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Vitest - ReferenceError: $_$wp is not defined #3247

Closed tomitrescak closed 1 year ago

tomitrescak commented 1 year ago

Issue description or question

When running vitest in automatic mode I get $_$wp is not defined. This oinly happens when I set: threads: false in my vitest.workspace.ts file

This is the full vitest.workspace.ts file

import tsconfigPaths from "vite-tsconfig-paths";
import { defineWorkspace } from "vitest/config";

export default defineWorkspace([
  // you can use a list of glob patterns to define your workspaces
  // Vitest expects a list of config files
  // or directories where there is a config file
    plugins: [tsconfigPaths()],
    // threads: false,
    test: {
      threads: false, // <-- This is the culprit
      name: "Server",
      include: ["src/server/**/*.test.ts"],
      environment: "node",
  // {
  //   plugins: [tsconfigPaths()],
  //   test: {
  //     name: "Python Compiler",
  //     include: ["src/compilers/pyodide/**/*.test.ts"],
  //     // root: './shared_tests',
  //     environment: "node",
  //     globals: true,
  //     // setupFiles: ['./setup.node.ts'],
  //   },
  // },

I have to use that flag as I'm using canvas package and that is the documented fix

Wallaby diagnostics report

  editorVersion: '1.80.1',
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  config: {
    diagnostics: {
      vitest: {
        file: {
          config: 'import tsconfigPaths from "vite-tsconfig-paths";\n' +
            '// import { defineConfig } from "vitest/config";\n' +
            '\n' +
            '// export default defineConfig({\n' +
            '//   // plugins: [react()],\n' +
            '//   plugins: [react(), tsconfigPaths()],\n' +
            '//   test: {\n' +
            '//     include: ["src/**/*.test.tsx"],\n' +
            '//     globals: true,\n' +
            '//     environment: "happy-dom",\n' +
            '//   },\n' +
            '// });\n' +
            '\n' +
            'import { defineWorkspace } from "vitest/config";\n' +
            '\n' +
            'export default defineWorkspace([\n' +
            '  // you can use a list of glob patterns to define your workspaces\n' +
            '  // Vitest expects a list of config files\n' +
            '  // or directories where there is a config file\n' +
            "  // 'packages/*',\n" +
            "  // 'tests/*/vitest.config.{e2e,unit}.ts',\n" +
            '  // you can even run the same tests,\n' +
            '  // but with different configs in the same "vitest" process\n' +
            '  // {\n' +
            '  //   plugins: [react(), tsconfigPaths()],\n' +
            '  //   test: {\n' +
            '  //     name: "UI",\n' +
            "  //     // root: './shared_tests',\n" +
            '  //     environment: "happy-dom",\n' +
            '  //     include: ["src/**/*.test.tsx"],\n' +
            '  //     globals: true,\n' +
            "  //     // setupFiles: ['./setup.happy-dom.ts'],\n" +
            '  //   },\n' +
            '  // },\n' +
            '  {\n' +
            '    plugins: [tsconfigPaths()],\n' +
            '    // threads: false,\n' +
            '    test: {\n' +
            '      threads: false,\n' +
            '      name: "Server",\n' +
            '      include: ["src/server/**/*.test.ts"],\n' +
            "      // root: './shared_tests',\n" +
            '      environment: "node",\n' +
            '      // setupFiles: ["src/compilers/java/lib/extendExpect.ts"],\n' +
            '    },\n' +
            '  },\n' +
            '  // {\n' +
            '  //   plugins: [tsconfigPaths()],\n' +
            '  //   test: {\n' +
            '  //     name: "Python Compiler",\n' +
            '  //     include: ["src/compilers/pyodide/**/*.test.ts"],\n' +
            "  //     // root: './shared_tests',\n" +
            '  //     environment: "node",\n' +
            '  //     globals: true,\n' +
            "  //     // setupFiles: ['./setup.node.ts'],\n" +
            '  //   },\n' +
            '  // },\n' +
            '  // {\n' +
            '  //   plugins: [tsconfigPaths()],\n' +
            '  //   test: {\n' +
            '  //     name: "Java Compiler",\n' +
            '  //     include: ["src/compilers/java/**/*.test.ts"],\n' +
            "  //     // root: './shared_tests',\n" +
            '  //     environment: "node",\n' +
            '  //     globals: true,\n' +
            '  //     setupFiles: ["src/compilers/java/lib/extendExpect.ts"],\n' +
            '  //   },\n' +
            '  // },\n' +
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            checker: 'tsc',
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smcenlly commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting the issue. This used to work in Wallaby but we just discovered it broke in vitest v0.0.29+ with some changes they made to how threads are executed.

We're investigating supporting the new threads: false execution model.

smcenlly commented 1 year ago

We've added experimental support for running vitest with threads: false in Wallaby core v1.0.1448.

Could you please update to the latest version? It should work for you.

If you have any further problems, please let us know.