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Repository for Wallaby.js questions and issues
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Only two test files are discovered now #2950

Closed peteralbert closed 2 years ago

peteralbert commented 2 years ago

Issue description or question

I've been happily using Wallaby successfully for a while on this project. After coming back to the project after a two weeks, suddenly, only 2 out of the 26 spec files are discovered and the tests are run. Prior, all files were discovered and executed. Running Jest still works normally.

Also, using Smart Start, the missing spec files are executed - but of course only once I open them.

Not sure this is related, but starting and stopping Wallaby, sometimes produced this error message in VS Code: Attempt to insert a duplicate controller with ID wallaby

Wallaby diagnostics report

  editorVersion: '1.65.2',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.333',
  editorType: 'VSCode',
  osVersion: 'win32 10.0.17763',
  nodeVersion: 'v14.15.1',
  coreVersion: '1.0.1246',
  checksum: 'ZjM2M2M4NWM0OWRiYjhiMTkyNjY0MTE4OTI1MDk4YWUsMTY3MDg4OTYwMDAwMCww',
  config: {
    diagnostics: {
      jest: {
        config: {
          configs: [
              automock: false,
              cache: true,
              cacheDirectory: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\3\\jest',
              clearMocks: false,
              coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\' ],
              cwd: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend',
              dependencyExtractor: undefined,
              detectLeaks: false,
              detectOpenHandles: false,
              displayName: undefined,
              errorOnDeprecated: false,
              extensionsToTreatAsEsm: [],
              extraGlobals: [],
              filter: undefined,
              forceCoverageMatch: [],
              globalSetup: undefined,
              globalTeardown: undefined,
              globals: {},
              haste: { computeSha1: false, enableSymlinks: false, forceNodeFilesystemAPI: false, throwOnModuleCollision: false },
              injectGlobals: true,
              moduleDirectories: [ 'node_modules' ],
              moduleFileExtensions: [ 'js', 'json', 'ts' ],
              moduleLoader: undefined,
              moduleNameMapper: [
                [ '^@alma/db-old(|/.*)$', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\libs\\db-old\\src\\$1' ],
                [ '^@alma/db(|/.*)$', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\libs\\db\\src\\$1' ],
                [ '^@alma/map(|/.*)$', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\libs\\map\\src\\$1' ],
                [ '^@alma/config(|/.*)$', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\libs\\config\\src\\$1' ],
                [ '^@alma/slug(|/.*)$', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\libs\\slug\\src\\$1' ],
                [ '^@alma/http(|/.*)$', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\libs\\http\\src\\$1' ],
                [ '^@alma/common(|/.*)$', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\libs\\common\\src\\$1' ]
              modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],
              modulePaths: undefined,
              name: '1de5bba9376ff021c5f543c81f01cf57',
              prettierPath: 'prettier',
              resetMocks: false,
              resetModules: false,
              resolver: undefined,
              restoreMocks: false,
              rootDir: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend',
              roots: [ 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\apps', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\libs' ],
              runner: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\node_modules\\jest-runner\\build\\index.js',
              setupFiles: [],
              setupFilesAfterEnv: [],
              skipFilter: false,
              skipNodeResolution: undefined,
              slowTestThreshold: 5,
              snapshotFormat: undefined,
              snapshotResolver: undefined,
              snapshotSerializers: [],
              testEnvironment: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\node_modules\\jest-environment-node\\build\\index.js',
              testEnvironmentOptions: {},
              testLocationInResults: false,
              testMatch: [],
              testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\' ],
              testRegex: [ '.*\\.spec\\.ts$' ],
              testRunner: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\node_modules\\jest-circus\\runner.js',
              testURL: 'http://localhost',
              timers: 'real',
              transform: [ [ '^.+\\.(t|j)s$', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\node_modules\\ts-jest\\dist\\index.js', {} ] ],
              transformIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\', '\\.pnp\\.[^\\\\]+$' ],
              unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
              watchPathIgnorePatterns: []
          globalConfig: {
            bail: 0,
            changedFilesWithAncestor: false,
            changedSince: undefined,
            collectCoverage: false,
            collectCoverageFrom: [ '**/*.(t|j)s' ],
            collectCoverageOnlyFrom: undefined,
            coverageDirectory: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\coverage',
            coverageProvider: 'babel',
            coverageReporters: [ 'json', 'text', 'lcov', 'clover' ],
            coverageThreshold: undefined,
            detectLeaks: false,
            detectOpenHandles: false,
            errorOnDeprecated: false,
            expand: false,
            filter: undefined,
            findRelatedTests: false,
            forceExit: false,
            globalSetup: undefined,
            globalTeardown: undefined,
            json: false,
            lastCommit: false,
            listTests: false,
            logHeapUsage: false,
            maxConcurrency: 5,
            maxWorkers: 31,
            noSCM: undefined,
            noStackTrace: false,
            nonFlagArgs: undefined,
            notify: false,
            notifyMode: 'failure-change',
            onlyChanged: false,
            onlyFailures: false,
            outputFile: undefined,
            passWithNoTests: false,
            projects: [],
            replname: undefined,
            reporters: undefined,
            rootDir: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend',
            runTestsByPath: false,
            silent: undefined,
            skipFilter: false,
            snapshotFormat: undefined,
            testFailureExitCode: 1,
            testNamePattern: undefined,
            testPathPattern: '',
            testResultsProcessor: undefined,
            testSequencer: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\node_modules\\@jest\\test-sequencer\\build\\index.js',
            testTimeout: undefined,
            updateSnapshot: 'new',
            useStderr: false,
