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SolidJS tsx files recognised as React #3350

Closed tslocke closed 7 months ago

tslocke commented 7 months ago

I've just upgraded to latest versions of vite and vitest, plus solid-js and vite-plugin-solid, and now I'm getting ReferenceError: React is not defined from my tsx files. All tests pass with cli vitest.

  editorVersion: '1.86.2',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.374',
  editorType: 'VSCode',
  osVersion: 'darwin 23.2.0',
  nodeVersion: 'v18.12.1',
  coreVersion: '1.0.1549',
  config: {
    resolveGetters: true,
    logLimits: { inline: { depth: 20, elements: 5000 }, values: { default: { stringLength: 3000 }, autoExpand: { stringLength: 8192, elements: 5000, depth: 10 } } },
    runMode: 'onSave',
    diagnostics: {
      vitest: {
        file: {
          config: "import { defineConfig, loadEnv } from 'vite'\n" +
            "import solid from 'vite-plugin-solid'\n" +
            "import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths'\n" +
            'import { sentryVitePlugin } from "@sentry/vite-plugin";\n' +
            '\n' +
            'export default defineConfig(({mode}) => {\n' +
            '  process.env = {...process.env, ...loadEnv(mode, process.cwd())};\n' +
            '\n' +
            '  return {\n' +
            '    server: {\n' +
            '      port: +(process.env.VITE_PORT ?? 3000)\n' +
            '    },\n' +
            '\n' +
            '    plugins: [\n' +
            '      tsconfigPaths({loose: true}),\n' +
            '      solid(),\n' +
            '      sentryVitePlugin({\n' +
            '        authToken: process.env.SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN,\n' +
            '        org: "inio",\n' +
            '        project: "inio-front-end",\n' +
            '        telemetry: false,\n' +
            '      }),      \n' +
            '    ],\n' +
            '\n' +
            '    build: {\n' +
            "      target: 'esnext',\n" +
            '      polyfillDynamicImport: false,\n' +
            '      minify: false,\n' +
            '      chunkSizeWarningLimit: 600,\n' +
            '      sourcemap: true,\n' +
            '      rollupOptions: {\n' +
            "        input: './src/main.tsx',\n" +
            '        output: {\n' +
            '          assetFileNames: "[name][extname]",\n' +
            '          chunkFileNames: "[name].js",\n' +
            '          entryFileNames: "[name].js",\n' +
            '          manualChunks: () => "main.js"\n' +
            '        }\n' +
            '      }\n' +
            '    },\n' +
            '\n' +
            '    optimizeDeps: {\n' +
            "      esbuildOptions: { target: 'esnext' }\n" +
            '    },\n' +
            '\n' +
            '    test: {\n' +
            "      environment: 'jsdom',\n" +
            '      transformMode: { web: [/\\.[jt]sx?$/] },\n' +
            '      threads: true,\n' +
            '      isolate: true,\n' +
            '      globals: true\n' +
            '    },\n' +
            '\n' +
            '  }\n' +
        config: {
          config: {
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            isolate: true,
            watch: true,
            globals: true,
            environment: 'jsdom',
            pool: 'threads',
            clearMocks: false,
            restoreMocks: false,
            mockReset: false,
            include: [ '**/*.{test,spec}.?(c|m)[jt]s?(x)' ],
            exclude: [
            testTimeout: 5000,
            hookTimeout: 10000,
            teardownTimeout: 10000,
            watchExclude: [ '**/node_modules/**', '**/dist/**' ],
            forceRerunTriggers: [ '**/package.json/**', '**/{vitest,vite}.config.*/**' ],
            update: false,
            reporters: [ [ 'default', {} ] ],
            silent: false,
            hideSkippedTests: false,
            api: { middlewareMode: true },
            ui: false,
            uiBase: '/__vitest__/',
            open: true,
            css: { include: [], modules: { classNameStrategy: 'stable' } },
            coverage: {
              provider: 'v8',
              enabled: false,
              all: true,
              clean: true,
              cleanOnRerun: true,
              reportsDirectory: './coverage',
              exclude: [
              reportOnFailure: false,
              reporter: [ [ 'text', {} ], [ 'html', {} ], [ 'clover', {} ], [ 'json', {} ] ],
              extension: [
                '.js',    '.cjs',
                '.mjs',   '.ts',
                '.mts',   '.cts',
                '.tsx',   '.jsx',
                '.vue',   '.svelte',
              allowExternal: false,
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            maxConcurrency: 5,
            dangerouslyIgnoreUnhandledErrors: false,
            typecheck: {
              checker: 'tsc',
              include: [ '**/*.{test,spec}-d.?(c|m)[jt]s?(x)' ],
              exclude: [
              enabled: false
            slowTestThreshold: 300,
            disableConsoleIntercept: false,
            transformMode: { web: [ {} ] },
            threads: true,
            poolOptions: { threads: { isolate: true }, forks: { isolate: true } },
            config: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web/vite.config.ts',
            defines: {},
            root: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web',
            mode: [],
            inspect: false,
            inspectBrk: false,
            clearScreen: true,
            fileParallelism: true,
            deps: {
              moduleDirectories: [ '/node_modules/' ],
              optimizer: { ssr: { enabled: true }, web: { enabled: true } },
              web: { transformAssets: true, transformCss: true, transformGlobPattern: [] }
            server: { deps: { inline: [ {}, {}, {}, '@nuxt/test-utils', '@solidjs/router', '@tanstack/solid-table' ], moduleDirectories: [ '/node_modules/' ], cacheDir: 'node_modules/.vite' } },
            snapshotOptions: { expand: false, snapshotFormat: {}, updateSnapshot: 'new', snapshotEnvironment: null },
            snapshotSerializers: [],
            poolMatchGlobs: [],
            setupFiles: [],
            globalSetup: [],
            cache: { dir: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web/node_modules/.vite/vitest' },
            sequence: { hooks: 'parallel' },
            environmentMatchGlobs: [],
            browser: { enabled: false, headless: false, slowHijackESM: false, isolate: true, api: { middlewareMode: true } },
            testTransformMode: {}
          projects: [
              path: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web',
              config: {
                allowOnly: true,
                isolate: true,
                watch: true,
                globals: true,
                environment: 'jsdom',
                pool: 'threads',
                clearMocks: false,
                restoreMocks: false,
                mockReset: false,
                include: [ '**/*.{test,spec}.?(c|m)[jt]s?(x)' ],
                exclude: [
                testTimeout: 5000,
                hookTimeout: 10000,
                teardownTimeout: 10000,
                watchExclude: [ '**/node_modules/**', '**/dist/**' ],
                forceRerunTriggers: [ '**/package.json/**', '**/{vitest,vite}.config.*/**' ],
                update: false,
                reporters: [ [ 'default', {} ] ],
                silent: false,
                hideSkippedTests: false,
                api: { middlewareMode: true },
                ui: false,
                uiBase: '/__vitest__/',
                open: true,
                css: { include: [], modules: { classNameStrategy: 'stable' } },
                coverage: {
                  provider: 'v8',
                  enabled: false,
                  all: true,
                  clean: true,
                  cleanOnRerun: true,
                  reportsDirectory: './coverage',
                  exclude: [
                  reportOnFailure: false,
                  reporter: [ [ 'text', {} ], [ 'html', {} ], [ 'clover', {} ], [ 'json', {} ] ],
                  extension: [
                    '.js',    '.cjs',
                    '.mjs',   '.ts',
                    '.mts',   '.cts',
                    '.tsx',   '.jsx',
                    '.vue',   '.svelte',
                  allowExternal: false,
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                maxConcurrency: 5,
                dangerouslyIgnoreUnhandledErrors: false,
                typecheck: {
                  checker: 'tsc',
                  include: [ '**/*.{test,spec}-d.?(c|m)[jt]s?(x)' ],
                  exclude: [
                  enabled: false
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                config: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web/vite.config.ts',
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                root: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web',
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                snapshotOptions: { expand: false, snapshotFormat: {}, updateSnapshot: 'new', snapshotEnvironment: null },
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                globalSetup: [],
                cache: { dir: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web/node_modules/.vite/vitest' },
                sequence: { hooks: 'parallel' },
                environmentMatchGlobs: [],
                browser: { enabled: false, headless: false, slowHijackESM: false, isolate: true, api: { middlewareMode: true } },
                testTransformMode: {}
          package: {
            version: '1.4.0',
