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No binary for Linux x86_64? #103

Closed ghattd closed 1 year ago

ghattd commented 1 year ago

There are Darwin x86_64 and Windows x86_64 binaries, but for Linux it’s x86_32 only -- any specific reason to prefer the 32 bit variant only for Linux?

walles commented 1 year ago

The 32 bit binary works in some 32 bit only containers where the 64 bit binary wouldn't.

And it also works on 64 bit systems.

Nobody really runs macOS on 32 bit, so there's no reason for a 32 bit binary there.

Does this answer your question?

walles commented 1 year ago

@ghattd feel free to reopen if you want to continue this thread.

foreignmeloman commented 3 months ago

@walles According to Intel x64 CPUs might not support x32 architecture on hardware level anymore. In this light I think having a separate binary for x64 systems will not be redundant.

walles commented 3 months ago

I'll just add that binary.

Technically I still think there's no point, but there is value in making people feel safer.