            verbose: undefined,
            watch: false,
            watchAll: false,
            watchPlugins: undefined,
            watchman: true
          hasDeprecationWarnings: false,
          wallaby: {
            roots: [ 'apps', 'libs' ],
            watchPathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\', '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\3\\jest', '\\.\\coverage' ],
            testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\', '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\', 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\3\\jest', '\\.\\coverage' ],
            testMatch: [],
            testRegex: [ '.*\\.spec\\.ts$' ]
    testFramework: { version: 'jest@24.8.0', configurator: 'jest@24.8.0', reporter: 'jest@24.8.0', starter: 'jest@24.8.0', autoDetected: true },
    filesWithCoverageCalculated: [ '**/*.(t|j)s' ],
    filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [],
    globalSetup: false,
    micromatch: true,
    files: [
      { pattern: '\\\\node_modules\\\\', regexp: /\\node_modules\\/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
        pattern: '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\',
        regexp: /\.\\dist\\|\.\\build\\|\.\\coverage\\|\.\\git\\|\\\..+\\/,
        ignore: true,
        trigger: true,
        load: true
      { pattern: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\3\\jest', regexp: /<homeDir>\AppData\Local\Temp\3\jest/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '\\.\\coverage', regexp: /\.\coverage/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true },
      { pattern: '**/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 1 },
      { pattern: 'apps/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 2 },
      { pattern: 'libs/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 3 },
      { pattern: '.*\\.spec\\.ts$', regexp: /.*\.spec\.ts$/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true }
    tests: [
      { pattern: '\\\\node_modules\\\\', regexp: /\\node_modules\\/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
        pattern: '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\',
        regexp: /\.\\dist\\|\.\\build\\|\.\\coverage\\|\.\\git\\|\\\..+\\/,
        ignore: true,
        trigger: true,
        load: true,
        test: true
      { pattern: 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\3\\jest', regexp: /<homeDir>\AppData\Local\Temp\3\jest/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '\\.\\coverage', regexp: /\.\coverage/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '.*\\.spec\\.ts$', regexp: /.*\.spec\.ts$/, ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, order: 4 }
    runAllTestsInAffectedTestFile: false,
    updateNoMoreThanOneSnapshotPerTestFileRun: false,
    compilers: {},
    preprocessors: {},
    maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
    autoConsoleLog: true,
    delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
    workers: { initial: 0, regular: 0, recycle: false },
    teardown: undefined,
    hints: {
      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore/',
      ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
      commentAutoLog: '?',
      testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' }
    automaticTestFileSelection: true,
    runSelectedTestsOnly: false,
    mapConsoleMessagesStackTrace: false,
    extensions: {},
    env: { type: 'node', params: {}, runner: 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe', viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 }, options: { width: 800, height: 600 }, bundle: true },
    reportUnhandledPromises: true,
    slowTestThreshold: 75,
    lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
    loose: true,
    configCode: 'auto.detect#-537287903'
  packageJSON: {
    dependencies: {
      '@nestjs-modules/mailer': '^1.6.1',
      '@nestjs/common': '^8.4.1',
      '@nestjs/core': '^8.4.1',
      '@nestjs/jwt': '^8.0.0',
      '@nestjs/passport': '^8.2.1',
      '@nestjs/platform-express': '^8.4.1',
      '@nestjs/platform-fastify': '^8.4.1',
      '@prisma/client': '^3.11.0',
      '@turf/turf': '^6.5.0',
      'assert-never': '^1.2.1',
      'decimal.js': '^10.3.1',
      dotenv: '^16.0.0',
      'dotenv-expand': '^8.0.2',
      'fastify-cookie': '^5.6.0',
      'fastify-helmet': '^7.0.1',
      'json-decoder': '^1.4.0',
      'keycloak-admin': '^1.14.22',
      'node-fetch': '^2.6.6',
      passport: '0.5.2',
      'passport-jwt': '^4.0.0',
      'reflect-metadata': '^0.1.13',
      request: '2.88.2',
      'request-promise': '^4.2.6',
      rimraf: '^3.0.2',
      rxjs: '^7.5.5'
    devDependencies: {
      '@nestjs/cli': '^8.2.3',
      '@nestjs/schematics': '^8.0.8',
      '@nestjs/testing': '^8.4.1',
      '@types/dotenv': '^8.2.0',
      '@types/express': '^4.17.13',
      '@types/jest': '27.4.1',
      '@types/node': '^17.0.21',
      '@types/node-fetch': '2.6.1',
      '@types/request-promise': '^4.1.48',
      '@types/supertest': '^2.0.11',
      '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': '^5.15.0',
      '@typescript-eslint/parser': '^5.15.0',
      eslint: '^8.11.0',
      'eslint-config-prettier': '^8.5.0',
      'eslint-plugin-prettier': '^4.0.0',
      jest: '^27.5.1',
      'jest-mock-extended': '^2.0.4',
      'openapi-typescript': '^5.2.0',
      prettier: '^2.6.0',
      prisma: '^3.11.0',
      'source-map-support': '^0.5.21',
      supertest: '^6.2.2',
      'ts-jest': '^27.1.3',
      'ts-loader': '^9.2.8',
      'ts-node': '^10.7.0',
      'tsconfig-paths': '^3.14.0',
      typescript: '^4.6.2'
  fs: { numberOfFiles: 274 },
  debug: [
    '2022-03-17T15:39:06.946Z angular/cli config Angular CLI not found.\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.106Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.106Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.108Z project Wallaby Node version: v14.15.1\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.108Z project Wallaby config: C:\\Users\\Peter\\repos\\alma-next\\backend\\auto.detect\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.373Z project File cache: C:\\Users\\Peter\\.vscode\\extensions\\wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.333\\projects\\dee9fbbe4565eef0\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.514Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.541Z project package.json file change detected, invalidating local cache\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 30, for regular run: 