            urls: { hooks: 'file://<homeDir>/.cursor/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.374/wallabydb6d2c/runners/node/hooks.mjs' },
            paths: { root: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web/node_modules/vitest', dist: '<homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web/node_modules/vitest/dist' }
    testFramework: { version: 'vitest@0.14.0', configurator: 'vitest@0.14.0', reporter: 'vitest@0.14.0', starter: 'vitest@0.14.0', autoDetected: true },
    preserveComments: false,
    extractComments: true,
    files: [
      { pattern: '**/*.{test,spec}.?(c|m)[jt]s?(x)', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true },
      { pattern: '**/node_modules/**', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '**/dist/**', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '**/cypress/**', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '**/.{idea,git,cache,output,temp}/**', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '**/{karma,rollup,webpack,vite,vitest,jest,ava,babel,nyc,cypress,tsup,build,eslint,prettier}.config.*', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '**/*.*', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 1 }
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      { pattern: '**/node_modules/**', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, file: false },
      { pattern: '**/dist/**', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, file: false },
      { pattern: '**/cypress/**', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, file: false },
      { pattern: '**/.{idea,git,cache,output,temp}/**', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, file: false },
      { pattern: '**/{karma,rollup,webpack,vite,vitest,jest,ava,babel,nyc,cypress,tsup,build,eslint,prettier}.config.*', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, file: false },
      { pattern: '**/*.{test,spec}.?(c|m)[jt]s?(x)', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, order: 2 }
    workers: { initial: 1, regular: 1, recycle: false },
    dot: true,
    captureConsoleLog: true,
    filesWithNoCoverageCalculated: [],
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    updateNoMoreThanOneSnapshotPerTestFileRun: false,
    compilers: {},
    preprocessors: {},
    maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
    autoConsoleLog: true,
    delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
    teardown: undefined,
    hints: {
      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore|c8 ignore/',
      ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
      commentAutoLog: '?',
      testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' }
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    extensions: {},
    env: {
      type: 'node',
      params: { runner: '--experimental-loader=file://<homeDir>/.cursor/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.374/wallabydb6d2c/runners/node/hooks.mjs' },
      runner: '<homeDir>/.fnm/node-versions/v18.12.1/installation/bin/node',
      viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 },
      options: { width: 800, height: 600 },
      bundle: true
    reportUnhandledPromises: true,
    slowTestThreshold: 75,
    lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
    runAllTestsWhenNoAffectedTests: true,
    symlinkNodeModules: true,
    configCode: 'export default {\n' +
      '  resolveGetters: true,\n' +
      '\n' +
      '  logLimits: {\n' +
      '    inline: {\n' +
      '      depth: 20,\n' +
      '    },\n' +
      '    values: {\n' +
      '      default: {\n' +
      '        stringLength: 3000,\n' +
      '      },\n' +
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      '        stringLength: 8192,\n' +
      '        elements: 5000,\n' +
      '        depth: 10,\n' +
      '      }\n' +
      '    },\n' +
      '  },\n' +
      '\n' +
      '  runMode: "onSave",\n' +
      '} \n'
  packageJSON: {
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      typescript: '^5.4',
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      vitest: '^1.4'
  fs: { numberOfFiles: 309 },
  debug: [
    '2024-03-29T07:58:59.508Z project waiting for initial run signal\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:58:59.523Z config Attempting automatic configuration for vitest\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:58:59.524Z vitest/config Detected Vitest (1.4.0).\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.241Z config Finished attempting automatic configuration for vitest (1718ms)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.243Z project Wallaby Node version: v18.12.1\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.243Z project Wallaby config: <homeDir>/Projects/Inio/inio/web/wallaby.js\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.275Z fs File system starting\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.350Z fs File system scan completed\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.356Z project File cache: <homeDir>/.cursor/extensions/wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.374/projects/b6c1129a40e7d527\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.434Z uiService Listening port 51235\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.454Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 1, for regular run: 1\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.454Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.455Z workers Web server is listening at 62531\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.462Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.462Z project File cache is up-to-date, starting full test run\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.471Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.473Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.477Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.478Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #bha67]\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.478Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #bha67]\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.589Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.590Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #bha67]\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.590Z workers [worker #0, session #bha67] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:01.914Z fs No metadata for added file found: vite.config.ts.timestamp-1711699141858-bc3a5f2dbf6d1.mjs\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:02.062Z fs No metadata for deleted file found: vite.config.ts.timestamp-1711699141858-bc3a5f2dbf6d1.mjs\n',
    "2024-03-29T07:59:02.221Z workers 'Scheduling Vitest Run (bha67): 2024-03-29T07:59:02.221Z'\n",
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.305Z workers [bha67.1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.318Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: simple call\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.320Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: call with set and content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.321Z workers [bha67.6] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.322Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: blank lines\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.324Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: target\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.324Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: parser basics\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.324Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: merge content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.324Z workers [bha67.5] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.324Z workers [bha67.2] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.325Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: set attribute\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.328Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: invalid synatx should not parse\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.328Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: switches in class\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.328Z workers [bha67.7] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.328Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: call with text block content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.328Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: switches attributes\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.329Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Call with targetted sub-call\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.329Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: content with target\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.329Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: mixin def\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.329Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: scriptlet in class\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.330Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: indents and blank lines\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.330Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: call with scriptlet content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.330Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Merge a string\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.331Z workers [bha67.1] Test executed: show and hide field info-props\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.332Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: call with scriptlet switch\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.332Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: set block