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I can't configure quokka with nvm #840

Closed ludwig-pro closed 1 year ago

ludwig-pro commented 2 years ago


I can't configure quokka with nvm, I follow the documentation (here)[https://quokkajs.com/docs/configuration.html#nodejs-version]

Quokka try to use another version or just ignore the configuration 🤷‍♂️

which node

quokka throw

You may use the "node" setting to configure the location of node.

Can not start node.js process (/Users/ludwig/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.0/bin/node), make sure your system has node.js installed.

/Users/ludwig/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.0/bin/node ENOENT
Capture d’écran 2022-11-28 à 20 47 23


  "pro": true,
  "node": "/Users/ludwig/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/bin/node"

Visual Studio Code Version : 1.73.1 (Universal) OSX - Ventura 13.0.1

smcenlly commented 2 years ago

Could you please see if there are any errors reported in the VS Code Developer Console (run the command Developer: Toggle Developer Tools and inspect the console output).

smcenlly commented 2 years ago

Please also try restarting your editor after making changes to the node setting in your config.json file, it may help.

ludwig-pro commented 2 years ago

image image

ludwig-pro commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your reactivity, I profile to say that I have an old version of quokka, my license has expired

ludwig-pro commented 2 years ago

I have restarted vscode :/

smcenlly commented 2 years ago

I have an old version of quokka, my license has expired

Can you please try the latest version of Quokka to see if you have the same problem? You can run the VS Code command, Quokka.js: Switch to 'Community' Edition to try the latest version if your license has expired.

ludwig-pro commented 2 years ago

hummm latest version of Quokka.js works well! I guess the latest vs code upgrade breaks the support of my outdated pro Quokka.js version