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Rider: com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: `ActionUpdateThread.OLD_EDT` is deprecated and going to be removed soon. #3365

Closed greenmooseSE closed 6 months ago

greenmooseSE commented 6 months ago

Issue description or question

When working with wallaby 1.0.284 I eventually notice many (today 25 identical ones with the same timestamp) of below exceptions in Rider's IDE Internal Errors window:

com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: `ActionUpdateThread.OLD_EDT` is deprecated and going to be removed soon. 'com.wallaby.javascript.actions.RemoveInspectionAction' must override `getActionUpdateThread` and chose EDT or BGT. See ActionUpdateThread javadoc. [Plugin: wallaby.js]
    at com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginProblemReporterImpl.createPluginExceptionByClass(PluginProblemReporterImpl.java:23)
    at com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException.createByClass(PluginException.java:90)
    at com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException.reportDeprecatedUsage(PluginException.java:125)
    at com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.ActionUpdateThreadAware.getActionUpdateThread(ActionUpdateThreadAware.java:21)
    at com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction.getActionUpdateThread(AnAction.java:199)

(no sight of this in the diagnostics report)

Wallaby diagnostics report

  editorVersion: 'JetBrains Rider 2024.1',
  pluginVersion: '1.0.284',
  editorType: 'IntelliJ',
  osVersion: 'win32 10.0.19045',
  nodeVersion: 'v20.11.1',
  coreVersion: '1.0.1560',
  checksum: 'NTYxMWIxNzVkNTEzYjhjYzJiNDgzNWU4OWNhNDhjZTQsMTc0MzYzODQwMDAwMCww',
  config: {
    diagnostics: {
      jest: {
        config: {
          configs: [
              automock: false,
              cache: true,
              cacheDirectory: 'C:\\Temp\\OS\\jest',
              clearMocks: false,
              collectCoverageFrom: [],
              coverageDirectory: 'C:\\snipped\coverage',
              coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\' ],
              cwd: 'C:\\snipped',
              dependencyExtractor: undefined,
              detectLeaks: false,
              detectOpenHandles: false,
              displayName: undefined,
              errorOnDeprecated: false,
              extensionsToTreatAsEsm: [],
              fakeTimers: { enableGlobally: false },
              filter: undefined,
              forceCoverageMatch: [],
              globalSetup: undefined,
              globalTeardown: undefined,
              globals: {},
              haste: { computeSha1: false, enableSymlinks: false, forceNodeFilesystemAPI: true, throwOnModuleCollision: false },
              id: '44095e634e07c974b0ee7e526edadb7c',
              injectGlobals: true,
              moduleDirectories: [ 'node_modules' ],
              moduleFileExtensions: [
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                'cjs',  'jsx',
                'ts',   'tsx',
                'json', 'node'
              moduleNameMapper: [],
              modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],
              modulePaths: undefined,
              openHandlesTimeout: 1000,
              prettierPath: 'prettier',
              resetMocks: false,
              resetModules: false,
              resolver: undefined,
              restoreMocks: false,
              rootDir: 'C:\\snipped',
              roots: [ 'C:\\snipped' ],
              runner: 'C:\\snipped\node_modules\\jest-runner\\build\\index.js',
              runtime: undefined,
              sandboxInjectedGlobals: [],
              setupFiles: [ 'C:\\snipped\node_modules\\reflect-metadata\\Reflect.js' ],
              setupFilesAfterEnv: [],
              skipFilter: false,
              skipNodeResolution: undefined,
              slowTestThreshold: 5,
              snapshotFormat: { escapeString: false, printBasicPrototype: false },
              snapshotResolver: undefined,
              snapshotSerializers: [],
              testEnvironment: 'C:\\snipped\node_modules\\jest-environment-node\\build\\index.js',
              testEnvironmentOptions: {},
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              testMatch: [ '**/*.(test|spec).ts' ],
              testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\' ],
              testRegex: [],
              testRunner: 'C:\\snipped\node_modules\\jest-circus\\runner.js',
              transform: [ [ '^.+\\.tsx?$', 'C:\\snipped\node_modules\\ts-jest\\dist\\index.js', {} ] ],
              transformIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\', '\\.pnp\\.[^\\\\]+$' ],
              unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
              watchPathIgnorePatterns: []
          globalConfig: {
            bail: 0,
            changedFilesWithAncestor: false,
            changedSince: undefined,
            ci: false,
            collectCoverage: false,
            collectCoverageFrom: [],
            coverageDirectory: 'C:\\snipped\coverage',
            coverageProvider: 'v8',
            coverageReporters: [ 'lcov', 'text', 'cobertura', 'json-summary' ],
            coverageThreshold: undefined,
            detectLeaks: false,
            detectOpenHandles: false,
            errorOnDeprecated: false,
            expand: false,
            filter: undefined,
            findRelatedTests: false,
            forceExit: false,
            globalSetup: undefined,
            globalTeardown: undefined,
            json: false,
            lastCommit: false,
            listTests: false,
            logHeapUsage: false,