call\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.332Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: call with scriptlet switch\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.332Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: rename shorthand\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.332Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: content on renamed call\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.332Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: rename with target should be content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.332Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: def with mixin root\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.332Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: rename with target should be content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.333Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: autohide\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.333Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: simple set with target\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.333Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: autohide placeholder\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.333Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: simple switches\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.333Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: autohide on attribute\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.334Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: call with switches\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.334Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: meta nodes are not rendered\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.334Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: placeholder\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.335Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: combine sets\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.335Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: mixin customiser\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.335Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: merge switches\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.335Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: mixin def\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.336Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: form field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.336Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: nested target call\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.336Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: mixed mods and builds\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.336Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: autohide\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.337Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: render files\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.337Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: paren call\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.337Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: block with blank line\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.337Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: one line defs\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.338Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: Target content in top-level content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.338Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: simple module\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.338Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: Target content in nested content content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.338Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: name with dot\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.339Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: block set\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.340Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: nested names in class attribute\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.340Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: block merge\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.340Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: merge chain\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.342Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: nested merge with call\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.343Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: switch next to scriptlet\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.343Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: text block set\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.343Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: call with indented mods then text block\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.344Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: $name special mod\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.344Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Call with text block content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.344Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Text blocks with indents\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.345Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Single line text blocks with blank line following\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.346Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Indented text block\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.348Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: $name special with mixin mod\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.348Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Text block inside indent at EOF\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.348Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Single line text block at EOF\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.350Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Text block inside indent, not at EOF\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.350Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: call with block with content at eof\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.350Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: nested calls and with merges\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.351Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: multiple merges\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.351Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: Text block def\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.351Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: switches and content in brackets\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.352Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: three levels of merge\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.352Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: blank module\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.353Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: nested content placeholders\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.353Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: labels\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.353Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: embedded call\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.353Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: embedded call with label\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.354Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: placeholder before close bracket\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.354Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: text template mode\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.354Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: call in set becomes set content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.354Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: simple mixins\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.354Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: add classes\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.355Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: double simple mixin\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.355Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: target inside top-level node of same name\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.355Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: scriptlet assign\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.355Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: inline and block content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.355Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: string with scriptlet\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.356Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: embedded label\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.356Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: flags with scriptlet\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.357Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: embedded label in switches\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.357Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: call with scriptlet\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.357Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: html class prefix\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.357Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: text block with