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wepback postprocessor should be aware of modulesDirectories and extensions setting #80

Closed okonet closed 9 years ago

okonet commented 9 years ago

In webpack you can configure where to search for modules: http://webpack.github.io/docs/configuration.html#resolve-modulesdirectories

  1. wallaby should copy files from those paths to the tmp location (but this cab be worked around)
  2. wallaby webpack post processor can't find modules when using require

For example, then having moment module installed via bower into bower_components, I get Test run failure: Error: Cannot find module "moment" from wallaby even having this in my wallaby.config.js:

{ pattern: 'bower_components/**/*.js', instrument: false, load: false },
okonet commented 9 years ago

Same applies to extensions.

Having require('MyComponent') will throw an error in wallaby even if I have in webpack.config:

resolve: {
    extensions: ['.js', '.jsx']

I've added a test case as well

ArtemGovorov commented 9 years ago


Wepback postprocessor supports modulesDirectories and other resolve options.

I have pushed a couple of changes to the wallaby config to fix these two issues.

Regarding the first issue with bower_components:

You had a typo (missing 's' in the modules folder name). Anyway, when the folder is referenced by a relative path, you had a correct assumption that you need to include { pattern: 'bower_components/**/*.js', instrument: false, load: false } to your files list. It would have worked for you, however, you restricted the pattern to include js files only ('bowercomponents/*/_.js'), so package bower.json file was not copied over to wallaby cache. It meant that this plugin new webpack.ResolverPlugin.DirectoryDescriptionFilePlugin("bower.json", ["main"]) couldn't find the module entry point, as bower.json was missing.

An easier and faster solution is to avoid specifying bower_components in the files list and just reference them by an absolute path:

resolve: {
      modulesDirectories: [path.join(__dirname, 'bower_components')],
      extensions: ["", ".js", ".jsx"]

I have added the documentation section to sum it up for future reference.

Regarding the second issue with jsx extension, I have tried adding and empty string to the list:

extensions: ["", ".js", ".jsx"]

and it worked. I'm not sure exactly why webpack needs it, but according to its docs, an empty string is in a list of the default values for extensions.

okonet commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the help. Now working! Finally! :)

On 23.04.2015, at 04:17, Artem Govorov notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi, I have pushed changes to wallaby config to fix these issues.

Regarding the first issue with bower_components:

You had a typo (missing 's' in the modules folder name). Anyway, when the folder is referenced by a relative path, you had a correct assumption that you need to include { pattern: 'bowercomponents/*/_.js', instrument: false, load: false } to your files list. It would have worked for you, however, you restricted the pattern to include js files only ('bower_components/*/.js'), so package bower.json file was not copied over to wallaby cache. It meant that this plugin new webpack.ResolverPlugin.DirectoryDescriptionFilePlugin("bower.json", ["main"]) couldn't find the module entry point, as bower.json was missing.

An easier and faster solution is to avoid specifying bower_components in the files list and just reference them by an absolute path:

resolve: { modulesDirectories: [path.join(__dirname, 'bower_components')], extensions: ["", ".js", ".jsx"] } I have added the documentation section to sum it up for future reference.

Regarding the second issue with jsx extension, I have tried adding and empty string to the list:

extensions: ["", ".js", ".jsx"] and it worked. I'm not sure exactly why webpack needs it, but according to its docs, an empty string is in a list of the default values for extensions.

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