15\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #6\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #7\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #8\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #9\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #10\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #11\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #12\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #13\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #14\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #15\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #16\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #17\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #18\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #19\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #20\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #21\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #22\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #23\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #24\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #25\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #26\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #27\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #28\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.557Z workers Starting run worker instance #29\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.558Z workers Web server is listening at 58742\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.559Z project File cache requires some updates, waiting required files from IDE\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.766Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.768Z project Promoting test run to full run because of test selection changes\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.768Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.770Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.778Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.779Z workers Distributing tests between 30 workers\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.779Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.780Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #tibzr]\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.780Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #ow6cq]\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.780Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #tibzr]\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.780Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #ow6cq]\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.797Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #2\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.807Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #3\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.810Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #4\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.818Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.818Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #ow6cq]\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.818Z workers [worker #1, session #ow6cq] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.820Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.820Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #tibzr]\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.821Z workers [worker #0, session #tibzr] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.826Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #8\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.826Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #10\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.826Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #6\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.827Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #11\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.827Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #12\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.827Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #5\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.828Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #9\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.828Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #14\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.831Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #7\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.832Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #15\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.833Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #13\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.837Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #19\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.839Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #16\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.842Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #18\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.848Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #21\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.848Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #20\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.851Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #24\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.851Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #17\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.858Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #23\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.858Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #22\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.859Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #27\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.860Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #25\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.863Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #26\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.863Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #28\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:07.876Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #29\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:14.900Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (tibzr): 2022-03-17T15:39:08.265Z\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:14.992Z workers [tibzr] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:14.992Z workers [tibzr] Test executed: should create an ActionLog\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:14.992Z workers [tibzr] Test executed: should be able to successfuly finalize an ActionLog\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:14.993Z workers [tibzr] Test executed: should be able to store error state\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:14.993Z workers [tibzr] Test executed: should be able to store unauthorized state\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:14.993Z workers [tibzr] Test executed: should not allow to modify a finished entry\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.003Z workers [tibzr] Run 5 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.003Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (tibzr): 2022-03-17T15:39:14.898Z\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.004Z workers [tibzr] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.159Z uiService UI client