scriptlets\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.357Z workers [bha67.5] Test executed: folded instance with props\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.358Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: text template mode\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.358Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: simple mixin\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.358Z workers [bha67.4] Test executed: block calls with no content which ends at eof\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.359Z workers [bha67.4] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.359Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: button with primary mixin\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.360Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: button with primary mixin in text\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.361Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: nav item active mixin\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.361Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: nav item double mixin\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.362Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: deep mixin with contextual part\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.363Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: mixin with two customisers\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.364Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: part def static metadata\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.365Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: part def static metadata\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.366Z workers [bha67.3] Test executed: part def static metadata\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.366Z workers [bha67.3] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.387Z workers [bha67.6] Test executed: enter at start of paragraph should give valid orders\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.392Z workers [bha67.6] Test executed: Insert two, undo, enter\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.392Z workers [bha67.6] Test executed: Change list to bullets\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.392Z workers [bha67.6] Test executed: join two lists\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.393Z workers [bha67.6] Test executed: delete a list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.396Z workers [bha67.6] Test executed: convert root block from p to block\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.429Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: backspace at start of list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.434Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: delete just before start of list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.437Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: enter at start of list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.437Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: backspace at start of para following list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.438Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: delete at very end of list followed by para\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.439Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: backspace sigil to convert page to list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.439Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: enter in a list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.440Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: swap up\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:06.440Z workers [bha67.7] Test executed: swap down\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.308Z workers [bha67.8] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.313Z workers [bha67.11] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.339Z workers [bha67.9] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.352Z workers [bha67.11] Test executed: replace sigil with embedded page and heading\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.454Z workers [bha67.10] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.459Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: A block with fields should become a node with a fieldset\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.464Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: Edits to a formattedText field should store as .value on the field block\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.466Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: Items fields should store as regular child blocks of the field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.466Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: Editing the fieldName in the doc should update the name prop\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.467Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: adding some text should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.467Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: Enter at the end of a field value should create a new field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.467Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: enter between paras should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.468Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: Should be able to delete last field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.468Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: changBlockType in a field should change the field type\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.469Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: should be possible to change a plain text field to an items field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.471Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: should be possible to change a plain text field to a clarity field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.471Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: indent should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.472Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: edits to a block field should be stored as children of the field block\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.472Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: outdent should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.473Z workers [bha67.9] Test executed: formatted text fields should support links\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.474Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: indent with preceding para should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.477Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: outdent with preceding para should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.477Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: convert list to page should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.478Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: convert page to list should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.478Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: adding a field should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.479Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: adding a field before a paragraph should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.483Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: swapping two fields should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.484Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: swapping a fieldset and a paragraph should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.485Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: editing a template field value should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.487Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: adding a new part with a template should sync\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.490Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: editing a field on a template-instance page with an items field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.491Z workers [bha67.8] Test executed: editing a field name on a template should sync to the template instance\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.510Z workers [bha67.12] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.535Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: fold a list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.538Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: items inside a closed fold are deleted\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.538Z workers [bha67.13] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.539Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: fold, unfold, confirm contents\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.541Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: fold, unfold, undo\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.541Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: split folded heading twice\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.543Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: backspace to join list with folded list should be prevented\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.544Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: deleteing a closed fold should be undoable\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.546Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: outdenting and indenting a closed fold should maintain any child blocks\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.547Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: outdenting a