no-first-run about:blank

My GPU Helper process started by the headless chrome:

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

Also inspecting the Chrome after a while more and more tabs are open and you can see the rendered results of tests there each tab is something like: localhost:[port]/wallaby_sandbox[num].html

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

Now the headless Chrome is at 200% again, and inspected it remotely. There are ~60 pages open, and many of it contains the tested rendered html. With css animations and everything. So it looks like that wallaby keeps opening new tabs w/o closing/reusing old tabs

smcenlly commented 3 years ago

Can you please try changing your Wallaby.js config to:


const wallabyWebpack = require('wallaby-webpack'); 
process.env.BABEL_ENV = 'test'; 
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; 
const webpackConfig = require('./config/webpack.config'); 
// removing babel-loader, we will use babel compiler instead, it's more performant 
webpackConfig.module.rules = webpackConfig.module.rules.filter( 
  (rule) => rule.use !== 'babel-loader' 
// removing unnecessary plugins 
webpackConfig.plugins = webpackConfig.plugins.filter( 
  (plugin) => 
      plugin.constructor && 
      ['CleanWebpackPlugin', 'WebpackBarPlugin'].indexOf( 
      ) > -1 
delete webpackConfig.entry; 
delete webpackConfig.output; 
delete webpackConfig.devtool; 
const wallabyPostprocessor = wallabyWebpack(webpackConfig); 
module.exports = function (wallaby) { 
  return { 
    files: [ 
        pattern: 'img/**/*.+(css|less|scss|sass|html|json|svg|png)', 
        load: false, 
        instrument: false, 
        pattern: 'packages/**/*.+(css|less|scss|sass|html|json|svg|png)', 
        load: false, 
        instrument: false, 
      { pattern: 'packages/**/*.+(js|ts|tsx)', load: false }, 
      { pattern: 'config/**/*.+(js|ts)', load: false }, 
    tests: [{ pattern: 'packages/**/*.test.+(js|ts|tsx)', load: false }], 
    postprocessor: wallabyPostprocessor, 
    env: { 
      type: 'browser', 
      kind: 'chrome', 
      params: { 
          '--disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch --window-size=900,1200 ' + 
          '--disable-translate --disable-extensions --disable-background-networking --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-sync ' + 
          '--metrics-recording-only --disable-default-apps --no-first-run', 
    bootstrap: function () { 
    testFramework: 'jasmine', 
    compilers: { 
      '**/*.+(js|ts|tsx)': wallaby.compilers.babel(), 
    screenshot: true, 
    // trace: true, 

I've removed the --headless flag so now you should see the browser window and you should see whether the tabs stay open (or not).

I'm using the same env settings with https://github.com/wallabyjs/calculator-sample, and I can see that the tabs are being closed properly. If the tabs are not closing properly, I think it's related to your code and we'll need you to create a simple sample repo to help. You should be able to bisect your code and identify how to keep the tab not closing behavior until you have a simple / dummy test with none of your production/company data.

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

Working with a non-headless browser is painful, and keeps focusing to the browser window for every test run. Anyway, I can reproduce the problem modifying a fundamental dependency, so all tests running at once, making sometimes a tab open

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

Meanwhile, I have a workaround:

    window.setTimeout(() => {
    }, 30 * 1000);

after rendering the react component being tested

smcenlly commented 3 years ago

Working with a non-headless browser is painful, and keeps focusing to the browser window for every test run.

Yes - ideally you only do this if you need to debug a problem.

Meanwhile, I have a workaround:

We're interested to know what was causing the window to remain open. Were you able to identify why? Do you get the same behavior if you run your tests outside of Wallaby?

smcenlly commented 3 years ago

I'm going to assume that the problem is solved for now and close this issue, if not, please respond and we can re-open.

dzsodzso63 commented 3 years ago

I don't think we should close this. I am still trying to identify what causes the issue. The workaround is just an ugly hack, and shouldn't be the proper solution. (And the other thing is that when I run the same tests with karma, it is failing with this workaround when the timeout is shorter than the test run. so this is not safe at all. ) Will get back here, when I have more info about reproducing the bug

smcenlly commented 3 years ago

We'll keep the issue open for the next 7 days. If we haven't heard back from you by then, we'll close the issue.

Internally Wallaby uses a chrome remoting call to close the tab and reports any failures to your diagnostic log (which were empty). We'd appreciate if you're able to provide a reproducible sample.

smcenlly commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue as we haven't heard back. If/when you reply, we will re-open it.