connected\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.160Z uiService Outgoing message ui:handshake\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.161Z uiService Incoming message ui:tests:resultsRequested\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.162Z uiService Outgoing message ui:tests:allResultsUpdated\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.162Z uiService Incoming message ui:start\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.163Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.165Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.700Z uiService UI client connected\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.700Z uiService Outgoing message ui:handshake\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.702Z uiService Incoming message ui:tests:resultsRequested\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.702Z uiService Outgoing message ui:tests:allResultsUpdated\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.703Z uiService Incoming message ui:start\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.703Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:15.705Z uiService Outgoing message ui:files\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.281Z workers Scheduling Jest Test Run (ow6cq): 2022-03-17T15:39:08.265Z\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.370Z workers [ow6cq] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.370Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should throw if a region is not found\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.370Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a region\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.371Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should throw if a scorecard is not found\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.371Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a scorecard\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.372Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return undefined if scorecardPeriod is not found\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.372Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a scorecardPeriod\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.373Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a scorecardPeriodIndicator\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.373Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a dataPoint for a specific indicator/region/period\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.373Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should not return a "faked" dataPoint when period is in the future from dataPoint, but outside reporting frequency of indicator\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.374Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a "faked" dataPoint when period is in the future from dataPoint and within reporting frequency of indicator\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.374Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a "faked" dataPoint for annual reporting frequency\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.374Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a DHIS dataPoint for a specific indicator/region/period\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.375Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should not return a "faked" DHIS dataPoint when period is in the future from dataPoint, but outside reporting frequency of indicator\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.375Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a "faked" DHIS dataPoint when period is in the future from dataPoint and within reporting frequency of indicator\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.375Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should return a "faked" DHIS dataPoint for annual reporting frequency\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.376Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should give precedence to datapoint if both, datapoint and DHIS dataPoint is provide for a specific indicator/region/period\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.376Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should give precedence to later DHIS datapoint\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.376Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: should give precedence to latest datapoint\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.376Z workers [ow6cq] Test executed: datapoint from previous period set to N/A should overwrite later DHIS value - but only during reporint period\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.392Z workers [ow6cq] Run 19 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.393Z workers Jest Test Run Complete (ow6cq): 2022-03-17T15:39:16.279Z\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.393Z workers [ow6cq] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.394Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.399Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.400Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.400Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.401Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.419Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.524Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.524Z uiService Outgoing message ui:summary\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.527Z uiService Outgoing message ui:tests:allResultsUpdated\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.530Z uiService Outgoing message ui:tests:allResultsUpdated\n',
    '2022-03-17T15:39:16.531Z uiService Outgoing message ui:coverageChanged\n'
smcenlly commented 2 years ago

After coming back to the project after a two weeks, suddenly, only 2 out of the 26 spec files are discovered and the tests are run.

If any of your files contains .only, then Wallaby will only run those tests. This is the likely cause of your issue. Can you please check the 2 spec files that are running and confirm that they don't contain .only or its alias, fit? If you delete these two files, do all of your tests run?

If that doesn't work, please try:

  1. Make sure Wallaby isn't running, if so, stop Wallaby
  2. Run the VS Code command, Wallaby.js: Reset Wallaby Cache
  3. From your terminal, run npx jest --clearCache
  4. Restart Wallaby

Not sure this is related, but starting and stopping Wallaby, sometimes produced this error message in VS Code: Attempt to insert a duplicate controller with ID wallaby

We haven't seen this. It sounds like something might be corrupt in VS Code's extension directory. Please perform the following steps:

  1. Uninstall the Wallaby extension
  2. Go to your ~/.vscode/extensions directory and delete all wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode.* directories
  3. Reinstall Wallaby
peteralbert commented 2 years ago

@smcenlly Yes, it was .only! I feel really stupid now! 🤦🏼

I'll watch if the other issue re-appears and will clear cache - if not come back.

Thanks so much!