folded node in the middle of a list should unfold it first\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.550Z workers [bha67.10] Test executed: indenting a node directly after a folded node should unfold it first\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.550Z workers [bha67.14] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.620Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: new links should be tracked\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.626Z workers [bha67.14] Test executed: a copy of a new node should have a unique id\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.626Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: on creating a link, the linked node should have a corresponding backlink\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.626Z workers [bha67.14] Test executed: a copy of a saved node should have a unique id\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.629Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: content added under a link should also appear under the reverse link\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.630Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: content nested under a link should be editable under the reverse link\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.630Z workers [bha67.14] Test executed: a copy of a nested node should have a unique id\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.630Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: can add a new paragraph under a reverse link\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.630Z workers [bha67.14] Test executed: nodes deleted from the document should be deleted from the store\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.630Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: enter at start of paragraph with link should not create/delete links\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.631Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: links should be cleaned up after deleting a page that is linked to\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.631Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: splitting a paragraph that has links after the split should not delete the link\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.634Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: Backlinks should appear on creating link\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.634Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: Enter after link\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.635Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: deleting a link should be undoable\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.635Z workers [bha67.12] Test executed: setting template should not break links\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.746Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: Adding a link to a visible sub-page should also add the backlink\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.753Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: Adding a sub-page to the current page, and then a link to it, should also add the backlink\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.754Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: Deleting a link to a visible sub-page should remove backlinks\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.756Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: Deleting a node with a link to a visible sub-page should remove backlinks\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.758Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: Adding a new para to a child of a link, should add it to the backlink\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.760Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: Deleting a para from a child of a link, should remove it from the backlink\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.769Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: adding a field to the template correctly updates the template-instance\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.770Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: deleting a field from the template correctly updates the template-instance\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.771Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: reordering fields in the template correctly updates the template-instance\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.773Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: from formatted to plain name\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.775Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: edit heading\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.776Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: edit paragraph\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.777Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: Indent and outdent\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.778Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: Swap nodes\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.780Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: editing a field on a template-instance page with an items field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.787Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: various edits\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:08.790Z workers [bha67.13] Test executed: add and remove together\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.196Z workers [bha67.15] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.270Z workers [bha67.15] Test executed: delete only item\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.271Z workers [bha67.15] Test executed: Enter in a page without items should create the first child\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.275Z workers [bha67.15] Test executed: Enter should split the heading of an empty page\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.276Z workers [bha67.15] Test executed: Enter after the heading of a page with one paragraph should create a new paragraph\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.277Z workers [bha67.16] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.277Z workers [bha67.15] Test executed: a sub-page should be stored with a parentKey\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.278Z workers [bha67.15] Test executed: deleting all the content of the heading should blank the name\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.279Z workers [bha67.15] Test executed: enter then type after page heading\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.280Z workers [bha67.15] Test executed: delete only item\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.291Z workers [bha67.17] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.304Z workers [bha67.16] Test executed: parse-dom\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.315Z workers [bha67.18] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.442Z workers [bha67.18] Test executed: undo a couple of deletes then a couple of undos\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.449Z workers [bha67.18] Test executed: Outdent to unwrap a list, then undo\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.451Z workers [bha67.18] Test executed: undo fold should refresh for any block changes\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.508Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: should be able to delete a paragraph\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.527Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: should be able to delete a list item\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.530Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: a paragraph to create list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.532Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: a list to make it a sub-list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.534Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: a blank paragraph to create a list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.536Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: to join a preceding list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.537Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: the first item in a list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.558Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: a list header to unwrap it\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.559Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: a sub-list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.562Z workers [bha67.17] Test executed: in the middle of a list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.796Z workers [bha67.20] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.801Z workers [bha67.19] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:10.849Z workers [bha67.20] Test executed: meta-children and children should be separated\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.178Z workers [bha67.21] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.305Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: simple page\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.331Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: page with content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.334Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: page with content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.335Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: simple page\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.335Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: page with