            maxConcurrency: 5,
            maxWorkers: 7,
            noSCM: undefined,
            noStackTrace: false,
            nonFlagArgs: undefined,
            notify: false,
            notifyMode: 'failure-change',
            onlyChanged: false,
            onlyFailures: false,
            openHandlesTimeout: 1000,
            outputFile: undefined,
            passWithNoTests: false,
            projects: [],
            randomize: undefined,
            replname: undefined,
            reporters: undefined,
            rootDir: 'C:\\snipped',
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            seed: -1554691931,
            shard: undefined,
            showSeed: undefined,
            silent: undefined,
            skipFilter: false,
            snapshotFormat: { escapeString: false, printBasicPrototype: false },
            testFailureExitCode: 1,
            testNamePattern: undefined,
            testPathPattern: '',
            testResultsProcessor: undefined,
            testSequencer: 'C:\\snipped\node_modules\\@jest\\test-sequencer\\build\\index.js',
            testTimeout: undefined,
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            useStderr: false,
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            watch: false,
            watchAll: false,
            watchPlugins: undefined,
            watchman: true,
            workerIdleMemoryLimit: undefined,
            workerThreads: false
          hasDeprecationWarnings: false,
          wallaby: {
            roots: [],
            watchPathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\', '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\', 'C:\\Temp\\OS\\jest', '\\.\\coverage' ],
            testPathIgnorePatterns: [ '\\\\node_modules\\\\', '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\', 'C:\\Temp\\OS\\jest', '\\.\\coverage' ],
            testMatch: [ '**/*.(test|spec).ts' ],
            testRegex: []
    testFramework: { version: 'jest@24.8.0', configurator: 'jest@24.8.0', reporter: 'jest@24.8.0', starter: 'jest@24.8.0', autoDetected: true },
    filesWithCoverageCalculated: [],
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    globalSetup: false,
    dot: true,
    files: [
      { pattern: '\\\\node_modules\\\\', regexp: /\\node_modules\\/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true, test: true },
        pattern: '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\',
        regexp: /\.\\dist\\|\.\\build\\|\.\\coverage\\|\.\\git\\|\\\..+\\/,
        ignore: true,
        trigger: true,
        load: true,
        file: true,
        test: true
      { pattern: 'C:\\Temp\\OS\\jest', regexp: /C:\Temp\OS\jest/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '\\.\\coverage', regexp: /\.\coverage/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true, test: true },
      { pattern: '**/**', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, order: 1 },
      { pattern: '**/*.(test|spec).ts', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true }
    captureConsoleLog: true,
    tests: [
      { pattern: '\\\\node_modules\\\\', regexp: /\\node_modules\\/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, file: false },
        pattern: '\\.\\\\dist\\\\|\\.\\\\build\\\\|\\.\\\\coverage\\\\|\\.\\\\git\\\\|\\\\\\..+\\\\',
        regexp: /\.\\dist\\|\.\\build\\|\.\\coverage\\|\.\\git\\|\\\..+\\/,
        ignore: true,
        trigger: true,
        load: true,
        test: true,
        file: false
      { pattern: 'C:\\Temp\\OS\\jest', regexp: /C:\Temp\OS\jest/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, file: false },
      { pattern: '\\.\\coverage', regexp: /\.\coverage/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, file: false },
      { pattern: '**/*.(test|spec).ts', ignore: false, trigger: true, load: true, test: true, order: 2 }
    runAllTestsInAffectedTestFile: false,
    updateNoMoreThanOneSnapshotPerTestFileRun: false,
    compilers: {},
    logLimits: { inline: { depth: 5, elements: 5000 }, values: { default: { stringLength: 8192 }, autoExpand: { elements: 5000, stringLength: 8192, depth: 10 } } },
    preprocessors: {},
    maxConsoleMessagesPerTest: 100,
    autoConsoleLog: true,
    delays: { run: 0, edit: 100, update: 0 },
    workers: { initial: 0, regular: 0, recycle: false },
    teardown: undefined,
    hints: {
      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore|c8 ignore/',
      ignoreCoverageForFile: '__REGEXP /ignore file coverage/',
      commentAutoLog: '?',
      testFileSelection: { include: '__REGEXP /file\\.only/', exclude: '__REGEXP /file\\.skip/' }
    automaticTestFileSelection: true,
    runSelectedTestsOnly: false,
    mapConsoleMessagesStackTrace: false,
    extensions: {},
    env: { type: 'node', params: {}, runner: 'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs-20\\node.exe', viewportSize: { width: 800, height: 600 }, options: { width: 800, height: 600 }, bundle: true },
    reportUnhandledPromises: true,
    slowTestThreshold: 75,
    lowCoverageThreshold: 80,
    runAllTestsWhenNoAffectedTests: false,
    configCode: 'auto.detect#-388336161'
  packageJSON: {
    dependencies: { child_process: '^1.0.2', 'reflect-metadata': '^0.2.2', tsyringe: '^4.8.0', yargs: '^17.7.2' },
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  fs: { numberOfFiles: 79 },
  debug: [
mburnell commented 6 months ago

Thanks for reporting the issue. This is just a warning, and shouldn't be causing any loss of functionality, though we do understand it's annoying. We're already aware of the issue, and are looking at solutions; please see #3327 for further details. Closing as duplicate.