content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.336Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: page with content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.337Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: cursor position\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.338Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: cursor position in a list head\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.338Z workers [bha67.21] Test executed: node selection\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.342Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: backspace an empty instance\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.372Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: blank fields should be populated from template\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.381Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: fields with simple values should be populated from template and field data\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.383Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: items field should be populated correctly\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.385Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: edits to a text field should be stored in .values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.385Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: edits to a formatted-text field should be stored in .values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.387Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: edits to an items field should be stored as child blocks\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.387Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: edits to clarity field should be stored in .values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.388Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: enter in a field should not create a new field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.390Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: Converting a plain block to an instance should bring in props\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.391Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: assigning a template to a page should bring in props\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.392Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: clearing a template from a page should remove the props\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.394Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: changing a block to be a template instance should populate the props\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.394Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: converting a page into a template should preserve the content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.394Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: change the template of a template to a different template\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.396Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: switching to a template with same-name fields should migrate values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.396Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: should be populated correctly\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.397Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: edits should be stored in .values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.398Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: Edits to an un-set page props should create the initial blocks\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.398Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: deleting a block inside items should update store correctly\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.399Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: Replace a paragraph with a sub-page\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.401Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: no content when template has no content-placeholder\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.402Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: delete only paragraph of instance content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.404Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: enter in empty head\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.405Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: changing the type of a template field should update the instance values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.406Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: changing the type of a template field to items should update the instance values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.406Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: changing the type of a template field from items to formattedText should update the instance values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.406Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: deleting a template field should update the instance values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.407Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: deleting a template page should update the instance values\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.407Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: formatted text fields on instances should support links\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.408Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: Deleteing a link from an instance field should delete the link block\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.408Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: should be possible to edit instance fields of a template\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.409Z workers [bha67.19] Test executed: change the template of a template to a different template\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.835Z workers [bha67.26] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.838Z workers [bha67.26] Test executed: presence\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:11.839Z workers [bha67.26] Test executed: objectDiff\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.125Z workers [bha67.24] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.127Z workers [bha67.23] Test executed: should be possible to render data from a store\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.127Z workers [bha67.23] Test executed: should be possible to render block fields as if they are simple object properties\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.127Z workers [bha67.22] Test executed: adding a new part node with a template should not lead to a refresh\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.128Z workers [bha67.22] Test executed: should be possible to copy/paste a part block\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.129Z workers [bha67.23] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.130Z workers [bha67.22] Test executed: should be possible to copy/paste an instance block with an unlabelled field\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.131Z workers [bha67.22] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.132Z workers [bha67.22] Test executed: A simple code part with content should render to html\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.132Z workers [bha67.22] Test executed: A simple code part with a field should render to html\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.132Z workers [bha67.22] Test executed: A part that calls another part should render to html\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.145Z workers [bha67.24] Test executed: storing a page should store its blocks\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.145Z workers [bha67.24] Test executed: storing a page should store nested blocks inside a list\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.148Z workers [bha67.25] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.167Z workers [bha67.25] Test executed: create system blocks from json\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.167Z workers [bha67.25] Test executed: web-page template should exist in store\n',
    "2024-03-29T07:59:12.200Z workers 'Vitest Run Complete (bha67): 2024-03-29T07:59:12.199Z'\n",
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.203Z workers [bha67] Run 273 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.203Z workers [bha67] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.248Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.248Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.249Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.249Z project Test name duplicate: call with scriptlet switch\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.250Z project Test name duplicate: part def static metadata\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.250Z project Test name duplicate: part def static metadata\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.250Z project Test name duplicate: rename with target should be content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.250Z project Test name duplicate: mixin def\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.251Z project Test name duplicate: page with content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.251Z project Test name duplicate: page with content\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.251Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.276Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.373Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n',
    '2024-03-29T07:59:12.373Z fs No metadata for added file found: node_modules/.vite/vitest/results.json\n'
smcenlly commented 7 months ago

Thanks for reporting your issue.

We've identified compatibility issues between the solidjs library, the solidjs vite plugin, and Wallaby. These have been addressed in Wallaby core version v1.0.1550. Please update to this latest version, it should fix your problem.

tslocke commented 7 months ago

Thank you : )

Now I'm getting an error in the wallaby console: Error: Your application tried to access graceful-fs, but it isn't declared in your dependencies; this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.​​

And the status bar spinner never stops.

smcenlly commented 7 months ago

We haven't been able to reproduce your problem. We tried using npm pnpm and yarn (v2) for dependency management.

We have seen a similar graceful-fs error in the past and it was a result of incorrect to .yarn / .pnp.cjs files being in a parent folder. To correctly work on mono-repos, Wallaby resolves yarn configuration from your parent directories. Please check for .yarn or .pnp.* files in directories above your project and remove them.

We also had trouble trying to install your dependencies because of dependency conflicts so we had to upgrade and remove a few dependencies. It's possible this is the cause of your problem if there are no upstream yarn files.

If neither of the suggestions above help, please provide an updated diagnostics report and let us know what you're using for your dependency management.

tslocke commented 7 months ago

The parent folder issue fixed it - thanks very much : )

One small remaining issue is that I'm getting

The CJS build of Vite\'s Node API is deprecated. See https://vitejs.dev/guide/troubleshooting.html#vite-cjs-node-api-deprecated for more details

even though I do have "type": "module" in package.json and vite.config.ts is in ESM format. Could that be Wallaby related? It doesn't seem to be causing any problems so no biggie.

smcenlly commented 7 months ago

Thanks for letting us know about the CJS warning.

This warning was actually coming from the mechanism we use to identify the locations of various vite-related files that Wallaby needs to patch and wasn't related to execution of your tests.

We've now disabled this error from being reported.